The `Map` object encapsulates a "GIS" grid. Grids can be read from ESRI ASCII raster files, and are
automatically mapped to a 10x10m grid (the resolution and extent of the height grid).
Internally, a "spatial index" is created allowing for fast access to trees that lie on specific pixels.
See also the wiki page [landscape setup](https://iland-model.org/landscape+setup).
The loaded map can be used, e.g., to specifically apply management on specific areas.
A newly created `Map` object (without a call to `load()`) points to the global stand grid
defined in the [project file](https://iland-model.org/project+file).
Use {{#crossLink "Map/load:method"}}{{/crossLink}} to read a raster file from disk.
function loadMap()
var path = Globals.defaultDirectory("script"); // get project script folder; see also the "currentDir" property of "Globals". defaultDirectory() adds already a slash
var stand_map = new Map();
stand_map.load(path + "test.txt");
// now load all trees on pixels with value '2020' in the "test.txt" grid
management.loadFromMap(stand_map, 2020);
// ... now do something ....
var map = new Map();
// select all trees on stand with id 127 of the 'system' stand grid
management.loadFromMap(map, 127);
@module iLand
@class Map
Map = {
The filename for successfully loaded grid or 'invalid'.
@property name
@type string
Load a grid (provided in ESRI textformat) from disk. See [landscape setup](https://iland-model.org/landscape+setup) for information about projections.
@method load
@param {string} file_name
Retrieves the area of the polygon `stand_id` in square meters (m2). Returns -1, if the map is not valid, and 0 if no pixels with the stand `stand_id` are on the map.
@method area
@param {integer} stand_id ID of the polygon for which to return the area.
@return {double}
The area (m2) of the polygon.
Visualization of the map in the iLand Viewers' main window (if present).
Map values are colorized between `min_value` (blue) and `max_value` (red).
@method paint
@param {double} min_value The minimum value for the color ramp in the visualization
@param {double} max_value The minimum value for the color ramp in the visualization
Clears the map (set all values to 0)
@method clear
Registers the map with the user interface of iLand (https://iland-model.org/iLand+viewer). The map is added to the "Scripts" section of grids,
and iLand renders it when clicking on it. Default value range is set to min/max values within the grid.
@method registerUI
@param {string} name Name to use for the map in the UI. When blank, the file path is used (relative to the project folder)
// load a extra stand grid
var extra_stand_grid = new Map();
Clear only the project area (set all cell values to 0), but do not affect pixels
that are "outside of project area" (i.e., have values of -1 and -2).
(see [Landscape setup](https://iland-model.org/Landscape+setup))
@method clearProjectArea
return the metric bounding box, i.e. the smallest rectangle that entirely circumferences the pixels with value `stand_id`.
The return value is a RectF, a simple Qt data type describing a rectangle with the properties x, y, width, height, left, right, top, bottom.
If the stand does not exist, an empty Rect is returned (all properties = 0).
var sgrid = new Map(); // standard standgrid of iLand
var bbox = stand_map.boundingBox(8594); // get bounding box
// getting the center point of the rect is easy:
function centerPoint(bbox) {
return { x: bbox.x + bbox.width/2,
y: bbox.y + bbox.height/2 }
var cp = centerPoint(bbox);
console.log('centerpoint: x : ' + cp.x + ', y: ' + cp.y );
@method boundingBox
@param {integer} stand_id stand Id to extract the bounding box
@return {RectF} a rectangle (technically a QRectF type).
"Paint" a shape on the Map with an ID `stand_id`.
The `paint_function` is a valid iLand [Expression](https://iland-model.org/Expression)
(with the paramters: `x`and `y` as *metric* coordinates). All pixels for which `paint_function`
evaluates to `true` are set to `stand_id`, all other pixels are not modified.
@method createStand
@param {integer} stand_id ID of the polygon to be created
@param {string} paint_function the function defining the shape
@param {boolean} wrap_around if `true`, the shape is wrapped around the edges of the simulated area (torus)
var map = undefined;
// the function create 10 random circles
// with a radius between 10 and 60m on a random location on the landscape,
// and removes some of those trees
function random_circles()
if (map == undefined) {
map = new Map(); // create a new map
for (var i=1;i<10;++i) {
var x = Math.random() * 600;
var y = Math.random() * 400;
var r = 10 + Math.random() * 50;
// load all trees that are present on the stand
management.loadFromMap(map, i);
print(management.count + " trees in the area...");
// apply a special filter polygon
management.filter('polygon(dbh, 10,0, 30,1)');
print(management.count + " after filter: trees in the area...");
management.killAll(); // kill the trees