(root)/src/core/seeddispersal.cpp - Rev 1222
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** iLand - an individual based forest landscape and disturbance model
** http://iland.boku.ac.at
** Copyright (C) 2009- Werner Rammer, Rupert Seidl
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "seeddispersal.h"
#include "globalsettings.h"
#include "model.h"
#include "debugtimer.h"
#include "helper.h"
#include "species.h"
#ifdef ILAND_GUI
#include <QtGui/QImage>
/** @class SeedDispersal
@ingroup core
The class encapsulates the dispersal of seeds of one species over the whole landscape.
The dispersal algortihm operate on grids with a 20m resolution.
See http://iland.boku.ac.at/dispersal
Grid<float> *SeedDispersal::mExternalSeedBaseMap = 0;
QHash<QString, QVector<double> > SeedDispersal::mExtSeedData;
int SeedDispersal::mExtSeedSizeX = 0;
int SeedDispersal::mExtSeedSizeY = 0;
if (isSetup()) {
// ************ Setup **************
/** setup of the seedmaps.
This sets the size of the seed map and creates the seed kernel (species specific)
void SeedDispersal::setup()
if (!GlobalSettings::instance()->model()
|| !GlobalSettings::instance()->model()->heightGrid()
|| !mSpecies)
mProbMode = false;
const float seedmap_size = 20.f;
// setup of seed map
mSeedMap.setup(GlobalSettings::instance()->model()->heightGrid()->metricRect(), seedmap_size );
if (!mProbMode) {
mIndexFactor = int(seedmap_size) / cPxSize; // ratio seed grid / lip-grid:
if (logLevelInfo()) qDebug() << "Seed map setup. Species:"<< mSpecies->id() << "kernel-size: " << mSeedMap.sizeX() << "x" << mSeedMap.sizeY() << "pixels.";
if (mSpecies==0)
throw IException("Setup of SeedDispersal: Species not defined.");
if (fmod(GlobalSettings::instance()->settings().valueDouble("model.world.buffer",0),seedmap_size) != 0.)
throw IException("SeedDispersal:setup(): The buffer (model.world.buffer) must be a integer multiple of the seed pixel size (currently 20m, e.g. 20,40,60,...)).");
// settings
mTM_occupancy = 1.; // is currently constant
// copy values for the species parameters:
mSpecies->treeMigKernel(mTM_as1, mTM_as2, mTM_ks);
mTM_fecundity_cell = mSpecies->fecundity_m2() * seedmap_size*seedmap_size * mTM_occupancy; // scale to production for the whole cell
mNonSeedYearFraction = mSpecies->nonSeedYearFraction();
XmlHelper xml(GlobalSettings::instance()->settings().node("model.settings.seedDispersal"));
mKernelThresholdArea = xml.valueDouble(".longDistanceDispersal.thresholdArea", 0.0001);
mKernelThresholdLDD = xml.valueDouble(".longDistanceDispersal.thresholdLDD", 0.0001);
mLDDSeedlings = xml.valueDouble(".longDistanceDispersal.LDDSeedlings", 0.0001);
mLDDRings = xml.valueInt(".longDistanceDispersal.rings", 4);
mLDDSeedlings = qMax(mLDDSeedlings, static_cast<float>(mKernelThresholdArea));
// long distance dispersal
double ldd_area = setupLDD();
createKernel(mKernelSeedYear, mTM_fecundity_cell, 1. - ldd_area);
// the kernel for non seed years looks similar, but is simply linearly scaled down
// using the species parameter NonSeedYearFraction.
// the central pixel still gets the value of 1 (i.e. 100% probability)
createKernel(mKernelNonSeedYear, mTM_fecundity_cell*mNonSeedYearFraction, 1. - ldd_area);
if (mSpecies->fecunditySerotiny()>0.) {
// an extra seed map is used for storing information related to post-fire seed rain
mSeedMapSerotiny.setup(GlobalSettings::instance()->model()->heightGrid()->metricRect(), seedmap_size );
// set up the special seed kernel for post fire seed rain
createKernel(mKernelSerotiny, mTM_fecundity_cell * mSpecies->fecunditySerotiny(),1.);
qDebug() << "created extra seed map and serotiny seed kernel for species" << mSpecies->name() << "with fecundity factor" << mSpecies->fecunditySerotiny();
mHasPendingSerotiny = false;
// debug info
mDumpSeedMaps = GlobalSettings::instance()->settings().valueBool("model.settings.seedDispersal.dumpSeedMapsEnabled",false);
if (mDumpSeedMaps) {
QString path = GlobalSettings::instance()->path( GlobalSettings::instance()->settings().value("model.settings.seedDispersal.dumpSeedMapsPath") );
if (!mKernelSerotiny.isEmpty())
// external seeds
mHasExternalSeedInput = false;
mExternalSeedBuffer = 0;
mExternalSeedDirection = 0;
mExternalSeedBackgroundInput = 0.;
if (GlobalSettings::instance()->settings().valueBool("model.settings.seedDispersal.externalSeedEnabled",false)) {
if (GlobalSettings::instance()->settings().valueBool("model.settings.seedDispersal.seedBelt.enabled",false)) {
// external seed input specified by sectors and around the project area (seedbelt)
} else {
// external seeds specified fixedly per cardinal direction
// current species in list??
