(root)/src/core/standloader.cpp - Rev 1222
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** iLand - an individual based forest landscape and disturbance model
** http://iland.boku.ac.at
** Copyright (C) 2009- Werner Rammer, Rupert Seidl
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "global.h"
#include "standloader.h"
#include "grid.h"
#include "model.h"
#include "resourceunit.h"
#include "speciesset.h"
#include "species.h"
#include "helper.h"
#include "random.h"
#include "expression.h"
#include "expressionwrapper.h"
#include "environment.h"
#include "csvfile.h"
#include "mapgrid.h"
#include "snapshot.h"
#include "grasscover.h"
/** @class StandLoader
@ingroup tools
loads (initializes) trees for a "stand" from various sources.
StandLoader initializes trees on the landscape. It reads (usually) from text files, creates the
trees and distributes the trees on the landscape (on the ResoureceUnit or on a stand defined by a grid).
See http://iland.boku.ac.at/initialize+trees
// provide a mapping between "Picus"-style and "iLand"-style species Ids
static QVector<int> picusSpeciesIds = QVector<int>() << 0 << 1 << 17;
static QStringList iLandSpeciesIds = QStringList() << "piab" << "piab" << "fasy";
if (mRandom)
delete mRandom;
if (mHeightGridResponse)
delete mHeightGridResponse;
void StandLoader::copyTrees()
// we assume that all stands are equal, so wie simply COPY the trees and modify them afterwards
const Grid<ResourceUnit*> &ruGrid=mModel->RUgrid();
ResourceUnit **p = ruGrid.begin();
if (!p)
throw IException("Standloader: invalid resource unit pointer!");
++p; // skip the first...
const QVector<Tree> &tocopy = mModel->ru()->trees();
for (; p!=ruGrid.end(); ++p) {
QRectF rect = (*p)->boundingBox();
foreach(const Tree& tree, tocopy) {
Tree &newtree = (*p)->newTree();
newtree = tree; // copy tree data...
if (logLevelInfo()) qDebug() << Tree::statCreated() << "trees loaded / copied.";
/** main routine of the stand setup.
void StandLoader::processInit()
GlobalSettings *g = GlobalSettings::instance();
XmlHelper xml(g->settings().node("model.initialization"));
QString copy_mode = xml.value("mode", "copy");
QString type = xml.value("type", "");
QString fileName = xml.value("file", "");
bool height_grid_enabled = xml.valueBool("heightGrid.enabled", false);
mHeightGridTries = xml.valueInt("heightGrid.maxTries", 10);
QScopedPointer<const MapGrid> height_grid; // use a QScopedPointer to guarantee that the resource is freed at the end of the processInit() function
if (height_grid_enabled) {
QString init_height_grid_file = GlobalSettings::instance()->path(xml.value("heightGrid.fileName"), "init");
qDebug() << "initialization: using predefined tree heights map" << init_height_grid_file;
QScopedPointer<const MapGrid> p(new MapGrid(init_height_grid_file, false));
if (!p->isValid()) {
throw IException(QString("Error when loading grid with tree heights for stand initalization: file %1 not found or not valid.").arg(init_height_grid_file));
mInitHeightGrid = height_grid.data();
QString expr=xml.value("heightGrid.fitFormula", "polygon(x, 0,0, 0.8,1, 1.1, 1, 1.25,0)");
mHeightGridResponse = new Expression(expr);
mHeightGridResponse->linearize(0., 2.);
// one global init-file for the whole area:
if (copy_mode=="single") {
// useful for 1ha simulations only...
