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** iLand - an individual based forest landscape and disturbance model
** Copyright (C) 2009- Werner Rammer, Rupert Seidl
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "grid.h"
#include "layeredgrid.h"
#include "random.h"
#include "expression.h"
#include "bbgenerations.h"
* @brief The BarkBeetleAntagonist simualtes population development of bark beetle antagonists (antagonist insects, birds, etc.)
* Antagonist populations are tracked on larger cells (of user-defined size) and follow a Lotka-Volterra-type of dynamics.
* @ingroup barkbeetle
class BarkBeetleAntagonist
// lifecycle
BarkBeetleAntagonist() { reset(); mArea=0.; }
void reset() {mPopulation=1.;mBeetlePopulation=1.; }
void clear() { mBeetlePopulation=0.; }
/// add area (under control of the current antagonist) in ha
void addArea(double area) { mArea+=area; }
static void setup(); // global parameters (static)
/// size of the antagonist-cell (m)
static int cellsize() { return mSize; }
/// current population of antagonists (per ha)
double population() const { return mPopulation; }
/// updates the internal beetle population counter
void addDamage(int beetle_packets) { mBeetlePopulation += beetle_packets / mArea; }
double feedFraction() const {return mAntagonistFormula.calculate(mPopulation); }
/// antagonist activity: returns the
double calculate();
const double cBackgroundBeetlePop = 100.; // per ha
const double cBackgroundAntagonistPop = 100; // per ha
double mPopulation; ///< current antagonist population (px per ha)
double mBeetlePopulation; ///< size of the beetle population (px per ha)
double mArea; ///< size of the area covered by this antagonist (ha)
// Lotka-Volterra constants
static Expression mAntagonistFormula; ///< antagonist effect: if many beetles are around, more of them are killed by antagonists; fraction of killed beetles = f(damage_fraction)
static double mRmortality; ///< mortality rate
static double mRreproduction; ///< reproduction rate of the antagonist (reproduction / prey)
static int mSize; ///< extent of the BBA-Cell im meters (must be multiple of 100)
/** @brief The BarkBeetleCell is the basic unit (10m pixels) of the bark beetle module.
* Cells can be infested (i.e. beetles attacked/killed all spruce trees within its perimeter), and
* new beetle (packages) spread from the cell to infest new cells.
* @ingroup barkbeetle
* */
class BarkBeetleCell
BarkBeetleCell() { reset(); }
void clear() { n=0; killedYear=0; infested=false; p_colonize=0.f; deadtrees=0; }
void reset() {clear(); dbh=0.f; tree_stress=0.f; }
bool isHost() const { return dbh>0.f; }
bool isPotentialHost() const {return dbh>0.f && killedYear==0 && infested==false; }
void setInfested(bool is_infested) { infested=is_infested; if (infested) { total_infested++; killedYear=0; n=0;} }
void finishedSpread(int iteration) { infested=false; killedYear=iteration; killed=true; max_iteration=qMax(max_iteration, iteration); }
bool infested;
bool killed;
float dbh; // the dbh of the biggest spruce on the pixel
float tree_stress; // the stress rating of this tree
float p_colonize; // the highest probability (0..1) that a pixel is killed
int n; // number of cohorts that landed on the pixel
int killedYear; // year (iteration) at which pixel was killed ??
int deadtrees; // 0: no dead trees, 1: pot. hosts (after storm), 2: lure trees (fangbaueme)
static void resetCounters() { total_infested=0; max_iteration=0; }
static int total_infested;
static int max_iteration;
* @brief The BarkBeetleRUCell class collects information on resource unit (100m pixel) level.
* This includes the number of bark beetle generations that are possible on given the climate and leaf area on the cell.
* @ingroup barkbeetle
class BarkBeetleRUCell
BarkBeetleRUCell(): scanned(false), generations(0.), add_sister(false),
cold_days(0), cold_days_late(0), killed_trees(false),
killed_pixels(0), host_pixels(0),
damage_last_year(0.), antagonist(0) {}
/// relative damage: fraction of host pixels that died in the current or the last year
double currentDamageFraction() { return host_pixels+killed_pixels>0? (killed_pixels)/double(host_pixels+killed_pixels): 0.; }
bool scanned;
double generations;
bool add_sister;
int cold_days; // number of days in the winter season with t_min below a given threshold (-15 degree Celsius)
int cold_days_late;
bool killed_trees;
int killed_pixels;
int host_pixels;
double damage_last_year; // smoothed damage of the previous year
BarkBeetleAntagonist *antagonist; // link to the antagonist population
/** Helper class manage and visualize data layers related to the barkbeetle module.
