(root)/src/tools/spatialanalysis.h - Rev 1222
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** iLand - an individual based forest landscape and disturbance model
** http://iland.boku.ac.at
** Copyright (C) 2009- Werner Rammer, Rupert Seidl
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "grid.h"
#include "layeredgrid.h"
#include <QObject>
#include <QJSValue>
class RumpleIndex; // forward
class SpatialLayeredGrid; // forward
* @brief The SpatialAnalysis class is the scripting class related to extra spatial analysis functions.
* rumpleIndex: ratio crown surface area / ground area for the whole project area.
* saveRumpleGrid(): save RU-based grid of rumple indices to an ASCII grid file.
class SpatialAnalysis: public QObject
Q_PROPERTY(double rumpleIndex READ rumpleIndexFullArea)
Q_PROPERTY(QList<int> patchsizes READ patchsizes)
SpatialAnalysis(QObject *parent=0): QObject(parent), mRumple(0) {}
static void addToScriptEngine();
double rumpleIndexFullArea(); ///< retrieve the rumple index for the full landscape (one value)
/// extract patches ('clumps') and save the resulting grid to 'fileName' (if not empty). Returns a vector with
/// the number of pixels for each patch-id
QList<int> extractPatches(Grid<double> &src, int min_size, QString fileName);
QList<int> patchsizes() const { return mLastPatches; }
public slots:
// API for Javascript
void saveRumpleGrid(QString fileName); ///< save a grid of rumple index values (resource unit level) to a ESRI grid file (ascii)
void saveCrownCoverGrid(QString fileName); ///< save a grid if crown cover percentages (RU level) to a ESRI grid file (ascii)
QJSValue patches(QJSValue grid, int min_size);
void calculateCrownCover();
RumpleIndex *mRumple;
SpatialLayeredGrid *mLayers;
FloatGrid mCrownCoverGrid;
Grid<int> mClumpGrid;
QList<int> mLastPatches;
friend class SpatialLayeredGrid;
/** The RumpleIndex is a spatial index relating surface area to ground area.
* In forestry, it is a indicator of vertical heterogeneity. In iLand, the Rumple Index is
* the variability of the maximum tree height on 10m level (i.e. the "Height"-Grid).
* The RumpleIndex is calculated for each resource unit and also for the full project area.
class RumpleIndex
RumpleIndex(): mLastYear(-1) {}
void setup(); ///< sets up the grid
void calculate(); ///< calculates (or re-calculates) index values
double value(const bool force_recalculate=false); ///< calculates rumple index for the full project area
const FloatGrid &rumpleGrid() { value(); /* calculate if necessary */ return mRumpleGrid; } ///< return the rumple index for the full project area
double test_triangle_area();
double calculateSurfaceArea(const float *heights, const float cellsize);
FloatGrid mRumpleGrid;
double mRumpleIndex;
int mLastYear;
class SpatialLayeredGrid: public LayeredGridBase
SpatialLayeredGrid() { setup(); }
void setup(); ///< initial setup of the grid
int addGrid(const QString name, FloatGrid *grid); ///< adds a 'grid' named 'name'. returns index of the newly added grid.
const QStringList &gridNames() { return mGridNames; }
double value(const float x, const float y, const int index) const { checkGrid(index); return mGrids[index]->constValueAt(x,y); }
double value(const QPointF &world_coord, const int index) const { checkGrid(index); return mGrids[index]->constValueAt(world_coord); }
double value(const int ix, const int iy, const int index) const { checkGrid(index); return mGrids[index]->constValueAtIndex(ix,iy);}
double value(const int grid_index, const int index) const { checkGrid(index); return mGrids[index]->constValueAtIndex(grid_index);}
void range(double &rMin, double &rMax, const int index) const { rMin=9999999999.; rMax=-99999999999.;
for (int i=0;i<mGrids[index]->count(); ++i) {
rMin=qMin(rMin, value(i, index));
rMax=qMax(rMax, value(i,index));}}
inline void checkGrid(const int grid_index) const { if (mGrids[grid_index]==0) const_cast<SpatialLayeredGrid*>(this)->createGrid(grid_index); } ///< helper function that checks if grids are to be created
void createGrid(const int grid_index); ///< create (if necessary) the actual grid
QStringList mGridNames; ///< the list of grid names
QVector<FloatGrid*> mGrids; ///< the grid