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#include "global.h"
#include "fireplugin.h"
#include <QVector3D>
#include "model.h"
#include "globalsettings.h"
#include "resourceunit.h"
#include "watercycle.h"
#include "climate.h"
Q_EXPORT_PLUGIN2(iland_fire, FirePlugin)
QString FirePlugin::name()
return "fire";
QString FirePlugin::version()
return "0.1";
QString FirePlugin::description()
return "Fire disturbance module for iLand. The fire ignition and fire spread follows the FireBGC v2 model (Keane et al 2011), " \
"the estimation of severity and fire effects Schumacher et al (2006). See for details.\n" \
"Designed and written by by Rupert Seidl/Werner Rammer.";
qDebug() << "Fire plugin created";
// foreach (const ResourceUnit *ru, GlobalSettings::instance()->model()->ruList())
// qDebug() << ru->boundingBox() << ru->constTrees().count();
/** perform the calculation of the KBDI drought index.
void FirePlugin::calculateWater(const ResourceUnit *resource_unit, const WaterCycleData *water_data)
ClimateDay *end = resource_unit->climate()->end();
int iday = 0;
double kbdi = 100.;
const double mean_ap = 3000; // reference mean annual precipitation
double dp, dq, tmax;
int first_day = -1, last_day = -1; // to calculate fire season
double kbdis[366];
for (const ClimateDay *day = resource_unit->climate()->begin(); day!=end; ++day, ++iday) {
dp = water_data->water_to_ground[iday]; // water reaching the ground for this day
double wetting = - dp/25.4 * 100.;
kbdi += wetting;
if (kbdi<0.) kbdi=0.;
tmax = day->temperature; // !!! TODO!!! use max temperature!!!!
// drying is only simulated, when:
// * the temperature > 10°
// * there is no snow cover
if (tmax > 10. && water_data->snow_cover[iday]==0.) {
// calculate drying: (kbdi already includes current wetting!)
dq = 0.001*(800.-kbdi)*( (0.9676*exp(0.0486*(tmax*9./5.+32.))-8.299) / (1 + 10.88*exp(-0.0441*mean_ap/25.4)) );
kbdi += dq;
kbdis[iday] = kbdi;
// calculate length of fire season dynamically:
// use a threshold value of 200 because this relates to "stage 1"
if (kbdi>200.) {
if (first_day == -1)
first_day = iday;
last_day = iday;
// now calculate a mean value
if (first_day>=0 && last_day>=0) {
double mean_kbdi=0.;
for (iday = first_day; iday<=last_day; ++iday)
mean_kbdi += kbdis[iday];
mean_kbdi /= (last_day - first_day) + 1;
} else {
// there is no fire season at all