This page provides the list of available variables in expressions from various ABE objects. Such expression can be used e.g. in constraints for activities in ABE.
ABE Stand variables
These variables are aggregates per stand. Typically, they are accessed via `stand.<varname>`.
Name | Description |
basalArea | total basal area (m2/ha) |
age | basal area weighted mean age of the stand |
absoluteAge | number of years since the beginning of the rotation (not based on tree age) |
nspecies | number of species (>4m) |
volume | total standing volume (m³/ha) |
dbh | basal area weighted mean dbh (trees taller 4m) in cm |
height | basal area weighted mean height (trees >4m) in m |
annualIncrement | mean annual increment (MAI), m3 timber/ha for the full rotation period |
elapsed | years since last execution of an activity for the stand (yrs) |
topHeight | mean height of the thickest 100 trees/ha (m) |
area | stand area (ha) |
year | current simulation year |
Site variables
Site variables such as "annualIncrement" or "harvestMode" are not implemented yet.