mHasExternalSeedInput = GlobalSettings::instance()->settings().value("model.settings.seedDispersal.externalSeedSpecies").contains(mSpecies->id());
QString dir = GlobalSettings::instance()->settings().value("model.settings.seedDispersal.externalSeedSource").toLower();
// encode cardinal positions as bits: e.g: "e,w" -> 6
mExternalSeedDirection += dir.contains("n")?1:0;
mExternalSeedDirection += dir.contains("e")?2:0;
mExternalSeedDirection += dir.contains("s")?4:0;
mExternalSeedDirection += dir.contains("w")?8:0;
QStringList buffer_list = GlobalSettings::instance()->settings().value("model.settings.seedDispersal.externalSeedBuffer").split(QRegExp("([^\\.\\w]+)"));
int index = buffer_list.indexOf(mSpecies->id());
if (index>=0) {
mExternalSeedBuffer = buffer_list[index+1].toInt();
qDebug() << "enabled special buffer for species" <<mSpecies->id() << ": distance of" << mExternalSeedBuffer << "pixels = " << mExternalSeedBuffer*20. << "m";
// background seed rain (i.e. for the full landscape), use regexp
QStringList background_input_list = GlobalSettings::instance()->settings().value("model.settings.seedDispersal.externalSeedBackgroundInput").split(QRegExp("([^\\.\\w]+)"));
index = background_input_list.indexOf(mSpecies->id());
if (index>=0) {
mExternalSeedBackgroundInput = background_input_list[index+1].toDouble();
qDebug() << "enabled background seed input (for full area) for species" <<mSpecies->id() << ": p=" << mExternalSeedBackgroundInput;
if (mHasExternalSeedInput)
qDebug() << "External seed input enabled for" << mSpecies->id();
// setup of seed kernel
// const int max_radius = 15; // pixels
// mSeedKernel.clear();
// mSeedKernel.setup(mSeedMap.cellsize(), 2*max_radius + 1 , 2*max_radius + 1);
// mKernelOffset = max_radius;
// // filling of the kernel.... for simplicity: a linear kernel
// QPoint center = QPoint(mKernelOffset, mKernelOffset);
// const double max_dist = max_radius * seedmap_size;
// for (float *p=mSeedKernel.begin(); p!=mSeedKernel.end();++p) {
// double d = mSeedKernel.distance(center, mSeedKernel.indexOf(p));
// *p = qMax( 1. - d / max_dist, 0.);
// }
// randomize seed map.... set 1/3 to "filled"
//for (int i=0;i<mSeedMap.count(); i++)
// mSeedMap.valueAtIndex(mSeedMap.randomPosition()) = 1.;
// QImage img = gridToImage(mSeedMap, true, -1., 1.);
// img.save("seedmap.png");
// img = gridToImage(mSeedMap, true, -1., 1.);
// img.save("seedmap_e.png");
void SeedDispersal::setupExternalSeeds()
mExternalSeedBaseMap = 0;
if (!GlobalSettings::instance()->settings().valueBool("model.settings.seedDispersal.seedBelt.enabled",false))
DebugTimer t("setup of external seed maps.");
XmlHelper xml(GlobalSettings::instance()->settings().node("model.settings.seedDispersal.seedBelt"));
int seedbelt_width =xml.valueInt(".width",10);
// setup of sectors
// setup of base map
const float seedmap_size = 20.f;
mExternalSeedBaseMap = new Grid<float>;
mExternalSeedBaseMap->setup(GlobalSettings::instance()->model()->heightGrid()->metricRect(), seedmap_size );
if (mExternalSeedBaseMap->count()*4 != GlobalSettings::instance()->model()->heightGrid()->count())
throw IException("error in setting up external seeds: the width and height of the project area need to be a multiple of 20m when external seeds are enabled.");
// make a copy of the 10m height grid in lower resolution and mark pixels that are forested and outside of
// the project area.
for (int y=0;y<mExternalSeedBaseMap->sizeY();y++)
for (int x=0;x<mExternalSeedBaseMap->sizeX();x++) {
bool val = GlobalSettings::instance()->model()->heightGrid()->valueAtIndex(x*2,y*2).isForestOutside();
mExternalSeedBaseMap->valueAtIndex(x,y) = val?1.f:0.f;
mExternalSeedBaseMap->valueAtIndex(x,y) = -1.f;
QString path = GlobalSettings::instance()->path(GlobalSettings::instance()->settings().value("model.settings.seedDispersal.dumpSeedMapsPath"));
if (GlobalSettings::instance()->settings().valueBool("model.settings.seedDispersal.dumpSeedMapsEnabled",false)) {
#ifdef ILAND_GUI
QImage img = gridToImage(*mExternalSeedBaseMap, true, -1., 2.);
img.save(path + "/seedbeltmap_before.png");
// img.save("seedmap.png");
// now scan the pixels of the belt: paint all pixels that are close to the project area
// we do this 4 times (for all cardinal direcitons)
for (int y=0;y<mExternalSeedBaseMap->sizeY();y++) {
for (int x=0;x<mExternalSeedBaseMap->sizeX();x++) {
if (mExternalSeedBaseMap->valueAtIndex(x, y)!=1.)
