- /**
- The `Management` object is used to for operations that remove trees from the simulation environment.
- The iLand management is accessible using the global object `management`, which is available
- when script code is invoked from the iLand management subsystem.
- Main functions
- --------------
- + Loading trees from iLand: use {{#crossLink "Management/load:method"}}{{/crossLink}} and {{#crossLink "Management/loadFromMap:method"}}{{/crossLink}} to load a list of trees
- + manipulating lists of trees: use {{#crossLink "Management/filter:method"}}{{/crossLink}} to select a sub set based on some criterion,
- or {{#crossLink "Management/sort:method"}}{{/crossLink}} to bring the list in a specific order; you can calculate {{#crossLink "Management/sum:method"}}{{/crossLink}}
- or {{#crossLink "Management/mean:method"}}{{/crossLink}} values from all trees in the list
- + removing trees: {{#crossLink "Management/manage:method"}}{{/crossLink}} and {{#crossLink "Management/kill:method"}}{{/crossLink}}
- + other functions such as....
- Note that by default only living trees are processed.
- Several special functions exists, e.g. a function to filter based on a predefined list of tree-ids (filter()), of methods
- that select trees based on some rastered GIS data.
- There are several distinct tree removal modes in iLand, namely by harvesting a tree, or by killing a tree, or due to a disturbance.
- In general, harvesting removes all (aboveground) biomass from the system, while a killed trees' biomass is moved to the soil pools.
- Disturbed trees behave similar to killed trees. Note, that there are further subtle differences between removal modes: for instance, resprouting
- is only possible from harvested trees; or, trees killed by disturbance might be treated differently by management.
- The management functions typically affect only individual trees in iLand with a height >4m. However, there are some functions available
- to alter the state of the saplings (tree cohorts < 4m height).
- Expressions and tree variables
- ------------------------------
- Many function of the `management` object allow to specify a filter ([Expression](https://iland-model.org/Expression)). In the context of
- management, tree variables can be used within filter expressions: see https://iland-model.org/tree+variables
- Tree species can be included in Expressions by using the short name as is; internally, the species (identity) is
- a integer index of the species, and species short names (such as 'piab', 'fasy', or 'pico') are used as placeholders.
- Examples
- --------
- The wiki contains a small collection of useful management scripts.
- @module iLand
- @class Management
- */
- /**
- The number of trees that are currently in the internal list.
- See also: {{#crossLink "SpatialAnalysis/load:method"}}{{/crossLink}}
- @property count
- @type integer
- */
- /**
- The removal fraction for foliage [0..1]. 0: 0% will be removed, 1: 100% will be removed from the forest by management operations (i.e. calls to manage())
- The default value is 0 (all foliage remains in the forest)
- See also: {{#crossLink "SpatialAnalysis/removeBranch:method"}}{{/crossLink}}, {{#crossLink "SpatialAnalysis/removeStem:method"}}{{/crossLink}}
- @property removeFoliage
- @type double
- @Example
- // full tree extraction
- management.removeFoliage = 1; management.removeBranch=1; management.removeStem = 1;
- management.manageAll();
- */
- /**
- The removal fraction for branches [0..1]. 0: 0% will be removed, 1: 100% will be removed from the forest by management operations (i.e. calls to manage())
- The default value is 0 (all branches remain in the forest)
- See also: {{#crossLink "SpatialAnalysis/removeFoliage:method"}}{{/crossLink}}, {{#crossLink "SpatialAnalysis/removeStem:method"}}{{/crossLink}}
- @property removeBranch
- @type double
- */
- /**
- The removal fraction for the stem biomass [0..1]. 0: 0% will be removed, 1: 100% will be removed from the forest by management operations (i.e. calls to manage())
- The default value is 1 (100% of the stem is removed in case of management). Note that root biomass is never extracted.
- See also: {{#crossLink "SpatialAnalysis/removeFoliage:method"}}{{/crossLink}}, {{#crossLink "SpatialAnalysis/removeBranch:method"}}{{/crossLink}}
- @property removeStem
- @type double
- */
- /**
- Load all trees into the internal list and return the number of trees.
- @method loadAll
- @return {integer} the number of trees that were loaded.
- */
- /**
- Load all trees passing the filter criterion specified in `filter` and return number of trees in the list.
- `filter` can be any tree-related Expression.
- @method load
- @param {string} filter A valid filter Expression that is applied during the loading of the list.
- @return {integer} the number of trees that were loaded.
