How to access the source code



Doxygen is used for documenting the source code. Access this documentation (including the full source code) at:


Note: this area is password protected:
User: source
Password: code

Useful link for setting up user authorization for an Apache webserver: http://www.thesitewizard.com/apache/index.shtml

Generating doxygen documentation

Use the "doxywizard" (part of the doxygen installation). Load the iLand documentation project ('doc/iland_doxyfile.doxy'), run doxygen.

Copy the generatied documentation (doc/html) to the web server (folder 'doxy').

API documentation

We use the Javascript API framework YUIDoc 


 Javascript API documentation framework http:yui.github.io/yuidoc/
 create with "yuidoc ." in /apidoc directory (/build/apidocs must be available!) or with "yuidoc --server ." for interactive mode.
 see also the yuidoc.json for more options. On the local machine, you can see a online preview:

 Installation of YUIDOC: http:yui.github.io/yuidoc/
 you need node.js -> download and install

 including a nice search box:
 run in 'apidocs' folder (the generated YUI docs are pushed to the 'docs' folder):
 yuidocsite port 3000 --search_desc

 bootstrap theme: https:www.npmjs.com/package/yuidoc-bootstrap-theme
 npm install yuidoc-bootstrap-theme


We use the websvn ( http://websvn.tigris.org/) for providing an web based access to the SVN repositories. 

We provide a publicly accessible version at (named "Public iLand"):


Currently, this links to the 0.6.9 tag within the repository and contains only an older  state of the project (see releases). This link can easily be changed by editing the config.php file in the publicsvn/include directory (look for addRepositorySubpath()).

The private subversion repository is accessible online now at
This area is password protected: User/Password: source/code

The repository itself (i.e. to check out) is located at:
username/password: werner/***

The latest and greatest iland-executable (windows) can be found in /executables.

useful info wrt setup of subversion on the server: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Subversion

Adding of new users to subversion:

  • connect to the iland-server and open shell (PuTTY)
  • for the first use: sudo /usr/bin/htpasswd -c /etc/subversion/passwd USERNAME
  • for all other users: sudo /usr/bin/htpasswd /etc/subversion/passwd USERNAME

downloading content and statistics

The PHP script http://iland-model.org/get_iland/iland_download.php handles logging and downloading content. The stats are written to:


This is also the directory containing the downloadable file. The directory is protected with a password:

user: getiland

pwd: 1land


Deploying iLand on Windows

Use the windeployqt tool to generate a package:

# qt for windows deployment, (1) qt environment vars


# run tool, update qml and target directory

windeployqt e:\dev\iland\build\iland\release\iland.exe --qmldir=e:\dev\iland\src\iland\qml dir=e:\dev\iland\build\deploy

Created by werner. Last Modification: Thursday 02 of September, 2021 12:30:58 GMT by admin.