int look_forward = std::min(x + seedbelt_width, mExternalSeedBaseMap->sizeX()-1);
if (mExternalSeedBaseMap->valueAtIndex(look_forward, y)==-1.f) {
// fill pixels
for(; x<look_forward;++x) {
float &v = mExternalSeedBaseMap->valueAtIndex(x, y);
if (v==1.f) v=2.f;
// right to left
for (int y=0;y<mExternalSeedBaseMap->sizeY();y++) {
for (int x=mExternalSeedBaseMap->sizeX();x>=0;--x) {
if (mExternalSeedBaseMap->valueAtIndex(x, y)!=1.)
int look_forward = std::max(x - seedbelt_width, 0);
if (mExternalSeedBaseMap->valueAtIndex(look_forward, y)==-1.f) {
// fill pixels
for(; x>look_forward;--x) {
float &v = mExternalSeedBaseMap->valueAtIndex(x, y);
if (v==1.f) v=2.f;
// up and down ***
// from top to bottom
for (int x=0;x<mExternalSeedBaseMap->sizeX();x++) {
for (int y=0;y<mExternalSeedBaseMap->sizeY();y++) {
if (mExternalSeedBaseMap->valueAtIndex(x, y)!=1.)
int look_forward = std::min(y + seedbelt_width, mExternalSeedBaseMap->sizeY()-1);
if (mExternalSeedBaseMap->valueAtIndex(x, look_forward)==-1.) {
// fill pixels
for(; y<look_forward;++y) {
float &v = mExternalSeedBaseMap->valueAtIndex(x, y);
if (v==1.f) v=2.f;
// bottom to top ***
for (int y=0;y<mExternalSeedBaseMap->sizeY();y++) {
for (int x=mExternalSeedBaseMap->sizeX();x>=0;--x) {
if (mExternalSeedBaseMap->valueAtIndex(x, y)!=1.)
int look_forward = std::max(y - seedbelt_width, 0);
if (mExternalSeedBaseMap->valueAtIndex(x, look_forward)==-1.) {
// fill pixels
for(; y>look_forward;--y) {
float &v = mExternalSeedBaseMap->valueAtIndex(x, y);
if (v==1.f) v=2.f;
if (GlobalSettings::instance()->settings().valueBool("model.settings.seedDispersal.dumpSeedMapsEnabled",false)) {
#ifdef ILAND_GUI
QImage img = gridToImage(*mExternalSeedBaseMap, true, -1., 2.);
img.save(path + "/seedbeltmap_after.png");
int sectors_x = xml.valueInt("sizeX",0);
int sectors_y = xml.valueInt("sizeY",0);
if(sectors_x<1 || sectors_y<1)
throw IException(QString("setup of external seed dispersal: invalid number of sectors x=%1 y=%3").arg(sectors_x).arg(sectors_y));
QDomElement elem = xml.node(".");
for(QDomNode n = elem.firstChild(); !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling()) {
if (n.nodeName().startsWith("species")) {
QStringList coords = n.nodeName().split("_");
if (coords.count()!=3)
throw IException("external seed species definition is not valid: " + n.nodeName());
int x = coords[1].toInt();
int y = coords[2].toInt();
if (x<0 || x>=sectors_x || y<0 || y>=sectors_y)
throw IException(QString("invalid sector for specifiing external seed input (x y): %1 %2 ").arg(x).arg(y) );
int index = y*sectors_x + x;
QString text = xml.value("." + n.nodeName());
qDebug() << "processing element " << n.nodeName() << "x,y:" << x << y << text;
// we assume pairs of name and fraction
QStringList species_list = text.split(" ");
for (int i=0;i<species_list.count();++i) {
QVector<double> &space = mExtSeedData[species_list[i]];
if (space.isEmpty())
space.resize(sectors_x*sectors_y); // are initialized to 0s
double fraction = species_list[++i].toDouble();
space[index] = fraction;
mExtSeedSizeX = sectors_x;
mExtSeedSizeY = sectors_y;
qDebug() << "setting up of external seed maps finished";
void SeedDispersal::finalizeExternalSeeds()
if (mExternalSeedBaseMap)
delete mExternalSeedBaseMap;
mExternalSeedBaseMap = 0;
void SeedDispersal::seedProductionSerotiny(const QPoint &position_index)
if (mSeedMapSerotiny.isEmpty())
throw IException("Invalid use seedProductionSerotiny(): tried to set a seed source for a non-serotinous species!");
mSeedMapSerotiny.valueAtIndex(position_index.x()/mIndexFactor, position_index.y()/mIndexFactor)=1.f;
mHasPendingSerotiny = true;
// ************ Kernel **************
void SeedDispersal::createKernel(Grid<float> &kernel, const double max_seed, const double scale_area)
double max_dist = treemig_distanceTo(mKernelThresholdArea / species()->fecundity_m2());
double cell_size = mSeedMap.cellsize();
int max_radius = int(max_dist / cell_size);
// e.g.: cell_size: regeneration grid (e.g. 400qm), px-size: light-grid (4qm)
double occupation = cell_size*cell_size / (cPxSize*cPxSize * mTM_occupancy);
kernel.setup(mSeedMap.cellsize(), 2*max_radius + 1 , 2*max_radius + 1);
int kernel_offset = max_radius;
// filling of the kernel.... use the treemig density function
double dist_center_cell = sqrt(cell_size*cell_size/M_PI);
QPoint center = QPoint(kernel_offset, kernel_offset);
const float *sk_end = kernel.end();
for (float *p=kernel.begin(); p!=sk_end;++p) {
double d = kernel.distance(center, kernel.indexOf(p));
if (d==0.)
