(root)/src/core/speciesset.cpp - Rev 1160
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** iLand - an individual based forest landscape and disturbance model
** http://iland.boku.ac.at
** Copyright (C) 2009- Werner Rammer, Rupert Seidl
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <QtCore>
#include <QtSql>
#include "global.h"
#include "globalsettings.h"
#include "xmlhelper.h"
#include "speciesset.h"
#include "species.h"
#include "model.h"
#include "seeddispersal.h"
#include "modelsettings.h"
#include "debugtimer.h"
/** @class SpeciesSet
A SpeciesSet acts as a container for individual Species objects. In iLand, theoretically,
multiple species sets can be used in parallel.
mSetupQuery = 0;
void SpeciesSet::clear()
const Species *SpeciesSet::species(const int &index)
foreach(Species *s, mSpecies)
if (s->index() == index)
return s;
return NULL;
/** loads active species from a database table and creates/setups the species.
The function uses the global database-connection.
int SpeciesSet::setup()
const XmlHelper &xml = GlobalSettings::instance()->settings();
QString tableName = xml.value("model.species.source", "species");
mName = tableName;
QString readerFile = xml.value("model.species.reader", "reader.bin");
readerFile = GlobalSettings::instance()->path(readerFile, "lip");
if (GlobalSettings::instance()->settings().paramValueBool("debugDumpStamps", false) )
qDebug() << mReaderStamp.dump();
QSqlQuery query(GlobalSettings::instance()->dbin());
mSetupQuery = &query;
QString sql = QString("select * from %1").arg(tableName);
if (query.lastError().isValid()){
throw IException(QString("Error loading species set: %1 \n %2").arg(sql, query.lastError().text()) );
qDebug() << "attempting to load a species set from" << tableName;
while (query.next()) {
if (var("active").toInt()==0)
Species *s = new Species(this); // create
// call setup routine (which calls SpeciesSet::var() to retrieve values
mSpecies.insert(s->id(), s); // store
if (s->active())
Expression::addConstant(s->id(), s->index());
} // while query.next()
qDebug() << "loaded" << mSpecies.count() << "active species:";
qDebug() << "index, id, name";
foreach(const Species *s, mActiveSpecies)
qDebug() << s->index() << s->id() << s->name();
mSetupQuery = 0;
// setup nitrogen response
XmlHelper resp(xml.node("model.species.nitrogenResponseClasses"));
if (!resp.isValid())
throw IException("model.species.nitrogenResponseClasses not present!");
mNitrogen_1a = resp.valueDouble("class_1_a");
mNitrogen_1b = resp.valueDouble("class_1_b");
mNitrogen_2a = resp.valueDouble("class_2_a");
mNitrogen_2b = resp.valueDouble("class_2_b");
mNitrogen_3a = resp.valueDouble("class_3_a");
mNitrogen_3b = resp.valueDouble("class_3_b");
if (mNitrogen_1a*mNitrogen_1b*mNitrogen_2a*mNitrogen_2b*mNitrogen_3a*mNitrogen_3b == 0)
throw IException("at least one parameter of model.species.nitrogenResponseClasses is not valid (value=0)!");
// setup CO2 response
XmlHelper co2(xml.node("model.species.CO2Response"));
mCO2base = co2.valueDouble("baseConcentration");
mCO2comp = co2.valueDouble("compensationPoint");
mCO2beta0 = co2.valueDouble("beta0");
mCO2p0 = co2.valueDouble("p0");
if (mCO2base*mCO2comp*(mCO2base-mCO2comp)*mCO2beta0*mCO2p0==0)
throw IException("at least one parameter of model.species.CO2Response is not valid!");
// setup Light responses
XmlHelper light(xml.node("model.species.lightResponse"));
mLightResponseTolerant.linearize(0., 1.);
mLightResponseIntolerant.linearize(0., 1.);
if (mLightResponseTolerant.expression().isEmpty() || mLightResponseIntolerant.expression().isEmpty())
throw IException("at least one parameter of model.species.lightResponse is empty!");
// lri-correction
// x: LRI, y: relative heigth
mLRICorrection.linearize2d(0., 1., 0., 1.);
return mSpecies.count();
void SpeciesSet::setupRegeneration()
foreach(Species *s, mActiveSpecies) {
SeedDispersal *sd = new SeedDispersal(s);
sd->setup(); // setup memory for the seed map (grid)
s->setSeedDispersal(sd); // establish the link between species and the map
qDebug() << "Setup of seed dispersal maps finished.";
void nc_seed_distribution(Species *species)
void SpeciesSet::regeneration()
if (!GlobalSettings::instance()->model()->settings().regenerationEnabled)
DebugTimer t("seed dispersal (all species)");
ThreadRunner runner(mActiveSpecies); // initialize a thread runner object with all active species
if (logLevelDebug())
qDebug() << "seed dispersal finished.";
/** newYear is called by Model::runYear at the beginning of a year before any growth occurs.
