(root)/src/core/layeredgrid.h - Rev 1217
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** iLand - an individual based forest landscape and disturbance model
** http://iland.boku.ac.at
** Copyright (C) 2009- Werner Rammer, Rupert Seidl
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "grid.h"
/** \class LayeredGrid
@ingroup tools
This is the base class for multi-layer grids in iLand. Use the LayeredGrid-template class
for creating actual multi layer grids. The LayeredGridBase can be used for specializations.
class LayeredGridBase
// layer description element
class LayerElement {
LayerElement() {}
LayerElement(QString aname, QString adesc, GridViewType type): name(aname), description(adesc), view_type(type) {}
QString name;
QString description;
GridViewType view_type;
// access to properties
virtual int sizeX() const=0;
virtual int sizeY() const=0;
virtual QRectF metricRect() const=0;
virtual QRectF cellRect(const QPoint &p) const=0;
virtual bool onClick(const QPointF &world_coord) const { Q_UNUSED(world_coord); return false; /*false: not handled*/ }
// available variables
/// list of stored layers
virtual const QVector<LayeredGridBase::LayerElement> &names()=0;
/// get layer index by name of the layer. returns -1 if layer is not available.
virtual int indexOf(const QString &layer_name)
for(int i=0;i<names().count();++i)
if (names().at(i).name == layer_name)
return i;
return -1;
virtual QStringList layerNames() {
QStringList l;
for(int i=0;i<names().count();++i)
return l;
// statistics
/// retrieve min and max of variable 'index'
virtual void range(double &rMin, double &rMax, const int index) const=0;
// data access functions
virtual double value(const float x, const float y, const int index) const = 0;
virtual double value(const QPointF &world_coord, const int index) const = 0;
virtual double value(const int ix, const int iy, const int index) const = 0;
virtual double value(const int grid_index, const int index) const = 0;
// for classified values
virtual const QString labelvalue(const int value, const int index) const
return QLatin1Literal("-");
/** \class LayeredGrid is a template for multi-layered grids in iLand.
* Use your cell-class for T and provide at minium a value() and a names() function.
* The names() provide the names of the individual layers (used e.g. in the GUI), the value() function
* returns a cell-specific value for a specific layer (given by 'index' parameter).
* */
template <class T>
class LayeredGrid: public LayeredGridBase
LayeredGrid(const Grid<T>& grid) { mGrid = &grid; }
LayeredGrid() { mGrid = 0; }
QRectF cellRect(const QPoint &p) const { return mGrid->cellRect(p); }
QRectF metricRect() const { return mGrid->metricRect(); }
float cellsize() const { return mGrid->cellsize(); }
int sizeX() const { return mGrid->sizeX(); }
int sizeY() const { return mGrid->sizeY();}
virtual double value(const T& data, const int index) const = 0;
double value(const T* ptr, const int index) const { return value(mGrid->constValueAtIndex(mGrid->indexOf(ptr)), index); }
double value(const int grid_index, const int index) const { return value(mGrid->constValueAtIndex(grid_index), index); }
double value(const float x, const float y, const int index) const { return value(mGrid->constValueAt(x,y), index); }
double value(const QPointF &world_coord, const int index) const { return mGrid->coordValid(world_coord)?value(mGrid->constValueAt(world_coord), index) : 0.; }
double value(const int ix, const int iy, const int index) const { return value(mGrid->constValueAtIndex(ix, iy), index); }
void range(double &rMin, double &rMax, const int index) const { rMin=9999999999.; rMax=-99999999999.;
for (int i=0;i<mGrid->count(); ++i) {
rMin=qMin(rMin, value(i, index));
rMax=qMax(rMax, value(i,index));}}
/// extract a (newly created) grid filled with the value of the variable given by 'index'
/// caller need to free memory!
Grid<double> *copyGrid(const int index) const
Grid<double> *data_grid= new Grid<double>(mGrid->metricRect(), mGrid->cellsize());
double *p = data_grid->begin();
for (int i=0;i<mGrid->count();++i)
*p++ = value(i, index);
return data_grid;
const Grid<T> *mGrid;
void modelToWorld(const Vector3D &From, Vector3D &To);
/** translate
template <class T>
QString gridToESRIRaster(const LayeredGrid<T> &grid, const QString name)
int index = const_cast<LayeredGrid<T> &>(grid).indexOf(name);
if (index<0)
return QString();
Vector3D model(grid.metricRect().left(), grid.metricRect().top(), 0.);
Vector3D world;
modelToWorld(model, world);
QString result = QString("ncols %1\r\nnrows %2\r\nxllcorner %3\r\nyllcorner %4\r\ncellsize %5\r\nNODATA_value %6\r\n")
QString res;
QTextStream ts(&res);
QChar sep = QChar(' ');
for (int y=grid.sizeY()-1;y>=0;--y){
for (int x=0;x<grid.sizeX();x++){
ts << grid.value(x,y,index) << sep;
ts << "\r\n";
return result + res;