- @Example
- // load all trees with a dbh >30 cm
- management.load('dbh>30');
- */
- /**
- Load all trees of a resource unit with the index `ruindex` and return the number of loaded trees.
- @method loadResourceUnit
- @param {int} ruindex The index (0-based) of the resource unit that should be loaded
- @return {integer} the number of trees that were loaded.
- @Example
- for (var i=0; i<Globals.resourceUnitCount; ++) {
- management.loadResourceUnit(i);
- // further processing....
- }
- */
- /**
- Load all trees that are located on grid pixels with the value `standID` on the grid `map`.
- @method loadFromMap
- @param {Map} map a GIS grid that defines stand IDs.
- @param {integer} standID the ID of the stand that should be loaded.
- @param {boolean} do_append if `true`, the list is not cleared and trees are added to the existing list. Default is `false`.
- @return {integer} the number of trees that were loaded.
- @Example
- // Access to the global stand grid (required only once)
- var stand_grid = new Map();
- // load all trees of the forest stand with ID=1
- management.loadFromMap(stand_grid, 1);
- */
- /**
- Clears the list without affecting any trees.
- @method clear
- */
- /**
- Sort the trees in the internal list in ascending order according to a criterion given
- by `expression` (a valid [iLand Expression](https://iland-model.org/Expression)).
- See also: {{#crossLink "Management/percentile:method"}}{{/crossLink}}
- @method sort
- @param {string} expression Expression used for sorting
- @Example
- management.sort('dbh'); // sort by diameter, largest tree are now in the end of the list
- management.sort('-dbh'); // to sort in descending order, reverse the sign of the expression
- */
- /**
- Apply a filter `expression` on the list of trees (`expression`is a valid [iLand Expression](https://iland-model.org/Expression))
- and return the number of trees remaining in the lists. After calling this function, the list of
- trees is typically reduced and contains only those trees, who meet the condition in `expression`.
- See the example how to filter by species, and how to combine multiple criteria.
- See also: {{#crossLink "Management/sort:method"}}{{/crossLink}}, {{#crossLink "Management/load:method"}}{{/crossLink}}
- @method filter
- @param {string} expression Expression used for filtering
- @return {integer} the number of trees in the list after filtering.
- @Example
- management.loadAll();
- management.filter('dbh>10');
- // is the same as:
- management.load('dbh>10');
- // using tree species names: note, that no "'" or '"" signs
- // are used with species IDs; note also the boolean 'and' operator
- management.filter('species=piab and dbh>20');
- management.loadAll(); // all trees
- management.filter('dbh>10 and species=piab'); // reduce list
- // ... some processing....
- management.filter('dbh>20'); // now only spruce trees > 20cm are still in the list
- management.filter('stress>0'); // now only spruce trees >20cm, that have a non-zero stress rating are in the list
- // ...
- */
- /**
- Apply a filter in form of a `list` of ids, return number of remaining trees. This can be useful
- to pre-define a management on individual trees.
- See the example below.
- See also: {{#crossLink "Management/filter:method"}}{{/crossLink}}, https://iland-model.org/initialize+trees
- @method filterIdList
- @param {array} list A list of unique tree IDs.
- @return {integer} the number of trees in the list after filtering.
- @Example
- // array of tree IDs
- var treelist = [10,20,40,43]; // can be loaded form file...
- management.load(); // load all trees
- management.filter(treelist); // filter trees using the tree list
- management.kill(); // remove all trees remaining, i.e. the trees in the tree list.
- */
- /**
- Shuffle all trees in the list randomly.
- @method randomize
- */
- /**
- Retrieve the value associated with the `pct` percentile [0..100] of the currently loaded trees. A call
- to {{#crossLink "Management/sort:method"}}{{/crossLink}}() is required in order to prepare valid
- data.
- See also: {{#crossLink "Management/sort:method"}}{{/crossLink}}
- @method percentile
- @param {integer} pct the percentile [0..100] for which to return the value
- @return {dobule} the value associated with the `pct` percentile
- */
- /**
- Calculate the mean value for all trees in the internal list for `expression` (optionally filtered by the `filter` criterion).
- See also: {{#crossLink "Management/sum:method"}}{{/crossLink}}
- @method mean
- @param {string} expression The expression used for calculating the mean value
- @param {string} filter If not empty, the mean is calculated only from those trees that meet the criterion in the expression
- @return {dobule} the mean value of `expression`
- @Example
- var mean_dbh = management.mean('dbh');
- */
- /**
- Calculate the sum of `expression` for all trees in the internal list (optionally filtered by the `filter` criterion).
