(root)/src/tools/globalsettings.cpp - Rev 1222
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** iLand - an individual based forest landscape and disturbance model
** http://iland.boku.ac.at
** Copyright (C) 2009- Werner Rammer, Rupert Seidl
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
/** @class GlobalSettings
This class contains various global structures/definitions. This class is a Singleton and accessed via the static instance() function.
@par various (textual) meta data (SettingMetaData)
@par global database connections
There are two defined global database connections dbin() and dbout() with the names "in" and "out".
They are setup with setupDatabaseConnection(). Currently, only SQLite DBs are supported.
Use dbin() and dbout() to faciliate those database connections:
QSqlQuery query(GlobalSettings::instance()->dbin());
@par Helpers with file Paths
the actual project file is parsed for path defined in the <path> section.
Use the path() function to expand a @p fileName to a iLand-Path. To check if a file exists, you could
use fileExists().
Available paths:
- home: the project's home directory. All other directories can be defined relative to this dir.
- lip: path for the storage of LIP (aka binary Stamp files) (default: home/lip)
- database: base path for SQLite database files (default: home/database)
- temp: path for storage of temporary files (default: home/temp)
- log: storage for log-files (default: home/log)
- exe: the path to the executable file.
// home is "e:/iland/test", temp is "c:\temp" and log is omitted in project-file:
QString p;
p = Globals->path("somestuff.txt", "temp"); // > c:\temp\somestuff.txt
p = Globals->path("e:\averyspecial\place.txt", "temp"); // -> e:\averyspecial\place.txt
// (abs. path is not changed)
p = Globals->path("log123.txt", "log"); // -> e:/iland/test/log/log123.txt (default for log)
@par Fine-Grained debugging outputs
The enumeration DebugOutputs defines a list of realms (uses binary notation: 1,2,4,8,...!).
Use setDebugOutput() to enable/disable such an output. Use isDebugEnabled() to test inside the
code if the generation of debug output for a specific type is enabled. Internally, this is a single
bitwise operation which is very fast.
Call debugLists() to retrieve a list of lists of data that fit specific criteria.
// use something like that somewhere in a tree-growth-related routine:
if (GlobalSettings::instance()->isDebugEnabled(GlobalSettings::dTreeGrowth) {
DebugList &out = GlobalSettings::instance()->debugList(mId, GlobalSettings::dTreeGrowth); // get a ref to the list
out << hd_growth << factor_diameter << delta_d_estimate << d_increment; // fill with data
); // only in debugmode
#include "globalsettings.h"
#include <QtCore>
#include <QtXml>
#include <QtSql>
#include <QJSEngine>
#include <algorithm>
#include "global.h"
#include "helper.h"
#include "xmlhelper.h"
#include "stdint.h"
#include "settingmetadata.h"
#include "standstatistics.h"
#include "scriptglobal.h"
#include "outputmanager.h"
// debug macro helpers
void dbg_helper(const char *where, const char *what,const char* file,int line)
qDebug() << "Warning in " << where << ":"<< what << ". (file: " << file << "line:" << line;
void dbg_helper_ext(const char *where, const char *what,const char* file,int line, const QString &s)
qDebug() << "Warning in " << where << ":"<< what << ". (file: " << file << "line:" << line << "more:" << s;
int _loglevel=0;
// true, if detailed debug information is logged
bool logLevelDebug()
return _loglevel<1;
// true, if only important aggreate info is logged
bool logLevelInfo()
return _loglevel<2;
// true if only severe warnings/errors are logged.
bool logLevelWarning()
return _loglevel<3;
void setLogLevel(int loglevel)
switch (loglevel) {
case 0: qDebug() << "Loglevel set to Debug."; break;
case 1: qDebug() << "Loglevel set to Info."; break;
case 2: qDebug() << "Loglevel set to Warning."; break;
case 3: qDebug() << "Loglevel set to Error/Quiet."; break;
default: qDebug() << "invalid log level" << loglevel; break;
GlobalSettings *GlobalSettings::mInstance = 0;
mDebugOutputs = 0;
mModel = 0;
mModelController = 0;
mSystemStatistics = new SystemStatistics;
// create output manager
mOutputManager = new OutputManager();
mScriptEngine = 0;
// meta data... really clear ressources...