*p = treemig_centercell(dist_center_cell); // r is the radius of a circle with the same area as a cell
*p = d<=max_dist?static_cast<float>(( treemig(d+dist_center_cell) + treemig(d-dist_center_cell))/2.f * cell_size*cell_size ):0.f;
// normalize
float sum = kernel.sum();
if (sum==0. || occupation==0.)
throw IException("create seed kernel: sum of probabilities = 0!");
// the sum of all kernel cells has to equal 1 (- long distance dispersal)
if (mProbMode) {
// probabilities are derived in multiplying by seed number, and dividing by occupancy criterion
float fecundity_factor = static_cast<float>( max_seed / occupation);
kernel.multiply( fecundity_factor );
// all cells that get more seeds than the occupancy criterion are considered to have no seed limitation for regeneration
for (float *p=kernel.begin(); p!=sk_end;++p) {
*p = qMin(*p, 1.f);
// set the parent cell to 1
//kernel.valueAtIndex(kernel_offset, kernel_offset)=1.f;
// some final statistics....
if (logLevelInfo())
qDebug() << "kernel setup. Species:"<< mSpecies->id() << "kernel-size: " << kernel.sizeX() << "x" << kernel.sizeY() << "pixels, sum (after scaling): " << kernel.sum();
double SeedDispersal::setupLDD()
mLDDDensity.clear(); mLDDDistance.clear();
if (mKernelThresholdLDD >= mKernelThresholdArea) {
// no long distance dispersal
return 0.;
double r_min = treemig_distanceTo(mKernelThresholdArea / species()->fecundity_m2());
double r_max = treemig_distanceTo(mKernelThresholdLDD / species()->fecundity_m2());
double ldd_sum = 0.;
for (int i=0;i<mLDDRings;++i) {
double r_in = mLDDDistance.last();
mLDDDistance.push_back(mLDDDistance.last() + (r_max-r_min)/static_cast<float>(mLDDRings));
double r_out = mLDDDistance.last();
// calculate the value of the kernel for the middle of the ring
double ring_in = treemig(r_in); // kernel value at the inner border of the ring
double ring_out = treemig(r_out); // kernel value at the outer border of the ring
double ring_val = ring_in*0.4 + ring_out*0.6; // this is the average p -- 0.4/0.6 better estimate the nonlinear behavior (fits very well for medium to large kernels, e.g. piab)
// calculate the area of the ring
double ring_area = (r_out*r_out - r_in*r_in)*M_PI; // in square meters
// the number of px considers the fecundity
double n_px = ring_val * ring_area * species()->fecundity_m2() / mLDDSeedlings;
ldd_sum += ring_val * ring_area; // this fraction of the full kernel (=1) is distributed in theis ring
if (logLevelInfo())
qDebug() << "Setup LDD for" << species()->name() << ", using probability: "<< mLDDSeedlings<< ": Distances:" << mLDDDistance << ", seed pixels:" << mLDDDensity << "covered prob:" << ldd_sum;
return ldd_sum;
/* R-Code:
treemig=function(as1,as2,ks,d) # two-part exponential function, cf. Lischke & Loeffler (2006), Annex
/// the used kernel function
/// see also Appendix B of iland paper II (note the different variable names)
/// the function returns the seed density at a point with distance 'distance'.
double SeedDispersal::treemig(const double &distance)
double p1 = (1.-mTM_ks)*exp(-distance/mTM_as1)/mTM_as1;
double p2 = 0.;
if (mTM_as2>0.)
p2 = mTM_ks*exp(-distance/mTM_as2)/mTM_as2;
double s = p1 + p2;
// 's' is the density for radius 'distance' - not for specific point with that distance.
