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#include "hemigrid.h"
//#include <algorithm>
#include <QtCore>
// needed for drawing: image & color
#include <QImage>
#include <QColor>
// Setup memory for the Grid.
// @param size of a single pixel in degree
void HemiGrid::setup(double cellsize_degree)
// setup grid...
mMatrixCountAzimuth = int(360 / cellsize_degree);
mMatrixCountElevation = int(90 / cellsize_degree);
mCellSizeDegree = cellsize_degree;
// size occupied by one pixel in rad
mMatrixCellSize = cellsize_degree * M_PI / 180.;
if (mMatrix)
delete[] mMatrix;
mMatrix = new double[mMatrixCountAzimuth*mMatrixCountElevation];
// Clear the Grid.
// @param SetWith value used to fill (default 0.)
void HemiGrid::clear(double SetWith)
if (mMatrix) {
// blank matrix...
for (int i=0;i<mMatrixCountAzimuth*mMatrixCountElevation;i++)
void HemiGrid::matrixMinMax(double &rMatrixMin, double &rMatrixMax) const
rMatrixMin = 100000000.;
rMatrixMax = -1000000000;
if (mMatrix) {
// blank matrix...
for (int i=0;i<mMatrixCountAzimuth*mMatrixCountElevation;i++) {
rMatrixMin = std::min(mMatrix[i], rMatrixMin);
rMatrixMax = std::max(mMatrix[i], rMatrixMax);
double HemiGrid::sum(const double elevation) const
int ie=indexElevation(elevation);
int emax=matrixCountElevation();
int amax=matrixCountAzimuth();
double value = 0;
for (int e=ie;e<emax;e++)
for (int a=0;a<amax;a++)
return value;
// Dump the grid into a TStringList
//void HemiGrid::DumpGrid(TStrings* List)
// AnsiString Line;
// for (int i=0;i<mMatrixCountAzimuth;i++) {
// Line=AnsiString(i);
// for (int j=0;j<mMatrixCountElevation;j++) {
// Line+=";"+AnsiString(rGetByIndex(i,j));
// }
// List->Add(Line);
// }
// Get Gridvalue by integer internal grid indices
// @param iAzimuth index of azimuth (0..count(pixels)-1
// @param iElevation index of elevatin (0..count-1)
// @return ref. to grid-value
double& HemiGrid::rGetByIndex(const int iAzimuth, const int iElevation) const
if (iAzimuth < mMatrixCountAzimuth && iElevation < mMatrixCountElevation
&& iAzimuth>=0 && iElevation>=0)
return mMatrix[iAzimuth*mMatrixCountElevation + iElevation];
throw QString("TSolar::Rad::Get() - invalid indices");
// Get Gridvalue
// @param Azimuth azimuth angle (-pi .. +pi, 0=south)
// @param Elevation elevation angle (0=horizon, pi/2: zenith)
// @return ref. to grid-value
double& HemiGrid::rGet(const double Azimuth, const double Elevation) const
// Azimuth goes from -pi .. +pi -> move to 0..2pi, scale to 0..1 and convert to integer indices
int iAzimuth = indexAzimuth(Azimuth);
// Elevation goes from 0..90° = 0..pi/2
int iElevation = indexElevation(Elevation);
return rGetByIndex(iAzimuth, iElevation);
void HemiGrid::modify(const HemiGrid &Source, const ModifyMode mode)
for (int i=0; i<mMatrixCountAzimuth*mMatrixCountElevation; i++) {
switch (mode) {
case Add: mMatrix[i]+=Source.mMatrix[i]; break;
case Multiply: mMatrix[i] *= Source.mMatrix[i]; break;
case SetTo: mMatrix[i] = Source.mMatrix[i]; break;
/** retrieve total sum of the hemigrid.
@param Weighter if available (non null) each cell value of this grid is multiplied with the weighter grid (note: no additional calculations are performed) */
double HemiGrid::getSum(const HemiGrid *Weighter) const
double Sum=0.;
if (Weighter) {
if (Weighter->matrixCountAzimuth()!=this->matrixCountAzimuth()
|| Weighter->matrixCountElevation() != this->matrixCountElevation())
throw QString("HemiGrid::getSum: invalid weighing object!");
for (int i=0; i<mMatrixCountAzimuth*mMatrixCountElevation; i++) {
Sum += mMatrix[i]*Weighter->mMatrix[i];
return Sum;
for (int i=0; i<mMatrixCountAzimuth*mMatrixCountElevation; i++) {
Sum += mMatrix[i];
return Sum;
void HemiGrid::projectLine(const double &x, const double &y, const double &deltah, const double &r, double &elevation, double &azimuth1, double &azimuth2)
// transform coordinates....
