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** iLand - an individual based forest landscape and disturbance model
** Copyright (C) 2009- Werner Rammer, Rupert Seidl
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "barkbeetlemodule.h"
#include "globalsettings.h"
#include "model.h"
#include "modelcontroller.h"
#include "resourceunit.h"
#include "species.h"
#include "debugtimer.h"
#include "outputmanager.h"
#include "climate.h"
#include "abe/forestmanagementengine.h"
/** @defgroup beetlemodule iLand barkbeetle module
The bark beetle module is a disturbance module within the iLand framework.
See for the science behind the module,
and for the implementation/ using side.
int BarkBeetleCell::total_infested = 0;
int BarkBeetleCell::max_iteration = 0;
/** @class BarkBeetleModule
@ingroup beetlemodule
BarkBeetleModule is the main class for the bark beetle module. It calculates the development of generations, the spread and attack of beetles.
It operates on a 10m grid.
mSimulate = false;
mEnabled = false;
mYear = 0;
void BarkBeetleModule::setup()
// setup the wind grid
mGrid.setup(GlobalSettings::instance()->model()->heightGrid()->metricRect(), cellsize());
BarkBeetleCell cell;
mRUGrid.setup(GlobalSettings::instance()->model()->RUgrid().metricRect(), GlobalSettings::instance()->model()->RUgrid().cellsize());
BarkBeetleRUCell ru_cell;
GlobalSettings::instance()->controller()->addLayers(&mLayers, "bb");
GlobalSettings::instance()->controller()->addLayers(&mRULayers, "bbru");
// load settings from the XML file
void BarkBeetleModule::setup(const ResourceUnit *ru)
if (!ru)
//qDebug() << "BB setup for RU" << ru->id();
double ru_value = GlobalSettings::instance()->settings().valueDouble("modules.barkbeetle.backgroundInfestationProbability");
// probabilistic OR-calculation: p_1ha = 1 - (1 - p_pixel)^n -> p_pixel = 1 - (1-p_ha)^(1/n)
// we need the probability of damage starting on a single 10m - pixel.
double pixel_value = 1. - pow(1. - ru_value, 1./( cellsize()*cellsize()));
// set all pixel within the resource unit
GridRunner<BarkBeetleCell> runner(mGrid, ru->boundingBox());
while (BarkBeetleCell *cell =
cell->backgroundInfestationProbability = static_cast<float>(pixel_value);
void BarkBeetleModule::loadParameters()
const XmlHelper xml = GlobalSettings::instance()->settings().node("modules.barkbeetle");
params.cohortsPerGeneration = xml.valueInt(".cohortsPerGeneration", params.cohortsPerGeneration);
params.cohortsPerSisterbrood = xml.valueInt(".cohortsPerSisterbrood", params.cohortsPerSisterbrood);
params.spreadKernelMaxDistance = xml.valueDouble(".spreadKernelMaxDistance", params.spreadKernelMaxDistance);
params.spreadKernelFormula = xml.value(".spreadKernelFormula", "100*(1-x)^4");
params.minDbh = static_cast<float>( xml.valueDouble(".minimumDbh", params.minDbh) );
params.backgroundInfestationProbability = xml.valueDouble(".backgroundInfestationProbability", params.backgroundInfestationProbability);
params.initialInfestationProbability = xml.valueDouble(".initialInfestationProbability", params.initialInfestationProbability);
params.stormInfestationProbability = xml.valueDouble(".stormInfestationProbability", params.stormInfestationProbability);
params.deadTreeSelectivity = xml.valueDouble(".deadTreeSelectivity", params.deadTreeSelectivity);