// (i.e. the integral over the one-dimensional treemig function is 1, but if applied for 2d cells, the
// sum would be much larger as all seeds arriving at 'distance' would be arriving somewhere at the circle with radius 'distance')
// convert that to a density at a point, by dividing with the circumference at the circle with radius 'distance'
s = s / (2.*std::max(distance, 0.01)*M_PI);
return s;
double SeedDispersal::treemig_centercell(const double &max_distance)
// use 100 steps and calculate dispersal kernel for consecutive rings
double sum = 0.;
for (int i=0;i<100;i++) {
double r_in = i*max_distance/100.;
double r_out = (i+1)*max_distance/100.;
double ring_area = (r_out*r_out-r_in*r_in)*M_PI;
// the value of each ring is: treemig(r) * area of the ring
sum += treemig((r_out+r_in)/2.)*ring_area;
return sum;
/// calculate the distance where the probability falls below 'value'
double SeedDispersal::treemig_distanceTo(const double value)
double dist = 0.;
while (treemig(dist)>value && dist<10000.)
return dist;
void SeedDispersal::setupExternalSeedsForSpecies(Species *species)
if (!mExtSeedData.contains(species->id()))
return; // nothing to do
qDebug() << "setting up external seed map for" << species->id();
QVector<double> &pcts = mExtSeedData[species->id()];
for (int sector_x=0; sector_x<mExtSeedSizeX; ++sector_x)
for (int sector_y=0; sector_y<mExtSeedSizeY; ++sector_y) {
int xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax;
int fx = mExternalSeedMap.sizeX() / mExtSeedSizeX; // number of cells per sector
xmin = sector_x*fx;
xmax = (sector_x+1)*fx;
fx = mExternalSeedMap.sizeY() / mExtSeedSizeY; // number of cells per sector
ymin = sector_y*fx;
ymax = (sector_y+1)*fx;
// now loop over the whole sector
int index = sector_y*mExtSeedSizeX + sector_x;
double p = pcts[index];
for (int y=ymin;y<ymax;++y)
for (int x=xmin;x<xmax;++x) {
// check
if (mExternalSeedBaseMap->valueAtIndex(x,y)==2.f)
if (drandom()<p)
mExternalSeedMap.valueAtIndex(x,y) = 1.f; // flag
if (!mProbMode) {
// scale external seed values to have pixels with LAI=3
for (float *p=mExternalSeedMap.begin(); p!=mExternalSeedMap.end(); ++p)
*p *= 3.f * mExternalSeedMap.cellsize()*mExternalSeedMap.cellsize();
// ************ Dispersal **************
/// debug function: loads a image of arbirtrary size...
void SeedDispersal::loadFromImage(const QString &fileName)
loadGridFromImage(fileName, mSeedMap);
for (float* p=mSeedMap.begin();p!=mSeedMap.end();++p)
*p = *p>0.8?1.f:0.f;
void SeedDispersal::clear()
Grid<float> *seed_map = &mSeedMap;
if (!mProbMode) {
seed_map = &mSourceMap;
if (!mExternalSeedMap.isEmpty()) {
// we have a preprocessed initial value for the external seed map (see setupExternalSeeds() et al)
// clear the map
float background_value = static_cast<float>(mExternalSeedBackgroundInput); // there is potentitally a background probability <>0 for all pixels.
if (mHasExternalSeedInput) {
// if external seed input is enabled, the buffer area of the seed maps is
// "turned on", i.e. set to 1.
int buf_size = GlobalSettings::instance()->settings().valueInt("model.world.buffer",0.) / static_cast<int>(seed_map->cellsize());
// if a special buffer is defined, reduce the size of the input
if (mExternalSeedBuffer>0)
buf_size -= mExternalSeedBuffer;
if (buf_size>0) {
int ix,iy;
for (iy=0;iy<seed_map->sizeY();++iy)
for (ix=0;ix<seed_map->sizeX(); ++ix)
if (iy<buf_size || iy>=seed_map->sizeY()-buf_size || ix<buf_size || ix>=seed_map->sizeX()-buf_size) {
if (mExternalSeedDirection==0) {
// seeds from all directions
} else {
// seeds only from specific directions
float value = 0.f;
if (isBitSet(mExternalSeedDirection,1) && ix>=seed_map->sizeX()-buf_size) value = 1; // north
if (isBitSet(mExternalSeedDirection,2) && iy<buf_size) value = 1; // east
if (isBitSet(mExternalSeedDirection,3) && ix<buf_size) value = 1; // south
if (isBitSet(mExternalSeedDirection,4) && iy>=seed_map->sizeY()-buf_size) value = 1; // west
} else {
qDebug() << "external seed input: Error: invalid buffer size???";
static int _debug_ldd=0;
void SeedDispersal::execute()
#ifdef ILAND_GUI
