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class ResourceUnit;
class ClimateDay;
/// Water contains helper classes for the water cycle calculations
namespace Water
/// Class SnowPack handles the snow layer
class SnowPack
SnowPack(): mSnowPack(0.) {}
void setup() { mSnowPack=0.; }
/// process the snow layer. Returns the mm of preciptitation/melt water that leaves the snow layer.
double flow(const double &preciptitation_mm, const double &temperature);
/// additional precipitation (e.g. non evaporated water of canopy interception).
inline double add(const double &preciptitation_mm, const double &temperature);
double snowPack() const { return mSnowPack; } ///< current snowpack height (mm)
double mSnowPack; ///< height of snowpack (mm water column)
/// Canopy handles the the throughfall and evaporation from the forest canopy.
class Canopy
// setup
void setup(); ///< setup and load parameter values
void setStandParameters(const double LAIneedle, const double LAIbroadleave, const double maxCanopyConductance);
// actions
/// process the canopy layer. returns the amount of precipitation that leaves the canopy-layer.
double flow(const double &preciptitation_mm, const double &temperature);
double evapotranspirationBGC(const ClimateDay *climate, const double daylength_h); ///< evapotranspiration from soil
double evapotranspiration3PG(const ClimateDay *climate, const double daylength_h, const double combined_response); ///< evapotranspiration from soil (mm). returns
// properties
double interception() const { return mInterception; } ///< mm water that is intercepted by the crown
double evaporationCanopy() const { return mEvaporation; } ///< evaporation from canopy (mm)
double avgMaxCanopyConductance() const { return mAvgMaxCanopyConductance; } ///< averaged maximum canopy conductance of current species distribution (m/s)
double mLAINeedle; // leaf area index of coniferous species
double mLAIBroadleaved; // leaf area index of broadlevaed species
double mLAI; // total leaf area index
double mAvgMaxCanopyConductance; // maximum weighted canopy conductance (m/s)
double mInterception; ///< intercepted precipitation of the current day (mm)
double mEvaporation; ///< water that evaporated from foliage surface to atmosphere (mm)
// Penman-Monteith parameters
double mHeatCapacityAir; // Specific heat capacity of air [J / (kg °C)]
double mAirDensity; // density of air [kg / m3]
double mPsychrometricConstant; // mbar/°C
} // end namespace Water
class WaterCycle
void setup(const ResourceUnit *ru);
// actions
void run(); ///< run the current year
// properties
const double &relContent(const int doy) const { return mRelativeContent[doy]; }
const double &psi_kPa(const int doy) const { return mPsi[doy]; }
double soilDepth() const { return mSoilDepth; } ///< soil depth in mm
double currentContent() const { return mContent; } ///< current water content in mm
double currentRelContent() const { Q_ASSERT(mSoilDepth>0); return qMin(mContent/mSoilDepth, 1.); }
inline double psiFromHeight(const double mm) const; // kPa for water height "mm"
inline double heightFromPsi(const double psi_kpa) const; // water height (mm) at water potential psi (kilopascal)
double mPsi_koeff_b; ///< see psiFromHeight()
double mPsi_ref; ///< see psiFromHeight(), kPa
double mRho_ref; ///< see psiFromHeight(), [-], m3/m3
const ResourceUnit *mRU; ///< resource unit to which this watercycle is connected
Water::Canopy mCanopy; ///< object representing the forest canopy (interception, evaporation)
Water::SnowPack mSnowPack; ///< object representing the snow cover (aggregation, melting)
double mSoilDepth; ///< depth of the soil (without rocks) in mm
double mContent; ///< current water content in mm water column of the soil.
double mFieldCapacity; ///< bucket height of field-capacity (eq. -15kPa) (mm)
double mPermanentWiltingPoint; ///< bucket "height" of PWP (is fixed to -4MPa) (mm)
double mRelativeContent[366]; ///< relative water content for each day of the year
double mPsi[366]; ///< soil water potential for each day in kPa
void getStandValues(); ///< helper function to retrieve LAI per species group
inline double calculateSoilAtmosphereResponse(const double psi_kpa, const double vpd_kpa);
double mLAINeedle;
double mLAIBroadleaved;
double mCanopyConductance;
#endif // WATERCYCLE_H