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Rev Age Author Path Log message Diff
1222 3019d 02h werner / public SVN  
1221 3019d 02h werner /branches/ public SVN  
1220 3019d 02h werner /branches/version1.0/ Version 1.0  
1218 3019d 04h werner / clean up repository - make 1.0 trunk again!  
1217 3019d 04h werner / clean up repository - make 1.0 trunk again!  
1213 3025d 01h werner /branches/iland_regen/src/ implementing the stand-wise snapshot feature (for the advanced dynamic initalization)  
1181 3182d 02h werner /branches/iland_regen/src/ include LDD packages even for N<1 (choose probabilistically)

visualizing seed input from javascript
1180 3187d 01h werner /branches/iland_regen/src/ major rewrite of the seed distribution module:
* dispersal kernels fixed (using seeds per area, and not per radius)
* seed production now depends on leaf area of species (on source pixels)
* distribution for all source pixels (skipped the shortcut via continuously covered forest)
* probability of establishment calculated as function of available seedlings (sum of all incoming seedlings)
still testing ;)
more automation functions (e.g. to call OS commands, additional JS event handlers)
1172 3220d 09h werner /branches/iland_regen/src/ fixed nasty bug in fire module that caused crashes in release mode (but interestingly not in debug mode).
Reason: The ILAND_GUI #define is *not* visible when building the modules (fire, wind, barkbeetle); a conditional define in species.h has the effect that the structure (i.e. the memory address of some of the member properties) are different (specifically, the "mSeedDispersal" property). From the fire module, accessing the property resolved to a wrong memory address -> crash. Fix: moved the color-property (that is affected by the ILAND_GUI #define) to the end of the object....
1157 3237d 10h werner /branches/iland_regen/ merge of changes in the trunk (up to the version used for the 2016 DICE simulation batch).  
1104 3307d 08h werner /branches/iland_regen/ Branch dedicated to playing around with establishment/regeneration.
Goals are:
(i) speed up
(ii) introduction of new features for Yellowstone
1091 3357d 01h werner /branches/port_qt5_64bit/src/tools/ additional JS functions for retrieving grids from iLand. fancy....  
1081 3389d 01h werner /branches/port_qt5_64bit/src/ created a new javascript wrapper for the iLand "grid" class. This includes some processing (e.g. calculate using expressions), and some function to retrieve grids from iLand (e.g. damage data from disturbance modules, height grid).
1077 3398d 07h werner /branches/port_qt5_64bit/src/ implemented stormInfestationProbability in bark beetle module.
added path() function in Globals JS object.
1071 3412d 03h werner /branches/port_qt5_64bit/src/ alternative mortality formulation
COST PROFOUND exercise (H. Bugmann)
1065 3418d 22h werner /branches/port_qt5_64bit/src/ interaction of bark beetle and wind disturbances.  
1064 3420d 02h werner /branches/port_qt5_64bit/src/ many changes. Most notably:
* improvements in the grass-cover sub Modules
* interaction between wind and bark beetle
* javascript function to extract seed-distribution-maps
* fixed a bug when continuous seed input was assumed
1061 3427d 02h werner /branches/port_qt5_64bit/src/ developinig ABE.
groundwork: creating STP options (i.e. pure JS-options of STPs that can be used in activities)
working on species specific targets for thinnings (involves a lot of thinking and fiddling with javascript)
added an option to include "shortcuts" to often-used functions (i.e. links in the GUI that directly call JS-functions).
1058 3433d 04h werner /branches/port_qt5_64bit/src/ Changes in ABE:
new grid (stand treatment program), and now STP is shown when clicking on a standGrid
additional warnings when STPs are not properly defined

other changes:
more recent files, recent files are saved before creating the model
fixed splash screenshot
fixed potential bug in setting up saplings
new JS-function Globals.reloadABE() --> force the reload of the agent based forest engine module
1053 3453d 10h werner /branches/port_qt5_64bit/src/ updates for Qt 5.5 and GCC (Linux).  

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