if (GlobalSettings::instance()->model()->ruList().size()>1)
throw IException("Error initialization: 'mode' is 'single' but more than one resource unit is simulated (consider using another 'mode').");
loadInitFile(fileName, type, 0, GlobalSettings::instance()->model()->ru()); // this is the first resource unit
// call a single tree init for each resource unit
if (copy_mode=="unit") {
foreach( const ResourceUnit *const_ru, g->model()->ruList()) {
ResourceUnit *ru = const_cast<ResourceUnit*>(const_ru);
// set environment
type = xml.value("type", "");
fileName = xml.value("file", "");
if (fileName.isEmpty())
loadInitFile(fileName, type, 0, ru);
if (logLevelInfo()) qDebug() << "loaded" << fileName << "on" << ru->boundingBox() << "," << ru->trees().count() << "trees.";
// map-modus: load a init file for each "polygon" in the standgrid
if (copy_mode=="map") {
if (!g->model()->standGrid() || !g->model()->standGrid()->isValid())
throw IException(QString("Stand-Initialization: model.initialization.mode is 'map' but there is no valid stand grid defined (model.world.standGrid)"));
QString map_file_name = GlobalSettings::instance()->path(xml.value("mapFileName"), "init");
CSVFile map_file(map_file_name);
if (map_file.rowCount()==0)
throw IException(QString("Stand-Initialization: the map file %1 is empty or missing!").arg(map_file_name));
int ikey = map_file.columnIndex("id");
int ivalue = map_file.columnIndex("filename");
if (ikey<0 || ivalue<0)
throw IException(QString("Stand-Initialization: the map file %1 does not contain the mandatory columns 'id' and 'filename'!").arg(map_file_name));
QString file_name;
for (int i=0;i<map_file.rowCount();i++) {
int key = map_file.value(i, ikey).toInt();
if (key>0) {
file_name = map_file.value(i, ivalue).toString();
if (logLevelInfo()) qDebug() << "loading" << file_name << "for grid id" << key;
if (!file_name.isEmpty())
loadInitFile(file_name, type, key, NULL);
mInitHeightGrid = 0;
// standgrid mode: load one large init file
if (copy_mode=="standgrid") {
fileName = GlobalSettings::instance()->path(fileName, "init");
if (!QFile::exists(fileName))
throw IException(QString("load-ini-file: file '%1' does not exist.").arg(fileName));
QString content = Helper::loadTextFile(fileName);
// this processes the init file (also does the checking) and
// stores in a QHash datastrucutre
parseInitFile(content, fileName);
// setup the random distribution
QString density_func = xml.value("model.initialization.randomFunction", "1-x^2");
if (logLevelInfo()) qDebug() << "density function:" << density_func;
if (!mRandom || (mRandom->densityFunction()!= density_func)) {
if (mRandom)
delete mRandom;
mRandom=new RandomCustomPDF(density_func);
if (logLevelInfo()) qDebug() << "new probabilty density function:" << density_func;
if (mStandInitItems.isEmpty()) {
qDebug() << "Initialize trees ('standgrid'-mode): no items to process (empty landscape).";
//throw IException("StandLoader::processInit: 'mode' is 'standgrid' but the init file is either empty or contains no 'stand_id'-column.");
QHash<int, QVector<InitFileItem> >::const_iterator it = mStandInitItems.constBegin();
while (it!=mStandInitItems.constEnd()) {
mInitItems = it.value(); // copy the items...
qDebug() << "finished setup of trees.";
if (copy_mode=="snapshot") {
// load a snapshot from a file
Snapshot shot;
QString input_db = GlobalSettings::instance()->path(fileName);
throw IException("StandLoader::processInit: invalid initalization.mode!");
void StandLoader::processAfterInit()
XmlHelper xml(GlobalSettings::instance()->settings().node("model.initialization"));
QString mode = xml.value("mode", "copy");
if (mode=="standgrid") {
// load a file with saplings per polygon
QString filename = xml.value("saplingFile", "");
if (filename.isEmpty())
filename = GlobalSettings::instance()->path(filename, "init");
if (!QFile::exists(filename))
throw IException(QString("load-sapling-ini-file: file '%1' does not exist.").arg(filename));
CSVFile init_file(filename);
int istandid = init_file.columnIndex("stand_id");
if (istandid==-1)
throw IException("Sapling-Init: the init file contains no 'stand_id' column (required in 'standgrid' mode).");
int stand_id = -99999;
int ilow = -1, ihigh = 0;
int total = 0;
for (int i=0;i<init_file.rowCount();++i) {
int row_stand = init_file.value(i, istandid).toInt();
if (row_stand != stand_id) {
if (stand_id>=0) {
// process stand
ihigh = i-1; // up to the last
total += loadSaplingsLIF(stand_id, init_file, ilow, ihigh);
ilow = i; // mark beginning of new stand
stand_id = row_stand;
if (stand_id>=0)
total += loadSaplingsLIF(stand_id, init_file, ilow, init_file.rowCount()-1); // the last stand
qDebug() << "initialization of sapling: total created:" << total;
void StandLoader::evaluateDebugTrees()
// evaluate debugging
