(root)/src/core/grasscover.cpp - Rev 1222
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** iLand - an individual based forest landscape and disturbance model
** http://iland.boku.ac.at
** Copyright (C) 2009- Werner Rammer, Rupert Seidl
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "grasscover.h"
#include "globalsettings.h"
#include "debugtimer.h"
#include "xmlhelper.h"
#include "model.h"
#include "modelcontroller.h"
const int GrassCover::GRASSCOVERSTEPS;
mLayers = new GrassCoverLayers();
mLayers->setGrid(mGrid, this);
mEnabled = false;
mType = Invalid;
delete mLayers;
void GrassCover::setup()
XmlHelper xml=GlobalSettings::instance()->settings();
if (!xml.valueBool("model.settings.grass.enabled")) {
// clear grid
qDebug() << "grass module not enabled";
// create the grid
mGrid.setup(GlobalSettings::instance()->model()->grid()->metricRect(), GlobalSettings::instance()->model()->grid()->cellsize());
// mask out out-of-project areas
HeightGrid *hg = GlobalSettings::instance()->model()->heightGrid();
for (int i=0;i<mGrid.count();++i)
if (!hg->valueAtIndex(mGrid.index5(i)).isValid())
mGrid[i] = -1;
mType = Invalid;
QString type = xml.value("model.settings.grass.type");
if (type == QStringLiteral("pixel"))
mType = Pixel;
if (type==QStringLiteral("continuous"))
mType = Continuous;
if (mType == Invalid)
throw IException("GrassCover::setup: invalid 'grass.type'. Allowed: 'continous' and 'pixel'.");
if (mType == Pixel) {
// setup of pixel based / discrete approach
QString formula = xml.value("model.settings.grass.grassDuration");
if (formula.isEmpty())
throw IException("GrassCover::setup(): missing equation for 'grassDuration'.");
mPDF.setup(formula, 0., 100.);
mGrassLIFThreshold = static_cast<float>( xml.valueDouble("model.settings.grass.LIFThreshold", 0.2) );
// clear array
for (int i=0;i<GRASSCOVERSTEPS;++i) {
mEffect[i] = 0.;
} else {
// setup of continuous grass concept
QString formula = xml.value("model.settings.grass.grassPotential");
if (formula.isEmpty())
throw IException("setup of 'grass': required expression 'grassPotential' is missing.");
mGrassPotential.linearize(0.,1., qMin(GRASSCOVERSTEPS, 1000));
formula = xml.value("model.settings.grass.grassEffect");
if (formula.isEmpty())
throw IException("setup of 'grass': required expression 'grassEffect' is missing.");
mMaxTimeLag = static_cast<int>( xml.valueDouble("model.settings.grass.maxTimeLag") );
if (mMaxTimeLag==0)
throw IException("setup of 'grass': value of 'maxTimeLag' is invalid or missing.");
mGrowthRate = GRASSCOVERSTEPS / mMaxTimeLag;
// set up the effect on regeneration in NSTEPS steps
for (int i=0;i<GRASSCOVERSTEPS;++i) {
double effect = mGrassEffect.calculate(i/double(GRASSCOVERSTEPS-1));
mEffect[i] = limit(effect, 0., 1.);
mMaxState = static_cast<qint16>( limit(mGrassPotential.calculate(1.f), 0., 1.)*(GRASSCOVERSTEPS-1) ); // the max value of the potential function
GlobalSettings::instance()->controller()->addLayers(mLayers, QStringLiteral("grass cover"));
mEnabled = true;
qDebug() << "setup of grass cover complete.";
void GrassCover::setInitialValues(const QVector<float *> &LIFpixels, const int percent)
if (!enabled())
if (mType == Continuous) {
grass_grid_type cval = static_cast<grass_grid_type>( limit(percent / 100., 0., 1.)*(GRASSCOVERSTEPS-1) );
if (cval > mMaxState)
cval = mMaxState;
Grid<float> *lif_grid = GlobalSettings::instance()->model()->grid();
for (QVector<float *>::const_iterator it = LIFpixels.constBegin(); it!=LIFpixels.constEnd(); ++it)
mGrid.valueAtIndex(lif_grid->indexOf(*it)) = cval;
} else {
// mType == Pixel
Grid<float> *lif_grid = GlobalSettings::instance()->model()->grid();
for (QVector<float *>::const_iterator it = LIFpixels.constBegin(); it!=LIFpixels.constEnd(); ++it) {
if (percent > irandom(0,100))
mGrid.valueAtIndex(lif_grid->indexOf(*it)) = static_cast<qint16>( mPDF.get() );
mGrid.valueAtIndex(lif_grid->indexOf(*it)) = 0;
void GrassCover::execute()
if (!enabled())
DebugTimer t("GrassCover");
// Main function of the grass submodule
float *lif = GlobalSettings::instance()->model()->grid()->begin();
float *end_lif = GlobalSettings::instance()->model()->grid()->end();
grass_grid_type *gr = mGrid.begin();
if (mType == Continuous) {
// loop over every LIF pixel
int skipped=0;
for (; lif!=end_lif;++lif, ++gr) {
// calculate potential grass vegetation cover
if (*lif == 1.f && *gr==mMaxState) {
int potential = static_cast<int>( limit(mGrassPotential.calculate(*lif), 0., 1.)*(GRASSCOVERSTEPS-1) );
*gr = static_cast<qint16>( qMin( int(*gr) + mGrowthRate, potential) );
//qDebug() << "skipped" << skipped;
} else {
// type = Pixel
for (; lif!=end_lif;++lif, ++gr) {
if (*gr<0)
if (*gr>1)
(*gr)--; // count down the years (until gr=1)
if (*gr==0 && *lif>mGrassLIFThreshold) {
// enable grass cover
qint16 v = static_cast<qint16>( qMax(mPDF.get(), 0.) );
*gr = v + 1; // switch on...
if (*gr==1 && *lif<mGrassLIFThreshold) {
// now LIF is below the threshold - this enables the pixel get grassy again
*gr = 0;
double GrassCoverLayers::value(const grass_grid_type &data, const int index) const
if (!mGrassCover->enabled()) return 0.;
case 0: return mGrassCover->effect(data); //effect
case 1: return mGrassCover->cover(data); // cover
default: throw IException(QString("invalid variable index for a GrassCoverLayers: %1").arg(index));
const QVector<LayeredGridBase::LayerElement> &GrassCoverLayers::names()
if (mNames.isEmpty())
mNames = QVector<LayeredGridBase::LayerElement>()
<< LayeredGridBase::LayerElement(QLatin1Literal("effect"), QLatin1Literal("prohibiting effect on regeneration [0..1]"), GridViewGreens)
<< LayeredGridBase::LayerElement(QLatin1Literal("cover"), QLatin1Literal("current grass cover on pixels [0..1 for continuous, or #(years+2) for pixel mode]"), GridViewGreens);
return mNames;