- See also: {{#crossLink "Management/sum:method"}}{{/crossLink}}
- @method sum
- @param {string} expression The expression used for calculating the mean value
- @param {string} filter If not empty, the mean is calculated only from those trees that meet the criterion in the expression
- @return {dobule} the mean value of `expression`
- @Example
- // select trees that represent 50% of the total basal area
- management.loadAll();
- var total_ba = management.sum('basalarea');
- management.randomize();
- management.filter('incsum(basalarea)<' + total_ba * 0.5 );
- console.log(management.sum('basalarea'));
- */
- /**
- Use `killPct` to remove `n` trees sampled randomly from a given percentile range (given by `from` and `to`). All
- trees are removed, if `n` is higher than the number of trees in that range.
- The tree list needs to be sorted, before percentile based selection makes sense.
- See also: {{#crossLink "Management/sort:method"}}{{/crossLink}}, {{#crossLink "Management/percentile:method"}}{{/crossLink}}
- @method killPct
- @param {integer} from lower percentile of the current tree distribution (0..100)
- @param {integer} to higher percentile of the current tree distribution (0..100)
- @param {integer} n the number of trees to kill in the given percentile
- @return {integer} the number of killed trees
- @Example
- var n = management.loadAll();
- management.sort('dbh');
- var n_killed = management.killPct(0,50, n*0.25);
- console.log('killed ' + n_killed + ' below median: ' + management.percentile(50) );
- // kill 33% of the trees between the 80th and the 100th percentile.
- management.killPct(80,100, n*0.2 * 0.33);
- */
- /**
- Kill all trees which are currently in the tree list.
- See also: {{#crossLink "Management/kill:method"}}{{/crossLink}}, {{#crossLink "Management/manageAll:method"}}{{/crossLink}}
- @method killAll
- @return {integer} the number of killed trees.
- */
- /**
- Kill all and cut down all trees in the list. The biomass of cut down trees bypasses the standing dead wood pool, and
- such trees can act as trap trees with regard to bark beetles.
- See also: {{#crossLink "Management/kill:method"}}{{/crossLink}}, {{#crossLink "Management/manageAll:method"}}{{/crossLink}}
- @method cutAndDrop
- */
- /**
- Remove all selected trees with with the _disturbance_ flag set. Disturbed trees are treated
- differently with regard to carbon flows and {{#crossLinkModule "ABE"}}{{/crossLinkModule}}. Biomass of the stem and
- the branches is routed to the soil and snag pools as indicated by the parameters of the function. The rest of the biomass
- is removed from the system (e.g., consumed by fire). For example, if `stem_to_soil_fraction`=0.2, `stem_to_snag_fraction`=0.3, then
- 50% of the biomass leaves the system, 20% are added to the soil, 30% to the snag pools.
- The `agent` parameter is the reason of death (i.e. the process that should be mimicked). Recognized values are 'fire', 'wind', 'barkbeetle', and 'cutdown'. For instance,
- tree that are removed with the `agent` set to 'wind' act as a breeding material for bark beetles. If the `agent` parameter is `'fire'`, then serotinous trees produce extra seeds.
- See also: {{#crossLink "Management/killAll:method"}}{{/crossLink}}, {{#crossLink "Management/manageAll:method"}}{{/crossLink}}
- @method disturbanceKill
- @param {double} stem_to_soil_fraction (0..1) of stem biomass that is routed to the soil
- @param {double} stem_to_snag_fraction (0..1) of the stem biomass continues as standing dead
- @param {double} branch_to_soil_fraction (0..1) of branch biomass that is routed to the soil
- @param {double} branch_to_snag_fraction (0..1) of the branch biomass continues as standing dead
- @param {string} agent the disturbance agent that is mimicked ('fire' 'wind', 'barkbeetle', 'cutdown' ...)
- @return {integer} the number of killed trees.
- */
- /**
- Kill `fraction` (0..1) of all trees for which the Expression `filter` is _true_.
- See also: {{#crossLink "Management/killAll:method"}}{{/crossLink}}, {{#crossLink "Management/manage:method"}}{{/crossLink}}
- @method kill
- @param {string} filter A expression to select a subset of the trees.
- @param {double} fraction give the fraction (0..1) of trees that should be killed.
- @return {integer} the number of killed trees.
