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** iLand - an individual based forest landscape and disturbance model
** Copyright (C) 2009- Werner Rammer, Rupert Seidl
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "firemodule.h"
#include "grid.h"
#include "model.h"
#include "modelcontroller.h"
#include "globalsettings.h"
#include "resourceunit.h"
#include "watercycle.h"
#include "climate.h"
#include "soil.h"
#include "dem.h"
#include "outputmanager.h"
#include "species.h"
#include "3rdparty/SimpleRNG.h"
/** @defgroup firemodule iLand firemodule
The fire module is a disturbance module within the iLand framework.
See for the science behind the module,
and for the implementation/ using side.
//******************************************** FireData ***************************
void FireRUData::setup()
// data items loaded here are provided per resource unit
XmlHelper xml(GlobalSettings::instance()->settings().node(""));
mKBDIref = xml.valueDouble(".KBDIref", 0.3);
mRefMgmt = xml.valueDouble(".rFireSuppression", 1.);
mRefLand = xml.valueDouble(".rLand", 1.);
mRefAnnualPrecipitation = xml.valueDouble(".meanAnnualPrecipitation", -1);
mAverageFireSize = xml.valueDouble(".averageFireSize", 10000.);
mMinFireSize = xml.valueDouble(".minFireSize", 0.);
mMaxFireSize = xml.valueDouble(".maxFireSize", 1000000.);
mFireReturnInterval = xml.valueDouble(".fireReturnInterval", 100); // every x year
if (mAverageFireSize * mFireReturnInterval == 0.)
throw IException("Fire-setup: invalid values for 'averageFireSize' or 'fireReturnInterval' (values must not be 0).");
double p_base = 1. / mFireReturnInterval;
// calculate the base ignition probabiility for a cell (eg 20x20m)
mBaseIgnitionProb = p_base * FireModule::cellsize()*FireModule::cellsize() / mAverageFireSize;
mFireExtinctionProb = xml.valueDouble(".fireExtinctionProbability", 0.);
//****************************************** FireLayers ***************************
double FireLayers::value(const FireRUData &data, const int param_index) const
case 0: return data.mBaseIgnitionProb; // base ignition value
case 1: return data.mKBDI; // KBDI values
case 2: return data.mKBDIref; // reference KBDI value
case 3: return data.fireRUStats.fire_id; // the ID of the last recorded fire
case 4: return data.fireRUStats.crown_kill; // crown kill fraction (average on resource unit)
case 5: return data.fireRUStats.died_basal_area; // basal area died in the last fire
case 6: return data.fireRUStats.n_trees > 0 ? data.fireRUStats.n_trees_died / double(data.fireRUStats.n_trees) : 0.;
case 7: return data.fireRUStats.fuel_dwd + data.fireRUStats.fuel_ff; // fuel load (forest floor + dwd) kg/ha
default: throw IException(QString("invalid variable index for FireData: %1").arg(param_index));
const QStringList FireLayers::names() const
return QStringList() << "baseIgnition" << "KBDI" << "KBDIref" << "fireID" << "crownKill" << "diedBasalArea" << "diedStemsFrac" << "fuel";
//****************************************** FireModule ***************************
mFireId = 0;
// access data element
FireRUData &FireModule::data(const ResourceUnit *ru)
QPointF p = ru->boundingBox().center();
return mRUGrid.valueAt(p.x(), p.y());
void FireModule::setup()
// setup the grid (using the size/resolution)
// setup the fire spread grid
mGrid.setup(mRUGrid.metricRect(), cellsize());
mFireId = 0;
// set some global settings
