(root)/src/tools/globalsettings.h - Rev 1222
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** iLand - an individual based forest landscape and disturbance model
** http://iland.boku.ac.at
** Copyright (C) 2009- Werner Rammer, Rupert Seidl
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <QtCore>
#include <QtSql>
#include <QtSql/QSqlDatabase>
#include "global.h"
#include "settingmetadata.h"
#include "xmlhelper.h"
// The favorite random number generator:
// use either the MersenneTwister or the WELLS algoritm:
// #include "randomwell.h"
// #include "../3rdparty/MersenneTwister.h"
// use faster method to concatenate strings (see qt - documentation on QString)
typedef QList<QVariant> DebugList;
class Model;
class OutputManager;
class ModelController; // forward
class SystemStatistics;
class QJSEngine; // forward
/// General settings and globally available data
class GlobalSettings
// singleton-access
static GlobalSettings *instance() { if (mInstance) return mInstance; mInstance = new GlobalSettings(); return mInstance; }
// Access
// model and clock
Model *model() const { return mModel; }
ModelController *controller() const { return mModelController; }
void setModel(Model *model) {mModel = model; }
void setModelController(ModelController *mc) {mModelController = mc; }
int currentYear() const { return mRunYear; }
void setCurrentYear(const int year) { mRunYear = year; }
/// access the global QScriptEngine used throughout the model
/// for all Javascript related functionality.
QString executeJavascript(const QString &command);
/// execute a javasript function in the global context
QString executeJSFunction(const QString function_name);
QJSEngine *scriptEngine() const { return mScriptEngine; }
void resetScriptEngine(); ///< re-creates the script engine (when the Model is re-created)
// system statistics
SystemStatistics *systemStatistics() { return mSystemStatistics; }
// debugging fain grained debug outputs
enum DebugOutputs { dTreeNPP=1, dTreePartition=2, dTreeGrowth=4,
dStandGPP=8, dWaterCycle=16, dDailyResponses=32,
dEstablishment=64, dSaplingGrowth=128, dCarbonCycle=256,
dPerformance=512}; ///< defines available debug output types.
void setDebugOutput(const int debug) { mDebugOutputs = GlobalSettings::DebugOutputs(debug); }
void setDebugOutput(const DebugOutputs dbg, const bool enable=true); ///< enable/disable a specific output type.
bool isDebugEnabled(const DebugOutputs dbg) {return int(dbg) & mDebugOutputs;} ///< returns true, if a specific debug outut type is enabled.
int currentDebugOutput() const { return mDebugOutputs; }
QString debugOutputName(const DebugOutputs d); ///< returns the name attached to 'd' or an empty string if not found
DebugOutputs debugOutputId(const QString debug_name); ///< returns the DebugOutputs bit or 0 if not found
DebugList &debugList(const int ID, const DebugOutputs dbg); ///< returns a ref to a list ready to be filled with debug output of a type/id combination.
const QList<const DebugList*> debugLists(const int ID, const DebugOutputs dbg); ///< return a list of debug outputs
QStringList debugListCaptions(const DebugOutputs dbg); ///< returns stringlist of captions for a specific output type
QList<QPair<QString, QVariant> > debugValues(const int ID); ///< all debug values for object with given ID
void clearDebugLists(); ///< clear all debug data
QStringList debugDataTable(GlobalSettings::DebugOutputs type, const QString separator, const QString fileName=QString()); ///< output for all available items (trees, ...) in table form
// database access functions
QSqlDatabase dbin() { return QSqlDatabase::database("in"); }
QSqlDatabase dbout() { return QSqlDatabase::database("out"); }
QSqlDatabase dbclimate() { return QSqlDatabase::database("climate"); }
// setting-meta-data
/// access an individual SettingMetaData named @p name.
const SettingMetaData *settingMetaData(const QString &name); // unused??
/// retrieve the default value of the setting @p name.
QVariant settingDefaultValue(const QString &name); // unused?
QList<QString> settingNames() { return mSettingMetaData.keys(); } ///< retrieve list of all names of settings.
// path and directory
QString path(const QString &fileName, const QString &type="home");
bool fileExists(const QString &fileName, const QString &type="home");
// xml project file
const XmlHelper &settings() const { return mXml; }
// setup and maintenance
// xml project settings
void loadProjectFile(const QString &fileName);
// meta data of settings
void loadSettingsMetaDataFromFile(const QString &fileName);
void loadSettingsMetaDataFromXml(const QDomElement &topNode);
// Database connections
bool setupDatabaseConnection(const QString& dbname, const QString &fileName, bool fileMustExist);
void clearDatabaseConnections(); ///< shutdown and clear connections
// output manager
OutputManager *outputManager() { return mOutputManager; }
// path
void setupDirectories(QDomElement pathNode, const QString &projectFilePath);
void printDirectories() const;
GlobalSettings(); // private ctor
static GlobalSettings *mInstance;
Model *mModel;
ModelController *mModelController;
OutputManager *mOutputManager;
QJSEngine *mScriptEngine;
int mRunYear;
SystemStatistics *mSystemStatistics;
// special debug outputs
QMultiHash<int, DebugList> mDebugLists;
int mDebugOutputs; // "bitmap" of enabled debugoutputs.
SettingMetaDataList mSettingMetaData; ///< storage container (QHash) for settings.
QHash<QString, QString> mFilePath; ///< storage for file paths
XmlHelper mXml; ///< xml-based hierarchical settings
// constants
// We assume:
// Light-Grid: 2x2m
// Height-Grid: 10x10m
// Resource-Unit: 100x100m
const int cPxSize = 2; // size of light grid (m)
const int cRUSize = 100; // size of resource unit (m)
const double cRUArea = 10000.; // area of a resource unit (m2)
const int cHeightSize = 10; // size of a height grid pixel (m)
const int cPxPerHeight = 5; // 10 / 2 LIF pixels per height pixel
const int cPxPerRU = 50; // 100/2
const int cHeightPerRU = 10; // 100/10 height pixels per resource unit
const int cPxPerHectare = 2500; // pixel/ha ( 10000 / (2*2) )
const double cHeightPixelArea = 100.; // 100m2 area of a height pixel
// other constants
const double biomassCFraction = 0.5; // fraction of (dry) biomass which is carbon
const double cAutotrophicRespiration = 0.47;
/// shortcut to the GlobalSettings Singleton object.
#define Globals (GlobalSettings::instance())
// provide a hashing function for the QPoint type (needed from stand init functions, ABE, ...)
inline uint qHash(const QPoint &key)
return qHash(key.x()) ^ qHash(key.y());