QString dbg_str = GlobalSettings::instance()->settings().paramValueString("debug_tree");
int counter=0;
if (!dbg_str.isEmpty()) {
if (dbg_str == "debugstamp") {
qDebug() << "debug_tree = debugstamp: try touching all trees...";
// try to force an error if a stamp is invalid
AllTreeIterator at(GlobalSettings::instance()->model());
double total_offset=0.;
while (Tree *t=at.next()) {
total_offset += t->stamp()->offset();
if (!GlobalSettings::instance()->model()->grid()->isIndexValid(t->positionIndex()))
qDebug() << "evaluateDebugTrees: debugstamp: invalid position found!";
qDebug() << "debug_tree = debugstamp: try touching all trees finished...";
TreeWrapper tw;
Expression dexp(dbg_str, &tw); // load expression dbg_str and enable external model variables
AllTreeIterator at(GlobalSettings::instance()->model());
double result;
while (Tree *t = at.next()) {
result = dexp.execute();
if (result) {
qDebug() << "evaluateDebugTrees: enabled debugging for" << counter << "trees.";
/// load a single init file. Calls loadPicusFile() or loadiLandFile()
/// @param fileName file to load
/// @param type init mode. allowed: "picus"/"single" or "iland"/"distribution"
int StandLoader::loadInitFile(const QString &fileName, const QString &type, int stand_id, ResourceUnit *ru)
QString pathFileName = GlobalSettings::instance()->path(fileName, "init");
if (!QFile::exists(pathFileName))
throw IException(QString("StandLoader::loadInitFile: File %1 does not exist!").arg(pathFileName));
if (type=="picus" || type=="single") {
if (stand_id>0)
throw IException(QLatin1String("StandLoader::loadInitFile: initialization type %1 currently not supported for stand initilization mode!")+type);
return loadPicusFile(pathFileName, ru);
if (type=="iland" || type=="distribution")
return loadiLandFile(pathFileName, ru, stand_id);
throw IException(QLatin1String("StandLoader::loadInitFile: unknown initalization.type:")+type);
int StandLoader::loadPicusFile(const QString &fileName, ResourceUnit *ru)
QString content = Helper::loadTextFile(fileName);
if (content.isEmpty()) {
qDebug() << "file not found: " + fileName;
return 0;
return loadSingleTreeList(content, ru, fileName);
/** load a list of trees (given by content) to a resource unit. Param fileName is just for error reporting.
returns the number of loaded trees.
int StandLoader::loadSingleTreeList(const QString &content, ResourceUnit *ru, const QString &fileName)
if (!ru)
ru = mModel->ru();
QPointF offset = ru->boundingBox().topLeft();
SpeciesSet *speciesSet = ru->speciesSet(); // of default RU
QString my_content(content);
// cut out the <trees> </trees> part if present
if (content.contains("<trees>")) {
QRegExp rx(".*<trees>(.*)</trees>.*");
rx.indexIn(content, 0);
if (rx.capturedTexts().count()<1)
return 0;
my_content = rx.cap(1).trimmed();
CSVFile infile;
int iID = infile.columnIndex("id");
int iX = infile.columnIndex("x");
int iY = infile.columnIndex("y");
int iBhd = infile.columnIndex("bhdfrom");
if (iBhd<0)
iBhd = infile.columnIndex("dbh");
double height_conversion = 100.;
int iHeight =infile.columnIndex("treeheight");
if (iHeight<0) {
iHeight = infile.columnIndex("height");
height_conversion = 1.; // in meter
int iSpecies = infile.columnIndex("species");
int iAge = infile.columnIndex("age");
if (iX==-1 || iY==-1 || iBhd==-1 || iSpecies==-1 || iHeight==-1)
throw IException(QString("Initfile %1 is not valid!\nRequired columns are: x,y, bhdfrom or dbh, species, treeheight or height.").arg(fileName));
double dbh;
bool ok;
int cnt=0;
QString speciesid;
for (int i=1;i<infile.rowCount();i++) {
dbh = infile.value(i, iBhd).toDouble();
//if (dbh<5.)
// continue;
QPointF f;
if (iX>=0 && iY>=0) {
f.setX( infile.value(i, iX).toDouble() );
f.setY( infile.value(i, iY).toDouble() );
// position valid?
if (!mModel->heightGrid()->valueAt(f).isValid())
Tree &tree = ru->newTree();
if (iID>=0)
tree.setId(infile.value(i, iID).toInt());
tree.setHeight(infile.value(i,iHeight).toDouble()/height_conversion); // convert from Picus-cm to m if necessary
speciesid = infile.value(i,iSpecies).toString();
int picusid = speciesid.toInt(&ok);
if (ok) {
int idx = picusSpeciesIds.indexOf(picusid);
if (idx==-1)
throw IException(QString("Loading init-file: invalid Picus-species-id. Species: %1").arg(picusid));
speciesid = iLandSpeciesIds[idx];
Species *s = speciesSet->species(speciesid);
if (!ru || !s)
throw IException(QString("Loading init-file: either resource unit or species invalid. Species: %1").arg(speciesid));
ok = true;
if (iAge>=0)
tree.setAge(infile.value(i, iAge).toInt(&ok), tree.height()); // this is a *real* age
if (iAge<0 || !ok || tree.age()==0)
tree.setAge(0, tree.height()); // no real tree age available
return cnt;
//qDebug() << "loaded init-file contained" << lines.count() <<"lines.";
//qDebug() << "lines: " << lines;
/** initialize trees on a resource unit based on dbh distributions.
