release notes of iLand releases

release notes

This page contains more technical details for individual releases. The bigger picture of iLand versions and releases is drawn on the iLand Software page.

required changes to the species parameter table (run this SQL code):

alter table species add column estSOLthickness numeric;

released versions

iLand 2.0

Details in this blog post.

iLand 1.0

Details in the blog posts here and here
SVN: date: 2016/11/16
features: final release of the iLand includes all planned features ;).

required changes to the species parameter table (run this SQL code):

alter table species add column browsingProbability numeric;
alter table species add column serotinyFormula char;
alter table species add column serotinyFecundity numeric;
alter table species add column estPsiMin numeric;
alter table species add column  sapSproutGrowth numeric;

iLand 0.9

SVN: date: 2015/xx/xx
features: iLand with bark beetle module.
This release has been skipped. 1.0 is around the corner.

iLand 0.8

Details on the blog.
SVN: 926 date: 2014/08/01
features: iLand on fire.
The release 0.8 includes the fire module. Required for the fire module was, inter alia, the inclusion of a digital elevation model.

New species parameters:

SQL code for new species parameters
-- add columns
alter table species add barkThickness real;
-- provide default values
update species set barkThickness=0.065; -- the Psme value

new XML-section: see fire module.

iLand 0.7

SVN: 805, date: 2013-10-14
iLand 0.7 is the first version of iLand that includes a disturbance modules. The first of these modules is the wind module. The wind module page describes inter alia the necessary steps to setup the required species parameter table for wind related parameters.

iLand 0.6.9

SVN: 673, date: 2011/10/19
This iLand version is the version capable of running large scale simulations (read: HJAndrews). It includes advanced management operations (using maps of management) and various other impovements.
The version 0.6.9 is the program version used for the first batch of HJA simulations.

release notes iLand 0.5 alpha

The new release includes new features and several bug-fixes (current svn#: 527). This release includes snag dynamics and carbon/nitrogen cycle including a soil sub model (ICBM/2N). The release needs new XML-settings and new species-settings:

XML (section model.settings and model.site)

XML code - section ''model.settings''
in section "model.settings":
		  <qb>5</qb> <!-- CN ratio of soil microbes -->
		  <qh>25</qh> <!-- CN ratio of SOM -->
		  <leaching>0.15</leaching> <!-- how many percent of the mineralized nitrogen in O is not available for plants but is leached -->
		  <el>0.0577</el> <!-- microbal efficiency in the labile pool, auxiliary parameter -->
		  <er>0.073</er> <!-- microbal efficiency in the refractory pool, auxiliary parameter -->
		  <swdDBHClass12>20</swdDBHClass12> <!-- class break between classes 1 and 2 for standing snags (dbh, cm) -->
		  <swdDBHClass23>60</swdDBHClass23> <!-- class break between classes 2 and 3 for standing snags (dbh, cm) -->
	     <useDynamicAvailableNitrogen>true</useDynamicAvailableNitrogen> <!-- if true, iLand utilizes the soil-model N for species responses. -->


XML code - section ''model.site''
<youngLabileC>33000</youngLabileC> <!-- (initial) carbon content of ylC (i.e. litter) soil pool (kg/ha) -->
	  <youngLabileN>450</youngLabileN> <!-- (initial) nitrogen content of ylC soil pool (kg/ha) -->
	  <youngLabileDecompRate>0.08</youngLabileDecompRate> <!-- (initial) decomposition rate of yl pool  -->
	  <youngRefractoryC>247000</youngRefractoryC> <!-- (initial) carbon content of yrC (woody) soil pool (kg/ha) -->
	  <youngRefractoryN>990</youngRefractoryN> <!-- (initial) nitrogen content of yrC (woody) soil pool (kg/ha) -->
	  <youngRefractoryDecompRate>0.03</youngRefractoryDecompRate>  <!-- (initial) decomposition rate of yr pool  -->
	  <somC>375000</somC> <!-- (initial) carbon content of oC (soil organic matter) soil pool (kg/ha) -->
	  <somN>15000</somN> <!-- (initial) nitrogen content of oN (soil organic matter) soil pool (kg/ha) -->
	  <somDecompRate>0.02</somDecompRate> <!-- decomposition rate for soil organic matter (i.e. the "old" pool sensu ICBM) -->
	  <soilHumificationRate>0.3</soilHumificationRate> <!-- humification rate -->

Species parameters

SQL code for new species parameters
-- add columns
alter table species add cnFoliage real;
alter table species add cnFineroot real;
alter table species add cnWood real;
alter table species add snagKSW real;
alter table species add snagHalfLife real;
-- provide default values
update species set cnFoliage = 75, cnFineroot=40, cnWood=300, snagKSW=0.015, snagHalfLife=15;
--- update 2010-12-07
--- kyl and kyr as species parameter
alter table species add snagKYL real;
alter table species add snagKYR real;
update species set snagKYL=0.15, snagKYR=0.0807;

release notes iLand 0.4

iLand 0.4 is released on ??? 08/xx/2010 with SVN revision 4xx.
Main achievement of version 0.4 is the implementation of "seed dispersal and regeneration". It includes:

  • production of seeds of mature trees
  • dispersal of the seeds using a two-phase dispersion algorithm
  • the calculation of establishment probabilties using the TACA model
  • the establishment and growth of saplings
  • the recruitmment of sapling-cohorts into the "real" iLand

Species behaviour is controlled by (currently) 20 species parameters.