QString formula = xml.value(".colonizeProbabilityFormula", "0.1");
formula = xml.value(".winterMortalityFormula", "polygon(days, 0,0, 30, 0.6)");
formula = xml.value(".outbreakClimateSensitivityFormula", "1");
double **p = &mClimateVariables[0];
*p++ = mOutbreakClimateSensitivityFormula.addVar("Pspring");
*p++ = mOutbreakClimateSensitivityFormula.addVar("Psummer");
*p++ = mOutbreakClimateSensitivityFormula.addVar("Pautumn");
*p++ = mOutbreakClimateSensitivityFormula.addVar("Pwinter");
*p++ = mOutbreakClimateSensitivityFormula.addVar("Tspring");
*p++ = mOutbreakClimateSensitivityFormula.addVar("Tsummer");
*p++ = mOutbreakClimateSensitivityFormula.addVar("Tautumn");
*p++ = mOutbreakClimateSensitivityFormula.addVar("Twinter");
params.outbreakDurationMin = xml.valueDouble(".outbreakDurationMin", 0.);
params.outbreakDurationMax = xml.valueDouble(".outbreakDurationMax", 0.);
formula = xml.value(".outbreakDurationMortalityFormula", "0");
QString ref_table_name = xml.value(".referenceClimate.tableName");
QString ref_climate_values = xml.value(".referenceClimate.seasonalPrecipSum");
QStringList tmp = ref_climate_values.split(',');
foreach(QString v, tmp) mRefClimateAverages.push_back(v.toDouble());
ref_climate_values = xml.value(".referenceClimate.seasonalTemperatureAverage");
tmp = ref_climate_values.split(',');
foreach(QString v, tmp) mRefClimateAverages.push_back(v.toDouble());
if (mRefClimateAverages.count()!=8)
throw IException("Barkbeetle Setup: Error: invalid values for seasonalPrecipSum or seasonalTemperatureAverage (4 ','-separated values expected).");
mRefClimate = 0;
foreach(const Climate *clim, GlobalSettings::instance()->model()->climates())
if (clim->name()==ref_table_name) {
mRefClimate = clim; break;
qDebug() << "refclimate" << mRefClimateAverages;
if (!mRefClimate)
throw IException(QString("Barkbeetle Setup: Error: a climate table '%1' (given in modules.barkbeetle.referenceClimate.tableName) for the barkbeetle reference climate does not exist.").arg(ref_table_name));
params.winterMortalityBaseLevel = xml.valueDouble(".baseWinterMortality", 0.5);
mAfterExecEvent = xml.value(".onAfterBarkbeetle");
HeightGridValue *hgv = GlobalSettings::instance()->model()->heightGrid()->begin();
for (BarkBeetleCell *b=mGrid.begin();b!=mGrid.end();++b, ++hgv) {
//scanResourceUnitTrees(mGrid.indexOf(b)); // scan all - not efficient
// if (hgv->isValid()) {
// b->dbh = drandom()<0.6 ? nrandom(20.,40.) : 0.; // random landscape
// b->tree_stress = nrandom(0., 0.4);
// }
yearBegin(); // also reset the "scanned" flags
void BarkBeetleModule::clearGrids()
for (BarkBeetleCell *b=mGrid.begin();b!=mGrid.end();++b)
BarkBeetleRUCell ru_cell;
void BarkBeetleModule::loadAllVegetation()
// refetch vegetation information (if necessary)
foreach (const ResourceUnit *ru, GlobalSettings::instance()->model()->ruList()) {
// save the damage information of the last year
for (BarkBeetleRUCell *bbru=mRUGrid.begin(); bbru!=mRUGrid.end(); ++bbru) {
bbru->killed_pixels = 0; // reset
void BarkBeetleModule::run(int iteration)
DebugTimer t("barkbeetle:total");
// reset statistics
int old_max_gen = stats.maxGenerations;
mIteration = iteration;
// calculate the potential bark beetle generations for each resource unit
if (iteration==0)
stats.maxGenerations = old_max_gen; // save that value....