use a fairly clever algorithm to determine tree positions.
see http://iland.boku.ac.at/initialize+trees
@param content tree init file (including headers) in a string
@param ru resource unit
@param fileName source file name (for error reporting)
@return number of trees added
int StandLoader::loadDistributionList(const QString &content, ResourceUnit *ru, int stand_id, const QString &fileName)
int total_count = parseInitFile(content, fileName, ru);
if (total_count==0)
return 0;
// setup the random distribution
QString density_func = GlobalSettings::instance()->settings().value("model.initialization.randomFunction", "1-x^2");
if (logLevelInfo()) qDebug() << "density function:" << density_func;
if (!mRandom || (mRandom->densityFunction()!= density_func)) {
if (mRandom)
delete mRandom;
mRandom=new RandomCustomPDF(density_func);
if (logLevelInfo()) qDebug() << "new probabilty density function:" << density_func;
if (stand_id>0) {
// execute stand based initialization
} else {
// exeucte the initialization based on single resource units
return total_count;
int StandLoader::parseInitFile(const QString &content, const QString &fileName, ResourceUnit* ru)
if (!ru)
ru = mModel->ru();
SpeciesSet *speciesSet = ru->speciesSet(); // of default RU
//DebugTimer t("StandLoader::loadiLandFile");
CSVFile infile;
int icount = infile.columnIndex("count");
int ispecies = infile.columnIndex("species");
int idbh_from = infile.columnIndex("dbh_from");
int idbh_to = infile.columnIndex("dbh_to");
int ihd = infile.columnIndex("hd");
int iage = infile.columnIndex("age");
int idensity = infile.columnIndex("density");
if (icount<0 || ispecies<0 || idbh_from<0 || idbh_to<0 || ihd<0 || iage<0)
throw IException(QString("load-ini-file: file '%1' containts not all required fields (count, species, dbh_from, dbh_to, hd, age).").arg(fileName));
int istandid = infile.columnIndex("stand_id");
InitFileItem item;
bool ok;
int total_count = 0;
for (int row=0;row<infile.rowCount();row++) {
item.count = infile.value(row, icount).toDouble();
total_count += item.count;
item.dbh_from = infile.value(row, idbh_from).toDouble();
item.dbh_to = infile.value(row, idbh_to).toDouble();
item.hd = infile.value(row, ihd).toDouble();
if (item.hd==0. || item.dbh_from / 100. * item.hd < 4.)
qWarning() << QString("load init file: file '%1' tries to init trees below 4m height. hd=%2, dbh=%3.").arg(fileName).arg(item.hd).arg(item.dbh_from) ;
//throw IException(QString("load init file: file '%1' tries to init trees below 4m height. hd=%2, dbh=%3.").arg(fileName).arg(item.hd).arg(item.dbh_from) );
ok = true;
if (iage>=0)
item.age = infile.value(row, iage).toInt(&ok);
if (iage<0 || !ok)
item.age = 0;
item.species = speciesSet->species(infile.value(row, ispecies).toString());
if (idensity>=0)
item.density = infile.value(row, idensity).toDouble();
item.density = 0.;
if (item.density<-1)
throw IException(QString("load-ini-file: invalid value for density. Allowed range is -1..1: '%1' in file '%2', line %3.")
if (!item.species) {
throw IException(QString("load-ini-file: unknown speices '%1' in file '%2', line %3.")
.arg(infile.value(row, ispecies).toString())
if (istandid>=0) {
int standid = infile.value(row,istandid).toInt();
} else {
return total_count;
int StandLoader::loadiLandFile(const QString &fileName, ResourceUnit *ru, int stand_id)
if (!QFile::exists(fileName))
throw IException(QString("load-ini-file: file '%1' does not exist.").arg(fileName));
QString content = Helper::loadTextFile(fileName);
return loadDistributionList(content, ru, stand_id, fileName);
// evenlist: tentative order of pixel-indices (within a 5x5 grid) used as tree positions.