delete mSystemStatistics;
mInstance = NULL;
delete mOutputManager;
// clear all databases
if (mScriptEngine)
delete mScriptEngine;
QString GlobalSettings::executeJavascript(const QString &command)
return ScriptGlobal::executeScript(command);
QString GlobalSettings::executeJSFunction(const QString function_name)
return ScriptGlobal::executeJSFunction(function_name);
void GlobalSettings::resetScriptEngine()
if (mScriptEngine)
delete mScriptEngine;
mScriptEngine = new QJSEngine();
// globals object: instatiate here, but ownership goes to script engine
ScriptGlobal *global = new ScriptGlobal();
QJSValue glb = mScriptEngine->newQObject(global);
mScriptEngine->globalObject().setProperty("Globals", glb);
// debugging
void GlobalSettings::setDebugOutput(const GlobalSettings::DebugOutputs dbg, const bool enable)
if (enable)
mDebugOutputs |= int(dbg);
mDebugOutputs &= int(dbg) ^ 0xffffffff;
// storing the names of debug outputs
// enum DebugOutputs { dTreeNPP=1, dTreePartition=2, dTreeGrowth=4,
// dStandNPP=8, dWaterCycle=16, dDailyResponses=32, dEstablishment=64, dCarbonCycle=128 }; ///< defines available debug output types.
const QStringList debug_output_names=QStringList() << "treeNPP" << "treePartition" << "treeGrowth" << "waterCycle" << "dailyResponse" << "establishment" << "carbonCycle" << "performance";
///< returns the name attached to 'd' or an empty string if not found
QString GlobalSettings::debugOutputName(const DebugOutputs d)
// this is a little hacky...(and never really tried!)
for (int i=0;i<debug_output_names.count();++i) {
if (d & (2<<i))
return debug_output_names[i];
return QString();
///< returns the DebugOutputs bit or 0 if not found
GlobalSettings::DebugOutputs GlobalSettings::debugOutputId(const QString debug_name)
int index = debug_output_names.indexOf(debug_name);
if (index==-1) return GlobalSettings::DebugOutputs(0);
return GlobalSettings::DebugOutputs(2 << index); // 1,2,4,8, ...
void GlobalSettings::clearDebugLists()
QMutex debugListMutex;
DebugList &GlobalSettings::debugList(const int ID, const DebugOutputs dbg)
QMutexLocker m(&debugListMutex); // serialize creation of debug outputs
DebugList dbglist;
dbglist << ID << dbg << currentYear();
int id = ID;
// use negative values for debug-outputs on RU - level
// Note: at some point we will also have to handle RUS-level...
