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# iLand console version project file. See
## iLand console application
QT += core
QT -= gui ### we include the GUI library for QColor, QImage
QT += xml
QT += sql
QT += qml
INCLUDEPATH += ../core \
../tools \
../output \
../abe \
../abe/output \
DEPENDPATH += plugins
CONFIG += exceptions
CONFIG += rtti
LIBS += -lQt5Concurrent
CONFIG(debug, debug|release) {
win32-msvc*:contains(QMAKE_TARGET.arch, x86_64):{
#debug msvc
PRE_TARGETDEPS += ../plugins/iland_fired.lib
PRE_TARGETDEPS += ../plugins/iland_windd.lib
PRE_TARGETDEPS += ../plugins/iland_barkbeetled.lib
LIBS += -L../plugins -liland_fired -liland_windd -liland_barkbeetled
message(windows debug)
win32:*gcc*: {
PRE_TARGETDEPS += ../plugins/libiland_fired.a
PRE_TARGETDEPS += ../plugins/libiland_windd.a
PRE_TARGETDEPS += ../plugins/libiland_barkbeetled.a
LIBS += -L../plugins -liland_fired -liland_windd -liland_barkbeetled
message(gcc debug)
linux-g++: {
## debug on linux
message("linux g++ debug")
PRE_TARGETDEPS += ../plugins/libiland_fire.a
PRE_TARGETDEPS += ../plugins/libiland_wind.a
PRE_TARGETDEPS += ../plugins/libiland_barkbeetle.a
LIBS += -L../plugins -liland_fire -liland_wind -liland_barkbeetle
CONFIG(release, debug|release) {
win32:*gcc*: {
# release stuff
PRE_TARGETDEPS += ../plugins/libiland_fire.a
PRE_TARGETDEPS += ../plugins/libiland_wind.a
PRE_TARGETDEPS += ../plugins/libiland_barkbeetle.a
LIBS += -L../plugins -liland_fire -liland_wind -liland_barkbeetle
message(gcc release)
win32-msvc*:contains(QMAKE_TARGET.arch, x86_64):{
#debug msvc
PRE_TARGETDEPS += ../plugins/iland_fire.lib
PRE_TARGETDEPS += ../plugins/iland_wind.lib
PRE_TARGETDEPS += ../plugins/iland_barkbeetle.lib
### debug symbols...
LIBS += -L../plugins -liland_fire -liland_wind -liland_barkbeetle
message(windows release x)
linux-g++*: {
## release on linux
message("linux g++ release")
PRE_TARGETDEPS += ../plugins/libiland_fire.a
PRE_TARGETDEPS += ../plugins/libiland_wind.a
PRE_TARGETDEPS += ../plugins/libiland_barkbeetle.a
LIBS += -L../plugins -liland_fire -liland_wind -liland_barkbeetle
linux-icc*: {
## release on linux
message("linux intel icc release")