// e.g. 12 = centerpixel, 0: upper left corner, ...
int evenlist[25] = { 12, 6, 18, 16, 8, 22, 2, 10, 14, 0, 24, 20, 4,
1, 13, 15, 19, 21, 3, 7, 11, 17, 23, 5, 9};
int unevenlist[25] = { 11,13,7,17, 1,19,5,21, 9,23,3,15,
// sort function
bool sortPairLessThan(const QPair<int, double> &s1, const QPair<int, double> &s2)
return s1.second < s2.second;
struct SInitPixel {
double basal_area; // accumulated basal area
QPoint pixelOffset; // location of the pixel
ResourceUnit *resource_unit; // pointer to the resource unit the pixel belongs to
double h_max; // predefined maximum height at given pixel (if available from LIDAR or so)
bool locked; // pixel is dedicated to a single species
SInitPixel(): basal_area(0.), resource_unit(0), h_max(-1.), locked(false) {}
bool sortInitPixelLessThan(const SInitPixel &s1, const SInitPixel &s2)
return s1.basal_area < s2.basal_area;
bool sortInitPixelUnlocked(const SInitPixel &s1, const SInitPixel &s2)
return !s1.locked && s2.locked;
void StandLoader::executeiLandInit(ResourceUnit *ru)
QPointF offset = ru->boundingBox().topLeft();
QPoint offsetIdx = GlobalSettings::instance()->model()->grid()->indexAt(offset);
// a multimap holds a list for all trees.
// key is the index of a 10x10m pixel within the resource unit
QMultiMap<int, int> tree_map;
//QHash<int,SInitPixel> tcount;
QVector<QPair<int, double> > tcount; // counts
for (int i=0;i<100;i++)
int key;
double rand_val, rand_fraction;
int total_count = 0;
foreach(const InitFileItem &item, mInitItems) {
rand_fraction = fabs(double(item.density));
for (int i=0;i<item.count;i++) {
// create trees
int tree_idx = ru->newTreeIndex();
Tree &tree = ru->trees()[tree_idx]; // get reference to modify tree
tree.setDbh(nrandom(item.dbh_from, item.dbh_to));
tree.setHeight(tree.dbh()/100. * item.hd); // dbh from cm->m, *hd-ratio -> meter height
if (item.age<=0)
tree.setAge(item.age, tree.height());
// calculate random value. "density" is from 1..-1.
rand_val = mRandom->get();
if (item.density<0)
rand_val = 1. - rand_val;
rand_val = rand_val * rand_fraction + drandom()*(1.-rand_fraction);
// key: rank of target pixel
// first: index of target pixel
// second: sum of target pixel
key = limit(int(100*rand_val), 0, 99); // get from random number generator
tree_map.insert(tcount[key].first, tree_idx); // store tree in map
tcount[key].second+=tree.basalArea(); // aggregate the basal area for each 10m pixel
if ( (total_count < 20 && i%2==0)
|| (total_count<100 && i%10==0 )
|| (i%30==0) ) {
qSort(tcount.begin(), tcount.end(), sortPairLessThan);
qSort(tcount.begin(), tcount.end(), sortPairLessThan);
int bits, index, pos;
int c;
QList<int> trees;
QPoint tree_pos;
for (int i=0;i<100;i++) {
trees = tree_map.values(i);
c = trees.count();
QPointF pixel_center = ru->boundingBox().topLeft() + QPointF((i/10)*10. + 5., (i%10)*10. + 5.);
if (!mModel->heightGrid()->valueAt(pixel_center).isValid()) {
// no trees on that pixel: let trees die
foreach(int tree_idx, trees) {
bits = 0;
index = -1;
double r;
foreach(int tree_idx, trees) {
if (c>18) {
index = (index + 1)%25;
} else {
int stop=1000;
index = 0;
do {
//r = drandom();
//if (r<0.5) // skip position with a prob. of 50% -> adds a little "noise"
// index++;
//index = (index + 1)%25; // increase and roll over
// search a random position
r = drandom();
index = limit(int(25 * r*r), 0, 24); // use rnd()^2 to search for locations -> higher number of low indices (i.e. 50% of lookups in first 25% of locations)
} while (isBitSet(bits, index)==true && stop--);
if (!stop)
qDebug() << "executeiLandInit: found no free bit.";
setBit(bits, index, true); // mark position as used
// get position from fixed lists (one for even, one for uneven resource units)
pos = ru->index()%2?evenlist[index]:unevenlist[index];
tree_pos = offsetIdx // position of resource unit
+ QPoint(5*(i/10), 5*(i%10)) // relative position of 10x10m pixel
+ QPoint(pos/5, pos%5); // relative position within 10x10m pixel
//qDebug() << tree_no++ << "to" << index;
// Initialization routine based on a stand map.
// Basically a list of 10m pixels for a given stand is retrieved
// and the filled with the same procedure as the resource unit based init
// see http://iland.boku.ac.at/initialize+trees
void StandLoader::executeiLandInitStand(int stand_id)
const MapGrid *grid = GlobalSettings::instance()->model()->standGrid();
if (mCurrentMap)
grid = mCurrentMap;
// get a list of positions of all pixels that belong to our stand
QList<int> indices = grid->gridIndices(stand_id);
if (indices.isEmpty()) {
qDebug() << "stand" << stand_id << "not in project area. No init performed.";
// a multiHash holds a list for all trees.
