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#include "waterout.h"
#include "output.h"
#include "model.h"
#include "watercycle.h"
#include "resourceunit.h"
#include "climate.h"
setName("Water output", "water");
setDescription("Annual water cycle output on resource unit/landscape unit.\n" \
"The output includes annual averages of precipitation, evapotranspiration, water excess, " \
"snow cover, and radiation input. The spatial resolution is landscape averages and/or resource unit level (i.e. 100m pixels). " \
"Landscape level averages are indicated by -1 for the 'ru' and 'index' columns.\n\n" \
"You can specify a 'condition' to limit output execution to specific years (variable 'year'). " \
"The 'conditionRU' can be used to suppress resource-unit-level details; eg. specifying 'in(year,100,200,300)' limits output on reosurce unit level to the years 100,200,300 " \
"(leaving 'conditionRU' blank enables details per default).");
columns() << OutputColumn::year() << OutputColumn::ru() << OutputColumn::id()
<< OutputColumn("stocked_area", "area (ha/ha) which is stocked (covered by crowns, absorbing radiation)", OutDouble)
<< OutputColumn("stockable_area", "area (ha/ha) which is stockable (and within the project area)", OutDouble)
<< OutputColumn("precipitation_mm", "Annual precipitation sum (mm)", OutDouble)
<< OutputColumn("et_mm", "Evapotranspiration (mm)", OutDouble)
<< OutputColumn("excess_mm", "annual sum of water loss due to lateral outflow/groundwater flow (mm)", OutDouble)
<< OutputColumn("snowcover_days", "days with snowcover >0mm", OutInteger)
<< OutputColumn("total_radiation", "total incoming radiation over the year (MJ/m2), sum of data in climate input)", OutDouble)
<< OutputColumn("radiation_snowcover", "sum of radiation input (MJ/m2) for days with snow cover", OutInteger);
void WaterOut::exec()
Model *m = GlobalSettings::instance()->model();
// global condition
if (!mCondition.isEmpty() && mCondition.calculate(GlobalSettings::instance()->currentYear())==0.)
bool ru_level = true;
// switch off details if this is indicated in the conditionRU option
if (!mConditionDetails.isEmpty() && mConditionDetails.calculate(GlobalSettings::instance()->currentYear())==0.)
ru_level = false;
double ru_count = 0.;
int snow_days = 0;
double et=0., excess=0., rad=0., snow_rad=0., p=0.;
double stockable=0., stocked=0.;
foreach(ResourceUnit *ru, m->ruList()) {
if (ru->id()==-1)
continue; // do not include if out of project area
const WaterCycle *wc = ru->waterCycle();
if (ru_level) {
*this << currentYear() << ru->index() << ru->id();
*this << ru->stockedArea()/cRUArea << ru->stockableArea()/cRUArea;
*this << ru->climate()->annualPrecipitation();
*this << wc->mTotalET << wc->mTotalExcess;
*this << wc->mSnowDays;
*this << ru->climate()->totalRadiation() << wc->mSnowRad;
stockable+=ru->stockableArea(); stocked+=ru->stockedArea();
et+=wc->mTotalET; excess+=wc->mTotalExcess; snow_days+=wc->mSnowDays;
// write landscape sums
if (ru_count==0.)
*this << currentYear() << -1 << -1; // codes -1/-1 for landscape level
*this << stocked/ru_count/cRUArea << stockable/ru_count/cRUArea;
*this << p / ru_count; // mean precip
*this << et / ru_count;
*this << excess / ru_count;
*this << snow_days / ru_count;
*this << rad / ru_count << snow_rad / ru_count;
void WaterOut::setup()
// use a condition for to control execuation for the current year
QString condition = settings().value(".condition", "");
condition = settings().value(".conditionRU", "");