// distance to footing point (x/y)
double distance = sqrt(x*x + y*y);
elevation = atan2(deltah, distance);
double azimuth = atan2(x,y);
// distance to point (x/y/z)
double dist3 = sqrt(x*x+y*y+deltah*deltah);
double azimuth_delta = atan2(r, dist3);
azimuth1 = azimuth - azimuth_delta;
azimuth2 = azimuth + azimuth_delta;
// Modify a rect defined by coordinates, a mode and a value
// @param elow, ehigh: elevation angles
// @param alow1, alow2: azimuth angles at base, alow1 must be < alow2
// @param ahigh1, ahigh2: azimuth angles at the top, ahigh1 must be < ahigh2
// @param ModifyMode multiply or add to the matrix
// @param Value value used for multiply/add,...
void HemiGrid::modifyAngleRect( const double &elow, const double &alow1, const double &alow2,
const double &ehigh, const double &ahigh1, const double &ahigh2,
const ModifyMode mode, const double &value)
int i_e_low = indexElevation(elow);
int i_e_high = indexElevation(ehigh);
int i_a_low1 = indexAzimuth(alow1);
int i_a_low2 = indexAzimuth(alow2);
int i_a_high1 = indexAzimuth(ahigh1);
int i_a_high2 = indexAzimuth(ahigh2);
int i_a_min = std::min(i_a_low1, i_a_high1);
int i_a_max = std::max(i_a_low2, i_a_high2);
for (int e = i_e_low; e<=i_e_high; e++) {
for (int a = i_a_min; a<=i_a_max; a++) {
double &ref = rGetByIndex((a+mMatrixCountAzimuth)%mMatrixCountAzimuth, e);
switch (mode) {
case Multiply: ref*=value; break;
case Add: ref+=value; break;
case SetTo: ref=value; break;
// Project a cylinder onto the grid.
// @param deltax, deltay: relative position
// @param offsetz: relative height of lower edge
// @param height, r: height and radius of cylinder
// @param mode, value: mode and value of change
// @param elow, ehigh: elevation angles
void HemiGrid::projectCylinder(const double &deltax, const double &deltay,
const double &offsetz, const double &height, const double &r,
const ModifyMode mode, const double &value)
double elow, ehigh; // elevations...
double al1, al2, ah1, ah2;
projectLine(deltax, deltay, std::max(offsetz+height, 0.), r, ehigh, ah1, ah2);
// ignore if top is t
if (ehigh < 5.*M_PI/180.)
projectLine(deltax, deltay, std::max(offsetz, 0.), r, elow, al1, al2);
modifyAngleRect(elow, al1, al2, ehigh, ah1, ah2, mode, value);
void HemiGrid::paintGrid(QImage &image) const
int dx = image.width();
int dy = image.height();
int ix,iy;
double x,y;
int maxsize = std::min(dx,dy);
double mmin=0, mmax=0; // min and max values of matrix
//if (mmax==0) mmax=1;
matrixMinMax(mmin, mmax);
QColor col;
double phi, r, elevation, value;
for (ix=0;ix<maxsize;ix++){
for (iy=0;iy<maxsize;iy++){
// to -1..1
x = 2*(ix-maxsize/2.) / maxsize;
y = 2*(iy-maxsize/2.) / maxsize;
// get phi,r (polar coords)
if (x==0 && y==0)
r = sqrt(x*x + y*y);
if (r>=1)
phi = atan2(y,x);
elevation = M_PI_2 - (r * M_PI_2);
value = rGet(phi, elevation);
value /= mmax;
col = QColor::fromHsvF((1.-value)*0.666666 ,0.9, 0.9); // hue from 0..240 = red to blue
QString HemiGrid::dumpGrid() const
QString text;
text="rows: azimuth steps, cols: elevation. (first value in row: index of azimuth)\n";
for (int i=0;i<mMatrixCountAzimuth;i++) {
for (int j=0;j<mMatrixCountElevation;j++) {
return text;