// outbreak probability
// load the vegetation (skipped if this is not the initial iteration)
// background probability of infestation, calculation of antagonist levels
// the spread of beetles (and attacking of trees)
// write back the effects of the bark beetle module to the forest in iLand
// create some outputs....
qDebug() << "iter/background-inf/winter-mort/storm-inf/N spread/N landed/N infested: " << mIteration << stats.infestedBackground << stats.NWinterMortality << stats.infestedStorm << stats.NCohortsSpread << stats.NCohortsLanded << stats.NInfested;
// execute the after bark-beetle infestation event
if (!mAfterExecEvent.isEmpty()) {
// evaluate the javascript function...
void BarkBeetleModule::treeDeath(const Tree *tree)
// do nothing if the tree was killed by bark beetles
if (tree->isDeadBarkBeetle())
// we only process trees here that are either
// killed by storm or deliberately killed and dropped
// by management and are not are already salvaged
if ( !(tree->isDeadWind() || tree->isCutdown()))
// ignore the death of trees that are too small or are not Norway spruce
if (tree->dbh()<params.minDbh || tree->species()->id()!=QStringLiteral("piab"))
BarkBeetleCell &cell = mGrid.valueAt(tree->position());
if (tree->isDeadWind())
cell.deadtrees = BarkBeetleCell::StormDamage;
if (tree->isCutdown())
cell.deadtrees = BarkBeetleCell::BeetleTrapTree;
void BarkBeetleModule::scanResourceUnitTrees(const QPointF &position)
// if this resource unit was already scanned in this bark beetle event, then do nothing
// the flags are reset
if (!mRUGrid.coordValid(position))
if (mRUGrid.valueAt(position).scanned)
ResourceUnit *ru = GlobalSettings::instance()->model()->ru(position);
if (!ru)
BarkBeetleRUCell &ru_cell = mRUGrid.valueAt(position);
// reset the DBH on all pixels within the resource unit
GridRunner<BarkBeetleCell> runner(mGrid, ru->boundingBox());
while (
QVector<Tree>::const_iterator tend = ru->trees().constEnd();
for (QVector<Tree>::const_iterator t = ru->trees().constBegin(); t!=tend; ++t) {
if (!t->isDead() && t->species()->id()==QStringLiteral("piab") && t->dbh()>params.minDbh) {
const QPoint &tp = t->positionIndex();
QPoint pcell(tp.x()/cPxPerHeight, tp.y()/cPxPerHeight);
BarkBeetleCell &bb=mGrid.valueAtIndex(pcell);
// count the host pixels (only once)
if (bb.dbh==0.f)
if (t->dbh() > bb.dbh) {
bb.dbh = t->dbh();
bb.tree_stress = t->stressIndex();
// set the "processed" flag
ru_cell.scanned = true;
void BarkBeetleModule::yearBegin()
// reset the scanned flag of resource units (force reload of stand structure)
for (BarkBeetleRUCell *bbru=mRUGrid.begin();bbru!=mRUGrid.end();++bbru) {
bbru->scanned = false;
// reset the effect of wind-damaged trees and "fangbaueme"
for (BarkBeetleCell *c=mGrid.begin(); c!=mGrid.end(); ++c)
c->deadtrees = BarkBeetleCell::NoDeadTrees;
mYear = GlobalSettings::instance()->instance()->currentYear();
void BarkBeetleModule::calculateGenerations()
// calculate generations
DebugTimer d("BB:generations");
ResourceUnit **ruptr = GlobalSettings::instance()->model()->RUgrid().begin();
BarkBeetleRUCell *bbptr = mRUGrid.begin();
while (bbptr<mRUGrid.end()) {