// key is the location of the 10x10m pixel
QMultiHash<QPoint, int> tree_map;
QList<SInitPixel> pixel_list; // working list of all 10m pixels
foreach (int i, indices) {
SInitPixel p;
p.pixelOffset = grid->grid().indexOf(i); // index in the 10m grid
p.resource_unit = GlobalSettings::instance()->model()->ru( grid->grid().cellCenterPoint(p.pixelOffset));
if (mInitHeightGrid)
p.h_max = mInitHeightGrid->grid().constValueAtIndex(p.pixelOffset);
double area_factor = grid->area(stand_id) / cRUArea;
int key=0;
double rand_val, rand_fraction;
int total_count = 0;
int total_tries = 0;
int total_misses = 0;
if (mInitHeightGrid && !mHeightGridResponse)
throw IException("executeiLandInitStand: trying to initialize with height grid but without response function.");
Species *last_locked_species=0;
foreach(const InitFileItem &item, mInitItems) {
if (item.density>1.) {
// special case with single-species-area
if (total_count==0) {
// randomize the pixels
for (QList<SInitPixel>::iterator it=pixel_list.begin();it!=pixel_list.end();++it)
it->basal_area = drandom();
qSort(pixel_list.begin(), pixel_list.end(), sortInitPixelLessThan);
for (QList<SInitPixel>::iterator it=pixel_list.begin();it!=pixel_list.end();++it)
it->basal_area = 0.;
if (item.species != last_locked_species) {
qSort(pixel_list.begin(), pixel_list.end(), sortInitPixelUnlocked);
} else {
qSort(pixel_list.begin(), pixel_list.end(), sortInitPixelLessThan);
rand_fraction = item.density;
int count = item.count * area_factor + 0.5; // round
double init_max_height = item.dbh_to/100. * item.hd;
for (int i=0;i<count;i++) {
bool found = false;
int tries = mHeightGridTries;
while (!found &&--tries) {
// calculate random value. "density" is from 1..-1.
if (item.density <= 1.) {
rand_val = mRandom->get();
if (item.density<0)
rand_val = 1. - rand_val;
rand_val = rand_val * rand_fraction + drandom()*(1.-rand_fraction);
} else {
// limited area: limit potential area using the "density" input parameter
rand_val = drandom() * qMin(item.density/100., 1.);
// key: rank of target pixel
key = limit(int(pixel_list.count()*rand_val), 0, pixel_list.count()-1); // get from random number generator
if (mInitHeightGrid) {
// calculate how good the selected pixel fits w.r.t. the predefined height
double p_value = pixel_list[key].h_max>0.?mHeightGridResponse->calculate(init_max_height/pixel_list[key].h_max):0.;
if (drandom() < p_value)
found = true;
} else {
found = true;
if (!last_locked_species && pixel_list[key].locked)
found = false;
if (tries<0) ++total_misses;
// create a tree
ResourceUnit *ru = pixel_list[key].resource_unit;
int tree_idx = ru->newTreeIndex();
Tree &tree = ru->trees()[tree_idx]; // get reference to modify tree
tree.setDbh(nrandom(item.dbh_from, item.dbh_to));
tree.setHeight(tree.dbh()/100. * item.hd); // dbh from cm->m, *hd-ratio -> meter height
if (item.age<=0)
tree.setAge(item.age, tree.height());
// store in the multiHash the position of the pixel and the tree_idx in the resepctive resource unit
tree_map.insert(pixel_list[key].pixelOffset, tree_idx);
pixel_list[key].basal_area+=tree.basalArea(); // aggregate the basal area for each 10m pixel
if (last_locked_species)
pixel_list[key].locked = true;
// resort list
if (last_locked_species==0 && ((total_count < 20 && i%2==0)
|| (total_count<100 && i%10==0 )
|| (i%30==0)) ) {
qSort(pixel_list.begin(), pixel_list.end(), sortInitPixelLessThan);
if (total_misses>0 || total_tries > total_count) {
if (logLevelInfo()) qDebug() << "init for stand" << stand_id << "treecount:" << total_count << ", tries:" << total_tries << ", misses:" << total_misses << ", %miss:" << qRound(total_misses*100 / (double)total_count);
int bits, index, pos;
int c;
QList<int> trees;
QPoint tree_pos;
foreach(const SInitPixel &p, pixel_list) {
trees = tree_map.values(p.pixelOffset);
c = trees.count();
bits = 0;
index = -1;
double r;
foreach(int tree_idx, trees) {
if (c>18) {
index = (index + 1)%25;
} else {
int stop=1000;
index = 0;
do {
// search a random position
r = drandom();
index = limit(int(25 * r*r), 0, 24); // use rnd()^2 to search for locations -> higher number of low indices (i.e. 50% of lookups in first 25% of locations)
} while (isBitSet(bits, index)==true && stop--);
if (!stop)
qDebug() << "executeiLandInit: found no free bit.";
setBit(bits, index, true); // mark position as used
// get position from fixed lists (one for even, one for uneven resource units)
pos = p.resource_unit->index()%2?evenlist[index]:unevenlist[index];
tree_pos = p.pixelOffset * cPxPerHeight; // convert to LIF index
tree_pos += QPoint(pos/cPxPerHeight, pos%cPxPerHeight);
// test if tree position is valid..