XmlHelper xml(GlobalSettings::instance()->settings().node(""));
mWindSpeedMin = xml.valueDouble(".wind.speedMin", 5.);
mWindSpeedMax = xml.valueDouble(".wind.speedMax", 10.);
mWindDirection = xml.valueDouble(".wind.direction", 270.); // defaults to "west"
mFireSizeSigma = xml.valueDouble(".fireSizeSigma", 0.25);
mOnlyFireSimulation = xml.valueBool(".onlySimulation", false);
// fuel parameters
mFuelkFC1 = xml.valueDouble(".fuelKFC1", 0.8);
mFuelkFC2 = xml.valueDouble(".fuelKFC2", 0.2);
mFuelkFC3 = xml.valueDouble(".fuelKFC3", 0.4);
// parameters for crown kill
mCrownKillkCK1 = xml.valueDouble(".crownKill1", 0.21111);
mCrownKillkCK2 = xml.valueDouble(".crownKill2", -0.00445);
mCrownKillDbh = xml.valueDouble(".crownKillDbh", 40.);
QString formula = xml.value(".mortalityFormula", "1/(1 + exp(-1.466 + 1.91*bt - 0.1775*bt*bt - 5.41*ck*ck))");
mFormula_bt = mMortalityFormula.addVar("bt");
mFormula_ck = mMortalityFormula.addVar("ck");
mBurnSoilBiomass = xml.valueDouble(".burnSOMFraction", 0.);
mBurnStemFraction = xml.valueDouble(".burnStemFraction", 0.1);
mBurnBranchFraction = xml.valueDouble(".burnBranchFraction", 0.5);
mBurnFoliageFraction = xml.valueDouble(".burnFoliageFraction", 1.);
mAfterFireEvent = xml.value(".onAfterFire");
// setup of the visualization of the grid
GlobalSettings::instance()->controller()->addLayers(&mFireLayers, "fire");
GlobalSettings::instance()->controller()->addGrid(&mGrid, "fire spread", GridViewRainbow,0., 50.);
// check if we have a DEM in the system
if (!GlobalSettings::instance()->model()->dem())
throw IException("FireModule:setup: a digital elevation model is required for the fire module!");
void FireModule::setup(const ResourceUnit *ru)
if (mRUGrid.isEmpty())
throw IException("FireModule: grid not properly setup!");
FireRUData &fire_data = data(ru);
/** yearBegin is called at the beginnig of every year.
do some cleanup here.
void FireModule::yearBegin()
// setting KBDI=0 is not really necessary; in addition: kbdi-grids are emtpy if grid export is called during management (between yearBegin() and run())
//for (FireRUData *fd = mRUGrid.begin(); fd!=mRUGrid.end(); ++fd)
// fd->reset(); // reset drought index
/** main function of the fire module.
void FireModule::run()
if (GlobalSettings::instance()->settings().valueBool("") == false)
// ignition() calculates ignition and calls 'spread()' if a new fire is created.
/** perform the calculation of the KBDI drought index.
void FireModule::calculateDroughtIndex(const ResourceUnit *resource_unit, const WaterCycleData *water_data)
FireRUData &fire_data = data(resource_unit);
const ClimateDay *end = resource_unit->climate()->end();
int iday = 0;
double kbdi = 100.; // starting value of the year
const double mean_ap = fire_data.mRefAnnualPrecipitation; // reference mean annual precipitation
double dp, dq, tmax;
// debug!!!
// QFile dump("e:/kbdidump.txt");
// QTextStream ts(&dump);
double kbdi_sum = 0.;
for (const ClimateDay *day = resource_unit->climate()->begin(); day!=end; ++day, ++iday) {
dp = water_data->water_to_ground[iday]; // water reaching the ground for this day
double wetting = - dp/25.4 * 100.;
kbdi += wetting;
if (kbdi<0.) kbdi=0.;
tmax = day->max_temperature;
// drying is only simulated, if:
// * the temperature > 10°
// * there is no snow cover
if (tmax > 10. && water_data->snow_cover[iday]==0.) {
// calculate drying: (kbdi already includes current wetting!)
