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** iLand - an individual based forest landscape and disturbance model
** Copyright (C) 2009- Werner Rammer, Rupert Seidl
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <>.
#ifndef SOIL_H
#define SOIL_H
#include "snag.h"
struct SoilParams; // forward
class ResourceUnit; // forward
class Soil
// lifecycle
Soil(ResourceUnit *ru=0);
/// set initial pool contents
void setInitialState(const CNPool &young_labile_kg_ha, const CNPool &young_refractory_kg_ha, const CNPair &SOM_kg_ha);
// actions
void setSoilInput(const CNPool &labile_input_kg_ha, const CNPool &refractory_input_kg_ha); ///< provide values for input pools
void setClimateFactor(const double climate_factor_re) { mRE = climate_factor_re; } ///< set the climate decomposition factor for the current year
void newYear(); ///< reset of counters
void calculateYear(); ///< main calculation function: calculates the update of state variables
/// remove part of the biomass (e.g.: due to fire).
/// @param DWDfrac fraction of downed woody debris (yR) to remove (0: nothing, 1: remove 100% percent)
/// @param litterFrac fraction of litter pools (yL) to remove (0: nothing, 1: remove 100% percent)
/// @param soilFrac fraction of soil pool (SOM) to remove (0: nothing, 1: remove 100% percent)
void disturbance(double DWDfrac, double litterFrac, double soilFrac);
/// remove biomass from the soil layer (e.g.: due to fire).
/// @param DWD_kg_ha downed woody debris (yR) to remove kg/ha
/// @param litter_kg_ha biomass in litter pools (yL) to remove kg/ha
/// @param soil_kg_ha biomass in soil pool (SOM) to remove kg/ha
void disturbanceBiomass(double DWD_kg_ha, double litter_kg_ha, double soil_kg_ha);
// access
const CNPool &youngLabile() const { return mYL;} ///< young labile matter (t/ha)
const CNPool &youngRefractory() const { return mYR;} ///< young refractory matter (t/ha)
const CNPair &oldOrganicMatter() const { return mSOM;} ///< old matter (SOM) (t/ha)
double availableNitrogen() const { return mAvailableNitrogen; } ///< return available Nitrogen (kg/ha*yr)
const CNPair &fluxToAtmosphere() const { return mTotalToAtmosphere; } ///< total flux due to heterotrophic respiration kg/ha
const CNPair &fluxToDisturbance() const { return mTotalToDisturbance; } ///< total flux due to disturbance events (e.g. fire) kg/ha
QList<QVariant> debugList(); ///< return a debug output
ResourceUnit *mRU; ///< link to containing resource unit
void fetchParameters(); ///< set iland parameters for soil
static SoilParams *mParams; // static container for parameters
// variables
double mRE; ///< climate factor 're' (see Snag::calculateClimateFactors())
double mAvailableNitrogen; ///< plant available nitrogen (kg/ha)
double mAvailableNitrogenFromLabile; ///< plant available nitrogen from labile pool (kg/ha)
double mAvailableNitrogenFromRefractory; ///< plant available nitrogen from refractory pool (kg/ha)
double mKyl; ///< litter decomposition rate
double mKyr; ///< downed woody debris (dwd) decomposition rate
double mKo; ///< decomposition rate for soil organic matter (i.e. the "old" pool sensu ICBM)
double mH; ///< humification rate
CNPool mInputLab; ///< input pool labile matter (t/ha)
CNPool mInputRef; ///< input pool refractory matter (t/ha)
// state variables
CNPool mYL; ///< C/N Pool for young labile matter (i.e. litter) (t/ha)
CNPool mYR; ///< C/N Pool for young refractory matter (i.e. downed woody debris) (t/ha)
CNPair mSOM; ///< C/N Pool for old matter (t/ha) (i.e. soil organic matter, SOM)
CNPair mTotalToDisturbance; ///< book-keeping pool for heterotrophic respiration (kg/*ha)
CNPair mTotalToAtmosphere; ///< book-keeping disturbance envents (fire) (kg/ha)
static double mNitrogenDeposition; ///< annual nitrogen deposition (kg N/ha*yr)
friend class Snapshot;
#endif // SOIL_H