(root)/src/core/seeddispersal.h - Rev 1167
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** iLand - an individual based forest landscape and disturbance model
** http://iland.boku.ac.at
** Copyright (C) 2009- Werner Rammer, Rupert Seidl
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <QHash>
#include "grid.h"
class Species;
class SeedDispersal
SeedDispersal(Species *species=0): mIndexFactor(10), mSetup(false), mSpecies(species) {}
bool isSetup() const { return mSetup; }
void setup();
static void setupExternalSeeds();
static void finalizeExternalSeeds();
// access
const Grid<float> &seedMap() const { return mSeedMap; } ///< access to the seedMap
const Species *species() const {return mSpecies; }
/// setMatureTree is called by individual (mature) trees. This actually fills the initial state of the seed map.
void setMatureTree(const QPoint &lip_index) { mSeedMap.valueAtIndex(lip_index.x()/mIndexFactor, lip_index.y()/mIndexFactor)=1.f; }
/// extra seed rain of serotinous species at 'position_index'
void seedProductionSerotiny(const QPoint &position_index);
// operations
void clear(); ///< clears the grid
void execute(); ///< execute the seed dispersal
bool edgeDetection(Grid<float> *seed_map = 0); ///< phase 1: detect edges in the image; returns false if *no* pixel is 'lit'
void distribute(Grid<float> *seed_map = 0); ///< phase 2: distribute seeds
// debug and helpers
void loadFromImage(const QString &fileName); ///< debug function...
void dumpMapNextYear(QString file_name) { mDumpNextYearFileName = file_name; }
void createKernel(Grid<float> &kernel, const double max_seed); ///< initializes / creates the kernel
double treemig(const double &distance);
double treemig_distanceTo(const double value);
double mTM_as1, mTM_as2, mTM_ks; ///< seed dispersal paramaters (treemig)
double mTM_fecundity_cell; ///< maximum seeds per source cell
double mTM_occupancy; ///< seeds required per destination regeneration pixel
double mNonSeedYearFraction; ///< fraction of the seed production in non-seed-years
int mIndexFactor; ///< multiplier between light-pixel-size and seed-pixel-size
Grid<float> mSeedMap; ///< (large) seedmap. Is filled by individual trees and then processed
Grid<float> mKernelSeedYear; ///< species specific "seed kernel" (small) for seed years
Grid<float> mKernelNonSeedYear; ///< species specific "seed kernel" (small) for non-seed-years
Grid<float> mKernelSerotiny; ///< seed kernel for extra seed rain
Grid<float> mSeedMapSerotiy; ///< seed map that keeps track of serotiny events
bool mHasPendingSerotiny; ///< true if active (unprocessed) pixels are on the extra-serotiny map
bool mSetup;
Species *mSpecies;
bool mDumpSeedMaps; ///< if true, seedmaps are stored as images
bool mHasExternalSeedInput; ///< if true, external seeds are modelled for the species
QString mDumpNextYearFileName; ///< debug output - dump of the content of the grid to a file during the next execution
int mExternalSeedDirection; ///< direction of external seeds
int mExternalSeedBuffer; ///< how many 20m pixels away from the simulation area should the seeding start?
double mExternalSeedBackgroundInput; ///< background propability for this species; if set, then a certain seed availability is provided for the full area
// external seeds
Grid<float> mExternalSeedMap; ///< for more complex external seed input, this map holds that information
void setupExternalSeedsForSpecies(Species *species); ///< setup of special external seed input
static Grid<float> *mExternalSeedBaseMap; ///< static intermediate data while setting up external seeds
static QHash<QString, QVector<double> > mExtSeedData; ///< holds definition of species and percentages for external seed input
static int mExtSeedSizeX, mExtSeedSizeY; ///< size of the sectors used to specify external seed input