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#include "lightroom.h"
#include "tools/helper.h"
#include <QtCore>
m_roomObject = 0;
/** setup routine.
sets up datastructures (3d space, hemi grids)
@param dimx size of space in x direction [m]
@param dimy size of space in y direction [m]
@param dimz size of space in z direction [m]
@param cellsize metric length of cells (used for all 3 dimensions).
@param hemigridsize size of hemigrid-cells (in degrees).
@param latitude lat. in degrees.
@param diffus_frac fraction [0..1] of diffus radiation of global radiation. */
void LightRoom::setup(const double dimx, const double dimy, const double dimz,
const double cellsize, const double hemigridsize,
const double latitude, const double diffus_frac)
DebugTimer t1("setup of lightroom");
m_countX = int(dimx / cellsize);
m_countY = int(dimy / cellsize);
m_countZ = int(dimz / cellsize);
m_cellsize = cellsize;
if (m_countX%2==0) m_countX++; // make uneven
if (m_countY%2==0) m_countY++;
QRectF rect(-m_countX/2.*cellsize, -m_countY/2.*cellsize, m_countX*cellsize, m_countY*cellsize);
qDebug() << "Lightroom size: " << m_countX << "/" << m_countY << "/" << m_countZ << " elements. rect: " << rect;
m_2dvalues.setup(rect, cellsize);
// setup hemigrids
SolarRadiation solar;
solar.setLatidude(latitude); // austria
solar.setVegetationPeriod(0,367); // no. veg. period
solar.setDiffusRadFraction(diffus_frac); // 50% diffuse radiation
// calculate global radiation values
DebugTimer t2("calculate solar radiation matrix");
solar.calculateRadMatrix(hemigridsize, m_solarGrid);
m_shadowGrid.setup(hemigridsize); // setup size
m_solarrad_factor = 1. / m_solarGrid.sum(RAD(45)); // sum of rad. > 45°
m_centervalue = 0.;
double LightRoom::calculateGridAtPoint(const double p_x, const double p_y, const double p_z, bool fillShadowGrid)
if (!m_roomObject)
return 0;
// check feasibility
if (m_roomObject->noHitGuaranteed(p_x, p_y, p_z)) {
return 0;
if (fillShadowGrid)
// start with 45°
int ie = m_shadowGrid.indexElevation(RAD(45));
int ia = 0;
int max_a = m_shadowGrid.matrixCountAzimuth();
int max_e = m_shadowGrid.matrixCountElevation();
double elevation, azimuth;
double solar_sum=0;
int hit;
int c_hit = 0;
int c_test = 0;
for (;ie<max_e;ie++){
for (ia=0;ia<max_a;ia++) {
azimuth = m_shadowGrid.azimuth(ia);
elevation = m_shadowGrid.elevation(ie);
hit = m_roomObject->hittest(p_x, p_y, p_z,azimuth,elevation);
// if inside the crown: do nothing and return.
// 20090708: if inside the crown: return "totally dark"
if (hit==-1)
return 1;
//qDebug() << "testing azimuth" << GRAD(azimuth) << "elevation" << GRAD(elevation)<<"hit"<<hit;
if (hit==1) {
// retrieve value from solar grid
// Sum(cells) of solargrid =1 -> the sum of all "shadowed" pixels therefore is already the "ratio" of shaded/total radiation
solar_sum += m_solarGrid.rGetByIndex(ia, ie);
if (fillShadowGrid)
m_shadowGrid.rGetByIndex(ia, ie) = m_solarGrid.rGetByIndex(ia, ie);
// solar-rad-factor = 1/(sum rad > 45°)
return solar_sum * m_solarrad_factor;
//double ratio = c_hit / double(c_test);
//qDebug() << "tested"<< c_test<<"hit count:" << c_hit<<"ratio"<<c_hit/double(c_test)<<"total sum"<<m_shadowGrid.getSum();
//return ratio; // TODO: the global radiation is not calculated!!!!!
void LightRoom::calculateFullGrid()
float *v = m_2dvalues.begin();
float *vend = m_2dvalues.end();
int z;
QPoint pindex;
QPointF coord;
double hit_ratio;
DebugTimer t("calculate full grid");
int c=0;
float maxh = m_roomObject->maxHeight();
float *values = new float[m_countZ];
double h_realized;
double sum;
while (v!=vend) {
pindex = m_2dvalues.indexOf(v);
coord = m_2dvalues.cellCoordinates(pindex);
double hor_distance = sqrt(coord.x()*coord.x() + coord.y()*coord.y());
for (z=0;z<m_countZ && z*m_cellsize <= maxh;z++) {
// only calculate values up to the 45° line
// tan(45°)=1 -> so this is the case when the distance p->tree > height of the tree
if (hor_distance > maxh-z*m_cellsize)
hit_ratio = calculateGridAtPoint(coord.x(), coord.y(), // coords x,y
z*m_cellsize,false); // heigth (z), false: do not clear and fill shadow grid structure
// stop calculating when return = -1 (e.g. when inside the crown)
if (hit_ratio==-1)
values[z]=hit_ratio; // this value * height of cells
// calculate average
sum = 0;
// 20090708: do not average, but keep the sum
// aggregate mean for all cells with angles>45° to the tree-top!
// 20090711: again average it, but now include the tree top.
// 20090713: go back to sum...