if (*ruptr) {
bbptr->scanned = false;
bbptr->killed_trees = false;
bbptr->generations = mGenerations.calculateGenerations(*ruptr);
bbptr->add_sister = mGenerations.hasSisterBrood();
bbptr->cold_days = bbptr->cold_days_late + mGenerations.frostDaysEarly();
bbptr->cold_days_late = mGenerations.frostDaysLate(); // save for next year
stats.maxGenerations = std::max(int(bbptr->generations), stats.maxGenerations);
++bbptr; ++ruptr;
void BarkBeetleModule::calculateOutbreakFactor()
if (!mRefClimate) {
mRc = 1.;
const double *t = mRefClimate->temperatureMonth();
const double *p = mRefClimate->precipitationMonth();
// Pspring, Psummer, Pautumn, Pwinter, Tspring, Tsummer, Tautumn, Twinter
// seasonal sum precip -> relative values
*mClimateVariables[0] = (p[2]+p[3]+p[4]) / mRefClimateAverages[0];
*mClimateVariables[1] = (p[5]+p[6]+p[7]) / mRefClimateAverages[1];
*mClimateVariables[2] = (p[8]+p[9]+p[10]) / mRefClimateAverages[2];
*mClimateVariables[3] = (p[11]+p[0]+p[1]) / mRefClimateAverages[3]; // not really clean.... using all month of the current year
// temperatures (mean monthly temp) -> delta
*mClimateVariables[4] = (t[2]+t[3]+t[4])/3. - mRefClimateAverages[4];
*mClimateVariables[5] = (t[5]+t[6]+t[7])/3. - mRefClimateAverages[5];
*mClimateVariables[6] = (t[8]+t[9]+t[10])/3. - mRefClimateAverages[6];
*mClimateVariables[7] = (t[11]+t[0]+t[1])/3. - mRefClimateAverages[7];
mRc = qMax(mOutbreakClimateSensitivityFormula.execute(), 0.);
qDebug() << "Barkbeelte: rc:" << mRc;
void BarkBeetleModule::startSpread()
// calculate winter mortality
// probability of infestation
for (BarkBeetleCell *b=mGrid.begin();b!=mGrid.end();++b) {
if (b->infested) {
// base mortality (Mbg)
if (drandom()<params.winterMortalityBaseLevel) {
// the beetles on the pixel died
} else {
// winter mortality - maybe the beetles die due to low winter temperatures (Mw)
int cold_days = mRUGrid.constValueAt(mGrid.cellCenterPoint(mGrid.indexOf(b))).cold_days;
double p_winter = mWinterMortalityFormula.calculate(cold_days);
if (drandom()<p_winter) {
} else if (b->isPotentialHost()) {
if (mYear==1 && params.initialInfestationProbability>0.) {
if (drandom() < params.initialInfestationProbability) {
b->outbreakYear = 1 - irandom(0,4); // initial outbreaks has an age of 1-4 years
} else if (b->backgroundInfestationProbability>0.f) {
// calculate probability for an outbreak
double odds_base = b->backgroundInfestationProbability / (1. - b->backgroundInfestationProbability);
double p_mod = (odds_base*mRc) / (1. + odds_base*mRc);
if (drandom() < p_mod) {
// background activation: 10 px
b->outbreakYear = mYear; // this outbreak starts in the current year
b->n = 0;
b->killedYear = 0;
b->packageOutbreakYear = 0.f;
// tell the forest management (at least if someone is interested)
// if bark beetle attacks are likely
ABE::ForestManagementEngine *abe = GlobalSettings::instance()->model()->ABEngine();
if (abe) {
// reset the scanned flag of resource units (force reload of stand structure)
bool forest_changed = false;
for (BarkBeetleRUCell *bbru=mRUGrid.begin();bbru!=mRUGrid.end();++bbru) {
if (bbru->generations>=1. && bbru->infested>0) {