dq = 0.001*(800.-kbdi)*( (0.9676*exp(0.0486*(tmax*9./5.+32.))-8.299) / (1 + 10.88*exp(-0.0441*mean_ap/25.4)) );
kbdi += dq;
kbdi_sum += kbdi;
// // debug
// ts << iday << ";" << water_data->water_to_ground[iday] << ";" << water_data->snow_cover[iday] << ";" << tmax << ";" << kbdi << endl;
// the effective relative KBDI is calculated
// as the year sum related to the maximum value (800*365)
fire_data.mKBDI = kbdi_sum / (365. * 800.);
/** evaluates the probability that a fire starts for each cell (20x20m)
double FireModule::ignition(bool only_ignite)
int cells_per_ru = (cRUSize / cellsize()) * (cRUSize / cellsize()); // number of fire cells per resource unit
double test_rand_sum = 0.;
int test_rand_n = 0;
for (FireRUData *fd = mRUGrid.begin(); fd!=mRUGrid.end(); ++fd)
if (fd->enabled() && fd->kbdi()>0.) {
// calculate the probability that a fire ignites within this resource unit
// the climate factor is the current drought index relative to the reference drought index
double odds_base = fd->mBaseIgnitionProb / (1. - fd->mBaseIgnitionProb);
double r_climate = fd->mKBDI / fd->mKBDIref;
double odds = odds_base * r_climate / fd->mRefMgmt;
// p_cell is the ignition probability for one 20x20m cell
double p_cell = odds / (1. + odds);
// p_cell is the probability of ignition for a "fire"-pixel. We scale that to RU-level by multiplying with the number of pixels per RU.
// for small probabilities this yields almost the same results as the more correct 1-(1-p)^cells_per_ru [for p=0.0000001 and cells=25 the difference is 0.000000000003]
p_cell *= cells_per_ru;
if (!p_cell)
double p = drandom();
test_rand_sum+=p; test_rand_n++;
if (p < p_cell) {
// We have a fire event on the particular resource unit
// now randomly select a pixel within the resource unit as the starting point
int pixel_index = irandom(0, cells_per_ru-1);
int ix = pixel_index % (int((cRUSize / cellsize())));
int iy = pixel_index / (int((cRUSize / cellsize())));
QPointF startcoord = mRUGrid.cellRect(mRUGrid.indexOf(fd)).bottomLeft();
fireStats.startpoint = QPointF(startcoord.x() + (ix+0.5)*cellsize(), startcoord.y() + (iy+0.5)*cellsize() );
QPoint startpoint = mGrid.indexAt(fireStats.startpoint);
// check if we have enough fuel to start the fire: done in the spread routine
// in this case "empty" fires (with area=0) are in the output
// now start the fire!!!
mFireId++; // this fire gets a new id
if (only_ignite) {
int idx, gen, refill;
RandomGenerator::debugState(idx, gen, refill);
qDebug() << "test: rand-sum" << test_rand_sum << "n" << test_rand_n << pixel_index << startpoint << p_cell<< "rng:" << idx << gen << refill;
return p; // no real fire spread
// finalize statistics after fire event
// provide outputs: This calls the FireOut::exec() function
// we allow only one fire event per year for the whole landscape
return fireStats.fire_size_realized_m2;
return -1.; // nothing burnt
/** calculate the actual fire spread.
void FireModule::spread(const QPoint &start_point, const bool prescribed)
qDebug() << "fire event starting at position" << start_point;
mGrid.valueAtIndex(start_point) = 1.f;
for (FireRUData *fds = mRUGrid.begin(); fds!=mRUGrid.end(); ++fds)
if (!prescribed) {
// randomly choose windspeed and wind direction
mCurrentWindSpeed = nrandom(mWindSpeedMin, mWindSpeedMax);
mCurrentWindDirection = fmod(mWindDirection + nrandom(-45., 45.)+360., 360.);
mPrescribedFiresize = -1;
// choose spread algorithm
/// Estimate fire size (m2) from a fire size distribution.