This is used for various initializations, e.g. to clear seed dispersal maps
void SpeciesSet::newYear()
if (!GlobalSettings::instance()->model()->settings().regenerationEnabled)
foreach(Species *s, mActiveSpecies) {
/** retrieves variables from the datasource available during the setup of species.
QVariant SpeciesSet::var(const QString& varName)
int idx = mSetupQuery->record().indexOf(varName);
if (idx>=0)
return mSetupQuery->value(idx);
throw IException(QString("SpeciesSet: variable not set: %1").arg(varName));
//throw IException(QString("load species parameter: field %1 not found!").arg(varName));
// lookup in defaults
//qDebug() << "variable" << varName << "not found - using default.";
//return GlobalSettings::instance()->settingDefaultValue(varName);
inline double SpeciesSet::nitrogenResponse(const double &availableNitrogen, const double &NA, const double &NB) const
if (availableNitrogen<=NB)
return 0;
double x = 1. - exp(NA * (availableNitrogen-NB));
return x;
/// calculate nitrogen response for a given amount of available nitrogen and a respone class
/// for fractional values, the response value is interpolated between the fixedly defined classes (1,2,3)
double SpeciesSet::nitrogenResponse(const double availableNitrogen, const double &responseClass) const
double value1, value2, value3;
if (responseClass>2.) {
if (responseClass==3.)
return nitrogenResponse(availableNitrogen, mNitrogen_3a, mNitrogen_3b);
else {
// interpolate between 2 and 3
value2 = nitrogenResponse(availableNitrogen, mNitrogen_2a, mNitrogen_2b);
value3 = nitrogenResponse(availableNitrogen, mNitrogen_3a, mNitrogen_3b);
return value2 + (responseClass-2)*(value3-value2);
if (responseClass==2.)
return nitrogenResponse(availableNitrogen, mNitrogen_2a, mNitrogen_2b);
if (responseClass==1.)
return nitrogenResponse(availableNitrogen, mNitrogen_1a, mNitrogen_1b);
// last ressort: interpolate between 1 and 2
value1 = nitrogenResponse(availableNitrogen, mNitrogen_1a, mNitrogen_1b);
value2 = nitrogenResponse(availableNitrogen, mNitrogen_2a, mNitrogen_2b);
return value1 + (responseClass-1)*(value2-value1);
/** calculation for the CO2 response for the ambientCO2 for the water- and nitrogen responses given.
The calculation follows Friedlingsstein 1995 (see also links to equations in code)
see also: http://iland.boku.ac.at/CO2+response
@param ambientCO2 current CO2 concentration (ppm)
@param nitrogenResponse (yearly) nitrogen response of the species
@param soilWaterReponse soil water response (mean value for a month)
double SpeciesSet::co2Response(const double ambientCO2, const double nitrogenResponse, const double soilWaterResponse) const
if (nitrogenResponse==0.)
return 0.;
double co2_water = 2. - soilWaterResponse;
double beta = mCO2beta0 * co2_water * nitrogenResponse;
double r =1. + M_LN2 * beta; // NPP increase for a doubling of atmospheric CO2 (Eq. 17)
// fertilization function (cf. Farquhar, 1980) based on Michaelis-Menten expressions
double deltaC = mCO2base - mCO2comp;
double K2 = ((2*mCO2base - mCO2comp) - r*deltaC ) / ((r-1.)*deltaC*(2*mCO2base - mCO2comp)); // Eq. 16
double K1 = (1. + K2*deltaC) / deltaC;
double response = mCO2p0 * K1*(ambientCO2 - mCO2comp) / (1 + K2*(ambientCO2-mCO2comp)); // Eq. 16
return response;
/** calculates the lightResponse based on a value for LRI and the species lightResponseClass.
LightResponse is classified from 1 (very shade inolerant) and 5 (very shade tolerant) and interpolated for values between 1 and 5.
Returns a value between 0..1
@sa http://iland.boku.ac.at/allocation#reserve_and_allocation_to_stem_growth */
double SpeciesSet::lightResponse(const double lightResourceIndex, const double lightResponseClass) const
double low = mLightResponseIntolerant.calculate(lightResourceIndex);
double high = mLightResponseTolerant.calculate(lightResourceIndex);
double result = low + 0.25*(lightResponseClass-1.)*(high-low);
return limit(result, 0., 1.);