the central hub for navigating the iLand wiki pages (Cached)

iLand hub

About the model

iLand is a model of forest ecosystem dynamics, simulating the processes growth, mortality and regeneration on watershed to landscape scale. Individual tree competition for resources and environmental influences on forest processes are explicitly modeled by iLand. The model is designed to investigate effects of climatic changes on forest ecosystem dynamics with particular focus on natural disturbances. It aims at harnessing these capacities for questions of sustainable forest management under changing environmental conditions.


About the implementation

The iLand modeling software is a software tool to simulating individual trees at landscape level. It is based on open source technologies and written in C++ using the Qt toolkit. Special development goals are performance, a rich GUI and extended scripting facilities.
The following table provides means for navigation to often used content.


project file main configuration file for simulated landscapes (XML format)
species parameter description of species specific parameters in iLand
tree variables and resource unit variables reference of accessible tree/resource unit variables (via scripting and expressions)
outputs and debug outputs description of iLand outputs
Javascript API iLand Javascript API reference

Frequent tasks

Scripting all things related to Javascript in iLand
initialization setting up iLand landscapes
iLand Software the components of the iLand, most notably iLand viewer and iLand console


disturbance modules iLand modules for fire, wind, and bark beetles
ABE the agent based management engine



The "book" is a useful resource for both beginners and advanced users of iLand. It provides guidelines for getting to know the model, and covers advanced topics such as parameterization of new species. It complements this Wiki in providing a compact and accessible way to working with iLand.

iLand discord 

The community of iLand users is growing over the years and it was alway a pleasure to interact with. To facilitate further communication between iLanders we provide a Discord channel.
Invite https://discord.gg/e5trneUKav or https://tinyurl.com/iland-model-discord

Created by rupert. Last Modification: Wednesday 17 of July, 2024 13:16:59 GMT by werner.

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