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** iLand - an individual based forest landscape and disturbance model
** Copyright (C) 2009- Werner Rammer, Rupert Seidl
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <>.
#ifndef SNAG_H
#define SNAG_H
#include <QList>
#include <QVariant>
class Tree; // forward
class Species; // forward
class ResourceUnit; // forward
/** CNPair stores a duple of carbon and nitrogen (kg/ha)
use addBiomass(biomass, cnratio) to add biomass; use operators (+, +=, *, *=) for simple operations. */
class CNPair
CNPair(): C(0.), N(0.) {}
static void setCFraction(const double fraction) { biomassCFraction = fraction; } ///< set the global fraction of carbon of biomass
CNPair(const double c, const double n) {C=c; N=n; }
bool isEmpty() const { return C==0.; } ///< returns true if pool is empty
bool isValid() const { return C>=0. && N>=0.; } ///< return true if pool is valid (content of C or N >=0)
double C; // carbon pool (kg C/ha)
double N; // nitrogen pool (kg N/ha)
double CN() { return N>0?C/N:0.; } ///< current CN ratio
void clear() {C=0.; N=0.; }
/// retrieve the amount of biomass (kg/ha). Uses the global C-fraciton. Soil pools are in t/ha!!!
double biomass() const {return C / biomassCFraction; }
/// add biomass to the pool (kg dry mass/ha); CNratio is used to calculate the N-Content, the global C-Fraction of biomass is used to
/// calculate the amount of carbon of 'biomass'.
void addBiomass(const double biomass, const double CNratio) { C+=biomass*biomassCFraction; N+=biomass*biomassCFraction/CNratio; }
// some simple operators
void operator+=(const CNPair &s) { C+=s.C; N+=s.N; } ///< add contents of a pool
void operator*=(const double factor) { C*=factor; N*=factor; } ///< Multiply pool with 'factor'
const CNPair operator+(const CNPair &p2) const { return CNPair(C+p2.C, N+p2.N); } ///< return the sum of two pools
const CNPair operator-(const CNPair &p2) const { return CNPair(C-p2.C, N-p2.N); } ///< return the difference of two pools
const CNPair operator*(const double factor) const { return CNPair(C*factor, N*factor); } ///< return the pool multiplied with 'factor'
static double biomassCFraction;
/** CNPool provides (in addition to CNPair) also a weighted parameter value (e.g. a decay rate) */
class CNPool: public CNPair
CNPool(): CNPair::CNPair(), mParameter(0.) {}
CNPool(const double c, const double n, const double param_value) {C=c; N=n; mParameter=param_value; }
double parameter() const { return mParameter; } ///< get weighting parameter
double parameter(const CNPool &s) const; ///< 'simulate' weighting (get weighted param value of 's' with the current content)
void clear() { CNPair::clear(); mParameter=0.; }
/// add biomass with a specific 'CNRatio' and 'parameter_value'
void addBiomass(const double biomass, const double CNratio, const double parameter_value);
void add(const CNPair &s, const double parameter_value) { operator+=(CNPool(s.C, s.N, parameter_value));} ///< convenience function
void setParameter(const double value) { mParameter = value; }
void operator+=(const CNPool &s);
const CNPool operator*(const double factor) const { return CNPool(C*factor, N*factor, mParameter); } ///< return the pool multiplied with 'factor'
double mParameter;
class Snag
static void setupThresholds(const double lower, const double upper); ///< setup class thresholds, needs to be called only once... (static)
void setup( const ResourceUnit *ru); ///< initial setup routine.
void newYear(); ///< to be executed at the beginning of a simulation year. This cleans up the transfer pools.
void calculateYear(); ///< to be called at the end of the year (after tree growth, harvesting). Calculates flow to the soil.
