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** iLand - an individual based forest landscape and disturbance model
** Copyright (C) 2009- Werner Rammer, Rupert Seidl
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "barkbeetleout.h"
#include "barkbeetlemodule.h"
/** @class BarkBeetleOut
@ingroup beetlemodule
BarkBeetleOut handles the database output of the bark beetle module. Note that grid-based outputs are also available via Javascript.
mBB = 0;
setName("BarkBeetle module output", "barkbeetle");
setDescription("Barkbeetle related outputs per year. "\
"The outputs are created after each year (or spread event) and contain information about bark beetle generations, spread and damage for the total landscape.\n " \
"For spatially explicit outputs, see also the script functions for extracting gridded data.");
columns() << OutputColumn::year()
<< OutputColumn("initialInfestedArea_ha", "Area of infested pixels (ha) at the start of the iteration (i.e. before winter mortality or background activation happen).", OutDouble)
<< OutputColumn("backgroundMortality_ha", "Area of infested pixels (ha) that die due to winter mortality.", OutDouble)
<< OutputColumn("backgroundActivation_ha", "Area of (not infested) pixels (ha) that are 'ignited' and consequently a source of bark beetles.", OutDouble)
<< OutputColumn("stormActivation_ha", "Area of (not infested) pixels (ha) that are 'ignited' by storm and consequently infested.", OutDouble)
<< OutputColumn("spreadCohorts", "Number of bark beetle 'packages' (x1000) that are spread from the source pixels (kilo-cohorts).", OutDouble)
<< OutputColumn("landedCohorts", "Number of bark beetle 'packages' (x1000) that reach potential hosts (cohorts x 1000).", OutDouble)
<< OutputColumn("landedArea_ha", "Area (ha) of potential host trees where bark beetles landed.", OutDouble)
<< OutputColumn("infestedArea_ha", "Area (ha) of newly infected host pixels.", OutDouble)
<< OutputColumn("killedArea_ha", "Area (ha) with trees killed by bark beetles (sum of 10m cells with dead trees).", OutDouble)
<< OutputColumn("killedTrees", "total number of Norway spruce trees that were killed in this iteration.", OutDouble)
<< OutputColumn("killedBasalArea", "Total Basal Area of killed trees in the current year.", OutDouble)
<< OutputColumn("killedVolume", "Total volume of killed trees in the current year.", OutDouble);
void BarkBeetleOut::exec()
const double area_factor = 0.01; // area in ha of one pixel
*this << currentYear();
*this << mBB->stats.infestedStart*area_factor << mBB->stats.NWinterMortality*area_factor << mBB->stats.infestedBackground*area_factor << mBB->stats.infestedStorm*area_factor;
*this << mBB->stats.NCohortsSpread * 0.001 << mBB->stats.NCohortsLanded*0.001 << mBB->stats.NPixelsLanded*area_factor;
*this << mBB->stats.NInfested*area_factor;
*this << mBB->stats.NAreaKilled*area_factor;
*this << mBB->stats.NTreesKilled << mBB->stats.BasalAreaKilled << mBB->stats.VolumeKilled;
void BarkBeetleOut::setup()