Description of iLand output tables


More general information concerning storage locations and filename conventions is described in organizing outputs. See also Debug Outputs for available high-resolution outputs (usually for debugging). Outputs related to the agent based forest management engine are described at the ABE outputs page.

Tree Output

Table Name: tree
Output of indivdual trees. Use the filter property to reduce amount of data (filter by resource-unit, year, species, ...).
The output is triggered after the growth of the current season. Initial values (without any growth) are output as 'startyear-1'.
The 'treeFlags' is a binary combination of individual flags; see the documentation of the treeremoved output for details.

yearintegersimulation year
ruintegerindex of ressource unit
ridintegerid of ressource unit (-1: no ids set)
speciesstringtree species
idintegerid of the tree
xdoubleposition of the tree, x-direction (m)
ydoubleposition of the tree, y-direction (m)
dbhdoubledbh (cm) of the tree
heightdoubleheight (m) of the tree
basalAreadoublebasal area of tree in m2
volume_m3doublevolume of tree (m3)
ageintegertree age (years)
leafArea_m2doublecurrent leaf area of the tree (m2)
foliageMassdoublecurrent mass of foliage (kg)
stemMassdoublekg Biomass in woody department (tree stem, without reserve pool)
branchMassdoublekg Biomass in branches
fineRootMassdoublekg Biomass in fine-root department
coarseRootMassdoublekg Biomass in coarse-root department
lridoubleLightResourceIndex of the tree (raw light index from iLand, without applying resource-unit modifications)
lightResponsedoublelight response value (including species specific response to the light level)
stressIndexdoublescalar (0..1) indicating the stress level (see Mortality).
reserve_kgdoubleNPP currently available in the reserve pool (kg Biomass). The reserve is cenceptually part of the stem and included in the stem compartment for stand level outputs.
treeFlagsintegertree flags (see above)

Tree Removed Output

Table Name: treeremoved
Output of removed indivdual trees. Use the filter property to reduce amount of data (filter by resource-unit, year, species, ...).
The output is triggered immediately when a tree is removed due to mortality or management.

the column 'treeFlags' is a binary combination of the following values:


yearintegersimulation year
ruintegerindex of ressource unit
ridintegerid of ressource unit (-1: no ids set)
speciesstringtree species
idintegerid of the tree
reasonintegerreason of removal: 0: mortality, 1: management, 2: disturbance
xdoubleposition of the tree, x-direction (m)
ydoubleposition of the tree, y-direction (m)
dbhdoubledbh (cm) of the tree
heightdoubleheight (m) of the tree
basalAreadoublebasal area of tree in m2
volume_m3doublevolume of tree (m3)
ageintegertree age (yrs)
leafArea_m2doublecurrent leaf area of the tree (m2)
foliageMassdoublecurrent mass of foliage (kg)
stemMassdoublekg Biomass in the stem
branchMassdoublekg Biomass in branches
fineRootMassdoublekg Biomass in fine-root department
coarseRootMassdoublekg Biomass in coarse-root department
lridoubleLightResourceIndex of the tree (raw light index from iLand, without applying resource-unit modifications)
lightResponsedoublelight response value (including species specific response to the light level)
stressIndexdoublescalar (0..1) indicating the stress level (see Mortality).
reserve_kgdoubleNPP currently available in the reserve pool (kg Biomass)
treeFlagsintegertree flags (see above)

Stand by species/RU

Table Name: stand
Output of aggregates on the level of RU x species. Values are always aggregated per hectare (of stockable area). Use the 'area' column to scale to the actual values on the resource unit.
The output is created after the growth of the year, i.e. output with year=2000 means effectively the state of at the end of the year 2000. The initial state (without any growth) is indicated by the year 'startyear-1'. You can use the 'condition' to control if the output should be created for the current year (see dynamic stand output),, and you can use the 'rufilter' to limit the output to resource units that satisfy the given condition (e.g. 'id=3', or 'leafAreaIndex<2', see resource unit variables).

