Note that this page is part of a collection of iLand history pages and does not necessarily represent the current state of model development!
Rupert Seidl (project leader)
Department of Forest Ecosystems and Society,
Oregon State University, Corvallis, Or
Institute of Silviculture, Department of Forest- and Soil Sciences, University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences (BOKU) Vienna, Austria
- expertise: forest ecosystem dynamics, climate change effects on forest ecosystems, sustainable forest management, forest ecosystem modelling, disturbance ecology and modelling
- role in iLand: model development, data analysis and preparation for case studies, model evaluation, model documentation, project management
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Werner Rammer (project partner)
Institute of Silviculture,
Department of Forest- and Soil Sciences, University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences (BOKU) Vienna, Austria
- expertise: scientific/environmental computing, object oriented programming, algorithm optimization, spatial data processing and analysis, forest ecology, decision support systems
- role in iLand: model development, model implementation, model documentation
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Thomas A. Spies (project partner)
Pacific Northwest Research Station,
USDA Forest Service, Corvallis, Or
Department of Forest Ecosystems and Society, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Or
- expertise: forest ecology, forest succession, stand and landscape structure and dynamics, old growth forest ecology and conservation; overstory-understory relationships; coupled natural and human systems
- role in iLand: contributing to model design and development, providing expertise for ecosystem and disturbance dynamics in the Pacific Northwest, helping to set up a case study for model testing and evaluation in the Pacific Northwest
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Robert M. Scheller (project partner)
Environmental Sciences and Management,
Portland State University, Portland Or
- expertise: landscape ecology, forest ecosystem ecology, fire ecology, global climate change, forest management, landscape and disturbance modeling, spatial and multivariate statistics, GIS, scientific computing/programming, remote sensing, ecosystem modelling
- role in iLand: contributing to model design and development, providing expertise in forest landscape modelling with the LANDIS approach, helping to set up a case study for model testing and evaluation in the Pacific Northwest
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Manfred J. Lexer (project partner)
Institute of Silviculture,
Department of Forest- and Soil Sciences, University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences (BOKU) Vienna, Austria
- expertise: forest ecosystem dynamics, climate change effects on forest ecosystems, decision support systems, sustainable forest management, forest ecosystem modelling, multi-criteria analysis
- role in iLand: contributing to model design and development, helping to set up a case study for model testing and evaluation in the Eastern Alps, Austria, providing expertise with regard to aspects of using the model framework in sustainable forest management decision support
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