if (dbg == dEstablishment || dbg == dCarbonCycle || dbg == dSaplingGrowth)
id = -id;
QMultiHash<int, DebugList>::iterator newitem = mDebugLists.insert(id, dbglist);
return *newitem;
bool debuglist_sorter (const DebugList *i,const DebugList *j)
return ((*i)[0].toInt() < (*j)[0].toInt());
const QList<const DebugList*> GlobalSettings::debugLists(const int ID, const DebugOutputs dbg)
QList<const DebugList*> result_list;
if (ID==-1) {
foreach(const DebugList &list, mDebugLists)
if (list.count()>2) // contains data
if (int(dbg)==-1 || (list[1]).toInt() & int(dbg) ) // type fits or is -1 for all
result_list << &list;
} else {
// search a specific id
QMultiHash<int, DebugList>::const_iterator res = mDebugLists.find(ID);
while (res != mDebugLists.end() && res.key() == ID) {
const DebugList &list = res.value();
if (list.count()>2) // contains data
if (int(dbg)==-1 || (list[1]).toInt() & int(dbg) ) // type fits or is -1 for all
result_list << &list;
// sort result list
//std::sort(result_list.begin(), result_list.end(), debuglist_sorter); // changed because of compiler warnings
qSort(result_list.begin(), result_list.end(), debuglist_sorter);
return result_list;
QStringList GlobalSettings::debugListCaptions(const DebugOutputs dbg)
QStringList treeCaps = QStringList() << "Id" << "Species" << "Dbh" << "Height" << "x" << "y" << "ru_index" << "LRI"
<< "mWoody" << "mRoot" << "mFoliage" << "LA";
if ( int(dbg)==0)
return treeCaps;
switch(dbg) {
case dTreeNPP: return QStringList() << "id" << "type" << "year" << treeCaps
<< "LRI_modRU" <<"lightResponse" << "effective_area" << "raw_gpp" << "gpp" << "npp" << "aging";
case dTreeGrowth: return QStringList() << "id" << "type" << "year" << treeCaps
<< "netNPPStem" << "massStemOld" << "hd_growth" << "factor_diameter" << "delta_d_estimate" << "d_increment";
case dTreePartition: return QStringList() << "id" << "type" << "year" << treeCaps
<< "npp_kg" << "apct_foliage" << "apct_wood" << "apct_root"
<< "delta_foliage" << "delta_woody" << "delta_root" << "mNPPReserve" << "netStemInc" << "stress_index";
case dStandGPP: return QStringList() << "id" << "type" << "year" << "species" << "RU_index" << "rid" << "lai_factor" << "gpp_kg_m2" << "gpp_kg" << "avg_aging" << "f_env_yr";
case dWaterCycle: return QStringList() << "id" << "type" << "year" << "date" << "ruindex" << "rid" << "temp" << "vpd" << "prec" << "rad" << "combined_response"
<< "after_intercept" << "after_snow" << "et_canopy" << "evapo_intercepted"
<< "content" << "psi_kpa" << "excess_mm" << "snow_height";
case dDailyResponses: return QStringList() << "id" << "type" << "year" << "species" << "date" << "RU_index" << "rid"
<< "waterResponse" << "tempResponse" << "VpdResponse" << "Radiation of day" << "util.Radiation";
case dEstablishment: return QStringList() << "id" << "type" << "year" << "species" << "RU_index" << "rid"
<< "avgProbDensity" << "TACAminTemp" << "TACAchill" << "TACAfrostFree" << "TACAgdd" << "TACAFrostAfterBud" << "waterLimitation" << "TACAAbioticEnv"
<< "fEnvYr" <<"N_Established" ;
case dSaplingGrowth: return QStringList() << "id" << "type" << "year" << "species" << "RU_index" << "rid"
<< "Living_cohorts" << "averageHeight" << "averageAge" << "avgDeltaHPot" << "avgDeltaHRealized"
<< "Added" << "Died" << "Recruited" << "refRatio";
case dCarbonCycle: return QStringList() << "id" << "type" << "year" << "RU_index" << "rid"
<< "SnagState_c" << "TotalC_in" << "TotalC_toAtm" << "SWDtoDWD_c" << "SWDtoDWD_n" << "toLabile_c" << "toLabile_n" << "toRefr_c" << "toRefr_n"
