iLand core development team

Rupert Seidl and Werner Rammer, both currently at TU Munich, are the principal investigators of iLand.

Image Rupert Seidl is professor for Ecosystem Dynamics and Forest Management at TU Munich and head of research and monitoring at Berchtesgaden National Park. He has worked extensively on forest ecosystem dynamics, disturbance ecology, and the effects of climate change on forest ecosystems. In addition to developing iLand he has worked with a range of different modeling approaches (from empirical to process-based) on simulating forest ecosystems at a variety of scales, from individual trees to the continental level.

Image Werner Rammer holds an PhD in forestry and is currently senior scientist at the Ecosystem Dynamics and Forest Management Group at TU Munich. In addition, he received an education as software developer and has gathered expertise in the field of environmental computing both in academia and the private sector. Besides developing iLand he worked in many projects related to forest ecosystems and their management, mostly bridging the gap between biology and its reresentation in data and software.


iLand collaborators

iLand is a collaborative effort, and a variety of people have contributed to the successful development of the model.

iLand funding

Initial funding for developing iLand came from a Image Marie Curie International Outgoing Fellowshipof the European Commissions' 7th Framework Program (grant agreement: 237085) to Rupert Seidl. The model was developed jointly by Seidl and Rammer at Corvallis, Oregon and Vienna, Austria, made possible in part by additional support from BOKU Vienna. Ongoing model development and applications are supported by a number of research projects, including funding by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) and the Austrian Climate Research Program (ACRP).