(root)/src/core/stampcontainer.cpp - Rev 639
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#include "stampcontainer.h"
#include "globalsettings.h"
#include "exception.h"
const int StampContainer::cBHDclassWidth=4;
const int StampContainer::cBHDclassLow = 4; ///< bhd classes start with 4cm
const int StampContainer::cBHDclassCount = 70; ///< class count, see getKey(): for lower dbhs classes are smaller
const int StampContainer::cHDclassWidth=10;
const int StampContainer::cHDclassLow = 35; ///< hd classes offset is 35: class 0 = 35-45, class 1 = 45-55
const int StampContainer::cHDclassCount = 16; ///< class count. highest class: 185-195
// static values
Grid<float> StampContainer::m_distance;
m_lookup.setup(1., // cellsize
cBHDclassCount, // count x
cHDclassCount); // count y
//qDebug() << "grid after init" << gridToString(m_lookup);
m_maxBhd = -1;
m_useLookup = true;
// delete stamps.
while (!m_stamps.isEmpty())
delete m_stamps.takeLast().stamp;
/// getKey: decodes a floating point piar of dbh and hd-ratio to indices for the
/// lookup table containing pointers to the actual stamps.
inline void StampContainer::getKey(const float dbh, const float hd_value, int &dbh_class, int &hd_class) const
hd_class = int(hd_value - cHDclassLow) / cHDclassWidth;
// dbh_class = int(dbh - cBHDclassLow) / cBHDclassWidth;
// fixed scheme: smallest classification scheme for tree-diameters:
// 1cm width from 4 up to 9cm,
// 2cm bins from 10 to 18cm
// 4cm bins starting from 20cm
if (dbh < 10.f) {
dbh_class = qMax(0, int(dbh-4.)); // classes from 0..5
} else if (dbh<20.f) {
dbh_class = 6 + int((dbh-10.f) / 2.f); // 10-12cm has index 6
} else {
dbh_class = 11 + int((dbh-20.f) / 4.f); // 20-24cm has index 11
/** fill up the NULLs in the lookup map */
void StampContainer::finalizeSetup()
if (!m_useLookup)
Stamp *s;
int h;
int max_size=0;
for (int b=0;b<cBHDclassCount;b++) {
// find lowest value...
for (h=0;h<cHDclassCount;h++) {
if (s) {
// fill up values left from this value
for (int hfill=0;hfill<h;hfill++)
m_lookup.valueAtIndex(b,hfill) = s;
// go to last filled cell...
for (;h<cHDclassCount;h++) {
if (m_lookup.valueAtIndex(b,h)==0)
// fill up the rest...
for (;h<cHDclassCount;h++) {
max_size = std::max(max_size, s->dataSize());
// if no stamps in this dbh-class, copy values (from last row)
if (!s && b>0) {
for (h=0;h<cHDclassCount;h++)
m_lookup.valueAtIndex(b,h) = m_lookup(b-1, h);
if (!m_lookup.valueAtIndex(0,0)) {
// first values are missing
int b=0;
while (b<cBHDclassCount && m_lookup.valueAtIndex(b,0)==NULL)
for (int fill=0;fill<b;fill++)
for (h=0;h<cHDclassCount;h++)
m_lookup.valueAtIndex(fill, h) = m_lookup.valueAtIndex(b,h);
// distance grid
if (m_distance.sizeX()<max_size) {
if (GlobalSettings::instance()->settings().paramValueBool("debugDumpStamps", false) )
qDebug() << dump();
void StampContainer::setupDistanceGrid(const int size)
const float px_size = cPxSize;
m_distance.setup(px_size, size, size);
float *p=m_distance.begin();
QPoint idx;
for (;p!=m_distance.end();++p) {
idx = m_distance.indexOf(p);
*p = sqrt(double(idx.x()*idx.x()) + double(idx.y()*idx.y()))*px_size;
void StampContainer::addStamp(Stamp* stamp, const int cls_dbh, const int cls_hd, const float crown_radius_m, const float dbh, const float hd_value)
if (m_useLookup) {
if (cls_dbh<0 || cls_dbh>=cBHDclassCount || cls_hd<0 || cls_hd>=cHDclassCount)
throw IException(QString("StampContainer::addStamp: Stamp out of range. dbh=%1 hd=%2.").arg(dbh).arg(hd_value));
m_lookup.valueAtIndex(cls_dbh, cls_hd) = stamp; // save address in look up table
} // if (useLookup)
StampItem si;
si.dbh = dbh;
si.hd = hd_value;
si.crown_radius = crown_radius_m;
si.stamp = stamp;
m_stamps.append(si); // store entry in list of stamps
/** add a stamp to the internal storage.
