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#ifndef STAMP_H
#define STAMP_H
#include "grid.h"
#include <QtCore>
/** Stamp is the basic class for the FON field of a individual tree.
class Stamp
/// @enum StampType defines different grid sizes for stamps (4x4 floats, ... 48x48 floats).
/// the numeric value indicates also the size of the grid.
enum StampType { est4x4=4, est8x8=8, est12x12=12, est16x16=16, est24x24=24, est32x32=32, est48x48=48, est64x64=64 };
Stamp(const int size):m_data(NULL) { setup(size); }
void setOffset(const int offset) { m_offset = offset; }
int offset() const { return m_offset; } ///< delta between edge of the stamp and the logical center point (of the tree). e.g. a 5x5 stamp in an 8x8-grid has an offset from 2.
int count() const { return m_size*m_size; } ///< count of pixels (rectangle)
int size() const { return m_offset*2+1; } ///< logical size of the stamp
int dataSize() const { return m_size; } ///< internal size of the stamp; e.g. 4 -> 4x4 stamp with 16 pixels.
/// get a full access pointer to internal data
float *data() { return m_data; }
/// get pointer to the element after the last element (iterator style)
const float *end() const { return &m_data[m_size*m_size]; }
/// get pointer to data item with indices x and y
float *data(const int x, const int y) const { return m_data + index(x,y); }
void setData(const int x, const int y, const float value) { *data(x,y) = value; }
/// get index (e.g. for data()[index]) for indices x and y
int index(const int x, const int y) const { return y*m_size + x; }
inline float operator()(const int x, const int y) const { return *data(x,y); }
inline float offsetValue(const int x, const int y, const int offset) const { return *data(x+offset, y+offset); }
const Stamp *reader() const { return m_reader; }
void setReader(Stamp *reader) { m_reader = reader; setCrownRadius(reader->crownRadius()); /*calculates also the Area*/ }
/// sum of relevant subarea of the stamp (i.e. crown)
float readSum() const { return m_readsum; }
void setReadSum(float sum) { m_readsum = sum; }
/// height dominance value in at the tree center
float dominanceValue() const { return m_dominance; }
void setDominanceValue(float dom) { m_dominance = dom; }
// property crown radius
float crownRadius() const { return m_crownRadius; }
float crownArea() const { return m_crownArea; }
void setCrownRadius(const float r) { m_crownRadius = r; m_crownArea=r*r*M_PI; }
// loading/saving
void loadFromFile(const QString &fileName);
void load(QDataStream &in); ///< load from stream (predefined binary structure)
void save(QDataStream &out); ///< save to stream (predefined binary structure)
void setup(const int size);
float *m_data;
float m_readsum;
float m_dominance;
float m_crownRadius;
float m_crownArea;
int m_size;
int m_offset;
Stamp *m_reader; ///< pointer to the appropriate reader stamp (if available)
// global functions
/// create a stamp from a FloatGrid with any size
/// @param grid source grid. It is assumed the actual stamp data is around the center point and the grid has an uneven size (e.g 13x13 or 25x25)
/// @param width number of pixels that should actually be used. e.g: grid 25x25, width=7 -> data is located from 9/9 to 16/16 (12+-3)
/// @return a stamp created on the heap with the fitting size. The data rect is aligned to 0/0. above example: stamp will be 8x8, with a 7x7-data-block from 0/0 to 6/6.
Stamp *stampFromGrid(const FloatGrid& grid, const int width);
#endif // STAMP_H