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#ifndef CSVFILE_H
#define CSVFILE_H
#include <QObject>
#include <QtScript>
class CSVFile : public QObject
Q_PROPERTY(bool captions WRITE setHasCaptions READ hasCaptions); ///< if true, the first line are considered to be headers
Q_PROPERTY(bool flat WRITE setFlat READ flat); ///< if true, there is only one column (a flat file)
Q_PROPERTY(int colCount READ colCount);
Q_PROPERTY(int rowCount READ rowCount);
CSVFile(QObject *parent=0);
CSVFile(const QString &fileName) { loadFile(fileName);} ///< ctor, load @p fileName.
// actions
bool openFile(const QString &fileName); ///< open file in streaming mode.
QVariant colValue(const int col); ///< get value of column with index @p col. Use in streaming mode.
bool next(); ///< advance to next record (i.e. line). return false if end of file is reached.
// properties
bool streamingMode() const { return mStreamingMode; } ///< return true, if in "streaming mode" (for large files)
bool hasCaptions() const { return mHasCaptions; } ///< true, if first line contains headers
bool flat() const { return mFlat; } ///< simple list, not multiple columns
int rowCount() const { return mRowCount; } ///< number or rows (excl. captions), or -1.
int colCount() const { return mColCount; } ///< number of columns, or -1
QStringList captions() const { return mCaptions; } ///< retrieve (a copy) of column headers
QStringList column(const int col) const; ///< retrieve a string list of a given row
QVariantList values(const int row) const; ///< get a list of the values in row "row"
// setters
void setHasCaptions(const bool hasCaps) { mHasCaptions = hasCaps; }
void setFlat(const bool isflat) { mFlat = isflat; }
static void addToScriptEngine(QScriptEngine &engine); // called during setup of ScriptEngine
public slots:
bool loadFile(const QString &fileName); ///< load @p fileName. load the complete file at once.
bool loadFromString(const QString &content); ///< load from a string.
QString columnName(const int col) { if (col<mColCount) return mCaptions[col]; return QString(); } ///< get caption of ith column.
int columnIndex(const QString &columnName) const { return mCaptions.indexOf(columnName); } ///< index of column or -1 if not available
QVariant value(const int row, const int col) const; ///< get value of cell denoted by @p row and @p cell. Not available in streaming mode.
QVariant row(const int row); ///< retrieve content of the full row @p row as a Variant
void clear();
bool mHasCaptions;
bool mFlat;
bool mStreamingMode;
QStringList mCaptions;
QStringList mRows;
QString mSeparator;
int mRowCount;
int mColCount;
#endif // CSVFILE_H