double FireModule::calculateFireSize(const FireRUData *data)
// calculate fire size based on a negative exponential firesize distribution
double size = -log(drandom()) * data->mAverageFireSize;
size = qMin(size, data->mMaxFireSize);
size = qMax(size, data->mMinFireSize);
return size;
// old code: uses a log normal distribution -- currently not used:
// SimpleRNG rng;
// rng.SetState(irandom(0, std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max()-1), irandom(0, std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max()-1));
// double size = rng.GetLogNormal(log(average_fire_size), mFireSizeSigma);
// return size;
/// calculate effect of slope on fire spread
/// for upslope following Keene and Albini 1976
/// It was designed by RKeane (2/2/99) (calc.c)
/// the downslope function is "not based on empirical data" (Keane in calc.c)
/// return is the metric distance to spread (and not number of pixels)
double FireModule::calcSlopeFactor(const double slope) const
double slopespread; /* Slope spread rate in pixels / timestep */
static double firebgc_cellsize = 30.; /* cellsize for which this functions were originally designed */
if (slope < 0.) {
// downslope effect
slopespread = 1.0 - ( 20.0 * slope * slope );
} else {
// upslope effect
static double alpha = 4.0; /* Maximum number of pixels to spread */
static double beta = 3.5; /* Scaling coeff for inflection point */
static double gamma = 10.0;/* Scaling coeff for graph steepness */
static double zeta = 0.0; /* Scaling coeff for y intercept */
slopespread = zeta + ( alpha / ( 1.0 + ( beta * exp( -gamma * slope ) ) ) );
return( slopespread ) * firebgc_cellsize;
/// calculate the effect of wind on the spread.
/// function designed by R. Keane, 2/2/99
/// @param direction direction (in degrees) of spread (0=north, 90=east, ...)
/// @return spread (in meters)
double FireModule::calcWindFactor(const double direction) const
const double firebgc_cellsize = 30.; /* cellsize for which this functions were originally designed */
double windspread; /* Wind spread rate in pixels / timestep */
double coeff; /* Coefficient that reflects wind direction*/
double lwr; /* Length to width ratio */
const double alpha = 0.6; /* Wind spread power coeffieicnt */
const double MPStoMPH = 1. / 0.44704;
/* .... If zero wind speed return 1.0 for the factor .... */
if ( mCurrentWindSpeed <= 0.5 )
return ( 1.0 ) * firebgc_cellsize; // not 0????
/* .... Change degrees to radians .... */
coeff = fabs( direction - mCurrentWindDirection ) * M_PI/180.;
/* .... If spread direction equal zero, then spread direction = wind direct */
if ( direction <= 0.01 )
coeff = 0.0;
/* .... Compute the length:width ratio from Andrews (1986) ..... */
lwr = 1.0 + ( 0.125 * mCurrentWindSpeed * MPStoMPH );
/* .... Scale the difference between direction between 0 and 1.0 ..... */
coeff = ( cos( coeff ) + 1.0 ) / 2.0;
/* .... Scale the function based on windspeed between 1 and 10... */
windspread = pow( coeff, pow( (mCurrentWindSpeed * MPStoMPH ), alpha ) ) * lwr;
return( windspread ) * firebgc_cellsize;
/** calculates probability of spread from one pixel to one neighbor.
In this functions the effect of the terrain, the wind and others are used to estimate a probability.
@param fire_data reference to the variables valid for the current resource unit
@param height elevation (m) of the origin point
@param pixel_from pointer to the origin point in the fire grid
@param pixel_to pointer to the target pixel
@param direction codes the direction from the origin point (1..8, N, E, S, W, NE, SE, SW, NW)
void FireModule::calculateSpreadProbability(const FireRUData &fire_data, const double height, const float *pixel_from, float *pixel_to, const int direction)
const double directions[8]= {0., 90., 180., 270., 45., 135., 225., 315. };
(void) pixel_from; // remove 'unused parameter' warning
double spread_metric; // distance that fire supposedly spreads
// calculate the slope from the curent point (pixel_from) to the spreading cell (pixel_to)
double h_to = GlobalSettings::instance()->model()->dem()->elevation(mGrid.cellCenterPoint(mGrid.indexOf(pixel_to)));
if (h_to==-1) {
// qDebug() << "invalid elevation for pixel during fire spread: " << mGrid.cellCenterPoint(mGrid.indexOf(pixel_to));
// the pixel is "outside" the project area. No spread is possible.