yearintegersimulation year
ruintegerindex of ressource unit
ridintegerid of ressource unit (-1: no ids set)
speciesstringtree species
area_hadoublestockable forest area on the resource unit (in ha).
count_haintegertree count (living, >4m height) per ha
dbh_avg_cmdoubleaverage dbh (cm)
height_avg_mdoubleaverage tree height (m)
volume_m3doublevolume (geomery, taper factor) in m3
total_carbon_kgdoubletotal carbon in living biomass (aboveground compartments and roots) of all living trees (including regeneration layer) (kg/ha)
gwl_m3double'gesamtwuchsleistung' (total growth including removed/dead trees) volume (geomery, taper factor) in m3
basal_area_m2doubletotal basal area at breast height (m2)
NPP_kgdoublesum of NPP (aboveground + belowground) kg Biomass/ha
NPPabove_kgdoublesum of NPP (abovegroundground) kg Biomass/ha
LAIdoubleLeaf Area Index (m2/m2) (trees >4m)
cohort_count_haintegernumber of cohorts in the regeneration layer (<4m) /ha
cohort_basal_areadoublebasal area (m2) of saplings (>1.3m and <4m)

Landscape aggregates per species

Table Name: landscape
Output of aggregates on the level of landscape x species. Values are always aggregated per hectare. The output is created after the growth of the year, i.e. output with year=2000 means effectively the state of at the end of the year 2000. The initial state (without any growth) is indicated by the year 'startyear-1'.You can use the 'condition' to control if the output should be created for the current year(see also dynamic stand output)

yearintegersimulation year
areadoubletotal stockable area of the simulated landscape with the grain of 10m cells (ha)
area_100mdoubletotal area of all simulated resource units (with the grain 100m). This area is larger then 'area', when (some) RUs are only partially stockable.
speciesstringtree species
count_haintegertree count (living, >4m height) per ha
dbh_avg_cmdoubleaverage dbh (cm)
height_avg_mdoubleaverage tree height (m)
volume_m3doublevolume (geomery, taper factor) in m3
total_carbon_kgdoubletotal carbon in living biomass (aboveground compartments and roots) of all living trees (including regeneration layer) (kg/ha)
gwl_m3double'gesamtwuchsleistung' (total growth including removed/dead trees) volume (geomery, taper factor) in m3
basal_area_m2doubletotal basal area at breast height (m2)
NPP_kgdoublesum of NPP (aboveground + belowground) kg Biomass/ha
NPPabove_kgdoublesum of NPP (abovegroundground) kg Biomass/ha
LAIdoubleLeafareaindex (m2/m2)
cohort_count_haintegernumber of cohorts in the regeneration layer (<4m) /ha

Aggregates of removed trees due to death, harvest, and disturbances per species

Table Name: landscape_removed
Aggregates of all removed trees due to 'natural' death, harvest, or disturbance per species and reason. All values are totals for the whole landscape.The user can select with options whether to include 'natural' death and harvested trees (which may slow down the processing). Set the setting in the XML project file 'includeNatural' to 'true' to include trees that died due to natural mortality, the setting 'includeHarvest' controls whether to include ('true') or exclude ('false') harvested trees.
To enable output per dbh class, set the 'dbhClasses' setting to a comma delimeted list of dbh thresholds (e.g., '10,20,30,40,50'). The value in the output column 'dbh_class' refers to the class (e.g.: 0: 0-10, 1: 10-20, 2: 20-30, 3: 30-40, 4: 40-50, 5: >=50).

yearintegersimulation year
speciesstringtree species
dbh_classintegerdbh class (see above). 0 if dbh classes are off.
reasonstringResaon for tree death: 'N': Natural mortality, 'H': Harvest (removed from the forest), 'D': Disturbance (not salvage-harvested), 'S': Salvage harvesting (i.e. disturbed trees which are harvested), 'C': killed/cut down by management
countintegernumber of died trees (living, >4m height)
volume_m3doublesum of volume (geomery, taper factor) in m3
basal_area_m2doubletotal basal area at breast height (m2)
total_carbondoubletotal carbon (sum of stem, branch, foliage, coarse and fine roots) (kg C)
stem_cdoublecarbon in stems (kg C)
branch_cdoublecarbon on branch compartment (kg C)
foliage_cdoublecarbon in foliage (kg C)

dynamic stand output by species/RU

Table Name: dynamicstand
Userdefined outputs for tree aggregates for each stand or species.
Technically, each field is calculated 'live', i.e. it is looped over all trees, and eventually the statistics (percentiles) are calculated. The aggregated values are not scaled to any area unit.

