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** iLand - an individual based forest landscape and disturbance model
** Copyright (C) 2009- Werner Rammer, Rupert Seidl
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "bbgenerations.h"
#include "resourceunit.h"
#include "climate.h"
/** @class BBGenerations
@ingroup beetlemodule
BBGenerations calculates potential bark beetle generations based on climate data (including bark temperature).
* @brief BBGenerations::calculateGenerations
* @param ru
* @return the number of filial generation (i.e, main generations) + 0.5 if a sister brood develops also for the last generation
double BBGenerations::calculateGenerations(const ResourceUnit *ru)
// start at the 1. of April, and wait for 140.3 degree days (with a threhsold of 8.3 degrees)
const ClimateDay *clim = ru->climate()->day(4-1,1-1); // 0-based indices
const ClimateDay *last_day = ru->climate()->day(10-1,31-1); // 0-based indices -> Oct 31
const ClimateDay * day_too_short = ru->climate()->dayOfYear(ru->climate()->sun().dayShorter14_5hrs()); // the first doy where the day is shorter than 14.5 hours
double dd=0.;
while (dd<140.3 && clim<last_day) {
dd+=std::max(clim->max_temperature-8.3, 0.);
// now wait for a decent warm day with tmax > 16.5 degrees
while (clim->max_temperature<=16.5 && clim<last_day)
// start with the first generation....
BBGeneration bbgen;
bbgen.start_day = ru->climate()->whichDayOfYear(clim);
bbgen.is_sister_brood = false;
bbgen.gen = 1; // the first generation
// process the generations
int i=0;
while (i<mGenerations.count()) {
BBGeneration bb = mGenerations[i]; // deliberately make a copy and not a ref
const ClimateDay *c = ru->climate()->dayOfYear(bb.start_day);
int doy = bb.start_day;
double base_temp = mEffectiveBarkTemp[doy];
double t_sum=0.;
bool added_sister_brood = false;
while (c < last_day) {
t_sum = (mEffectiveBarkTemp[doy]-base_temp) / 557.;
if (t_sum>=1.) {
if (c<day_too_short) {
// start a new parental generation (a full cycle), only if the current
// generation is also a filial generation.
if (bb.is_sister_brood)
mGenerations.append(BBGeneration(doy, true, bb.gen)); // sisterbrood: (true), keep counter of filial generation
mGenerations.append(BBGeneration(doy, false, bb.gen+1)); // new filial brood (false), start a new gen
} else if (t_sum>0.5 && !added_sister_brood) {
// start a sister brood, *if* the maximum air temperature is high enough, and if the
// length of the day > 14.5 hours
if (c->max_temperature>16.5 && c<day_too_short) {
mGenerations.append(BBGeneration(doy, true, bb.gen)); // add a sister brood generation (true), keep gen. of originating brood
added_sister_brood = true;
++c; ++doy;
mGenerations[i].value = std::min(t_sum, 1.);
++i; // now process the next generation
mNSisterBroods = 0; mNFilialBroods = 0;
for (i=0;i<mGenerations.count();++i) {
if (mGenerations[i].value>0.6 && mGenerations[i].is_sister_brood==true)
mNSisterBroods = std::max( mGenerations[i].gen, mNSisterBroods );
if (mGenerations[i].value>0.6 && mGenerations[i].is_sister_brood==false)
mNFilialBroods = mGenerations[i].gen;
// return the number of filial broods, and increase by 0.5 if a sister brood of the last filial generation has successfully developed.
return mNFilialBroods + ( hasSisterBrood() ? 0.5 : 0.);
// // now accumulate the generations
// double filial_generations = 0.;
// double sister_generations = 0.;
// // accumulate possible number of offspring
// const double offspring_factor = 25.; // assuming sex-ratio of 1:1 and 50 offspring per female (see p. 59)
// int n=0;
// int total_offspring = 0;
// for (i=0;i<mGenerations.count();++i) {
// if (mGenerations[i].value>0.6) {
// ++n;
// total_offspring+= pow(offspring_factor, mGenerations[i].gen-1)*2.*offspring_factor;
// }
// if (mGenerations[i].value>0.6 && mGenerations[i].is_sister_brood==true)
// sister_generations+=mGenerations[i].value;
// if (mGenerations[i].value>0.6 && mGenerations[i].is_sister_brood==false)
// filial_generations+=mGenerations[i].value;
// }
// if (logLevelDebug())
// qDebug() << "rid" <<ru->id() << "filial/sister:" << filial_generations << sister_generations << "offspring:" << total_offspring << "started generations:" << n;
// mNSisterBroods = sister_generations;
// mNFilialBroods = filial_generations;
// return filial_generations + (sister_generations>0?0.5:0);
* Calculate the bark temperatures for this year and a given resource unit.
* Input: climate data (tmax (C), tmean (C), radiation (MJ/m2))
* the LAI to estimate the radiation on the ground (Wh/m2)
* Output: calculates for each day of the year the "effective" bark-temperature and saves a cumulative sum
* Source: Schopf et al 2004: Risikoabschaetzung von Borkenkaefermassenkalamitaeten im Nationalpark Kalkalpen
void BBGenerations::calculateBarkTemperature(const ResourceUnit *ru)
// estimate the fraction of light on the ground (multiplier from 0..1)
const double k = 0.5; // constant for the beer lambert function
double ground_light_fraction = exp(-k * ru->leafAreaIndex() );
for (int i=0;i<ru->climate()->daysOfYear();++i) {
const ClimateDay *clim = ru->climate()->dayOfYear(i);
// radiation: MJ/m2/day -> the regression uses Wh/m2/day -> conversion-factor: 1/0.0036
double rad_wh = clim->radiation*ground_light_fraction/0.0036;
// calc. maximum bark temperature
double bt_max=1.656 + 0.002955*rad_wh + 0.534*clim->max_temperature + 0.01884 * clim->max_temperature*clim->max_temperature;
double diff_bt=0.;
if (bt_max>=30.4)
diff_bt=std::max(-310.667 + 9.603 * bt_max, 0.); // degree * hours
// mean bark temperature
double bt_mean=-0.173+0.0008518*rad_wh+1.054*clim->mean_temp();
// effective:
double bt_sum = std::max(bt_mean - 8.3, 0.)*24.; // degree * hours
// corrected for days with very high bark temperature (>30.4 degrees)
double bt_sum_eff = (bt_sum - diff_bt) / 24.; // degree * days
mEffectiveBarkTemp[i] = (i>0? mEffectiveBarkTemp[i-1] : 0.) + bt_sum_eff;
// frost days:
if (clim->min_temperature < -15.) {
if (i < ru->climate()->sun().longestDay())