After loading the function finalizeSetup() must be called to ensure that gaps in the matrix get filled. */
void StampContainer::addStamp(Stamp* stamp, const float dbh, const float hd_value, const float crown_radius)
int cls_dbh, cls_hd;
getKey(dbh, hd_value, cls_dbh, cls_hd); // decode dbh/hd-value
addStamp(stamp, cls_dbh, cls_hd, crown_radius, dbh, hd_value); // dont set crownradius
void StampContainer::addReaderStamp(Stamp *stamp, const float crown_radius_m)
double rest = fmod(crown_radius_m, 1.)+0.0001;
int cls_hd = int( rest * 10 ); // 0 .. 9.99999999
if (cls_hd>=cHDclassCount)
int cls_dbh = int(crown_radius_m);
//qDebug() << "Readerstamp r="<< crown_radius_m<<" index dbh hd:" << cls_dbh << cls_hd;
// prepare special keys for reader stamps
addStamp(stamp,cls_dbh, cls_hd, crown_radius_m, 0., 0.); // set crownradius, but not dbh/hd
/** retrieve a read-out-stamp. Readers depend solely on a crown radius.
Internally, readers are stored in the same lookup-table, but using a encoding/decoding trick.*/
const Stamp* StampContainer::readerStamp(const float crown_radius_m) const
// Readers: from 0..10m in 50 steps???
int cls_hd = int( (fmod(crown_radius_m, 1.)+0.0001) * 10 ); // 0 .. 9.99999999
if (cls_hd>=cHDclassCount)
int cls_bhd = int(crown_radius_m);
const Stamp* stamp = m_lookup(cls_bhd, cls_hd);
if (!stamp)
qDebug() << "Stamp::readerStamp(): no stamp found for radius" << crown_radius_m;
return stamp;
/** fast access for an individual stamp using a lookup table.
the dimensions of the lookup table are defined by class-constants.
If stamp is not found there, the more complete list of stamps is searched. */
const Stamp* StampContainer::stamp(const float bhd_cm, const float height_m) const
float hd_value = 100.f * height_m / bhd_cm;
int cls_dbh, cls_hd;
getKey(bhd_cm, hd_value, cls_dbh, cls_hd);
// check loopup table
if (cls_dbh<cBHDclassCount && cls_dbh>=0 && cls_hd < cHDclassCount && cls_hd>=0) {
const Stamp* stamp = m_lookup(cls_dbh, cls_hd);
if (stamp)
return stamp;
if (logLevelDebug())
qDebug() << "StampContainer::stamp(): not in list: dbh height:" << bhd_cm << height_m << "in" << m_fileName;
// extra work: search in list...
// look for a stamp if the HD-ratio is out of range
if (cls_dbh<cBHDclassCount && cls_dbh>=0) {
if (logLevelDebug())
qDebug() << "HD for stamp out of range dbh " << bhd_cm << "and h="<< height_m << "(using smallest/largeset HD)";
if (cls_hd>=cHDclassCount)
return m_lookup(cls_dbh, cHDclassCount-1); // highest
return m_lookup(cls_dbh, 0); // smallest
// look for a stamp if the DBH is out of range.
if (cls_hd<cHDclassCount && cls_hd>=0) {
if (logLevelDebug())
qDebug() << "DBH for stamp out of range dbh " << bhd_cm << "and h="<< height_m << "-> using largest available DBH.";
if (cls_dbh>=cBHDclassCount)
return m_lookup(cBHDclassCount-1, cls_hd); // highest
return m_lookup(0, cls_hd); // smallest
// handle the case DBH and HD are out of range
if (cls_dbh>=cBHDclassCount && cls_hd<0) {
if (logLevelDebug())
qDebug() << "DBH AND HD for stamp out of range dbh " << bhd_cm << "and h="<< height_m << "-> using largest available DBH/smallest HD.";
return m_lookup(cBHDclassCount-1, 0);
// handle the case that DBH is too high and HD is too high (not very likely)
if (cls_dbh>=cBHDclassCount && cls_hd>=cHDclassCount) {
if (logLevelDebug())
qDebug() << "DBH AND HD for stamp out of range dbh " << bhd_cm << "and h="<< height_m << "-> using largest available DBH.";
return m_lookup(cBHDclassCount-1, cHDclassCount-1);
qDebug() << "ERROR: No stamp defined for dbh " << bhd_cm << "and h="<< height_m;
throw IException("StampContainer:: did not find a valid stamp.");
/// static factory function to create stamps with a given size
/// @param type indicates type of stamp
Stamp* StampContainer::newStamp(const Stamp::StampType type)
Stamp *stamp;
switch (type) {
case Stamp::est4x4: //qDebug() << "4x4stamp";
stamp=new Stamp(4); break;
stamp = new Stamp(int(type));
return stamp;
void StampContainer::attachReaderStamps(const StampContainer &source)
int found=0, total=0;
foreach (StampItem si, m_stamps) {
const Stamp *s = source.readerStamp(si.crown_radius);
if (s) found++;
if (logLevelInfo()) qDebug() << "attachReaderStamps: found" << found << "stamps of" << total;
void StampContainer::invert()
StampItem si;
foreach(si, m_stamps) {
Stamp *s =si.stamp;
float *p = s->data();
while (p!=s->end()) {
*p = 1. - *p;
/// convenience function that loads stamps directly from a single file.