if (!GlobalSettings::instance()->model()->grid()->isIndexValid(tree_pos))
qDebug() << "Standloader: invalid position!";
if (logLevelInfo())
qDebug() << "init for stand" << stand_id << "with area" << "area (m2)" << grid->area(stand_id) << "count of 10m pixels:" << indices.count() << "initialized trees:" << total_count;
/// a (hacky) way of adding saplings of a certain age to a stand defined by 'stand_id'.
int StandLoader::loadSaplings(const QString &content, int stand_id, const QString &fileName)
const MapGrid *stand_grid;
if (mCurrentMap)
stand_grid = mCurrentMap; // if set
stand_grid = GlobalSettings::instance()->model()->standGrid(); // default
QList<int> indices = stand_grid->gridIndices(stand_id); // list of 10x10m pixels
if (indices.isEmpty()) {
qDebug() << "stand" << stand_id << "not in project area. No init performed.";
return -1;
double area_factor = stand_grid->area(stand_id) / cRUArea; // multiplier for grid (e.g. 2 if stand has area of 2 hectare)
// parse the content of the init-file
// species
CSVFile init;
int ispecies = init.columnIndex("species");
int icount = init.columnIndex("count");
int iheight = init.columnIndex("height");
int iage = init.columnIndex("age");
if (ispecies==-1 || icount==-1)
throw IException("Error while loading saplings: columns 'species' or 'count' are missing!!");
const SpeciesSet *set = GlobalSettings::instance()->model()->ru()->speciesSet();
double height, age;
int total = 0;
for (int row=0;row<init.rowCount();++row) {
int pxcount = qRound(init.value(row, icount).toDouble() * area_factor + 0.5); // no. of pixels that should be filled (sapling grid is the same resolution as the lif-grid)
const Species *species = set->species(init.value(row, ispecies).toString());
if (!species)
throw IException(QString("Error while loading saplings: invalid species '%1'.").arg(init.value(row, ispecies).toString()));
height = iheight==-1?0.05: init.value(row, iheight).toDouble();
age = iage==-1?1:init.value(row,iage).toDouble();
int misses = 0;
int hits = 0;
while (hits < pxcount) {
int rnd_index = irandom(0, indices.count());
QPoint offset=stand_grid->grid().indexOf(indices[rnd_index]);
offset = offset * cPxPerHeight; // index of 10m patch -> to lif pixel coordinates
int in_p = irandom(0, cPxPerHeight*cPxPerHeight); // index of lif-pixel
offset += QPoint(in_p / cPxPerHeight, in_p % cPxPerHeight);
SaplingCell *sc = GlobalSettings::instance()->model()->saplings()->cell(offset);
if (sc && sc->max_height()>height) {
//if (!ru || ru->saplingHeightForInit(offset) > height) {
} else {
// ok
if (sc)
sc->addSapling(height, age, species->index());
//ru->resourceUnitSpecies(species).changeSapling().addSapling(offset, height, age);
if (misses > 3*pxcount) {
qDebug() << "tried to add" << pxcount << "saplings at stand" << stand_id << "but failed in finding enough free positions. Added" << hits << "and stopped.";
total += hits;
return total;
bool LIFValueHigher(const float *a, const float *b)
return *a > *b;
int StandLoader::loadSaplingsLIF(int stand_id, const CSVFile &init, int low_index, int high_index)
const MapGrid *stand_grid;
if (mCurrentMap)
stand_grid = mCurrentMap; // if set
stand_grid = GlobalSettings::instance()->model()->standGrid(); // default
if (!stand_grid->isValid(stand_id))
return 0;
QList<int> indices = stand_grid->gridIndices(stand_id); // list of 10x10m pixels
if (indices.isEmpty()) {
qDebug() << "stand" << stand_id << "not in project area. No init performed.";
return 0;
// prepare space for LIF-pointers (2m Pixel)
QVector<float*> lif_ptrs;
lif_ptrs.reserve(indices.size() * cPxPerHeight * cPxPerHeight);
for (int l=0;l<indices.size();++l){
QPoint offset=stand_grid->grid().indexOf(indices[l]);
offset = offset * cPxPerHeight; // index of 10m patch -> to lif pixel coordinates