double pixel_size = cellsize();
// if we spread diagonal, the distance is longer:
if (direction>4)
pixel_size *= 1.41421356;
double slope = (h_to - height) / pixel_size;
double r_wind, r_slope; // metric distance for spread
r_slope = calcSlopeFactor( slope ); // slope factor (upslope / downslope)
r_wind = calcWindFactor(directions[direction-1]); // metric distance from wind
spread_metric = r_slope + r_wind;
double spread_pixels = spread_metric / pixel_size;
if (spread_pixels<=0.)
double p_spread = pow(0.5, 1. / spread_pixels);
// apply the r_land factor that accounts for different land types
p_spread *= fire_data.mRefLand;
// add probabilites
*pixel_to = 1. - (1. - *pixel_to)*(1. - p_spread);
/** a cellular automaton spread algorithm.
@param start_point the starting point of the fire spread as index of the fire grid
void FireModule::probabilisticSpread(const QPoint &start_point)
QRect max_spread = QRect(start_point, start_point);
// grow the rectangle by one row/column but ensure validity
qMin(start_point.x()+2,mGrid.sizeX()),qMin(start_point.y()+2,mGrid.sizeY()) );
FireRUData *rudata = &mRUGrid.valueAt( mGrid.cellCenterPoint(start_point) );
double fire_size_m2 = calculateFireSize(rudata);
// for test cases, the size of the fire is predefined.
if (mPrescribedFiresize>=0)
fire_size_m2 = mPrescribedFiresize;
fireStats.fire_size_plan_m2 = fire_size_m2;
fireStats.iterations = 0;
fireStats.fire_size_realized_m2 = 0;
fireStats.fire_psme_died = 0.;
fireStats.fire_psme_total = 0.;
double sum_fire_size = fire_size_m2; // cumulative fire size
// calculate a factor describing how much larger/smaller the selected fire is compared to the average
// fire size of the ignition cell
double fire_scale_factor = fire_size_m2 / rudata->mAverageFireSize;
int cells_to_burn = fire_size_m2 / (cellsize() * cellsize());
int cells_burned = 1;
int last_round_burned = cells_burned;
int iterations = 1;
// main loop
float *neighbor[8];
float *p;
if (!burnPixel(start_point, *rudata)) {
// no fuel / no trees on the starting pixel
while (cells_burned < cells_to_burn) {
// scan the current spread area
// and calcuate for each pixel the probability of spread from a burning
// pixel to a non-burning pixel
GridRunner<float> runner(mGrid, max_spread);
while ((p = {
if (*p == 1.f) {
const QPointF pt = mGrid.cellCenterPoint(mGrid.indexOf(p));
FireRUData &fire_data = mRUGrid.valueAt(pt);
fire_data.fireRUStats.enter(mFireId); // setup/clear statistics if this is the first pixel in the resource unit
double h = GlobalSettings::instance()->model()->dem()->elevation(pt);
if (h==-1) {
qDebug() << "Fire-Spread: invalid elevation at " << pt.x() << "/" << pt.y();
qDebug() << "value is: " << GlobalSettings::instance()->model()->dem()->elevation(pt);
// current cell is burning.
