Javascript object "Map"

Object Map


The API documentation for this object moved: Map object.
This page is deprecated, and will be removed.

The Map object encapsulates a "GIS" grid. The grid is internally mapped to a 10x10m grid. Internally, a "spatial index" is created allowing for fast access to trees that lie on specific pixels. See also landscape setup.
The loaded map can be used, e.g., to specifically apply management on specific areas.


function loadMap()
  var path = Globals.defaultDirectory("script"); // get project script folder; see also the "currentDir" property of "Globals". defaultDirectory() adds already a slash	
  // var stand_map = new Map(); // Qt4
  var stand_map = Factory.newMap(); // Qt5
  stand_map.load(path + "test.txt");
  // now load all trees on pixels with value '2020' in the "test.txt" grid
  management.loadFromMap(stand_map, 2020); 
  // ... now do something ....

  var map = new Map();
  // select all trees on stand with id 127 of the 'system' stand grid 
  management.loadFromMap(map, 127); 


constructor new
a "empty" map (without a call to load()) points to the global stand grid defined in the project file.

int load(string file_name)
Load a grid (provided in ESRI textformat) from disk. See landscape setup for information about projections.

double area(int id)
retrieves the area of the polygon id in square meters (m2). Returns -1, if id invalid.

paint(min_value, max_value)
visualization of the map in the Viewers' main window (if present). Map values are colorized between min_value (blue) and max_value (red).
Default values: min_value: 0, max_value: 1.


string name
the filename for successfully loaded grids or 'invalid'.

Created by werner. Last Modification: Thursday 01 of September, 2016 15:38:00 GMT by werner.