PRE_TARGETDEPS += ../plugins/libiland_fire.a
PRE_TARGETDEPS += ../plugins/libiland_wind.a
PRE_TARGETDEPS += ../plugins/libiland_barkbeetle.a
LIBS += -L../plugins -liland_fire -liland_wind -liland_barkbeetle
CONFIG += precompile_header
TARGET = ilandc
CONFIG += console
CONFIG -= app_bundle
# to enable debug symbols in release code
# debug information in release-mode executable
### Flag to allow 3GB on Win 32
### you also need to modify boot.ini ...
#QMAKE_LFLAGS_CONSOLE += -Wl,--large-address-aware
SOURCES += main.cpp \
consoleshell.cpp \
../core/version.cpp \
../core/model.cpp \
../core/modelcontroller.cpp \
../core/grid.cpp \
../core/tree.cpp \
../tools/expression.cpp \
../tools/helper.cpp \
../core/stamp.cpp \
../core/stampcontainer.cpp \
../core/species.cpp \
../tools/ticktack.cpp \
../tools/settingmetadata.cpp \
../tools/globalsettings.cpp \
../core/speciesset.cpp \
../core/resourceunit.cpp \
../tools/xmlhelper.cpp \
../core/standloader.cpp \
../core/resourceunitspecies.cpp \
../core/production3pg.cpp \
../core/threadrunner.cpp \
../tools/expressionwrapper.cpp \
../output/output.cpp \
../output/treeout.cpp \
../output/outputmanager.cpp \
../output/standout.cpp \
../output/landscapeout.cpp \
../core/standstatistics.cpp \
../output/dynamicstandout.cpp \
../core/management.cpp \
../core/speciesresponse.cpp \
../core/climate.cpp \
../core/modelsettings.cpp \
../core/phenology.cpp \
../tools/floatingaverage.cpp \
../output/productionout.cpp \
../core/watercycle.cpp \
../tools/climateconverter.cpp \
../tools/csvfile.cpp \
../tools/scriptglobal.cpp \
../output/standdeadout.cpp \
../core/environment.cpp \
../output/managementout.cpp \
../tools/sqlhelper.cpp \
../tools/random.cpp \
../core/timeevents.cpp \
../core/seeddispersal.cpp \
../core/establishment.cpp \
../core/soil.cpp \
../core/snag.cpp \
../core/saplings.cpp \
../output/saplingout.cpp \
../tools/gisgrid.cpp \
../tools/mapgrid.cpp \
../tools/randomgenerator.cpp \
../output/carbonout.cpp \
../output/carbonflowout.cpp \
../tools/modules.cpp \
../tools/dem.cpp \
../3rdparty/SimpleRNG.cpp \
../output/snapshot.cpp \
../tools/spatialanalysis.cpp \
../tools/statdata.cpp \
../tools/debugtimer.cpp \
../abe/fomewrapper.cpp \
../abe/fmstand.cpp \
../abe/agent.cpp \
../abe/fmunit.cpp \
../abe/agenttype.cpp \
../abe/fomescript.cpp \
../abe/activity.cpp \
../abe/forestmanagementengine.cpp \
../abe/fmstp.cpp \
../abe/thinning.cpp \
../abe/actgeneral.cpp \
../abe/abegrid.cpp \
../abe/scheduler.cpp \
../abe/fmtreelist.cpp \
../abe/actscheduled.cpp \
../abe/actplanting.cpp \
../abe/actsalvage.cpp \
../abe/output/unitout.cpp \
../abe/output/abestandout.cpp \
../abe/output/abestandremovalout.cpp \
../abe/actthinning.cpp \
../core/grasscover.cpp \
../tools/scriptgrid.cpp \
consoleshell.h \
stable.h \
../core/version.h \
../core/model.h \
../core/modelcontroller.h \
../core/grid.h \
../core/tree.h \
../tools/expression.h \
../tools/helper.h \
../core/exception.h \
../core/global.h \
../core/stamp.h \
../core/stampcontainer.h \
../core/species.h \
../tools/ticktack.h \
../tools/settingmetadata.h \
../tools/globalsettings.h \
../core/speciesset.h \
../core/model.h \
../core/resourceunit.h \
../tools/xmlhelper.h \
../core/standloader.h \
../core/resourceunitspecies.h \
../core/production3pg.h \
../core/threadrunner.h \
../tools/expressionwrapper.h \
../output/output.h \
../output/treeout.h \
../output/outputmanager.h \
../output/standout.h \
../output/landscapeout.h \
../core/standstatistics.h \
../output/dynamicstandout.h \
../core/management.h \
../core/speciesresponse.h \
../core/climate.h \
../core/modelsettings.h \
../core/phenology.h \
../tools/floatingaverage.h \
../output/productionout.h \
../core/watercycle.h \
../tools/climateconverter.h \
../tools/csvfile.h \
../tools/scriptglobal.h \
../output/standdeadout.h \
../core/environment.h \
../output/managementout.h \
../tools/sqlhelper.h \
../tools/random.h \
../tools/randomgenerator.h \
../3rdparty/MersenneTwister.h \
../core/timeevents.h \
../core/seeddispersal.h \
../core/establishment.h \
../core/soil.h \
../core/snag.h \
../core/saplings.h \
../output/saplingout.h \
../tools/gisgrid.h \
../tools/mapgrid.h \
../output/carbonout.h \
../output/carbonflowout.h \
../core/plugin_interface.h \
../tools/modules.h \
../tools/dem.h \
../core/layeredgrid.h \
../3rdparty/SimpleRNG.h \
../output/snapshot.h \
../tools/spatialanalysis.h \
../tools/statdata.h \
../tools/debugtimer.h \
../abe/activity.h \
../abe/forestmanagementengine.h \
../abe/abe_global.h \
../abe/fomewrapper.h \
../abe/fmstand.h \
../abe/agent.h \
../abe/fmunit.h \
../abe/agenttype.h \
../abe/fomescript.h \
../output/landscapeout.h \
../abe/fmstp.h \
../abe/thinning.h \
../abe/actgeneral.h \
../abe/abegrid.h \
../abe/scheduler.h \
../abe/fmtreelist.h \
../abe/actscheduled.h \
../abe/actplanting.h \
../abe/actsalvage.h \
../abe/output/unitout.h \
../abe/output/abestandout.h \
../abe/output/abestandremovalout.h \
../abe/actthinning.h \
../core/grasscover.h \
../tools/scriptgrid.h \