(root)/src/tools/expressionwrapper.cpp - Rev 190
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/** @class ExpressionWrapper is the base class of objects that can be used with Expressions.
Derived from ExpressionWrapper are wrappers for e.g. Trees or ResourceUnits.
They must provide a getVariablesList() and a value() function.
Note: the must also provide "virtual double value(const QString &variableName) { return value(variableName); }"
because it seems not possible C++ wise to use functions from derived and base class simultaneously that only differ in the
argument signature.
#include "global.h"
#include "expressionwrapper.h"
#include "tree.h"
#include "resourceunit.h"
#include "species.h"
#include <QtCore>
// must be overloaded!
const QStringList ExpressionWrapper::getVariablesList()
throw IException("expression wrapper reached base getVariableList");
// must be overloaded!
double ExpressionWrapper::value(const int variableIndex)
throw IException(QString("expression wrapper reached base getValue index %1").arg(variableIndex));
int ExpressionWrapper::variableIndex(const QString &variableName)
return getVariablesList().indexOf(variableName);
double ExpressionWrapper::valueByName(const QString &variableName)
int idx = variableIndex(variableName);
return value(idx);
QStringList treeVarList=QStringList() << "id" << "dbh" << "height" << "ruindex" // 0..3
<< "x" << "y" << "volume" << "lri" << "la" << "leafarea" // 4-9
<< "woodymass" << "rootmass" << "foliagemass" << "age" << "opacity" // 10-14
<< "dead" << "stress" << "deltad" //14-16
<< "afoliagemass";
const QStringList TreeWrapper::getVariablesList()
return treeVarList;
double TreeWrapper::value(const int variableIndex)
switch (variableIndex) {
case 0: return double(mTree->id()); // id
case 1: return mTree->dbh(); // dbh
case 2: return mTree->height(); // height
case 3: return (double) mTree->ru()->index(); // ruindex
case 4: return mTree->position().x(); // x
case 5: return mTree->position().y(); // y
case 6: return mTree->volume(); // volume
case 7: return mTree->lightResourceIndex(); // lri
case 8: case 9: return mTree->mLeafArea;
case 10: return mTree->mWoodyMass;
case 11: return mTree->mRootMass;
case 12: return mTree->mFoliageMass;
case 13: return mTree->age();
case 14: return mTree->mOpacity;
case 15: return mTree->isDead()?1.:0.;
case 16: return mTree->mStressIndex;
case 17: return mTree->mDbhDelta; // increment of last year
case 18: return mTree->species()->biomassFoliage(mTree->dbh()); // allometric foliage
throw IException("TreeWrapper::getValue: invalid index");
//// ResourceUnit Wrapper
QStringList ruVarList=QStringList() << "id" << "la" << "total_radiation";
const QStringList RUWrapper::getVariablesList()
return ruVarList;
double RUWrapper::value(const int variableIndex)
switch (variableIndex) {
case 0: return mRU->index();
case 1: return mRU->mAggregatedLA;
case 2: return mRU->mRadiation_m2;
throw IException("RUWrapper::getValue: invalid index");