void StampContainer::load(const QString &fileName)
QFile readerfile(fileName);
if (!readerfile.exists())
throw IException(QString("The LIP stampfile %1 cannot be found!").arg(fileName));
m_fileName = fileName;
QDataStream rin(&readerfile);
qDebug() << "loading stamp file" << fileName;
void StampContainer::load(QDataStream &in)
qint32 type;
qint32 count;
float bhd, hdvalue, crownradius;
quint32 magic;
in >> magic;
if (magic!=0xFEED0001)
throw IException("StampContainer: invalid file type!");
quint16 version;
in >> version;
if (version != 100)
throw IException(QString("StampContainer: invalid file version: %1").arg(version));
in >> count; // read count of stamps
if (logLevelInfo()) qDebug() << count << "stamps to read";
QString desc;
in >> desc; // read textual description of stamp
if (logLevelInfo()) qDebug() << "Stamp notes:" << desc;
m_desc = desc;
for (int i=0;i<count;i++) {
in >> type; // read type
in >> bhd;
in >> hdvalue;
in >> crownradius;
//qDebug() << "stamp bhd hdvalue type readsum dominance type" << bhd << hdvalue << type << readsum << domvalue << type;
Stamp *stamp = newStamp( Stamp::StampType(type) );
if (bhd > 0.f)
addStamp(stamp, bhd, hdvalue, crownradius);
addReaderStamp(stamp, crownradius);
finalizeSetup(); // fill up lookup grid
if (count==0)
throw IException("no stamps loaded!");
/** Saves all stamps of the container to a binary stream.
Format: * count of stamps (int32)
* a string containing a description (free text) (QString)
for each stamp:
- type (enum Stamp::StampType, 4, 8, 12, 16, ...)
- bhd of the stamp (float)
- hd-value of the tree (float)
- crownradius of the stamp (float) in [m]
- the sum of values in the center of the stamp (used for read out)
- the dominance value of the stamp
- individual data values (Stamp::save() / Stamp::load())
-- offset (int) no. of pixels away from center
-- list of data items (type*type items)
see also stamp creation (FonStudio application, MainWindow.cpp).
void StampContainer::save(QDataStream &out)
qint32 type;
qint32 size = m_stamps.count();
out << (quint32)0xFEED0001; // magic number
out << (quint16)100; // version
out << size; // count of stamps...
out << m_desc; // text...
foreach(StampItem si, m_stamps) {
type = si.stamp->dataSize();
out << type;
out << si.dbh;
out << si.hd;
out << si.crown_radius;
QString StampContainer::dump()
QString res;
QString line;
int x,y;
int maxidx;
res = QString("****** Dump of StampContainer %1 **********\r\n").arg(m_fileName);
foreach (StampItem si, m_stamps) {
line = QString("%5 -> size: %1 offset: %2 dbh: %3 hd-ratio: %4\r\n")
.arg(si.dbh).arg(si.hd).arg((int)si.stamp, 0, 16);
// add data....
maxidx = 2*si.stamp->offset() + 1;
for (y=0;y<maxidx;++y) {
for (x=0;x<maxidx;++x) {
line+= QString::number(*si.stamp->data(x,y)) + " ";
res+= "Dump of lookup map\r\n=====================\r\n";
for (Stamp **s = m_lookup.begin(); s!=m_lookup.end(); ++s) {
if (*s)
res += QString("P: x/y: %1/%2 addr %3\r\n").arg( m_lookup.indexOf(s).x()).arg(m_lookup.indexOf(s).y()).arg((int)*s, 0, 16);
res+="\r\n" + gridToString(m_lookup);
return res;