// check the neighbors: get an array with neighbors
// 1-4: north, east, west, south
// 5-8: NE/NW/SE/SW
if (neighbor[0] && *(neighbor[0])<1.f)
calculateSpreadProbability(fire_data, h, p, neighbor[0], 1);
if (neighbor[1] && *(neighbor[1])<1.f)
calculateSpreadProbability(fire_data, h, p, neighbor[1], 2);
if (neighbor[2] && *(neighbor[2])<1.f)
calculateSpreadProbability(fire_data, h, p, neighbor[2], 3);
if (neighbor[3] && *(neighbor[3])<1.f)
calculateSpreadProbability(fire_data, h, p, neighbor[3], 4);
if (neighbor[4] && *(neighbor[4])<1.f)
calculateSpreadProbability(fire_data, h, p, neighbor[4], 5);
if (neighbor[5] && *(neighbor[5])<1.f)
calculateSpreadProbability(fire_data, h, p, neighbor[5], 6);
if (neighbor[6] && *(neighbor[6])<1.f)
calculateSpreadProbability(fire_data, h, p, neighbor[6], 7);
if (neighbor[7] && *(neighbor[7])<1.f)
calculateSpreadProbability(fire_data, h, p, neighbor[7], 8);
*p = iterations + 1;
// now draw random numbers and calculate the real spread
while ((p = {
if (*p<1.f && *p>0.f) {
if (drandom() < *p) {
// the fire spreads:
*p = 1.f;
FireRUData &fire_data = mRUGrid.valueAt(mGrid.cellCenterPoint(mGrid.indexOf(p)));
// do the severity calculations:
// the function returns false if no trees are on the pixel
bool really_burnt = burnPixel(mGrid.indexOf(p), fire_data);
// update the fire size
sum_fire_size += fire_data.mAverageFireSize * fire_scale_factor;
// the fire stops
// (*) if no trees were on the pixel, or
// (*) if the fire extinguishes
bool spread = really_burnt;
if (spread && fire_data.mFireExtinctionProb>0.) {
// exinguishing of fire is only effective, when at least the minimum fire size is already reached
if (cells_burned*cellsize()*cellsize() > fire_data.mMinFireSize) {
if (drandom() < fire_data.mFireExtinctionProb)
spread = false;
if (!spread)
*p = iterations + 1;
} else {
*p = 0.f; // if the fire does note spread to the cell, the value is cleared again.
cells_to_burn = (sum_fire_size/(double)cells_burned) / (cellsize() * cellsize());
if (cells_to_burn <= cells_burned)
// now determine the maximum extent with burning pixels...
int left = mGrid.sizeX(), right = 0, top = mGrid.sizeY(), bottom = 0;
while ((p = {
if (*p == 1.f) {
QPoint pt = mGrid.indexOf(p);
left = qMin(left, pt.x()-1);
right = qMax(right, pt.x()+2);
top = qMin(top, pt.y()-1);
bottom = qMax(bottom, pt.y()+2);
max_spread.setCoords(left, top, right, bottom);
max_spread = max_spread.intersected(QRect(0,0,mGrid.sizeX(), mGrid.sizeY()));
//qDebug() << "Iter: " << iterations << "totalburned:" << cells_burned << "spread-rect:" << max_spread << "cells to burn" << cells_to_burn;
if (last_round_burned == cells_burned) {
qDebug() << "Firespread: a round without new burning cells - exiting!";
last_round_burned = cells_burned;
if (iterations > 10000) {
qDebug() << "Firespread: maximum number of iterations (10000) reached!";
qDebug() << "Fire:probabilstic spread: used " << iterations
<< "iterations. Planned (m2/cells):" << fire_size_m2 << "/" << cells_to_burn
<< "burned (m2/cells):" << cells_burned*cellsize()*cellsize() << "/" << cells_burned;
fireStats.iterations = iterations;
fireStats.fire_size_realized_m2 = cells_burned*cellsize()*cellsize();
void FireModule::testSpread()
// QPoint pt = mGrid.indexAt(QPointF(1000., 600.));
// spread( pt );
SimpleRNG rng;
rng.SetState(irandom(0, std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max()-1), irandom(0, std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max()-1));
int bins[20];
for(int i=0;i<20;i++) bins[i]=0;
for (int i=0;i<10000;i++) {
double value = rng.GetLogNormal(log(2000.),0.25);
if (value>=0 && value<10000.)