// access
bool isStateEmpty() const { return mTotalSnagCarbon == 0.; }
bool isEmpty() const { return mLabileFlux.isEmpty() && mRefractoryFlux.isEmpty() && isStateEmpty(); }
const CNPool &labileFlux() const { return mLabileFlux; } ///< litter flux to the soil (kg/ha)
const CNPool &refractoryFlux() const {return mRefractoryFlux; } ///< deadwood flux to the soil (kg/ha)
double climateFactor() const { return mClimateFactor; } ///< the 're' climate factor to modify decay rates (also used in ICBM/2N model)
double totalCarbon() const { return mTotalSnagCarbon; } ///< total carbon in snags (kg/ha)
const CNPair &totalSWD() const { return mTotalSWD; } ///< sum of C and N in SWD pools (stems) kg/ha
const CNPair &totalOtherWood() const { return mTotalOther; } ///< sum of C and N in other woody pools (branches + coarse roots) kg/ha
const CNPair &fluxToAtmosphere() const { return mTotalToAtm; } ///< total kg/ha heterotrophic respiration / flux to atm
const CNPair &fluxToExtern() const { return mTotalToExtern; } ///< total kg/ha harvests
const CNPair &fluxToDisturbance() const { return mTotalToDisturbance; } ///< total kg/ha due to disturbance (e.g. fire)
// actions
/// add for a tree with diameter
void addTurnoverLitter(const Species *species, const double litter_foliage, const double litter_fineroot);
void addTurnoverWood(const Species *species, const double woody_biomass);
/// adds the 'tree' to the appropriate Snag pools.
void addMortality(const Tree* tree);
/// add residual biomass of 'tree' after harvesting.
/// remove_(stem, branch, foliage)_pct: percentage of biomass compartment that is removed by the harvest operation.
/// the harvested biomass is collected.
void addHarvest(const Tree* tree, const double remove_stem_pct, const double remove_branch_pct, const double remove_foliage_pct );
/// add (died) biomass from the regeneration layer
void addToSoil(const Species *species, const CNPair &woody_pool, const CNPair &litter_pool);
/// disturbance function: remove the fraction of 'factor' of biomass from the SWD pools; 0: remove nothing, 1: remove all
void removeCarbon(const double factor);
/// cut down swd and move to soil pools
void management(const double factor);
QList<QVariant> debugList(); ///< return a debug output
double calculateClimateFactors(); ///< calculate climate factor 're' for the current year
double mClimateFactor; ///< current mean climate factor (influenced by temperature and soil water content)
const ResourceUnit *mRU; ///< link to resource unit
/// access SWDPool as function of diameter (cm)
int poolIndex(const float dbh) { if (dbh<mDBHLower) return 0; if (dbh>mDBHHigher) return 2; return 1;}
CNPool mSWD[3]; ///< standing woody debris pool (0: smallest dimater class, e.g. <10cm, 1: medium, 2: largest class (e.g. >30cm)) kg/ha
CNPair mTotalSWD; ///< sum of mSWD[x]
double mNumberOfSnags[3]; ///< number of snags in diameter class
double mAvgDbh[3]; ///< average diameter in class (cm)
double mAvgHeight[3]; ///< average height in class (m)
double mAvgVolume[3]; ///< average volume in class (m3)
double mTimeSinceDeath[3]; ///< time since death: mass-weighted age of the content of the snag pool
double mKSW[3]; ///< standing woody debris decay rate (weighted average of species values)
double mCurrentKSW[3]; ///< swd decay rate (average for trees of the current year)
double mHalfLife[3]; ///< half-life values (yrs) (averaged)
CNPool mToSWD[3]; ///< transfer pool; input of the year is collected here (for each size class)
CNPool mLabileFlux; ///< flux to labile soil pools (kg/ha)
CNPool mRefractoryFlux; ///< flux to the refractory soil pool (kg/ha)
CNPool mOtherWood[5]; ///< pool for branch biomass and coarse root biomass
CNPair mTotalOther; ///< sum of mOtherWood[x]
int mBranchCounter; ///< index which of the branch pools should be emptied
double mTotalSnagCarbon; ///< sum of carbon content in all snag compartments (kg/ha)
CNPair mTotalIn; ///< total input to the snag state (i.e. mortality/harvest and litter)
CNPair mSWDtoSoil; ///< total flux from standing dead wood (book-keeping) -> soil (kg/ha)
CNPair mTotalToAtm; ///< flux to atmosphere (kg/ha)
CNPair mTotalToExtern; ///< total flux of masses removed from the site (i.e. harvesting) kg/ha
CNPair mTotalToDisturbance; ///< fluxes due to disturbance
static double mDBHLower, mDBHHigher; ///< thresholds used to classify to SWD-Pools
static double mCarbonThreshold[3]; ///< carbon content thresholds that are used to decide if the SWD-pool should be emptied
#endif // SNAG_H