Specifying the aggregation

The by_species and by_ru option allow to define the aggregation level. When by_species is set to true, a row for each species will be created, otherwise all trees of all species are aggregated to one row. Similarly, by_ru=true means outputs for each resource unit, while a value of false aggregates over the full project area.
Even if by_ru is false, the calculation of RU level outputs can be triggered by the conditionRU switch (variable='year'). Note that in this case landscape level outputs are generated always, RU-level outputs only for certain years.

Specifying filters

You can use the 'rufilter' and 'treefilter' XML settings to reduce the limit the output to a subset of resource units / trees. Both filters are valid expressions (for resource unit level and tree level, respectively). For example, a treefilter of 'speciesindex=0' reduces the output to just one species.
The condition filter is (when present) evaluated and the output is only executed when condition is true (variable='year') This can be used to constrain the output to specific years (e.g. 'in(year,100,200,300)' produces output only for the given year.

Specifying data columns

Each field is defined as: field.aggregation (separated by a dot). A field is a valid Expression. Aggregation is one of the following: mean, sum, min, max, p25, p50, p75, p5, 10, p80, p85, p90, p95 (pXX=XXth percentile), sd (std.dev.).
Complex expression are allowed, e.g: if(dbh>50,1,0).sum (-> counts trees with dbh>50)
Note that the column names in the output table may be slightly different, as dots (and other special characsters) are not allowed in column names und substituted.

yearintegersimulation year
ruintegerindex of ressource unit
ridintegerid of ressource unit (-1: no ids set)
speciesstringtree species

Production per month, species and resource unit

Table Name: production_month
Details about the 3PG production submodule on monthly basis and for each species and resource unit.

yearintegersimulation year
ruintegerindex of ressource unit
ridintegerid of ressource unit (-1: no ids set)
speciesstringtree species
monthintegermonth of year
tempResponsedoublemonthly average of daily respose value temperature
waterResponsedoublemonthly average of daily respose value soil water
vpdResponsedoublemonthly vapour pressure deficit respose.
co2Responsedoublemonthly response value for ambient co2.
nitrogenResponsedoubleyearly respose value nitrogen
radiation_m2doubleglobal radiation PAR in MJ per m2 and month
utilizableRadiation_m2doubleutilizable PAR in MJ per m2 and month (sum of daily rad*min(respVpd,respWater,respTemp))
GPP_kg_m2doubleGPP (without Aging) in kg Biomass/m2

Dead trees by species/RU

Table Name: standdead
Died trees in current year on the level of RU x species. The output is created after the growth of the year, i.e. the growth of year trees are dying in is included! NPP and NPP_kg are not recorded for trees that are removed during management.

yearintegersimulation year
ruintegerindex of ressource unit
ridintegerid of ressource unit (-1: no ids set)
speciesstringtree species
count_haintegertree count (that died this year)
dbh_avg_cmdoubleaverage dbh (cm)
height_avg_mdoubleaverage tree height (m)
volume_m3doublevolume (geomery, taper factor) in m3
basal_area_m2doubletotal basal area at breast height (m2)
NPP_kgdoublesum of NPP (aboveground + belowground) kg Biomass/ha
NPPabove_kgdoublesum of NPP (abovegroundground) kg Biomass/ha

Removed trees by species/RU

Table Name: management
Aggregates for trees that are removed in current year on the level of RU x species. All values are scaled to one hectare.The output is created after the growth of the year, i.e. the growth of the year in which trees are dying, is included!

yearintegersimulation year
ruintegerindex of ressource unit
ridintegerid of ressource unit (-1: no ids set)
speciesstringtree species
count_haintegertree count (living)
dbh_avg_cmdoubleaverage dbh (cm)
height_avg_mdoubleaverage tree height (m)
volume_m3doublevolume (geomery, taper factor) in m3
basal_area_m2doubletotal basal area at breast height (m2)

Sapling Output

Table Name: sapling
Output of the establishment/sapling layer per resource unit and species.
The output covers trees between a dbh of 1cm (height>1.3m) and the recruitment threshold (i.e. a height of 4m).Cohorts with a dbh < 1cm are counted in 'cohort_count_ha' but not used for average calculations.