<< "swd1_c" << "swd1_n" << "swd1_count" << "swd1_tsd" << "toSwd1_c" << "toSwd1_n" << "dbh1" << "height1" << "volume1" // pool of small dbhs
<< "swd2_c" << "swd2_n" << "swd2_count" << "swd2_tsd" << "toSwd2_c" << "toSwd2_n" << "dbh2" << "height2" << "volume2" // standing woody debris medium dbhs
<< "swd3_c" << "swd3_n" << "swd3_count" << "swd3_tsd" << "toSwd3_c" << "toSwd3_n" << "dbh3" << "height3" << "volume3" // large trees
<< "otherWood1_c" << "otherWood1_n" << "otherWood2_c" << "otherWood2_n" << "otherWood3_c" << "otherWood3_n" << "otherWood4_c" << "otherWood4_n" << "otherWood5_c" << "otherWood5_n"
<< "iLabC" << "iLabN" << "iKyl" << "iRefC" << "iRefN" << "iKyr" << "re" << "kyl" << "kyr" << "ylC" << "ylN" << "yrC" << "yrN" << "somC" << "somN"
<< "NAvailable" << "NAVLab" << "NAVRef" << "NAVSom";
case dPerformance: return QStringList() << "id" << "type" << "year" << "treeCount" << "saplingCount" << "newSaplings" << "management"
<< "applyPattern" << "readPattern" << "treeGrowth" << "seedDistribution" << "establishment"<< "saplingGrowth" << "carbonCycle"
<< "writeOutput" << "totalYear";
return QStringList() << "invalid debug output!";
QStringList GlobalSettings::debugDataTable(GlobalSettings::DebugOutputs type, const QString separator, const QString fileName)
GlobalSettings *g = GlobalSettings::instance();
QList<const DebugList*> ddl = g->debugLists(-1, type); // get all debug data
QStringList result;
if (ddl.count()==0)
return result;
QFile out_file(fileName);
QTextStream ts;
if (!fileName.isEmpty()) {
if (out_file.open(QFile::WriteOnly)) {
ts << g->debugListCaptions(type).join(separator) << endl;
} else {
qDebug() << "Cannot open debug output file" << fileName;
for (int i=ddl.count()-1; i>=0; --i) {
QString line;
int c=0;
foreach(const QVariant &value, *ddl.at(i)) {
if (c++)
line += value.toString();
if (out_file.isOpen())
ts << line << endl;
result << line;
if (!result.isEmpty())
result.push_front( g->debugListCaptions(type).join(separator) );
return result;
QList<QPair<QString, QVariant> > GlobalSettings::debugValues(const int ID)
QList<QPair<QString, QVariant> > result;
QMultiHash<int, DebugList>::iterator res = mDebugLists.find(ID);
while (res != mDebugLists.end() && res.key() == ID) {
DebugList &list = res.value();
if (list.count()>2) { // contains data
QStringList cap = debugListCaptions( DebugOutputs(list[1].toInt()) );
result.append(QPair<QString, QVariant>("Debug data", "Debug data") );
int first_index = 3;
if (list[3]=="Id") // skip default data fields (not needed for drill down)
for (int i=first_index;i<list.count();++i)
result.append(QPair<QString, QVariant>(cap[i], list[i]));
return result;
/** retrieve a const pointer to a stored SettingMetaData object.
if @p name is not found, NULL is returned.
const SettingMetaData *GlobalSettings::settingMetaData(const QString &name)
if (mSettingMetaData.contains(name)) {
return mSettingMetaData[name];
return NULL;
QVariant GlobalSettings::settingDefaultValue(const QString &name)
const SettingMetaData *smd = settingMetaData(name);
if (smd)
return smd->defaultValue();
return QVariant(0);
void GlobalSettings::loadSettingsMetaDataFromFile(const QString &fileName)
QString metadata = Helper::loadTextFile(fileName);
QString childText(QDomElement &elem, const QString &name, const QString &def="") {
QDomElement e = elem.firstChildElement(name);
if (elem.isNull())
return def;
return e.text();
/** Load setting meta data from a piece of XML.