int year = GlobalSettings::instance()->currentYear();
QString path;
if (mDumpSeedMaps) {
path = GlobalSettings::instance()->path( GlobalSettings::instance()->settings().value("model.settings.seedDispersal.dumpSeedMapsPath") );
gridToImage(seedMap(), true, 0., 1.).save(QString("%1/seed_before_%2_%3.png").arg(path).arg(mSpecies->id()).arg(year));
qDebug() << "saved seed map image to" << path;
if (mDumpSeedMaps)
qDebug() << "saving of seedmaps only supported in the iLand GUI.";
if (mProbMode) {
DebugTimer t("seed dispersal", true);
// (1) detect edges
if (edgeDetection()) {
#ifdef ILAND_GUI
if (mDumpSeedMaps) {
gridToImage(seedMap(), true, -1., 1.).save(QString("%1/seed_edge_%2_%3.png").arg(path).arg(mSpecies->id()).arg(year));
// (2) distribute seed probabilites from edges
// special case serotiny
if (mHasPendingSerotiny) {
qDebug() << "calculating extra seed rain (serotiny)....";
#ifdef ILAND_GUI
if (mDumpSeedMaps) {
gridToImage(mSeedMapSerotiny, true, 0., 1.).save(QString("%1/seed_serotiny_before_%2_%3.png").arg(path).arg(mSpecies->id()).arg(year));
if (edgeDetection(&mSeedMapSerotiny))
// copy back data
float *sero=mSeedMapSerotiny.begin();
for (float* p=mSeedMap.begin();p!=mSeedMap.end();++p, ++sero)
*p = std::max(*p, *sero);
float total = mSeedMapSerotiny.sum();
#ifdef ILAND_GUI
if (mDumpSeedMaps) {
gridToImage(mSeedMapSerotiny, true, 0., 1.).save(QString("%1/seed_serotiny_after_%2_%3.png").arg(path).arg(mSpecies->id()).arg(year));
mSeedMapSerotiny.initialize(0.f); // clear
mHasPendingSerotiny = false;
qDebug() << "serotiny event: extra seed input" << total << "(total sum of seed probability over all pixels of the serotiny seed map) of species" << mSpecies->name();
} else {
// distribute actual values
DebugTimer t("seed dispersal", true);
// fill seed map from source map
#ifdef ILAND_GUI
if (mDumpSeedMaps) {
//qDebug() << "finished seed dispersal for species. time: " << mSpecies->id() << t.elapsed();
gridToImage(seedMap(), true, 0., 1.).save(QString("%1/seed_after_%2_%3.png").arg(path).arg(mSpecies->id()).arg(year));
if (!mDumpNextYearFileName.isEmpty()) {
Helper::saveToTextFile(GlobalSettings::instance()->path(mDumpNextYearFileName), gridToESRIRaster(seedMap()));
qDebug() << "saved seed map for " << species()->id() << "to" << GlobalSettings::instance()->path(mDumpNextYearFileName);
mDumpNextYearFileName = QString();
qDebug() << "LDD-count:" << _debug_ldd;
/** scans the seed image and detects "edges".
edges are then subsequently marked (set to -1). This is pass 1 of the seed distribution process.
bool SeedDispersal::edgeDetection(Grid<float> *seed_map)
float *p_above, *p, *p_below;
Grid<float> &seedmap = seed_map ? *seed_map : mSeedMap; // switch to extra seed map if provided
int dy = seedmap.sizeY();
int dx = seedmap.sizeX();
int x,y;
bool found = false;
// fill mini-gaps
int n_gaps_filled=0;
for (y=1;y<dy-1;++y){
p = seedmap.ptr(1,y);
p_above = p - dx; // one line above
p_below = p + dx; // one line below
for (x=1;x<dx-1;++x,++p,++p_below, ++p_above) {
if (*p < 0.999f) {
if ((*(p_above-1)==1.f) + (*p_above==1.f) + (*(p_above+1)==1.f) +
(*(p-1)==1.f) + (*(p+1)==1.f) +
(*(p_below-1)==1.f) + (*p_below==1.f) + (*(p_below+1)==1.f) > 3) {
*p=0.999f; // if more than 3 neighbors are active pixels, the value is high
// now detect the edges
int n_edges=0 ;
for (y=1;y<dy-1;++y){
p = seedmap.ptr(1,y);
p_above = p - dx; // one line above
p_below = p + dx; // one line below
for (x=1;x<dx-1;++x,++p,++p_below, ++p_above) {
if (*p == 1.f) {
found = true;
if ( (*(p_above-1)<0.999f && *(p_above-1)>=0.f)
|| (*p_above<0.999f && *p_above>=0.f)
|| (*(p_above+1)<0.999f && *(p_above+1)>=0.f)
|| (*(p-1)<0.999f && *(p-1)>=0.f)
|| (*(p+1)<0.999f && (*p+1)>=0.f)
|| (*(p_below-1)<0.999f && *(p_below-1)>=0.f)
|| (*p_below<0.999f && *p_below>=0.f)
|| (*(p_below+1)<0.999f && *(p_below+1)>=0.f ) ) {
*p=-1.f; // if any surrounding pixel is >=0 & <0.999: -> mark as edge
if (mDumpSeedMaps)
qDebug() << "species:" << mSpecies->id() << "# of gaps filled: " << n_gaps_filled << "# of edge-pixels:" << n_edges;
return found;
/** do the seed probability distribution.
