Input formats for the definition of trees on the landscape (Cached)

initialize trees

iLand supports various ways to initialize trees in the model. Tree initialization can be based on single trees, on dbh-distributions, provided for resource unit cells or for given stand polygons.

The main switch in the project file is world.initialization.mode. Possible parameters are given in the following table:

singleload single trees from a single file for the whole landscape. The coordinates of trees are relative to the local project reference system (i.e., 0/0 is the lower left corner of the project area)
unitload from an initialization file for each resource unit; this uses the "environment file" approach described here.
mapthe landscape is divided in "stands" using a stand-grid. For each stand a initialization file is loaded. This approach is described here. The mode used for individual stands can be either "single" or "distribution"
standgridas in map mode, the landscape is divided in stands - see landscape setup. But instead of loading many small files, one large init file is loaded. The init file needs to have a column named stand_id. For each stand the respective section of the init file is processed.
snapshotThe whole landscape is loaded from a vegetation snapshot (see also Object Globals, and the section below ). The database containing the snapshot is specified using the file setting. Snapshots need to be created by a previous run.

supported initializataion files

Currently, iLand supports two text file based input formats. One handles a list of tree individuals with defined locations and properties. The 2nd format deals with tree distributions and describes a stand using a couple of simple properties.
iLand is able to load single tree files directly in Picus format.
The type of data is determined by the key world.initialization.type. The following table gives an overview over the available options.

singleThis specifies a single tree list. Each row of the data file defines one tree.
distributionHere the data is provided for dbh-classes.
picusThis can be used to load Picus single tree files. Almost equal to single (note the different column names)
ilandequivalent to distribution

Single tree input files

These mode is used, when the key world.initialization.type is set to picus or single. Not all possible columns of the picus init files are used. The following table provides an overview:

idnounique tree id. if omitted, a consecutive number is generated.
xyesx-coordinate (metric) within the resource unit / landscape
yyesy-coordinate (metric) within the resource unit / landscape
bhdfrom or dbhyesdbh (cm) of the tree. Specify column either as bhdfrom or as dbh.
treeheight or heightyesheight of tree. Provide in cm if column is named treeheight or in meter if column name is height.
speciesyestree species. Use the iLand-species-keys (e.g. piab, fasy, ...), for compatibility reasons also a subset of Picus-Species-Ids can be used (currenty: 0,1,17)
agenoage of tree in years. If column is omitted or individual values are either blank or zero, the age is estimated using ratio of current height to maximum height of the species. If no initial age is specified, also only the height component of the aging function is applied - see discussion in the tracker here.

For compatibility reasons, the datalines may be enclosed by an opening and closing tree tag. Comment lines begin with '#' and can occur everywhere in the input file.

Example I - Picus style:


Example II - alternative style:

# this is a sample tree input file
# note that the height is given in meter
# the 2nd tree has no age

Tree distributions

These mode is used, when the key world.initialization.type is set to iland. Each line in the input file describes a number of trees (count) of a certain species. The diameter is randomly chosen from the range dbh_from and dbh_to. The height is calculated using the defined height/diameter ratio (hd). All trees of this class have the same age.
The tree species is described by the alphanumeric code used for defining the tree species (e.g. 'piab' for picea abies).
An example:

# testfile for iLand - initialization. 
# Lines starting with '#' are considered as comments.
# columns are: count, species (strings), dbh_from, dbh_to, hd, age

The table gives an overview over the available columns:

countnumber of trees per hectare
speciesthe alphanumeric code of the tree species (e.g. piab, fasy)
dbh_from, dbh_tothe range of diameters (cm) for the trees. For each tree, the actual diameter is choosen from a uniform random distribution.
hdheight-diameter relation (m/m). The height of each tree is calculated as dbh*hd
ageage of the trees (years). Optional. If blank or zero the age is estimated.
density(optional)density value ranging from -1..1 (see description below). Default=0.
stand_idindicates the stand in standgrid mode.

Tree locations

The positions of the individual trees are derived by applying an pseudo-random approach. This includes two steps:
First, trees are distributed to 10x10 m patches by executing the following statements in a loop:

  • The input file is processed in strict sequential order, i.e. line by line
  • In unit mode, the space of the resource unit (1ha) is virtually divided in 100 cells with 10x10m size, or (in map or standgrid mode) the area is divided in the 10x10m cells defined by the stand grid. This cells are sorted according to the sum of the basal area of trees that are already on the respective cell.
  • for each tree a random number is drawn from a custom probability distribution (defined by the function provided by model.initialization.randomFunction), which decides the target 10x10m cell. A random number of 0 means the cell with the lowest accumulated basal area, a value of 1 selects the cell with the highest basal area. The default function is '1-x^2'. In that case approx. 40% of the trees are moved to the 20% of cells with the lowest basal areas.
  • the density parameter defines how this value is applied:
\[\begin{aligned} p_{pdf}=\left\{\begin{matrix} density>=0: p_{pdf} \\ density<0: 1-p_{pdf} \end{matrix}\right. \end{aligned} \] Eq. 1
\[\begin{aligned} p=p_{pdf}\cdot abs(density)+P_{uniform}\cdot(1-abs(density)) \end{aligned} \] Eq. 2

A density values greater than zero tells iLand to place trees on cells with lower basal area (i.e., the model tends to fill gaps). Contrary, negative values lead to a more clustered tree distribution. Lower absolute values of density weakens the spreading/clumping (using a density value of zero falls back to a uniform random distribution).