You can specify a 'condition' to limit execution for specific time/ area with the variables 'ru' (resource unit id) and 'year' (the current year)

yearintegersimulation year
ruintegerindex of ressource unit
ridintegerid of ressource unit (-1: no ids set)
speciesstringtree species
count_haintegernumber of represented individuals per ha (tree height >1.3m).
count_small_haintegernumber of represented individuals per ha (with height <=1.3m).
cohort_count_haintegernumber of cohorts per ha.
height_avg_mdoublearithmetic average height of the cohorts (m)
age_avgdoublearithmetic average age of the sapling cohorts (years)
LAIdoubleleaf area index of the regeneration layer (m2/m2)

Sapling Details Output

Table Name: saplingdetail
Detailed output on indidvidual sapling cohorts.
For each occupied and living 2x2m pixel, a row is generated, unlessthe tree diameter is below the 'minDbh' threshold (cm). You can further specify a 'condition' to limit execution for specific time/ area with the variables 'ru' (resource unit id) and 'year' (the current year).

yearintegersimulation year
ruintegerindex of ressource unit
ridintegerid of ressource unit (-1: no ids set)
speciesstringtree species
positionintegerlocation of the cell within the resource unit; a number between 0 (lower left corner) and 2499 (upper right corner) (x=index %% 50; y=floor(index / 50) ).
n_representeddoublenumber of trees that are represented by the cohort (Reineke function).
dbhdoublediameter of the cohort (cm).
heightdoubleheight of the cohort (m).
ageintegerage of the cohort (years)

Carbon and nitrogen pools above and belowground per RU/yr

Table Name: carbon
Carbon and nitrogen pools (C and N) per resource unit / year and/or by landsacpe/year. On resource unit level, the outputs contain aggregated above ground pools (kg/ha) and below ground pools (kg/ha).
For landscape level outputs, all variables are scaled to kg/ha stockable area. The area column contains the stockable area (per resource unit / landscape) and can be used to scale to values to the actual value on the ground.
You can use the 'condition' to control if the output should be created for the current year(see also dynamic stand output).
The 'conditionRU' can be used to suppress resource-unit-level details; eg. specifying 'in(year,100,200,300)' limits output on reosurce unit level to the years 100,200,300 (leaving 'conditionRU' blank enables details per default).

yearintegersimulation year
ruintegerindex of ressource unit
ridintegerid of ressource unit (-1: no ids set)
area_hadoubletotal stockable area of the resource unit (ha)
stem_cdoubleStem carbon kg/ha
stem_ndoubleStem nitrogen kg/ha
branch_cdoublebranches carbon kg/ha
branch_ndoublebranches nitrogen kg/ha
foliage_cdoubleFoliage carbon kg/ha
foliage_ndoubleFoliage nitrogen kg/ha
coarseRoot_cdoublecoarse root carbon kg/ha
coarseRoot_ndoublecoarse root nitrogen kg/ha
fineRoot_cdoublefine root carbon kg/ha
fineRoot_ndoublefine root nitrogen kg/ha
regeneration_cdoubletotal carbon in regeneration layer (h<4m) kg/ha
regeneration_ndoubletotal nitrogen in regeneration layer (h<4m) kg/ha
snags_cdoublestanding dead wood carbon kg/ha
snags_ndoublestanding dead wood nitrogen kg/ha
snagsOther_cdoublebranches and coarse roots of standing dead trees, carbon kg/ha
snagsOther_ndoublebranches and coarse roots of standing dead trees, nitrogen kg/ha
snagsOther_c_agdoublebranches of standing dead trees (also included in snagsOther_c), carbon kg/ha
downedWood_cdoubledowned woody debris (yR, branches, stems, coarse roots), carbon kg/ha
downedWood_ndoubledowned woody debris (yR), nitrogen kg/ga
downedWood_c_agdoubledowned woody debris aboveground (yR, stems, branches, also included in downedWood_c), nitrogen kg/ga
litter_cdoublesoil litter (yl, foliage and fine roots) carbon kg/ha
litter_ndoublesoil litter (yl), nitrogen kg/ha
litter_c_agdoublesoil litter aboveground (yl, foliage, part of litter_c) carbon kg/ha
soil_cdoublesoil organic matter (som), carbon kg/ha
soil_ndoublesoil organic matter (som), nitrogen kg/ha
understorey_cdoubleliving understorey vegetation (e.g. moss) kg C/ha