for(int i=0;i<20;i++)
qDebug() << bins[i];
for (int r=0;r<360;r+=90) {
mWindDirection = r;
for (int i=0;i<5;i++) {
QPoint pt = mGrid.indexAt(QPointF(730., 610.)); // was: 1100/750
mFireId++; // this fire gets a new id
spread( pt );
// stats
for (FireRUData *fds = mRUGrid.begin(); fds!=mRUGrid.end(); ++fds)
GlobalSettings::instance()->controller()->saveScreenshot(GlobalSettings::instance()->path(QString("%1_%2.png").arg(r).arg(i), "temp"));
double FireModule::prescribedIgnition(const double x_m, const double y_m, const double firesize, const double windspeed, const double winddirection)
QPoint pt = mGrid.indexAt(QPointF(x_m, y_m));
if (!mGrid.isIndexValid(pt)) {
qDebug() << "Fire starting point is not valid!";
return -1.;
mFireId++; // this fire gets a new id
mPrescribedFiresize = firesize; // if -1, then a fire size is estimated
if (windspeed>=0) {
mCurrentWindSpeed = windspeed;
mCurrentWindDirection = winddirection;
spread( pt, true );
// provide outputs: This calls the FireOut::exec() function
return fireStats.fire_size_realized_m2;
/** burning of a single 20x20m pixel. see
The function is called from the fire spread function.
@return boolean true, if any trees were burned on the pixel
bool FireModule::burnPixel(const QPoint &pos, FireRUData &ru_data)
// extract a list of trees that are within the pixel boundaries
QRectF pixel_rect = mGrid.cellRect(pos);
ResourceUnit *ru = GlobalSettings::instance()->model()->ru(;
if (!ru)
return false;
// retrieve a list of trees within the active pixel
// NOTE: the check with isDead() is necessary because dead trees could be already in the trees list
QVector<Tree*> trees;
QVector<Tree>::iterator tend = ru->trees().end();
for (QVector<Tree>::iterator t = ru->trees().begin(); t!=tend; ++t) {
if ( pixel_rect.contains( (*t).position() ) && !(*t).isDead())
// calculate mean values for dbh
double sum_dbh = 0.;
double sum_ba = 0.;
double avg_dbh = 0.;
foreach (const Tree* t, trees) {
sum_dbh += t->dbh();
sum_ba += t->basalArea();
avg_dbh = sum_dbh / (double) trees.size();
// (1) calculate fuel
const double kfc1 = mFuelkFC1;
const double kfc2 = mFuelkFC2;
const double kfc3 = mFuelkFC3;
// retrieve values for fuel.
// forest_floor: sum of leaves and twigs (t/ha) = yR pool
// DWD: downed woody debris (t/ha) = yL pool
// fuel per ha (kg biomass): derive available fuel using the KBDI as estimate for humidity.
double fuel_ff = (kfc1 + kfc2*ru_data.kbdi()) * ru->soil()->youngLabile().biomass() * 1000. ;
double fuel_dwd = kfc3*ru_data.kbdi() * ru->soil()->youngRefractory().biomass() * 1000. ;
// calculate fuel (kg biomass / ha)
double fuel = (fuel_ff + fuel_dwd);
ru_data.fireRUStats.n_cells++; // number of cells burned in the resource unit
ru_data.fireRUStats.fuel_ff += fuel_ff; // fuel in kg/ha Biomass
ru_data.fireRUStats.fuel_dwd += fuel_dwd; // fuel in kg/ha Biomass
ru_data.fireRUStats.n_trees += trees.size();
ru_data.fireRUStats.basal_area += sum_ba;
// if fuel level is below 0.05kg BM/m2 (=500kg/ha), then no burning happens!