  • the list of the 100 10x10m cells is resorted. This is done for every 2nd tree (if total count of trees is below 20), every 10th tree (totalcount<100) or every 30th tree (for tree counts greater than 100)

The second phase of the process is to determine tree locations within each 10x10m cell. The basic resolution of the light grid is 2x2m, thus each 10x10 cell contains 25 possible locations. Note that this does not limit the possible number of trees - if initializing more than 25 trees on a cell, locations are simply reused.
A predefined sequence of tree positions is defined for even and uneven resource units (based on the resource unit index, thus neighboring cells produce slightly different patterns reducing edge-effects). Trees are assigned to locations following that scheme. Some variability is introduced by some random noise during that process.

Using LIDAR based maximum tree heights

A heightGrid can be provided to force iLand to respect a grid of maximum tree heights during the initialization of trees. Such a grid is usually derived from LIDAR and holds for each pixel the maximum tree height, i.e. the top canopy height. The format of the grids are ESRI ASCII text files (see also landscape setup). Internally, the maximum tree height is used at a 10m resolution (providing the input grid with the same 10m resolution as the stand grid is recommended). Note, that the height grid mechanism is only available when also a grid with stand polygons is used (see landscape setup). The grid file is defined by the fileName setting in the initialization.heightGrid section of the project file.
The general approach of selecting suitable tree locations (initialize trees) is extended, when a heightGrid is enabled. The equation given by the fitFormula setting is used to estimate the probability that the focal tree (with height h) is suitable for the 10m cell that is selected by the density-based algorithm (with maximum canopy height hmax). A uniform random number between 0 and 1 decides then whether the tree is placed on that cell, or not. In the latter case, the algorithm repeats the process maxTries times. In case no suitable 10m cell is found even after maxTries times, the tree is placed to the next proposed cell (in this case iLand produces a log message). The variable of the user-defined fitFormula equation is the relative height of the tree (i.e., h/hmax). The default value polygon(x, 0,0, 0.8,1, 1.1, 1, 1.25,0) uses the polygon() function of the iLand expression engine and may be interpreted as follows: the suitability of a cell increases linearly from 0 to 1 if the tree is between 0% and 80% of the top canopy height, keeps a high value up to 110% of the canopy height (usually LIDAR top heights are a somewhat lower than the top tree heights), and goes back to a suitability of 0 at 125%. Thus, trees are more likely placed on cells that have a similar canopy top height. However, trees can be placed with some probability below the top canopy layer.


A snapshot is a full representation of the internal vegetation and soil state and is stored in a database. This snapshot can later be used to restore a previous vegetation state. The snapshot includes all state variables of trees, saplings, snags and soil-pools.
A snapshot is created by using the Javascript function saveModelSnapshot(). This function creates a SQLite database file (which can be quite large) and an additional resource-unit map as a ESRI raster-file with the same name (and .asc as file extension).
To load a snapshot, one can use either the Javascript function loadModelSnapshot(), or use the mode snapshot in the project-file for the tree initialization (see top of this page).
It is also possible to restore only a part of a stored snapshot (e.g., to set up a smaller part of a larger landscape for testing purposes): this is automatically done when the extent of the simulated landscape is smaller than the landscape used for creating the snapshot.
When regeneration is disabled (model.settings.regenerationEnabled), then saplings are not loaded, which can speed up the process of initializing the model remarkably.

Initialize saplings

iLand simulates saplings (trees<4m height) using a cohort approach on a 2x2m resolution. This approach reduces the number of individual trees that need to be handled (per hectare, the maximum number of cohorts of a species is 2500, but the number of represented trees can be higher).
The model provides a mechanism to initialize saplings from an input file. The input file is specified with the key world.initialization.saplingFile. The sapling input file is a text file with the following columns:

stand_idyesthe ID of the stand polygon
speciesyesthe alphanumeric key of the species (e.g. 'piab')
countyesthe number of represented trees per ha that should be occupied. Note that the number of cohorts is smaller (since each cell represents multiple individuals, see ((sapling growth and competition), see below for details).
height(yes)height of the sapling cohorts in m. Specify either height or height_from AND height_to.
height_from(yes)for each pixel, the height (in m) is randomly selected between height_from and height_to. See also "height".
agenospecifies the age (in years) of the cohort. If not specified, a linear relationship between age and height is used to estimate age (see age4m).
age4mnospecify the age of the cohort at the height of 4m. The actual age is calculated by assuming a linear relationship between age and height (min: 0.05m, max: 4m). If no age is specified, a age4m of 10 years is assumed.
min_lifnothis specifies a minimum value for the LIF (light influence field, see competition for light 0: no light available at the ground, 1: full exposure, no shading). If provided, only pixels with a LIF value above that threshold are used for initializing saplings. (If there are not enough pixels in the stand that meet that criterion, the count brightest pixels are used).

Note, that currently iLand only supports initializing saplings when the standgrid mode is used.
The algorithm adds cohorts on random positions of the stand (potentially limited to cells with enough light) and stops when either the number of represented trees is reached, or when the number of misses (failed attempts, e.g. because a cohort of the species is already on the position) reaches the number of target trees.

Created by werner. Last Modification: Tuesday 06 of February, 2024 08:29:52 GMT by werner.