Carbon fluxes per RU or landscape/yr

Table Name: carbonflow
Carbon fluxes per resource unit and year and/or aggregated for the full landscape. All values are reported on a per hectare basis (use the area provided in carbon or stand outputs to scale to realized values on the respective resource unit). For results limited to the project area, the data values need to be scaled to the stockable area.
For landsacpe level outputs, data is always given per ha of (stockable) project area (i.e. scaling with stockable area is already included).
Furthermore, the following sign convention is used in iLand: fluxes from the atmosphere to the ecosystem are positive, while C leaving the ecosystem is reported as negative C flux.
You can specify a 'condition' to limit output execution to specific years (variable 'year'). The 'conditionRU' can be used to suppress resource-unit-level details; eg. specifying 'in(year,100,200,300)' limits output on reosurce unit level to the years 100,200,300 (leaving 'conditionRU' blank enables details per default).

yearintegersimulation year
ruintegerindex of ressource unit
ridintegerid of ressource unit (-1: no ids set)
area_hadoubletotal stockable area of the resource unit (or landscape) (ha)
GPPdoubleactually realized gross primary production, kg C; GPP including the effect of decreasing productivity with age; note that a rough estimate of sapling GPP is added to the GPP of adult trees here.
NPPdoublenet primary production, kg C; calculated as NPP=GPP-Ra; Ra, the autotrophic respiration (kg C/ha) is calculated as a fixed fraction of GPP in iLand (see here for details).
Rhdoubleheterotrophic respiration, kg C; sum of C released to the atmosphere from detrital pools, i.e. snags, downed deadwood, litter, and mineral soil.
dist_lossdoubledisturbance losses, kg C; C that leaves the ecosystem as a result of disturbances, e.g. fire consumption
mgmt_lossdoublemanagement losses, kg C; C that leaves the ecosystem as a result of management interventions, e.g. harvesting
NEPdoublenet ecosytem productivity kg C, NEP=NPP - Rh - disturbance losses - management losses. Note that NEP is also equal to the total net changes over all ecosystem C pools, as reported in the carbon output (cf. Randerson et al. 2002)
cumNPPdoublecumulative NPP, kg C. This is a running sum of NPP (including tree NPP and sapling carbon gain).
cumRhdoublecumulative flux to atmosphere (heterotrophic respiration), kg C. This is a running sum of Rh.
cumNEPdoublecumulative NEP (net ecosystem productivity), kg C. This is a running sum of NEP (positive values: carbon gain, negative values: carbon loss).

Carbon input to the soil per RU/yr

Table Name: soilinput
The output contains all carbon inputs to the soil layer (per RU) and the climate modifier re. The data of the output can be used for estimating soil carbon parameters.

yearintegersimulation year
ruintegerindex of ressource unit
ridintegerid of ressource unit (-1: no ids set)
input_labdoubleinput for labile carbon (i.e. fine debris, foliage and fine roots, moss) in tC/ha (scaled to full ha)
input_lab_agdoublefraction (0..1) of 'input_lab' that is aboveground C (foliage, moss turnover)
input_refdoubleinput for refractory carbon (i.e. coarse woody debris, branches, stems, coarse roots) in tC/ha (scaled to full ha)
input_ref_agdoublefraction (0..1) of 'input_ref' that is aboveground C (branches, stems)
redoubleclimate factor 're' for snag/carbon decay

Water output

Table Name: water
Annual water cycle output on resource unit/landscape unit.
The output includes annual averages of precipitation, evapotranspiration, water excess, snow cover, and radiation input. The difference of precip - (evapotranspiration + excess) is the evaporation from intercepted precipitation. The spatial resolution is landscape averages and/or resource unit level (i.e. 100m pixels). Landscape level averages are indicated by -1 for the 'ru' and 'index' columns.

Columns related to permafrost are 0 when permafrost module is disabled. The given values for depth are independent from the soil depth of iLand (e.g., soil depth can be 0.5m, but maxDepthFrozen can be 1.5m).