// note, that it is not necessary that trees are on the pixel, as long as there is enough fuel on the ground.
if (fuel < 500.)
return false;
// (2) calculate the "crownkill" fraction
const double dbh_trehshold = mCrownKillDbh; // dbh
const double kck1 = mCrownKillkCK1;
const double kck2 = mCrownKillkCK2;
if (avg_dbh > dbh_trehshold)
avg_dbh = dbh_trehshold;
double crown_kill_fraction = (kck1+kck2*avg_dbh)*fuel/1000.; // fuel: to t/ha
crown_kill_fraction = limit(crown_kill_fraction, 0., 1.); // limit to 0..1
// (3) derive mortality of single trees
double p_mort;
int died = 0;
double died_basal_area=0.;
bool tree_is_psme;
foreach (Tree* t, trees) {
// the mortality probability depends on the thickness of the bark:
*mFormula_bt = t->barkThickness(); // cm
*mFormula_ck = crown_kill_fraction; // fraction of crown that is killed (0..1)
p_mort = mMortalityFormula.execute();
// note: 5.41 = 0.000541*10000, (fraction*fraction) = 10000 * pct*pct
//p_mort = 1. / (1. + exp(-1.466 + 1.91*bt - 0.1775*bt*bt - 5.41*crown_kill_fraction*crown_kill_fraction));
tree_is_psme = t->species()->id()=="Psme";
if (tree_is_psme)
fireStats.fire_psme_total += t->basalArea();
if (drandom() < p_mort) {
// the tree actually dies.
died_basal_area += t->basalArea();
if (tree_is_psme)
fireStats.fire_psme_died += t->basalArea();
if (!mOnlyFireSimulation) {
// before tree biomass is transferred to the snag-state, a part of the biomass is combusted:
t->removeBiomass(mBurnFoliageFraction, mBurnBranchFraction, mBurnStemFraction);
// some statistics???
// update statistics
ru_data.fireRUStats.n_trees_died += died;
ru_data.fireRUStats.died_basal_area += died_basal_area;
ru_data.fireRUStats.crown_kill += crown_kill_fraction;
ru_data.fireRUStats.avg_dbh += avg_dbh;
if (!mOnlyFireSimulation) {
// (4) effect of forest fire on saplings: all saplings are killed.
// As regeneration happens before the fire routine, any newly regenarated saplings are killed as well.
ru->clearSaplings(pixel_rect, true);
return true;
/// do some cleanup / statistics after the fire.
/// apply the effect of fire on dead wood pools and soil pools of the resource units
/// biomass of living trees is consumed in the burnPixel() routine.
void FireModule::afterFire()
const double pixel_fraction = cellsize()*cellsize() / (cRUSize*cRUSize); // fraction of one pixel, default: 0.04 (20x20 / 100x100)
int ru_idx=0;
for (FireRUData *fds = mRUGrid.begin(); fds!=mRUGrid.end(); ++fds, ++ru_idx) {
if (fds->fireRUStats.n_cells>0) {
// on this resource unit really a fire happened.
// so we need to update snags/soil pools
if (!mOnlyFireSimulation) {
ResourceUnit *ru = GlobalSettings::instance()->model()->ru(ru_idx);
double ru_fraction = fds->fireRUStats.n_cells * pixel_fraction; // fraction of RU burned (0..1)
// (1) effect of forest fire on the dead wood pools. fuel_dwd and fuel_ff is the amount of fuel
// available on the pixels that are burnt. The assumption is: all of it was burnt.
ru->soil()->disturbanceBiomass(fds->fireRUStats.fuel_dwd, fds->fireRUStats.fuel_ff, 0.);
// (2) remove also a fixed fraction of the biomass that is in the soil
if (mBurnSoilBiomass>0.)
ru->soil()->disturbance(0,0, mBurnSoilBiomass*ru_fraction);
// (3) effect on the snsgs
// execute the after fire event
if (!mAfterFireEvent.isEmpty()) {
// evaluate the javascript function...