// 20090812: remove the weighting for the 10m cells again.
for(int i=0;i<z;i++)
//if (z)
// sum/=float(z);
h_realized = sum*m_cellsize; // multiply with height (shadow * meter)
*v = h_realized; // store in matrix
if (c%1000==0) {
qDebug() << c << "processed...time: ms: " << t.elapsed();
// save value of the middle column...
m_centervalue = m_2dvalues(0.f, 0.f);
} // while(v!=vend)
// Lightroom Object
if (m_radiusFormula)
delete m_radiusFormula;
void LightRoomObject::setuptree(const double height, const double crownheight, const QString &formula)
if (m_radiusFormula)
delete m_radiusFormula;
m_radiusFormula = new Expression(formula);
m_baseradius = m_radiusFormula->calculate(crownheight/height);
m_height = height;
m_crownheight = crownheight;
double h=0., r;
// preprocess crown radii for each meter step
while (h<=m_height) {
if (h<m_crownheight)
r = m_radiusFormula->calculate(h/m_height);
// Angle-function. return the difference between
// two angles as a radian value between -pi..pi [-180..180°]
// >0: directionB is "left" (ccw) of directionA, <0: "right", clockwise
// e.g.: result=-10: 10° cw, result=10°: 10° ccw
// result:-180/+180: antiparallel.
double DiffOfAngles(double DirectionA, double DirectionB)
DirectionA = fmod(DirectionA, PI2); // -> -2pi .. 2pi
if (DirectionA < 0) DirectionA+=PI2; // -> 0..2pi (e.g.: AngleA = -30 -> 330)
DirectionB = fmod(DirectionB, PI2);
if (DirectionB < 0) DirectionB+=PI2;
double Delta = DirectionB - DirectionA;
if (Delta<0) {
if (Delta<-M_PI)
return Delta + PI2; // ccw
return Delta; // cw
} else {
if (Delta>M_PI)
return Delta - PI2; // cw
return Delta; // ccw
// Angle-function. return the absolute difference between
// two angles as a radian value between 0..pi [0..180°]
// e.g. 10° = +10° or -10°; maximum value is 180°
double AbsDiffOfAngles(double AngleA, double AngleB)
return fabs(DiffOfAngles(AngleA, AngleB));
/** The tree is located in x/y=0/0.
int LightRoomObject::hittest(const double p_x, const double p_y, const double p_z,
const double azimuth_rad, const double elevation_rad)
bool inside_crown=false;
if (p_z > m_height)
return 0;
// Test 1: does the ray (azimuth) direction hit the crown?
double phi = atan2(-p_y, -p_x); // angle between P and the tree center
double dist2d = sqrt(p_x*p_x + p_y*p_y); // distance at ground
//if (dist2d==0)
// return true;
double alpha = DiffOfAngles(phi, azimuth_rad); // phi - azimuth_rad; // angle between the ray and the center of the tree
if (dist2d>m_baseradius) { // test only, if p not the crown
double half_max_angle = asin(m_baseradius / dist2d); // maximum deviation angle from direct connection p - tree where ray hits maxradius
if (fabs(alpha) > half_max_angle)
return 0;
} else {
inside_crown = true;
// test if p is inside the crown
if (p_z<=m_height && p_z>=m_crownheight) {
double radius_hit = m_radiusFormula->calculate(p_z / m_height);
if (dist2d <= radius_hit)
return -1;
// Test 2: test if the crown-"plate" at the bottom of the crown is hit.
if (elevation_rad>0. && p_z<m_crownheight) {
// calc. base distance between p and the point where the height of the ray reaches the bottom of the crown:
double r_hitbottom = dist2d; // for 90°
if (elevation_rad < M_PI_2) {
double d_hitbottom = (m_crownheight - p_z) / tan(elevation_rad);
// calc. position (projected) of that hit point
double rx = p_x + cos(azimuth_rad)*d_hitbottom;
double ry = p_y + sin(azimuth_rad)*d_hitbottom;
r_hitbottom = sqrt(rx*rx + ry*ry);
if (r_hitbottom <= m_baseradius)
return 1;
// Test 3: test for height steps...
// distance from p to the plane normal to p-vector through the center of the tree
// do only when p is
double rx,ry,rhit;
double d_center = cos(alpha)*dist2d;
if (d_center>=0) {
double h_center = p_z + d_center*tan(elevation_rad);
if (h_center<=m_height && h_center>=m_crownheight) {
rx = p_x + cos(azimuth_rad)*d_center;
ry = p_y + sin(azimuth_rad)*d_center;
rhit = sqrt(rx*rx + ry*ry);
double r_h = m_radiusFormula->calculate(h_center / m_height);
if (rhit < r_h)
return 1;
// Test 4: "walk" through crown using 1m steps.
double h=floor(p_z);
double d_1m = 1 / tan(elevation_rad); //projected ground distance equivalent of 1m height difference
double d_cur = 0;
if (h!=p_z) {
d_cur += ((h+1)-p_z)*d_1m;
while (h<=m_height) {
double r_tree = m_treeHeights[int(h)];
rx = p_x + cos(azimuth_rad)*d_cur;
ry = p_y + sin(azimuth_rad)*d_cur;
rhit = rx*rx + ry*ry;
// hit if inside of radius
if (rhit < r_tree*r_tree)
return 1;
// no hit: if formerly was inside crown and now left
if (inside_crown && rhit > m_baseradius*m_baseradius)
return 0;
// enter crown
if (!inside_crown && rhit <= m_baseradius*m_baseradius)
inside_crown = true;
return 0;
bool LightRoomObject::noHitGuaranteed(const double p_x, const double p_y, const double p_z)
// 1. simple: compare height...
if (p_z > m_height)
return true;
// 2. 45° test:
if (p_z > m_height - sqrt(p_x*p_x + p_y*p_y)) // 45°: height = distance from tree center
return true;
return false;