// notify about potential bb-attack
ResourceUnit *ru = GlobalSettings::instance()->model()->RUgrid()[mRUGrid.indexOf(bbru)];
forest_changed |= abe->notifyBarkbeetleAttack(ru, bbru->generations, bbru->infested);
if (forest_changed)
int BarkBeetleModule::clumpedBackgroundActivation(QPoint start_idx)
// we assume to start the infestation by randomly activating 8 cells
// in the neighborhood of the starting point (a 5x5 grid)
QRect rect(start_idx-QPoint(2,2), start_idx+QPoint(2,2));
if (!mGrid.isIndexValid(rect.topLeft()) || !mGrid.isIndexValid(rect.bottomRight()))
return 0;
GridRunner<BarkBeetleCell> runner(mGrid, rect);
int n_pot = 0;
while (
if (runner.current()->isHost())
if (n_pot==0)
return 0;
double p_infest = 8. / n_pot;
int n_infest=0;
while (
if (runner.current()->isHost())
if (drandom()<p_infest) {
runner.current()->outbreakYear = mYear; // this outbreak starts in the current year
stats.infestedBackground++; ++n_infest;
return n_infest;
void BarkBeetleModule::prepareInteractions(bool update_interaction)
// loop over all cells of the grid and decide
// for each pixel if it is in the proximinity of (attractive) deadwood
// we assume an influence within the 5x5 pixel neighborhood
if (!update_interaction && params.stormInfestationProbability<1.) {
// reduce the effect of wind-damaged trees for bark beetle spread (disable pixels with p=1-stormInfestationProbability), but do
// it only during the first pass
for (BarkBeetleCell *c=mGrid.begin(); c!=mGrid.end(); ++c)
if (c->deadtrees == BarkBeetleCell::StormDamage && drandom()>params.stormInfestationProbability)
c->deadtrees = BarkBeetleCell::NoDeadTrees;
for (int y=0;y<mGrid.sizeY();++y)
for (int x=0;x<mGrid.sizeX();++x) {
BarkBeetleCell &cell = mGrid.valueAtIndex(x,y);
if (cell.deadtrees==BarkBeetleCell::NoDeadTrees) {
int has_neighbors=0;
for (int dy=-2;dy<=2;++dy)
for (int dx=-2;dx<=2;++dx)
has_neighbors += mGrid.isIndexValid(x+dx,y+dy) ? (mGrid(x+dx,y+dy).deadtrees==BarkBeetleCell::StormDamage || mGrid(x+dx,y+dy).deadtrees==BarkBeetleCell::BeetleTrapTree ? 1: 0) : 0;
if (has_neighbors>0)
cell.deadtrees = BarkBeetleCell::SinkInVicinity;
if (cell.deadtrees==BarkBeetleCell::StormDamage) {
// the pixel acts as a source
cell.outbreakYear = mYear; // this outbreak starts in the current year
if (cell.infested) {
// record infestation for the resource unit
void BarkBeetleModule::barkbeetleSpread()
DebugTimer t("BBSpread");
double ant_years = qMax(nrandom(params.outbreakDurationMin, params.outbreakDurationMax), 1.);
for (int generation=1;generation<=stats.maxGenerations;++generation) {
GridRunner<BarkBeetleCell> runner(mGrid, mGrid.rectangle());
GridRunner<BarkBeetleCell> targeter(mGrid, mGrid.rectangle());
while (BarkBeetleCell * {
if (!b->infested)
QPoint start_index = runner.currentIndex();
BarkBeetleRUCell &bbru=mRUGrid.valueAt(runner.currentCoord());
if (generation>bbru.generations)
// the number of packages is increased if there is a developed sisterbrood *and* one filial generation
// (Wermelinger and Seiffert, 1999, Wermelinger 2004). If more than one generation develops, we assume
// that the effect of sister broods is reduced.