for (int y=0;y<cPxPerHeight;++y)
for(int x=0;x<cPxPerHeight;++x)
lif_ptrs.push_back( GlobalSettings::instance()->model()->grid()->ptr(offset.x()+x, offset.y()+y) );
// sort based on LIF-Value
std::sort(lif_ptrs.begin(), lif_ptrs.end(), LIFValueHigher); // higher: highest values first
double area_factor = stand_grid->area(stand_id) / cRUArea; // multiplier for grid (e.g. 2 if stand has area of 2 hectare)
// parse the content of the init-file
// species
int ispecies = init.columnIndex("species");
int icount = init.columnIndex("count");
int iheight = init.columnIndex("height");
int iheightfrom = init.columnIndex("height_from");
int iheightto = init.columnIndex("height_to");
int iage = init.columnIndex("age");
int itopage = init.columnIndex("age4m");
int iminlif = init.columnIndex("min_lif");
if ((iheightfrom==-1) ^ (iheightto==-1))
throw IException("Error while loading saplings: height not correctly provided. Use either 'height' or 'height_from' and 'height_to'.");
if (ispecies==-1 || icount==-1)
throw IException("Error while loading saplings: columns 'species' or 'count' are missing!!");
const SpeciesSet *set = GlobalSettings::instance()->model()->ru()->speciesSet();
double height, age;
int total = 0;
for (int row=low_index;row<=high_index;++row) {
double pxcount = init.value(row, icount).toDouble() * area_factor; // no. of pixels that should be filled (sapling grid is the same resolution as the lif-grid)
const Species *species = set->species(init.value(row, ispecies).toString());
if (!species)
throw IException(QString("Error while loading saplings: invalid species '%1'.").arg(init.value(row, ispecies).toString()));
height = iheight==-1?0.05: init.value(row, iheight).toDouble();
age = iage==-1?1:init.value(row,iage).toDouble();
double age4m = itopage==-1?10:init.value(row, itopage).toDouble();
double height_from = iheightfrom==-1?-1.: init.value(row, iheightfrom).toDouble();
double height_to = iheightto==-1?-1.: init.value(row, iheightto).toDouble();
double min_lif = iminlif==-1?1.: init.value(row, iminlif).toDouble();
// find LIF-level in the pixels
int min_lif_index = 0;
if (min_lif < 1.) {
for (QVector<float*>::ConstIterator it=lif_ptrs.constBegin(); it!=lif_ptrs.constEnd(); ++it, ++min_lif_index)
if (**it <= min_lif)
if (pxcount < min_lif_index) {
// not enough LIF pixels available
min_lif_index = static_cast<int>(pxcount); // try the brightest pixels (ie with the largest value for the LIF)
} else {
// No LIF threshold: the full range of pixels is valid
min_lif_index = lif_ptrs.size();
double hits = 0.;
while (hits < pxcount) {
int rnd_index = irandom(0, min_lif_index);
if (iheightfrom!=-1) {
height = limit(nrandom(height_from, height_to), 0.05,4.);
if (age<=1.)
age = qMax(qRound(height/4. * age4m),1); // assume a linear relationship between height and age
QPoint offset = GlobalSettings::instance()->model()->grid()->indexOf(lif_ptrs[rnd_index]);
ResourceUnit *ru;
SaplingCell *sc = GlobalSettings::instance()->model()->saplings()->cell(offset, true, &ru);
if (sc) {
if (SaplingTree *st=sc->addSapling(static_cast<float>(height), static_cast<int>(age), species->index()))
hits+=std::max(1., ru->resourceUnitSpecies(st->species_index)->species()->saplingGrowthParameters().representedStemNumberH(st->height));
} else {
hits++; // avoid an infinite loop
total += pxcount;
// initialize grass cover
if (init.columnIndex("grass_cover")>-1) {
int grass_cover_value = init.value(low_index, "grass_cover").toInt();
if (grass_cover_value<0 || grass_cover_value>100)
throw IException(QString("The grass cover percentage (column 'grass_cover') for stand '%1' is '%2', which is invalid (expected: 0-100)").arg(stand_id).arg(grass_cover_value));
GlobalSettings::instance()->model()->grassCover()->setInitialValues(lif_ptrs, grass_cover_value);
return total;