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#ifndef SPECIES_H
#define SPECIES_H
#include "expression.h"
#include "globalsettings.h"
#include "speciesset.h"
class StampContainer; // forwards
class Stamp;
/// parameters for establishment
struct EstablishmentParameters
double min_temp; //degC
int chill_requirement; // days of chilling requirement
int GDD_min, GDD_max; // GDD thresholds
double GDD_baseTemperature; // for GDD-calc: GDD=sum(T - baseTemp)
int bud_birst; // GDDs needed until bud burst
int frost_free; // minimum number of annual frost-free days required
double frost_tolerance; //factor in growing season frost tolerance calculation
EstablishmentParameters(): min_temp(-37), chill_requirement(56), GDD_min(177), GDD_max(3261), GDD_baseTemperature(3.4),
bud_birst(255), frost_free(65), frost_tolerance(0.5) {}
/// parameters for sapling growth
struct SaplingGrowthParameters
Expression heightGrowthPotential; ///< formula that expresses height growth potential
int maxStressYears; ///< trees die, if they are "stressed" for this number of consectuive years
double stressThreshold; ///< tree is considered as "stressed" if f_env_yr is below that threhold
float hdSapling; ///< fixed height-diameter ratio used for saplings
double ReinekesR; ///< Reinekes R, i.e. maximum stem number for a dg of 25cm
double referenceRatio; ///< f_ref (eq. 3) -> ratio reference site / optimum site
SaplingGrowthParameters(): maxStressYears(3), stressThreshold(0.1), hdSapling(80.f), ReinekesR(1450.), referenceRatio(1.) {}
/// represented stem number by one cohort (using Reinekes Law):
double representedStemNumber(const double dbh) const { return ReinekesR*pow(dbh/25., -1.605) / double(cPxPerHectare); }
class Species
Species(SpeciesSet *set) { mSet = set; mIndex=set->count(); mSeedDispersal=0; mRandomGenerator=0; }
// maintenance
void setup();
void newYear();
// getter for a thread-local random number generator object. if setRandomGenerator() is used, this saves some overhead
MTRand &randomGenerator() const { if (mRandomGenerator) return *mRandomGenerator; else return GlobalSettings::instance()->randomGenerator(); }
void setRandomGenerator() { mRandomGenerator = &GlobalSettings::instance()->randomGenerator(); } // fetch random generator of the current thread
const SpeciesSet *speciesSet() const { return mSet; }
// properties
SeedDispersal *seedDispersal() const { return mSeedDispersal; }
/// @property id 4-character unique identification of the tree species
const QString &id() const { return mId; }
/// the full name (e.g. Picea Abies) of the species
const QString &name() const { return mName; }
const QColor displayColor() const { return mDisplayColor; }
int index() const { return mIndex; } ///< unique index of species within current set
bool active() const { return true; } ///< active??? todo!
int phenologyClass() const { return mPhenologyClass; } ///< phenology class defined in project file. class 0 = evergreen
bool isConiferous() const { return mConiferous; }
bool isEvergreen() const { return mEvergreen; }
bool isSeedYear() const { return mIsSeedYear; }
// calculations: allometries
double biomassFoliage(const double dbh) const;
double biomassWoody(const double dbh) const;
double biomassRoot(const double dbh) const;
double biomassBranch(const double dbh) const;
double allometricRatio_wf() const { return mWoody_b / mFoliage_b; }
double allometricFractionStem(const double dbh) const;
double finerootFoliageRatio() const { return mFinerootFoliageRatio; } ///< ratio of fineroot mass (kg) to foliage mass (kg)
// turnover rates
double turnoverLeaf() const { return mTurnoverLeaf; }
double turnoverRoot() const { return mTurnoverRoot; }
// hd-values
void hdRange(const double dbh, double &rMinHD, double &rMaxHD) const;
// growth
double volumeFactor() const { return mVolumeFactor; } ///< factor for volume calculation: V = factor * D^2*H (incorporates density and the form of the bole)
double density() const { return mWoodDensity; } ///< density of stem wood [kg/m3]
double specificLeafArea() const { return mSpecificLeafArea; }
// mortality
double deathProb_intrinsic() const { return mDeathProb_intrinsic; }
inline double deathProb_stress(const double &stress_index) const;
// aging
double aging(const float height, const int age) const;
int estimateAge(const float height) const;///< estimate age for a tree with the current age
// regeneration
void seedProduction(const int age, const float height, const QPoint &position_index);
void setSeedDispersal(SeedDispersal *seed_dispersal) {mSeedDispersal=seed_dispersal; }
// environmental responses
double vpdResponse(const double &vpd) const;
inline double temperatureResponse(const double &delayed_temp) const;
double nitrogenResponse(const double &availableNitrogen) const { return mSet->nitrogenResponse(availableNitrogen, mRespNitrogenClass); }
double canopyConductance() const { return mMaxCanopyConductance; } ///< maximum canopy conductance in m/s
inline double soilwaterResponse(const double &psi_kPa) const; ///< input: matrix potential (kPa) (e.g. -15)
double lightResponse(const double lightResourceIndex) const {return mSet->lightResponse(lightResourceIndex, mLightResponseClass); }
double psiMin() const { return mPsiMin; }
// parameters for seed dispersal
void treeMigKernel(double &ras1, double &ras2, double &ks) const { ras1=mTM_as1; ras2=mTM_as2; ks=mTM_ks; }
double fecundity_m2() const { return mFecundity_m2; }
double nonSeedYearFraction() const { return mNonSeedYearFraction; }
const EstablishmentParameters &establishmentParameters() const { return mEstablishmentParams; }
const SaplingGrowthParameters &saplingGrowthParameters() const { return mSaplingGrowthParams; }
const Stamp* stamp(const float dbh, const float height) const { return mLIPs.stamp(dbh, height);}
// helpers during setup
bool boolVar(const QString s) { return mSet->var(s).toBool(); } ///< during setup: get value of variable @p s as a boolean variable.
double doubleVar(const QString s) { return mSet->var(s).toDouble(); }///< during setup: get value of variable @p s as a double.
int intVar(const QString s) { return mSet->var(s).toInt(); } ///< during setup: get value of variable @p s as an integer.