int n_packets = params.cohortsPerGeneration;
if (bbru.generations<2. && bbru.add_sister)
n_packets = params.cohortsPerSisterbrood;
// antagonists:
double t_ob = mYear - b->outbreakYear;
double p_antagonist_mort = mOutbreakDurationFormula.calculate(limit(t_ob / ant_years, 0., 1.));
n_packets = qRound(n_packets * (1. - p_antagonist_mort));
stats.NCohortsSpread += n_packets;
// mark this cell as "dead" (as the beetles have killed the host trees and now move on)
b->finishedSpread(mIteration>0 ? mIteration+1 : generation);
// mark the resource unit, that some killing is required
bbru.killed_trees = true;
BarkBeetleCell *nb8[8];
for (int i=0;i<n_packets;++i) {
// estimate distance and direction of spread
double rho = mKernelPDF.get(); // distance (m)
double phi = nrandom(0, 2*M_PI); // direction (degree)
// calculate the pixel
QPoint pos = start_index + QPoint(qRound( rho * sin(phi) / cHeightSize ), qRound( rho * cos(phi) / cHeightSize ) );
// don't spread to the initial start pixel
if (start_index == pos)
if (!targeter.isValid())
// effect of windthrown trees or "fangbaume"
if (targeter.current()->isNeutralized())
if (drandom() < params.deadTreeSelectivity)
BarkBeetleCell *target=0;
if (targeter.current()->isPotentialHost()) {
// found a potential host at the immediate target pixel
target = targeter.current();
} else {
// get elements of the moore-neighborhood
// and look for a potential host
int idx = irandom(0,8);
for (int j=0;j<8;j++) {
BarkBeetleCell *nb = nb8[ (idx+j) % 8 ];
if (nb && nb->isPotentialHost()) {
target = nb;
// attack the target pixel if a target could be identified
if (target) {
target->packageOutbreakYear += b->outbreakYear;
} // while
// now evaluate whether the landed beetles are able to infest the target trees
while (BarkBeetleCell * {
if (b->n > 0) {
// the cell is attacked by n packages. Calculate the probability that the beetles win.
// the probability is derived from an expression with the parameter "tree_stress"
double p_col = limit(mColonizeProbability.calculate(b->tree_stress), 0., 1.);
// the attack happens 'n' times, therefore the probability is higher
double p_ncol = 1. - pow(1.-p_col, b->n);
b->p_colonize = std::max(b->p_colonize, float(p_ncol));
if (drandom() < p_ncol) {
// attack successful - the pixel gets infested
b->outbreakYear = b->n>0 ? b->packageOutbreakYear / float(b->n) : mYear; // b->n always >0, but just to silence compiler warning ;)
} else {
b->n = 0; // reset the counter
b->packageOutbreakYear = 0.f;
} // for(generations)
void BarkBeetleModule::barkbeetleKill()
int n_killed=0;
double basal_area=0.;
double volume=0.;
for (BarkBeetleRUCell *rucell=mRUGrid.begin(); rucell!=mRUGrid.end(); ++rucell)
if (rucell->killed_trees) {
// there are killed pixels within the resource unit....
QVector<Tree> &tv = GlobalSettings::instance()->model()->RUgrid().constValueAtIndex(mRUGrid.indexOf(rucell))->trees();
for (QVector<Tree>::const_iterator t=tv.constBegin(); t!=tv.constEnd(); ++t) {
if (!t->isDead() && t->dbh()>params.minDbh && t->species()->id()==QStringLiteral("piab")) {
// check if on killed pixel?
BarkBeetleCell &bbc = mGrid.valueAt(t->position());
if (bbc.killed) {
// yes: kill the tree:
Tree *tree = const_cast<Tree*>(&(*t));
bbc.sum_volume_killed += tree->volume();
if (!mSimulate) { // remove tree only if not in simulation mode
tree->removeDisturbance(0., 1., // 0% of the stem to soil, 100% to snag (keeps standing)
0., 1., // 100% of branches to snags
1.); // 100% of foliage to soil
stats.NTreesKilled = n_killed;
stats.BasalAreaKilled = basal_area;
stats.VolumeKilled = volume;
// reset the effect of wind-damaged trees and "fangbaueme" -> year begin
// for (BarkBeetleCell *c=mGrid.begin(); c!=mGrid.end(); ++c)
// c->deadtrees = BarkBeetleCell::NoDeadTrees;
//************************************ BarkBeetleLayers ***************************
double BarkBeetleLayers::value(const BarkBeetleCell &data, const int param_index) const