@p topNode is a XML node, that contains the "setting" nodes as childs:
void GlobalSettings::loadSettingsMetaDataFromXml(const QDomElement &topNode)
if (topNode.isNull())
WARNINGRETURN( "GlobalSettings::loadSettingsMetaDataFromXml():: no globalsettings section!");
QString settingName;
QDomElement elt = topNode.firstChildElement("setting");
for (; !elt.isNull(); elt = elt.nextSiblingElement("setting")) {
settingName = elt.attribute("name", "invalid");
if (mSettingMetaData.contains(settingName))
WARNINGRETURN( "GlobalSettings::loadSettingsMetaDataFromXml():: setting" << settingName << "already exists in the settings list!") ;
SettingMetaData *md = new SettingMetaData(SettingMetaData::typeFromName(elt.attribute("type", "invalid")), // type
settingName, // name
childText(elt,"description"), // description
childText(elt, "url"), // url
mSettingMetaData[settingName] = md;
qDebug() << md->dump();
qDebug() << "setup settingmetadata complete." << mSettingMetaData.count() << "items loaded.";
void GlobalSettings::clearDatabaseConnections()
bool GlobalSettings::setupDatabaseConnection(const QString& dbname, const QString &fileName, bool fileMustExist)
//QSqlDatabase::database(dbname).close(); // close database
QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QSQLITE",dbname); // addDatabase replaces a connection with the same name
qDebug() << "setup database connection" << dbname << "to" << fileName;
if (fileMustExist)
if (!QFile::exists(fileName))
throw IException("Error setting up database connection: file " + fileName + " does not exist!");
if (!db.open()) {
throw IException(QString("Error in setting up the database connection <%2> connection to file %1.\n").arg(fileName, dbname));
if (!fileMustExist) {
// for output databases:
// some special commands (pragmas: see also: http://www.sqlite.org/pragma.html)
db.exec("pragma temp_store(2)"); // temp storage in memory
db.exec("pragma synchronous(1)"); // medium synchronization between memory and disk (faster than "full", more than "none")
return true;
///////// Path functions
void GlobalSettings::printDirectories() const
qDebug() << "current File Paths:";
QHash<QString, QString>::const_iterator i;
for (i=mFilePath.constBegin(); i!=mFilePath.constEnd(); ++i)
qDebug() << i.key() << ": " << i.value();
void GlobalSettings::setupDirectories(QDomElement pathNode, const QString &projectFilePath)
mFilePath.insert("exe", QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath());
XmlHelper xml(pathNode);
QString homePath = xml.value("home", projectFilePath);
mFilePath.insert("home", homePath);
// make other paths relativ to "home" if given as relative paths
mFilePath.insert("lip", path(xml.value("lip", "lip"), "home"));
mFilePath.insert("database", path(xml.value("database", "database"), "home"));
mFilePath.insert("temp", path(xml.value("temp", ""), "home"));
mFilePath.insert("log", path(xml.value("log", ""), "home"));
mFilePath.insert("script", path(xml.value("script", ""), "home"));
mFilePath.insert("init", path(xml.value("init", ""), "home"));
mFilePath.insert("output", path(xml.value("output", "output"), "home"));
/** extend the file to a full absoulte path of the given type (temp, home, ...).
If @p file is already an absolute path, nothing is done. @sa setupDirectories().
QString GlobalSettings::path(const QString &fileName, const QString &type)
if (!fileName.isEmpty()) {
QFileInfo fileinfo(fileName);
if (fileinfo.isAbsolute())
return QDir::cleanPath(fileName);
QDir d;
if (mFilePath.contains(type))
else {
qDebug() << "GlobalSettings::path() called with unknown type" << type;
d = QDir::currentPath();
return QDir::cleanPath(d.filePath(fileName)); // let QDir build the correct path
/// returns true if file @p fileName exists.
bool GlobalSettings::fileExists(const QString &fileName, const QString &type)
QString name = path(fileName, type);
if (!QFile::exists(name)) {
qDebug() << "Path" << fileName << "(expanded to:)"<< name << "does not exist!";
return false;
return true;
void GlobalSettings::loadProjectFile(const QString &fileName)
qDebug() << "Loading Project file" << fileName;
if (!QFile::exists(fileName))
throw IException(QString("The project file %1 does not exist!").arg(fileName));