You can specify a 'condition' to limit output execution to specific years (variable 'year'). The 'conditionRU' can be used to suppress resource-unit-level details; eg. specifying 'in(year,100,200,300)' limits output on reosurce unit level to the years 100,200,300 (leaving 'conditionRU' blank enables details per default).

yearintegersimulation year
ruintegerindex of ressource unit
ridintegerid of ressource unit (-1: no ids set)
stocked_areadoublearea (ha/ha) which is stocked (covered by crowns, absorbing radiation)
stockable_areadoublearea (ha/ha) which is stockable (and within the project area)
precipitation_mmdoubleAnnual precipitation sum (mm)
mean_annual_tempdoubleMean annual temperature (°C)
et_mmdoubleEvapotranspiration (mm)
excess_mmdoubleannual sum of water loss due to lateral outflow/groundwater flow (mm)
snowcover_daysintegerdays with snowcover >0mm
total_radiationdoubletotal incoming radiation over the year (MJ/m2), sum of data in climate input)
radiation_snowcoverintegersum of radiation input (MJ/m2) for days with snow cover
effective_laidoubleeffective LAI (m2/m2) including LAI of adult trees, saplings, and ground cover
mean_swc_mmdoublemean soil water content of the year (mm)
mean_swc_gs_mmdoublemean soil water content in the growing season (fixed: April - September) (mm)
maxDepthFrozendoublePermafrost: maximum depth of freezing (m). The value is 2m when soil is fully frozen in a year.
maxDepthThaweddoublePermafrost: maximum depth of thawing (m). The value is 2m if soil is fully thawed in a year.
maxSnowCoverdoublePermafrost: maximum snow height (m) in a year.
SOLLayerdoublePermafrost: total depth of soil organic layer (excl. life moss) (m).
mossLayerdoubledepth of the life moss layer (m).

Compact GPP potential per RU

Table Name: svdgpp
GPP potential (as conditioned by climate/site) per species and m2.

yearintegersimulation year
ruintegerindex of ressource unit
ridintegerid of ressource unit (-1: no ids set)
climate_yearintegeryear of the climate table
gpp_s1doublegpp of species 1
gpp_s2doublegpp of species 2
gpp_s3doublegpp of species 3
gpp_s4doublegpp of species 4
gpp_s5doublegpp of species 5
gpp_s6doublegpp of species 6
gpp_s7doublegpp of species 7
gpp_s8doublegpp of species 8
gpp_s9doublegpp of species 9
gpp_s10doublegpp of species 10

Forest state transitions

Table Name: svdstate
Forest state (for SVD). The output contains fixed columns (see below) and adds two extra columns for every active tree species. Those species columns hold the species share 0..1 for the local and the mid-range-neighborhood. Former have 'l_' and latter 'm_' as prefix (e.g. 'l_piab', 'm_piab'). Note that the sum of all shares is <=1, but can be lower than 1. See also the 'svduniquestate' output.

yearintegersimulation year
ruintegerindex of ressource unit
ridintegerid of ressource unit (-1: no ids set)
stateIdintegerunique state Id within one iLand simulation
previousStateIdintegerunique state Id that the RU was before the current state
previousTimeintegernumber of years that the resource unit was in the previous state

SVD forest indicator data

Table Name: svdindicator
Indicator data per resource unit as used by SVD.
The selection of indicators is triggered by keys in the project file (sub section 'indicators'). !!! indicators

The following columns are supported:

shannonIndexshannon index (exponential) on the RU (based on basal area of trees >4m)
abovegroundCarbonliving aboveground carbon (tC/ha) on the RU (trees + regen)
totalCarbonall C on the RU (tC/ha), including soil, lying and standing deadwood
volumetree volume (trees>4m) m3/ha
crownCoverfraction of crown cover (0..1) (see saveCrownCoverGrid() in SpatialAnalysis - not yet implemented)
LAIleaf area index (trees>4m) m2/m2
basalAreabasal area (trees>4m) m2/ha
stemDensitytrees per ha (trees>4m) ha-1
saplingDensitydensity of saplings (represented trees>1.3m) ha-1

species proportions

A special case is the setting 'speciesProportions': this is a list of species (Ids) separated with a comma or white space. When present, the output will include for each species the relative proportion calculated based on basal area (for trees >4m).

