

iLand is a research tool, and is freely available for non-commercial use. We have developed the software relying solely on open source components, in order to facilitate its use and further development by others (see here for some ideas on iLand software development). The software is released under the GNU General Public Licence (GPL).

Source code

iLand @ GitHub: https://github.com/edfm-tum/iland-model

Building instructions

See here in the wiki and in the online book

Demo landscape

The "demo landscape" is the "Klausbachtal", one of the three main valleys of Berchtesgaden Nationalpark. The demo landscape is ~2300ha and comes with vegetation, climate data, and disturbance data and is ready to run.

Download demo project: https://iland-model.org/downloads/example_bgd.zip

Check out the introductory chapters of the iLand book to learn how to get started!

Species parameters

Thom et al 2024 (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dib.2024.110662) provide a collection of iLand species parameters for 150 species and provenances Europe, North America, and Japan. The repository contains the parameter table in SQLite format (all_species_database.sqlite).

Per default, all species are "switched on" in this database - this is indicated by a value of "1" in the column "active". For use in a specific region it is good practise to turn off unused species (set active to 0), which makes iLand run faster (with a lower memory footprint) and produce less output data.
Note that the species parameter table shipped with the "demo landscape" is set up for Central Europe.

iLand book

The first book about using iLand available online or as PDF.

Online version: https://iland-model.org/iland-book
PDF-Version: https://iland-model.org/downloads/iland-book.pdf

Created by werner. Last Modification: Thursday 18 of July, 2024 06:22:17 GMT by werner.