(root)/src/core/resourceunitspecies.h - Rev 1222
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** iLand - an individual based forest landscape and disturbance model
** http://iland.boku.ac.at
** Copyright (C) 2009- Werner Rammer, Rupert Seidl
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "production3pg.h"
#include "standstatistics.h"
#include "speciesresponse.h"
#include "establishment.h"
#include "saplings.h"
#include "grid.h"
#include "snag.h"
class Species;
class ResourceUnit;
class ResourceUnitSpecies
ResourceUnitSpecies() : mLAIfactor(0.), mSpecies(0), mRU(0) {}
void setup(Species *species, ResourceUnit *ru);
// access
const SpeciesResponse *speciesResponse() const { return &mResponse; }
const Species *species() const { return mSpecies; } ///< return pointer to species
const ResourceUnit *ru() const { return mRU; } ///< return pointer to resource unit
const Production3PG &prod3PG() const { return m3PG; } ///< the 3pg production model of this speies x resourceunit
SaplingStat &saplingStat() { return mSaplingStat; } ///< statistics for the sapling sub module
const SaplingStat &constSaplingStat() const { return mSaplingStat; } ///< statistics for the sapling sub module
Establishment &establishment() { return mEstablishment; } ///< establishment submodel
StandStatistics &statistics() { return mStatistics; } ///< statistics of this species on the resourceunit
StandStatistics &statisticsDead() { return mStatisticsDead; } ///< statistics of died trees
StandStatistics &statisticsMgmt() { return mStatisticsMgmt; } ///< statistics of removed trees
const StandStatistics &constStatistics() const { return mStatistics; } ///< const accessor
const StandStatistics &constStatisticsDead() const { return mStatisticsDead; } ///< const accessor
const StandStatistics &constStatisticsMgmt() const { return mStatisticsMgmt; } ///< const accessor
// actions
void updateGWL();
double removedVolume() const { return mRemovedGrowth; } ///< sum of volume with was remvoved because of death/management (m3/ha)
/// relative fraction of LAI of this species (0..1) (if total LAI on resource unit is >= 1, then the sum of all LAIfactors of all species = 1)
double LAIfactor() const { return mLAIfactor; }
void setLAIfactor(const double newLAIfraction) { mLAIfactor=newLAIfraction;
if (mLAIfactor<0 || mLAIfactor>1.00001)
qDebug() << "invalid LAIfactor"<<mLAIfactor; }
// properties
double leafArea() const; ///< total leaf area of the species on the RU (m2).
// action
void calculate(const bool fromEstablishment=false); ///< calculate response for species, calculate actual 3PG production
ResourceUnitSpecies(const ResourceUnitSpecies &); // no copy
ResourceUnitSpecies &operator=(const ResourceUnitSpecies &); // no copy
double mLAIfactor; ///< relative amount of this species' LAI on this resource unit (0..1). Is calculated once a year.
double mRemovedGrowth; ///< m3 volume of trees removed/managed (to calculate GWL) (m3/ha)
StandStatistics mStatistics; ///< statistics of a species on this resource unit
StandStatistics mStatisticsDead; ///< statistics of died trees (this year) of a species on this resource unit
StandStatistics mStatisticsMgmt; ///< statistics of removed trees (this year) of a species on this resource unit
Production3PG m3PG; ///< NPP prodution unit of this species
SpeciesResponse mResponse; ///< calculation and storage of species specific respones on this resource unit
Establishment mEstablishment; ///< establishment for seedlings and sapling growth
SaplingStat mSaplingStat; ///< statistics on saplings
Species *mSpecies; ///< link to speices
ResourceUnit *mRU; ///< link to resource unit
int mLastYear;