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** iLand - an individual based forest landscape and disturbance model
** Copyright (C) 2009- Werner Rammer, Rupert Seidl
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include <QObject>
#include <QJSValue>
// Scripting Interface for MapGrid
class MapGrid; // forward
class MapGridWrapper: public QObject
Q_PROPERTY(int valid READ isValid)
Q_PROPERTY(QString name READ name)
MapGridWrapper(QObject *parent=0);
static void addToScriptEngine(QJSEngine &engine);
MapGrid *map() const { return mMap; } ///< acccess for C++ classes
bool isValid() const; ///< returns true if map is successfully loaded
QString name() const;
public slots:
// query
double area(int id); ///< retrieve the area (m2) of the polygon denoted by 'id'
// actions
void load(QString file_name);
void saveAsImage(QString file);
void paint(double min_value=0., double max_value=1.);
MapGrid *mMap;
bool mCreated;
/** ScriptGlobal contains a set of
functions and properties that are accessible by JavaScript.
class Model;
class ScriptGlobal : public QObject
// read only properties
Q_PROPERTY(int year READ year)
Q_PROPERTY(int resourceUnitCount READ resourceUnitCount)
Q_PROPERTY(QString currentDir WRITE setCurrentDir READ currentDir)
ScriptGlobal(QObject *parent=0);
static void setupGlobalScripting();
// properties accesible by scripts
int year() const; ///< current year in the model
int resourceUnitCount() const; ///< get number of resource uinit
QString currentDir() const { return mCurrentDir; } ///< current execution directory (default is the Script execution directory)
void setCurrentDir(QString newDir) { mCurrentDir = newDir; } ///< set current working dir
// general functions
static void loadScript(const QString &fileName);
static QString executeScript(QString cmd);
static QObject *scriptOutput; ///< public "pipe" for script output (is redirected to GUI if available)
public slots:
// system stuff
QVariant setting(QString key); ///< get a value from the global xml-settings (returns undefined if not present)
void set(QString key, QString value); ///< set the value of a setting
void print(QString message); ///< print the contents of the message to the log
void alert(QString message); ///< shows a message box to the user (if in GUI mode)
void include(QString filename); ///< "include" the given script file and evaluate. The path is relative to the "script" path
// file stuff
QString defaultDirectory(QString dir); ///< get default directory of category 'dir'
QString loadTextFile(QString fileName); ///< load content from a text file in a String (@sa CSVFile)
void saveTextFile(QString fileName, QString content); ///< save string (@p content) to a text file.
bool fileExists(QString fileName); ///< return true if the given file exists.
// add trees
int addSingleTrees(const int resourceIndex, QString content); ///< add single trees
int addTrees(const int resourceIndex, QString content); ///< add tree distribution
int addTreesOnMap(const int standID, QString content); ///< add trees (distribution mode) for stand 'standID'
// add saplings
int addSaplingsOnMap(const MapGridWrapper *map, const int mapID, QString species, int px_per_hectare, double height=-1);
// enable/disable outputs
bool startOutput(QString table_name); ///< starts output 'table_name'. return true if successful
bool stopOutput(QString table_name); ///< stops output 'table_name'. return true if successful
// miscellaneous stuff
void setViewport(double x, double y, double scale_px_per_m); ///< set the viewport of the main project area view
bool screenshot(QString file_name); ///< make a screenshot from the central viewing widget
void repaint(); ///< force a repainting of the GUI visualization (if available)
bool gridToFile(QString grid_type, QString file_name); ///< create a "ESRI-grid" text file 'grid_type' is one of a fixed list of names, 'file_name' the ouptut file location
void wait(int milliseconds); ///< wait for 'milliseconds' or (if ms=-1 until a key is pressed)
// vegetation snapshots
bool saveModelSnapshot(QString file_name);
bool loadModelSnapshot(QString file_name);
void throwError(const QString &errormessage);
QString mCurrentDir;
Model *mModel;
/** The ScriptObjectFactory can instantiate objects of other C++ (QObject-based) types.
* This factory approach is used because the V8 (QJSEngine) does not work with
* the "new" way of creating objects.
class ScriptObjectFactory: public QObject
ScriptObjectFactory(QObject *parent=0);
public slots:
QJSValue newCSVFile(QString filename); ///< create a new instance of CSVFile and return it
QJSValue newClimateConverter(); ///< create new instance of ClimateConverter and return it
int stats() {return mObjCreated;} ///< return the number of created objects
int mObjCreated;