case 0: return data.n; // grid value on pixel
case 1: return data.dbh; // diameter of host
case 2: return data.infested?1.:0.; // infested yes/no
case 3: return data.killed?1.:0.; // pixel has been killed in the (last) year
case 4: if (data.isHost()) { // dead
if (data.infested)
return data.max_iteration+1; // infested right now (will be dead soon next year)
return data.killedYear; // iteration when killed
return -1; // no host
case 5: return data.p_colonize; // probability of kill
case 6: return double(data.deadtrees); // availabilitiy of deadwood (spruce)
case 7: return data.backgroundInfestationProbability;
case 8: return GlobalSettings::instance()->currentYear() - data.outbreakYear;
case 9: return data.n_events; // number of events on a specific pixel
case 10: return data.sum_volume_killed; // total sum of trees killed for a pixel
default: throw IException(QString("invalid variable index for a BarkBeetleCell: %1").arg(param_index));
const QVector<LayeredGridBase::LayerElement> &BarkBeetleLayers::names()
if (mNames.isEmpty())
mNames = QVector<LayeredGridBase::LayerElement>()
<< LayeredGridBase::LayerElement(QLatin1Literal("value"), QLatin1Literal("grid value of the pixel"), GridViewRainbow)
<< LayeredGridBase::LayerElement(QLatin1Literal("dbh"), QLatin1Literal("diameter of thickest spruce tree on the 10m pixel"), GridViewRainbow)
<< LayeredGridBase::LayerElement(QLatin1Literal("infested"), QLatin1Literal("infested pixels (1) are colonized by beetles."), GridViewHeat)
<< LayeredGridBase::LayerElement(QLatin1Literal("killed"), QLatin1Literal("1 for pixels that have been killed (0 otherwise) in the current year (last execution of the module)."), GridViewRainbow)
<< LayeredGridBase::LayerElement(QLatin1Literal("dead"), QLatin1Literal("iteration at which the treees on the pixel were killed (0: alive, -1: no host trees). \nNewly infested pixels are included (max iteration + 1)."), GridViewRainbow)
<< LayeredGridBase::LayerElement(QLatin1Literal("p_killed"), QLatin1Literal("highest probability (within one year) that a pixel is colonized/killed (integrates the number of arriving beetles and the defense state) 0..1"), GridViewHeat)
<< LayeredGridBase::LayerElement(QLatin1Literal("deadwood"), QLatin1Literal("10: trees killed by storm, 8: trap trees, 5: active vicinity of 5/8, 0: no dead trees"), GridViewRainbow)
<< LayeredGridBase::LayerElement(QLatin1Literal("outbreakProbability"), QLatin1Literal("background infestation probability (p that outbreak starts at each 10m pixel per year) (does not include the interannual climate sensitivity)"), GridViewGray)
<< LayeredGridBase::LayerElement(QLatin1Literal("outbreakAge"), QLatin1Literal("age of the outbreak that led to the infestation of the pixel."), GridViewGray)
<< LayeredGridBase::LayerElement(QLatin1Literal("nEvents"), QLatin1Literal("number of events (total since start of simulation) that killed trees on a pixel."), GridViewReds)
<< LayeredGridBase::LayerElement(QLatin1Literal("sumVolume"), QLatin1Literal("running sum of damages trees (volume, m3)."), GridViewReds);
return mNames;
bool BarkBeetleLayers::onClick(const QPointF &world_coord) const
qDebug() << "received click" << world_coord;
return true; // handled the click
double BarkBeetleRULayers::value(const BarkBeetleRUCell &data, const int index) const
case 0: return data.generations; // number of generation
default: throw IException(QString("invalid variable index for a BarkBeetleRUCell: %1").arg(index));
const QVector<LayeredGridBase::LayerElement> &BarkBeetleRULayers::names()
if (mNames.isEmpty())
mNames = QVector<LayeredGridBase::LayerElement>()
<< LayeredGridBase::LayerElement(QLatin1Literal("generations"), QLatin1Literal("total number of bark beetle generations"), GridViewHeat);
return mNames;
bool BarkBeetleRULayers::onClick(const QPointF &world_coord) const
qDebug() << "received click" << world_coord;
return true; // handled the click