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Rev Age Author Path Log message Diff
1222 3032d 11h werner / public SVN  
1221 3032d 11h werner /branches/ public SVN  
1220 3032d 11h werner /branches/version1.0/ Version 1.0  
1218 3032d 13h werner / clean up repository - make 1.0 trunk again!  
1217 3032d 13h werner / clean up repository - make 1.0 trunk again!  
1157 3250d 19h werner /branches/iland_regen/ merge of changes in the trunk (up to the version used for the 2016 DICE simulation batch).  
1104 3320d 17h werner /branches/iland_regen/ Branch dedicated to playing around with establishment/regeneration.
Goals are:
(i) speed up
(ii) introduction of new features for Yellowstone
965 3740d 06h werner /branches/port_qt5_64bit/src/ move to qt5.4  
946 3817d 11h werner /branches/port_qt5_64bit/src/core/ again fixing the interception: the formula for calculating the potential interception was:
P * (1 - fall_thru_fraction * LAI_group/LAI_total)
this is wrong!
P * ( 1 - fall_thru_fraction) * LAI_group/LAI

the error was introduced by using the formulation in PICUS (and here the problem became apparent)....
945 3817d 14h werner /branches/port_qt5_64bit/src/core/ changed the way interception is calculated when both broadleaved and coniferous trees are present on a RU. In the old version, the maximum intercepted amount of precip could be higher for mixed forests than for forests of broadleaved/coniferous alone (with the same total LAI). Now the maximum is calculated based on the share of coniferous LAI; in a second step it is estimated which part of that potential is actually realized.  
808 4152d 08h werner /branches/port_qt5_64bit/src/ implementing FOME.
* splitting "helper.cpp" into several files (debugtimer.h, statdata.h, viewport.h) (and changing lots of includes)
* implementing setup of activities (extracting from Javascript)
802 4171d 18h werner /branches/port_qt5_64bit/ merge from trunk up to revision 801  
781 4291d 11h werner /branches/port_qt5_64bit/src/ tried to compile also for MSVC 2010 32bit  
779 4304d 12h werner /branches/port_qt5_64bit/  
777 4374d 13h werner /trunk/src/ removed a couple of warnings (partly using Q_UNUSED but also dropping of parameters)  
723 4773d 14h werner /trunk/src/ included a switch to determine the handling of freezing/frozen soil.  
720 4783d 07h werner /trunk/src/ fixed a problem when trees died in disturbance and the (unupdated) statistics were used (e.g. the LAI for calculating the water cycle). Now for affected resource units, not only the treelists but also the RU-statistics are updated.
implemented a "radiating" mechanism of border cells. If stand-grid-cells (i.e. 10m height grid resolution) are marked as "outside and forest", then the cells "radiate" some influence on the LIF into the project area. Thus, trees on the edge of the project do *not* have properties of trees standing on a stand edge. Currently, the form/amount of this edge-effect is hard coded.
697 4844d 09h werner /trunk/ Doxygen documentation revisited.
After re-establishing doxygen documentation (last update: 2009) a lot of smaller/medium documentation fixes.
Documentation is something that could definitely be always improved ;)
680 4879d 16h werner /trunk/ Version 0.7.1
Several improvements/fixes in the Fire module, inter alia:
* fire size distribution
* handling of burning snags
* improved scripting support (export spread pattern als ESRI grid)
* fix in watercylce for kbdi-calculation
671 4887d 13h werner /trunk/src/ Necessary changes for GPL licence (i.e. headers in all source files)  
646 5028d 14h werner /trunk/src/ reorganized the fire module code and other stuff.
* added new interfaces and linked some of them already (setup(), ...)
* separated the plugin from the implementation (fireplugin.h vs. FireModule)
* worked on finding a way to create "layeredgrids" (how to avoid the templates...)- i have a solution now but still not sure if it really works
639 5048d 10h werner / move current content to the "trunk"  
626 5100d 07h werner /src/core/ added some debug timers plus completed the executable directory (added the sqlite-plugin)  
621 5104d 17h werner /src/core/ * removed the temperature dependent calculation of e20 for the evapotranspiration,
* added some options to the project file (snow temperature, interception)
620 5104d 19h werner /src/core/ Modified canopy evaporation to incorporate Wigmosta et al (switching
from "wet" to "dry" canopy)
605 5117d 16h werner /src/ added the "rid" (i.e. a unique id per resource unit) in various debug outputs.
added the "shell" of a new carbonflow output.
572 5151d 15h werner /src/ * be more generous with the names in the header of ESRI-style gis grids (case sensitivity)
* allow subtle difference for the sum of sand/clay/silt (rounding errors)
566 5155d 18h werner /src/ extended management: modify carbon content of soil / swd pools.
slightly modifications to the CSVFile JS API (value(row, name)-function).
562 5162d 14h werner /src/ calculate ET0 (reference evapotranspiration) that is used for snag decay 're'. Another version of penman monteith is used for calculation.
See the excel - based "re_decomp.xlsx" for details
561 5162d 16h werner /src/core/ update of the watercycle:
* changed the calc. of svp-slope (saturated vapor pressure) from homebrewn derivation to FAO code (Allen et al).
* use now "net radiation" instead of global radiation. "net rad" is calculated from a linear estimation with fixed coefficients (source: 3pg)
The results show only very little differences (e.g.: base version: yearly et: 698mm, after updates: 666mm). (see penman-monteith_2011_test.xls)
554 5167d 13h werner / new version - somewhat intermediate.
contains the *next* version of 're' calculation and seems to have still problems with the PET calculation. This version is solely for testing purposes.
553 5167d 14h werner /src/core/ another variant to calculate 're', following Adair et al 2008. Based on monthly sums of precipitation and PET. PET is calculated during the water cycle, monthly precipitation is summed in the climate object itself.  
547 5169d 15h werner /src/core/ restructured the topLayerWaterContent setting; it is now RU-specific (and not a global parameter)  
546 5169d 17h werner /src/core/ modified calculation of 're' (decay rate for snags), and added new model setting ('topLayerWaterContent') for that purpose. New variable 'waterDeficit' per day in WaterCycle.  
540 5194d 14h werner /src/ removed the storage of rel. water content in water cycle module; changed the way the climate modifier (re) for snag/soil decay is calculated.
Added the coarse wood of died trees to the 5-year decay pattern of branches (and renamed therefore to otherWood).
504 5238d 10h werner /src/ New output for "saplings"  
503 5238d 11h werner /src/ water cycle: fixed a regression with the calculation of average aging.
added "canopyConductance" as variable for resource units.
added a GUI option to change the current log level.
502 5238d 17h werner /src/core/ water cycle for resource units without adult trees; adapted water use for RUs with only few stands by adding "ground cover" up to LAI=1 with default characteristics.  
496 5255d 17h werner /src/core/ changed the behavior of the water-cycle wrt establishment: now the water cycle is executed even if no adult trees are on a resource unit  
484 5258d 15h werner /src/ modified release of memory of trees; QVector::resere() does not actually shrink memory; so now "squeeze()" is used.