This is phase 2. Apply the seed kernel for each "edge" point identified in phase 1.
void SeedDispersal::distribute(Grid<float> *seed_map)
int x,y;
Grid<float> &seedmap = seed_map ? *seed_map : mSeedMap; // switch to extra seed map if provided
float *end = seedmap.end();
float *p = seedmap.begin();
// choose the kernel depending whether there is a seed year for the current species or not
Grid<float> *kernel = species()->isSeedYear()? &mKernelSeedYear : &mKernelNonSeedYear;
// extra case: serotiny
if (seed_map)
kernel = &mKernelSerotiny;
int offset = kernel->sizeX() / 2; // offset is the index of the center pixel
for(;p!=end;++p) {
if (*p==-1.f) {
// edge pixel found. Now apply the kernel....
QPoint pt=seedmap.indexOf(p);
for (y=-offset;y<=offset;++y) {
for (x=-offset;x<=offset;++x) {
float &kernel_value = kernel->valueAtIndex(x+offset, y+offset);
if (kernel_value>0.f && seedmap.isIndexValid(pt.x()+x, pt.y()+y)) {
float &val = seedmap.valueAtIndex(pt.x()+x, pt.y()+y);
if (val!=-1.f)
val = qMin(1.f - (1.f - val)*(1.f-kernel_value),1.f );
// long distance dispersal
if (!mLDDDensity.isEmpty()) {
double m = species()->isSeedYear() ? 1. : mNonSeedYearFraction;
for (int r=0;r<mLDDDensity.size(); ++r) {
float ldd_val = mLDDSeedlings; // pixels will have this probability
int n = round( mLDDDensity[r]*m ); // number of pixels to activate
for (int i=0;i<n;++i) {
// distance and direction:
double radius = nrandom(mLDDDistance[r], mLDDDistance[r+1]) / seedmap.cellsize(); // choose a random distance (in pixels)
double phi = drandom()*2.*M_PI; // choose a random direction
QPoint ldd(pt.x() + radius*cos(phi), pt.y() + radius*sin(phi));
if (seedmap.isIndexValid(ldd)) {
float &val = seedmap.valueAtIndex(ldd);
// use the same adding of probabilities
if (val!=-1.f)
val = qMin(1.f - (1.f - val)*(1.f-ldd_val), 1.f);
*p=1.f; // mark as processed
} // *p==1
} // for()
// because C modulo operation gives negative numbers for negative values, here a fix
// that always returns positive numbers: http://www.lemoda.net/c/modulo-operator/
#define MOD(a,b) ((((a)%(b))+(b))%(b))
void SeedDispersal::distributeSeeds(Grid<float> *seed_map)
Grid<float> &sourcemap = seed_map ? *seed_map : mSourceMap; // switch to extra seed map if provided
Grid<float> &kernel = mKernelSeedYear;
// *** estimate seed production (based on leaf area) ***
// calculate number of seeds; the source map holds now m2 leaf area on 20x20m pixels
// after this step, each source cell has a value between 0 (no source) and 1 (fully covered cell)
float fec = species()->fecundity_m2();
if (!species()->isSeedYear())
fec *= mNonSeedYearFraction;
for (float *p=sourcemap.begin(); p!=sourcemap.end(); ++p){
if (*p) {
// if LAI >3, then full potential is assumed, below LAI=3 a linear ramp is used
*p = std::min(*p / (sourcemap.cellsize()*sourcemap.cellsize()) /3.f, 3.f);
// sink mode
// // now look for each pixel in the targetmap and sum up seeds*kernel
// int idx=0;
// int offset = kernel.sizeX() / 2; // offset is the index of the center pixel
// //const Grid<ResourceUnit*> &ru_map = GlobalSettings::instance()->model()->RUgrid();
// DebugTimer tsink("seed_sink"); {
// for (float *t=mSeedMap.begin(); t!=mSeedMap.end(); ++t, ++idx) {
// // skip out-of-project areas
// //if (!ru_map.constValueAtIndex(mSeedMap.index5(idx)))
// // continue;
// // apply the kernel
// QPoint sm=mSeedMap.indexOf(t)-QPoint(offset, offset);
// for (int iy=0;iy<kernel.sizeY();++iy) {
// for (int ix=0;ix<kernel.sizeX();++ix) {
// if (sourcemap.isIndexValid(sm.x()+ix, sm.y()+iy))
// *t+=sourcemap(sm.x()+ix, sm.y()+iy) * kernel(ix, iy);
// }
// }
// }
// } // debugtimer
// mSeedMap.initialize(0.f); // just for debugging...