@ingroup barkbeetle
class BarkBeetleLayers: public LayeredGrid<BarkBeetleCell> {
void setGrid(const Grid<BarkBeetleCell> &grid) { mGrid = &grid; }
double value(const BarkBeetleCell& data, const int index) const;
const QVector<LayeredGridBase::LayerElement> &names();
bool onClick(const QPointF &world_coord) const;
QVector<LayeredGridBase::LayerElement> mNames;
class BarkBeetleRULayers: public LayeredGrid<BarkBeetleRUCell> {
void setGrid(const Grid<BarkBeetleRUCell> &grid) { mGrid = &grid; }
double value(const BarkBeetleRUCell& data, const int index) const;
const QVector<LayeredGridBase::LayerElement> &names();
bool onClick(const QPointF &world_coord) const;
QVector<LayeredGridBase::LayerElement> mNames;
class ResourceUnit; // forward
class Tree; // forward
class BarkBeetleOut; // forward
/** The BarkBeetleModule class is the main class of the bark beetle module.
* The module simulates the spruce bark beetle (Ips typographus) spatially explicit on the landscape.
* The number of possible bark beetle generations is calculated based on climate data (BBGenerations)
@ingroup barkbeetle
class BarkBeetleModule
static double cellsize() { return 10.; }
void setup(); ///< general setup
void setup(const ResourceUnit *ru); ///< setup for a specific resource unit
void loadParameters(); ///< load params from XML
void clearGrids(); ///< reset the state of the internal grids (used for javascript based tests)
void loadAllVegetation(); ///< scan the state of the vegetation of the full landscape
/// main function to execute the bark beetle module
void run(int iteration=0);
void treeDeath(const Tree *tree);
void yearBegin();
// properties
void setSimulate(bool do_simulate) { mSimulate = do_simulate; }
bool simulate() const {return mSimulate; }
void setEnabled(bool do_set_enabled) { mEnabled = do_set_enabled; }
bool enabled() const { return mEnabled; }
void calculateGenerations(); ///< calculate on Resource Unit level the number of potential generations
void startSpread(); ///< beginning of a calculation
void prepareInteractions(); ///< effect of dead trees (wind interactions), etc.
void barkbeetleSpread(); ///< main function of bark beetle spread
void barkbeetleKill(); ///< kill the trees on pixels marked as killed
void scanResourceUnitTrees(const QPointF &position); ///< load tree data of the resource unit 'position' (metric) lies inside
//void calculateMeanDamage(); ///< calculate the mean damage percentage (fraction of killed pixels to host pixels)
int mIteration;
QString mAfterExecEvent;
struct SBBParams {
SBBParams(): minDbh(10.f), cohortsPerGeneration(30), cohortsPerSisterbrood(50), spreadKernelMaxDistance(100.), backgroundInfestationProbability(0.0001) {}
float minDbh; ///< minimum dbh of spruce trees that are considered as potential hosts
int cohortsPerGeneration; ///< 'packages' of beetles that spread from an infested pixel
int cohortsPerSisterbrood; ///< cohorts that spread from a pixel when a full sister brood developed
QString spreadKernelFormula; ///< formula of the PDF for the BB-spread
double spreadKernelMaxDistance; ///< upper limit for the spread distance (the kernel is cut at this distance)
double backgroundInfestationProbability; ///< p that a pixel gets spontaneously infested each year
double winterMortalityBaseLevel; ///< p that a infested pixel dies out over the winter (due to antagonists, bad luck, ...)
} params;
struct SBBStats {
void clear() { infestedStart=0;infestedBackground=0; maxGenerations=0;NCohortsLanded=0;NPixelsLanded=0;NCohortsSpread=0;NInfested=0;NWinterMortality=0;NTreesKilled=0;BasalAreaKilled=0.; meanAntagonistPopulation=0.; maxAntagonistFillFraction=0.; }
int infestedStart; // # of pixels that are infested at the beginning of an iteration
int infestedBackground; // # of pixels that are getting active
int maxGenerations; // maxium number of generations found this year
int NCohortsLanded; // number of cohorts that landed on new potential host pixels
int NPixelsLanded; // number of potential host pixels that received at least one cohort
int NCohortsSpread; // number of pixels that are spread from infested cells
int NInfested; // number of newly infested pixels (a subset of those who 'landed')
int NWinterMortality; // number of (infested) pixels that died off during winter
int NTreesKilled; // number of spruce trees killed
double BasalAreaKilled; // sum of basal area of killed trees
double meanAntagonistPopulation; // mean antagonists/ha
double maxAntagonistFillFraction; // kill fraction of cell with highest fraction
} stats;
bool mSimulate; ///< true if bark beetle are only simulated, i.e. no trees get killed
bool mEnabled; ///< if false, no bark beetles are simulates
BBGenerations mGenerations;
RandomCustomPDF mKernelPDF;
Expression mColonizeProbability; ///< function that calculates probability of infestation for one landed beetle package given the trees' stress level
Expression mWinterMortalityFormula; ///< temperature dependent winter mortality (more beetle die if there are more cold days)
Grid<BarkBeetleCell> mGrid;
Grid<BarkBeetleRUCell> mRUGrid;
BarkBeetleLayers mLayers;
BarkBeetleRULayers mRULayers;
QVector<BarkBeetleAntagonist*> mAntagonists; ///< the antagonist populations
friend class BarkBeetleScript;
friend class BarkBeetleOut;