- @Example
- management.loadAll();
- // kill 30% of larch trees, and 60% of pine
- management.kill('species = lade', 0.3);
- management.kill('species = pisy', 0.6);
- */
- /**
- Use `managePct` to remove `n` trees sampled randomly from a given percentile range (given by `from` and `to`). All
- trees are removed, if `n` is higher than the number of trees in that range.
- The tree list needs to be sorted, before percentile based selection makes sense.
- See also: {{#crossLink "Management/sort:method"}}{{/crossLink}}, {{#crossLink "Management/percentile:method"}}{{/crossLink}}
- @method managePct
- @param {integer} from lower percentile of the current tree distribution (0..100)
- @param {integer} to higher percentile of the current tree distribution (0..100)
- @param {integer} n the number of trees to harvest in the given percentile
- @return {integer} the number of harvested trees
- @Example
- var n = management.loadAll();
- management.sort('dbh');
- var n_rem = management.managePct(0,50, n*0.25);
- console.log('removed ' + n_rem + ' below median: ' + management.percentile(50) );
- // harvest 33% of the trees between the 80th and the 100th percentile.
- management.managePct(80,100, n*0.2 * 0.33);
- */
- /**
- Harvest all trees which are currently in the tree list.
- See also: {{#crossLink "Management/manage:method"}}{{/crossLink}}, {{#crossLink "Management/killAll:method"}}{{/crossLink}}
- @method manageAll
- @return {integer} the number of harvested trees.
- */
- /**
- Remove a `fraction` (0..1) of all trees for which the Expression `filter` is _true_.
- See also: {{#crossLink "Management/manageAll:method"}}{{/crossLink}}, {{#crossLink "Management/kill:method"}}{{/crossLink}}
- @method manage
- @param {string} filter A expression to select a subset of the trees.
- @param {double} fraction give the fraction (0..1) of trees that should be harvested.
- @return {integer} the number of harvested trees.
- @Example
- management.loadAll();
- // kill 30% of larch trees, and 60% of pine
- management.manage('species = lade', 0.3);
- management.manage('species = pisy', 0.6);
- */
- /**
- Kill all saplings (i.e. trees <4m) which are located on grid pixels with the value `standID` on the grid `map`.
- @method killSaplings
- @param {Map} map A Map object with a stand grid.
- @param {integer} standID the ID of the stand to process.
- */
- /**
- Kill all saplings (i.e. trees <4m) which are located on the resource unit identified by `ruindex`.
- @method killSaplingsResourceUnit
- @param {integer} ruindex the index of the resource unit to process.
- */
- /**
- (Hacky) function to modify the carbon content of the snag/soil pools of resource units covered by pixels with `standID` on the `map`.
- If the resource unit is only partially covered, the factors are scaled accordingly.
- The parameters are remove-fractions, i.e. values of 0 mean no change, values of 1 mean removal of 100% of the carbon of the respective pool.
- @method removeSoilCarbon
- @param {Map} map A Map object with a stand grid.
- @param {integer} standID the ID of the stand to process.
- @param {double} SWDfrac fraction of standing woody debris to remove.
- @param {double} DWDfrac fraction of downed woody debris to remove.
- @param {double} litterFrac fraction of litter (yL) to remove.
- @param {double} soilFrac fraction of SOM to remove..
- */
- /**
- `tree(index)` returns the tree with index `index` (index is 0-based) from the current list. The returned Javascript object
- is a reference to the represented tree in iLand. See {{#crossLink "Tree"}}{{/crossLink}} for more details.
- See also: {{#crossLink "TreeList/treeObject:method"}}{{/crossLink}}
- @method tree
- @return {Tree} a reference to the tree with index `index` (see above). If the index is out of range, the `valid` property of the returned object is `false`.
- @Example
- management.loadAll(); // fill the tree list
- // loop over all trees
- for (var i=0;i<management.count;++i)
- console.log( management.tree(i).dbh );
- **/
- /**
- `treeObject(index)` returns the tree with index `index` (index is 0-based) from the current list. A new Javascript object
- is created for the tree. See {{#crossLink "Tree"}}{{/crossLink}} for more details.
- See also: {{#crossLink "TreeList/tree:method"}}{{/crossLink}}
- @method treeObject
- @return {Tree} a object representing the tree with index `index` (see above), or an invalid Tree object (if index is out of range).
- @Example
- management.loadAll(); // fill the tree list
- var x = management.treeObject(7); // 8th tree in the list
- // access the tree
- if (x.valid == true)
- console.log(x.dbh);
- **/
- Management = {}