int offset = kernel.sizeX() / 2; // offset is the index of the center pixel
// source mode
// *** seed distribution (Kernel + long distance dispersal) ***
if (GlobalSettings::instance()->model()->settings().torusMode==false) {
// ** standard case (no torus) **
for (float *src=sourcemap.begin(); src!=sourcemap.end(); ++src) {
if (*src>0.f) {
QPoint sm=sourcemap.indexOf(src)-QPoint(offset, offset);
int sx = sm.x(), sy=sm.y();
for (int iy=0;iy<kernel.sizeY();++iy) {
for (int ix=0;ix<kernel.sizeX();++ix) {
if (mSeedMap.isIndexValid(sx+ix, sy+iy))
mSeedMap.valueAtIndex(sx+ix, sy+iy)+= *src * kernel(ix, iy);
// long distance dispersal
if (!mLDDDensity.isEmpty()) {
QPoint pt=sourcemap.indexOf(src);
for (int r=0;r<mLDDDensity.size(); ++r) {
float ldd_val = mLDDSeedlings / fec; // pixels will have this probability [note: fecundity will be multiplied below]
int n;
if (mLDDDensity[r]<1)
n = drandom()<mLDDDensity[r] ? 1 : 0;
n = round( mLDDDensity[r] ); // number of pixels to activate
for (int i=0;i<n;++i) {
// distance and direction:
double radius = nrandom(mLDDDistance[r], mLDDDistance[r+1]) / mSeedMap.cellsize(); // choose a random distance (in pixels)
double phi = drandom()*2.*M_PI; // choose a random direction
QPoint ldd(pt.x() + radius*cos(phi), pt.y() + radius*sin(phi));
if (mSeedMap.isIndexValid(ldd)) {
float &val = mSeedMap.valueAtIndex(ldd);
val += ldd_val;
} else {
// **** seed distribution in torus mode ***
int seedmap_offset = sourcemap.indexAt(QPointF(0., 0.)).x(); // the seed maps have x extra rows/columns
QPoint torus_pos;
int seedpx_per_ru = static_cast<int>((cRUSize/sourcemap.cellsize()));
for (float *src=sourcemap.begin(); src!=sourcemap.end(); ++src) {
if (*src>0.f) {
QPoint sm=sourcemap.indexOf(src);
// get the origin of the resource unit *on* the seedmap in *seedmap-coords*:
QPoint offset_ru( ((sm.x()-seedmap_offset) / seedpx_per_ru) * seedpx_per_ru + seedmap_offset,
((sm.y()-seedmap_offset) / seedpx_per_ru) * seedpx_per_ru + seedmap_offset); // coords RU origin
QPoint offset_in_ru((sm.x()-seedmap_offset) % seedpx_per_ru, (sm.y()-seedmap_offset) % seedpx_per_ru ); // offset of current point within the RU
//QPoint sm=sourcemap.indexOf(src)-QPoint(offset, offset);
for (int iy=0;iy<kernel.sizeY();++iy) {
for (int ix=0;ix<kernel.sizeX();++ix) {
torus_pos = offset_ru + QPoint(MOD((offset_in_ru.x() - offset + ix), seedpx_per_ru), MOD((offset_in_ru.y() - offset + iy), seedpx_per_ru));
if (mSeedMap.isIndexValid(torus_pos))
mSeedMap.valueAtIndex(torus_pos)+= *src * kernel(ix, iy);
// long distance dispersal
if (!mLDDDensity.isEmpty()) {
for (int r=0;r<mLDDDensity.size(); ++r) {
float ldd_val = mLDDSeedlings / fec; // pixels will have this probability [note: fecundity will be multiplied below]
int n;
if (mLDDDensity[r]<1)
n = drandom()<mLDDDensity[r] ? 1 : 0;
n = round( mLDDDensity[r] ); // number of pixels to activate
for (int i=0;i<n;++i) {
// distance and direction:
double radius = nrandom(mLDDDistance[r], mLDDDistance[r+1]) / mSeedMap.cellsize(); // choose a random distance (in pixels)
double phi = drandom()*2.*M_PI; // choose a random direction
QPoint ldd( radius*cos(phi), + radius*sin(phi)); // destination (offset)
torus_pos = offset_ru + QPoint(MOD((offset_in_ru.x()+ldd.x()),seedpx_per_ru), MOD((offset_in_ru.y()+ldd.y()),seedpx_per_ru) );
if (mSeedMap.isIndexValid(torus_pos)) {
float &val = mSeedMap.valueAtIndex(torus_pos);
val += ldd_val;
} // torus
// now the seed sources (0..1) are spatially distributed by the kernel (and LDD) without altering the magnitude;
// now we include the fecundity (=seedling potential per m2 crown area), and convert to the establishment probability p_seed.
// The number of (potential) seedlings per m2 on each cell is: cell * fecundity[m2]
// We assume that the availability of 10 potential seedlings/m2 is enough for unconstrained establishment;
const float n_unlimited = 100.f;
for (float *p=mSeedMap.begin(); p!=mSeedMap.end(); ++p){
if (*p>0.f) {
*p = std::min(*p*fec / n_unlimited, 1.f);