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** iLand - an individual based forest landscape and disturbance model
** Copyright (C) 2009- Werner Rammer, Rupert Seidl
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "fireout.h"
#include "model.h"
#include "resourceunit.h"
#include "snag.h"
#include "soil.h"
mFire = 0;
setName("Fire RU/yr", "fire");
setDescription("Fire event aggregates per fire event. "\
"The output contains a row for each (ignited) fire event. " \
" ");
columns() << OutputColumn::year()
<< OutputColumn("fireId", "unique ID of the fire event (1..N) on the whole project area.", OutInteger)
<< OutputColumn("area_plan_m2", "Area of the planned fire m2", OutInteger)
<< OutputColumn("area_m2", "Realized area of burnt cells m2", OutInteger)
<< OutputColumn("iterations", "Number of iterations of the cellular automaton", OutInteger)
<< OutputColumn("coord_x", "Coordinates (x) of the starting point (m)", OutDouble)
<< OutputColumn("coord_y", "Coordinates (y) of the starting point (m)", OutDouble)
<< OutputColumn("n_trees", "total number of trees on all burning cells", OutInteger)
<< OutputColumn("n_trees_died", "total number of trees that were killed by the fire", OutDouble)
<< OutputColumn("basalArea_total", "sum of basal area on burning pixels of the fire (m2)", OutDouble)
<< OutputColumn("basalArea_died", "sum of basal area of died trees (m2)", OutDouble)
<< OutputColumn("psme_died", "fraction of doug fir that died (based on basal area of psme trees on burning pixels)", OutDouble)
<< OutputColumn("avgFuel_kg_ha", "average total fuel (dry) (forest floor + dwd) of burning cells (kg biomass/ha)", OutDouble)
<< OutputColumn("windSpeed", "current wind speed during the event (m/s)", OutDouble)
<< OutputColumn("windDirection", "current wind direction during the event (°)", OutDouble) ;
void FireOut::setup()
// Output function
// fire data is aggregated in this function for each fire event.
void FireOut::exec()
*this << currentYear();
*this << mFire->mFireId;
*this << mFire->fireStats.fire_size_plan_m2 << mFire->fireStats.fire_size_realized_m2;
*this << mFire->fireStats.iterations;
*this << mFire->fireStats.startpoint.x() << mFire->fireStats.startpoint.y();
int fire_id = mFire->mFireId;
double avg_fuel = 0.;
int n_ru = 0;
double n_trees = 0.;
double n_trees_died = 0.;
double basal_area = 0.;
double basal_area_died = 0.;
for (FireRUData *fds = mFire->mRUGrid.begin(); fds!=mFire->mRUGrid.end(); ++fds) {
if (fds->fireRUStats.fire_id == fire_id) {
// the current fire burnt on this area
avg_fuel += fds->fireRUStats.fuel_dwd+fds->fireRUStats.fuel_ff;
n_trees += fds->fireRUStats.n_trees;
n_trees_died += fds->fireRUStats.n_trees_died;
basal_area += fds->fireRUStats.basal_area;
basal_area_died += fds->fireRUStats.died_basal_area;
if (n_ru>0) {
avg_fuel /= double(n_ru);
*this << n_trees << n_trees_died << basal_area << basal_area_died;
*this << (mFire->fireStats.fire_psme_total>0.?mFire->fireStats.fire_psme_died / mFire->fireStats.fire_psme_total:0.);
*this << avg_fuel;
*this << mFire->mCurrentWindSpeed << mFire->mCurrentWindDirection;