QString stringVar(const QString s) { return mSet->var(s).toString(); } ///< during setup: get value of variable @p s as a string.
MTRand *mRandomGenerator;
SpeciesSet *mSet; ///< ptr. to the "parent" set
StampContainer mLIPs; ///< ptr to the container of the LIP-pattern
QString mId;
QString mName;
QColor mDisplayColor;
int mIndex; ///< internal index within the SpeciesSet
bool mConiferous; ///< true if confierous species (vs. broadleaved)
bool mEvergreen; ///< true if evergreen species
// biomass allometries:
double mFoliage_a, mFoliage_b; ///< allometry (biomass = a * dbh^b) for foliage
double mWoody_a, mWoody_b; ///< allometry (biomass = a * dbh^b) for woody compartments aboveground
double mRoot_a, mRoot_b; ///< allometry (biomass = a * dbh^b) for roots (compound, fine and coarse roots as one pool)
double mBranch_a, mBranch_b; ///< allometry (biomass = a * dbh^b) for branches
double mSpecificLeafArea; ///< conversion factor from kg OTS to m2 LeafArea
// turnover rates
double mTurnoverLeaf; ///< yearly turnover rate leafs
double mTurnoverRoot; ///< yearly turnover rate root
double mFinerootFoliageRatio; ///< ratio of fineroot mass (kg) to foliage mass (kg)
// height-diameter-relationships
Expression mHDlow; ///< minimum HD-relation as f(d) (open grown tree)
Expression mHDhigh; ///< maximum HD-relation as f(d)
// stem density and taper
double mWoodDensity; ///< density of the wood [kg/m3]
double mFormFactor; ///< taper form factor of the stem [-] used for volume / stem-mass calculation calculation
double mVolumeFactor; ///< factor for volume calculation
// mortality
double mDeathProb_intrinsic; ///< prob. of intrinsic death per year [0..1]
double mDeathProb_stress; ///< max. prob. of death per year when tree suffering maximum stress
// Aging
double mMaximumAge; ///< maximum age of species (years)
double mMaximumHeight; ///< maximum height of species (m) for aging
Expression mAging;
// environmental responses
double mRespVpdExponent; ///< exponent in vpd response calculation (Mäkela 2008)
double mRespTempMin; ///< temperature response calculation offset
double mRespTempMax; ///< temperature response calculation: saturation point for temp. response
double mRespNitrogenClass; ///< nitrogen response class (1..3). fractional values (e.g. 1.2) are interpolated.
double mPsiMin; ///< minimum water potential (MPa), i.e. wilting point (is below zero!)
// water
double mMaxCanopyConductance; ///< maximum canopy conductance for transpiration (m/s)
int mPhenologyClass;
double mLightResponseClass; ///< light response class (1..5) (1=shade intolerant)
// regeneration
SeedDispersal *mSeedDispersal; ///< link to the seed dispersal map of the species
int mMaturityYears; ///< a tree produces seeds if it is older than this parameter
double mSeedYearProbability; ///< probability that a year is a seed year (=1/avg.timespan between seedyears)
bool mIsSeedYear; ///< true, if current year is a seed year. see also:
double mNonSeedYearFraction; ///< fraction of the seed production in non-seed-years
// regeneration - seed dispersal
double mFecundity_m2; ///< "surviving seeds" (cf. Moles et al) per m2, see also
double mTM_as1; ///< seed dispersal paramaters (treemig)
double mTM_as2; ///< seed dispersal paramaters (treemig)
double mTM_ks; ///< seed dispersal paramaters (treemig)
EstablishmentParameters mEstablishmentParams; ///< collection of parameters used for establishment
SaplingGrowthParameters mSaplingGrowthParams; ///< collection of parameters for sapling growth
// inlined functions...
inline void Species::hdRange(const double dbh, double &rLowHD, double &rHighHD) const
rLowHD = mHDlow.calculate(dbh);
rHighHD = mHDhigh.calculate(dbh);
/** vpdResponse calculates response on vpd.
Input: vpd [kPa]*/
inline double Species::vpdResponse(const double &vpd) const
return exp(mRespVpdExponent * vpd);
/** temperatureResponse calculates response on delayed daily temperature.
Input: average temperature [°C]
Note: slightly different from Mäkela 2008: the maximum parameter (Sk) in iLand is interpreted as the absolute
temperature yielding a response of 1; in Mäkela 2008, Sk is the width of the range (relative to the lower threhold)
inline double Species::temperatureResponse(const double &delayed_temp) const
double x = qMax(delayed_temp-mRespTempMin, 0.);
x = qMin(x/(mRespTempMax-mRespTempMin), 1.);
return x;
/** soilwaterResponse is a function of the current matrix potential of the soil.
inline double Species::soilwaterResponse(const double &psi_kPa) const
const double psi_mpa = psi_kPa / 1000.; // convert to MPa
double result = limit( 1. - psi_mpa / mPsiMin, 0., 1.);
return result;
/** calculate probabilty of death based on the current stress index. */
inline double Species::deathProb_stress(const double &stress_index) const
if (stress_index==0)
return 0.;
double result = 1. - exp(-mDeathProb_stress*stress_index);
return result;
#endif // SPECIES_H