disturbance history

The setting 'disturbanceHistory' indicates if (value = 0) and how many (value>0, maximum=3) disturbance events should be recorded and added to the output. Each event is defined by three columns. 'tsd_x' is number of years since disturbance, 'type_x' encoded the disturbance agent (see below), and 'addinfo_x' is agent-specific additional information (see below), with 'x' the number of event (1,2,3).

valuetypeadditional info
0fireproportion of area burned per ha (0..1)
1(spruce) bark beetleNA
5base managementNA


An example for the project file node:

yearintegersimulation year
ruintegerindex of ressource unit
ridintegerid of ressource unit (-1: no ids set)
stateIdintegercurrent state of the resource unit (see 'svdstate' output)
timeintegernumber of years the resource unit is already in the state 'stateId' (see 'svdstate' output)

Unique forest states

Table Name: svduniquestate
List of forest states for the current simulation (for SVD). Each state is defined by a unique numerical Id ('stateId') which is used as a key in the 'svdstate' output.

stateIdintegerunique state Id within one iLand simulation
compositionstringspecies composition state
structureintegerdominant height class (class index)
functioningintegerleaf area index (class index)
descriptionstringVerbose description of the state

Stand Development Stage

Table Name: devstage
iLand includes a special output for assessing the development stage of forested cells on the landscape. The rule set to derive specific development stages is flexible (using a Javascript interface) in order to accomodate different ecosystems.
see development+stages for the full documentation.

yearintegersimulation year
stagestringstand development stage (name, not numeric ID)
ncellsintegerNumber of cells on the landscape within this stage
percent_areadoublepercent of the landscape covered with this stage (0..100). Not fully stockable cells are accounted for correctly.

tree output for visualization software

Table Name: ecoviz
Output of aggregates on the level of landscape x species. Values are always aggregated per hectare. The output is created after the growth of the year, i.e. output with year=2000 means effectively the state of at the end of the year 2000. The initial state (without any growth) is indicated by the year 'startyear-1'.You can use the 'condition' to control if the output should be created for the current year(see also dynamic stand output)

yearintegersimulation year
count_treesintegertotal number of trees count saved to file
count_saplingsintegertotal number saplings saved to file
filenamestringfilename of the created output PDB file

Fire RU/yr

Table Name: fire
Fire event aggregates per fire event. The output contains a row for each (ignited) fire event.

yearintegersimulation year
fireIdintegerunique ID of the fire event (1..N) on the whole project area.
area_plan_m2integerArea of the planned fire m2
area_m2integerRealized area of burnt cells m2
iterationsintegerNumber of iterations of the cellular automaton
coord_xdoubleCoordinates (x) of the starting point (m)
coord_ydoubleCoordinates (y) of the starting point (m)
n_treesintegertotal number of trees on all burning cells
n_trees_dieddoubletotal number of trees that were killed by the fire
basalArea_totaldoublesum of basal area on burning pixels of the fire (m2)
basalArea_dieddoublesum of basal area of died trees (m2)
psme_dieddoublefraction of doug fir that died (based on basal area of psme trees on burning pixels)
avgFuel_kg_hadoubleaverage total fuel (dry) (forest floor + dwd + moss) of burning cells (kg biomass/ha)
windSpeeddoublecurrent wind speed during the event (m/s)
windDirectiondoublecurrent wind direction during the event (degree)

Annual summary for each Bite agent

Table Name: bite
The output provides annual statistics for each simulated biotic agent.

yearintegersimulation year
agentstringname of the biotic agent
NColonizedintegerNumber of cells that were (at the end of the year, without mortality) colonized by the agent
NDispersingintegerNumber of cells that were actively spreading the agent in this year
NNewlyColonizedintegerNumber of cells that were newly colonized in this year
agentBiomassdoubletotal biomass of the agent (on all active cells, if applicable)
treesKilledintegernumber of host trees killed in the current year
volumeKilleddoubletotal volume (m3) of trees killed by the agent in the current year
totalImpactdoubletotal impact (e.g. for defoliatores foliage mass consumed)
saplingImpactintegernumber of sapling cohorts affected (browsing)
saplingKilledintegernumber of sapling cohorts killed


Created by werner. Last Modification: Monday 06 of March, 2023 13:24:28 GMT by werner.