Other improvements:

  • visualization of regeneration (saplings) in the GUI. Color indicates maximum height of saplings on that pixel.
  • new values in resource-unit-statistics:
    • cohortCount: number of cohorts on RU
    • saplingCount: same as cohortCount (representative N with Reinecke not implemented)
    • saplingAge: mean age of saplings on RU
  • new columns in stand ouput

Debug-Output "Establishment":

RU_index0-based index of resource unit
avgProbDensity mean seed density on RU (avg probability of all seed cells (i.e. 20m) on a RU (100x100m))
TACAminTempabsolute minimum-temperatur, boolean-switch, false: establishment = NO
TACAchillchilling requirement (number of days), boolean-switch, false: establishment = NO
TACAfrostFreenumber of frost-free days, boolean-switch, false: establishment = NO
TACAgddtrue = gdd within thresholds
TACAFrostAfterBudfrostdays after budbirst are counted to the end of vegetation period
TACAAbioticEnvresult after abiotic environment (after multiplication with fEnvYr) (result of tolerance pow(sqrt(frostdays after budbirst)) * fEnvYr)
fEnvYrstill missing: f_ref: parameter that scales response values to the range 0..1 (1 for best growth conditions)
avgLIFValueaverage LIF value of all pixels that are tested for esetablishment. If no pixels were tested, avgLifValue=0.
N_Established number of cells in RU where establishment was successful
Living_cohortsnumber of cohorts on resource unit
averageHeightaverage height of cohorts (the cohort statistics are based on all cohorts that survive, i.e. that do not die or get recruited) (m)
averageAgeaverage age of cohorts (living)
avgDeltaHPotaverage height increment potential (of all "surviving" cohorts) (m)
avgDeltaHRealizedaverage realized height increment (m)
Addednumber of cohorts established in current year on RU
Diednumber of cohorts that died (due to stress) in the current year on RU
Recruitednumber of cohorts that recruited to the iLand-model in the current year on RU

SQL statements

SQL code for new columns
*** seed production / dispersal ***
- add columns for regeneration
alter table species add maturityYears integer;
alter table species add seedYearInterval integer;
alter table species add nonSeedYearFraction real;
alter table species add fecundity_m2 real;
alter table species add seedKernel_as1 real;
alter table species add seedKernel_as2 real;
alter table species add seedKernel_ks0 real;

-- default values
update species
set maturityYears=30,seedYearInterval=5, nonSeedYearFraction=0.25, 
fecundity_m2=100, seedKernel_as1=100, seedKernel_as2=0, seedKernel_ks0=0;

*** establishment ***

alter table species add estMinTemp real;
alter table species add estChillRequirement integer;
alter table species add estGDDMin integer;
alter table species add estGDDMax integer;
alter table species add estGDDBaseTemp real;
alter table species add estBudBirstGDD integer;
alter table species add estFrostFreeDays integer;
alter table species add estFrostTolerance double;

-- default values establishment
update species
set estMinTemp=-37, estChillRequirement=56, estGDDMin=177, 
estGDDMaX=3261, estGDDBaseTemp=3.4,
estBudBirstGDD=255, estFrostFreeDays=65, estFrostTolerance=0.5;

*** sapling growth ***

-- new columns
alter table species add sapHeightGrowthPotential text;
alter table species add sapMaxStressYears integer;
alter table species add sapStressThreshold real;
alter table species add sapHDSapling real;
alter table species add sapReinekesR real;
--default values
update species set sapHeightGrowthPotential='40*(1-(1-(h/40)^(1/3))*exp(-0.1))^3',
sapMaxStressYears=3, sapStressThreshold=0.1, sapHDSapling=80, sapReinekesR=1450;

**** update --- additional parameters for sapling growth ****
alter table species add sapReferenceRatio real;
update species set sapReferenceRatio = 1;

release notes iLand pre 0.5 alpha

SQL code for new columns
alter table species add displayColor text;
update species set displayColor='547239';

Created by werner. Last Modification: Wednesday 17 of July, 2024 16:50:30 GMT by werner.