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#ifndef MAPGRID_H
#define MAPGRID_H
#include <QtCore/QHash>
#include <QRectF>
#include "grid.h"
#include "gisgrid.h"
class ResourceUnit; // forward
class Tree; // forward
class SaplingTree; // forward
class ResourceUnitSpecies; // forward
class MapGrid
MapGrid(const GisGrid &source_grid) { loadFromGrid(source_grid); }
MapGrid(const QString &fileName) { loadFromFile(fileName); }
bool loadFromFile(const QString &fileName); ///< load ESRI style text file
bool loadFromGrid(const GisGrid &source_grid); ///< load from an already present GisGrid
// access
bool isValid() const { return !mGrid.isEmpty(); }
const Grid<int> &grid() const { return mGrid; }
// access
QRectF boundingBox(const int id) const { return mRectIndex[id].first; } ///< returns the bounding box of a polygon
double area(const int id) const {return mRectIndex[id].second;} ///< return the area (m2) covered by the polygon
/// returns the list of resource units with at least one pixel within the area designated by 'id'
QList<ResourceUnit*> resourceUnits(const int id) const;
/// returns a list with resource units and area factors per 'id'.
/// the area is '1' if the resource unit is fully covered by the grid-value.
QList<QPair<ResourceUnit*, double> > resourceUnitAreas(const int id) const { return mRUIndex.values(id); }
/// return a list of all trees on the area 'id'
QList<Tree*> trees(const int id) const;
/// return a list of grid-indices of a given stand-id
QList<int> gridIndices(const int id) const;
/// get a list of sapling trees on a given stand.
QList<QPair<ResourceUnitSpecies *, SaplingTree *> > saplingTrees(const int id) const;
/// return true, if the point 'lif_grid_coords' (x/y integer key within the LIF-Grid)
inline bool hasValue(const int id, const QPoint &lif_grid_coords) const { return mGrid.constValueAtIndex(lif_grid_coords.x()/cPxPerHeight, lif_grid_coords.y()/cPxPerHeight) == id; }
inline int gridValue(const QPoint &lif_grid_coords) const { return mGrid.constValueAtIndex(lif_grid_coords.x()/cPxPerHeight, lif_grid_coords.y()/cPxPerHeight); }
Grid<int> mGrid;
QHash<int, QPair<QRectF,double> > mRectIndex; ///< holds the extent and area for each map-id
QMultiHash<int, QPair<ResourceUnit*, double> > mRUIndex; ///< holds a list of resource units + areas per map-id
#endif // MAPGRID_H