(root)/src/core/establishment.cpp - Rev 1210
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** iLand - an individual based forest landscape and disturbance model
** http://iland.boku.ac.at
** Copyright (C) 2009- Werner Rammer, Rupert Seidl
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "establishment.h"
#include "climate.h"
#include "species.h"
#include "resourceunit.h"
#include "resourceunitspecies.h"
#include "seeddispersal.h"
#include "model.h"
#include "grasscover.h"
#include "helper.h"
#include "debugtimer.h"
#include "watercycle.h"
/** @class Establishment
Establishment deals with the establishment process of saplings.
Prerequisites for establishment are:
the availability of seeds: derived from the seed-maps per Species (@sa SeedDispersal)
the quality of the abiotic environment (TACA-model): calculations are performend here, based on climate and species responses
the quality of the biotic environment, mainly light: based on the LIF-values
mPAbiotic = 0.;
Establishment::Establishment(const Climate *climate, const ResourceUnitSpecies *rus)
setup(climate, rus);
void Establishment::setup(const Climate *climate, const ResourceUnitSpecies *rus)
mClimate = climate;
mRUS = rus;
mPAbiotic = 0.;
mPxDensity = 0.;
mNumberEstablished = 0;
if (climate==0)
throw IException("Establishment::setup: no valid climate for a resource unit.");
if (rus==0 || rus->species()==0 || rus->ru()==0)
throw IException("Establishment::setup: important variable is null (are the species properly set up?).");
void Establishment::clear()
mPAbiotic = 0.;
mNumberEstablished = 0;
mPxDensity = 0.;
mSumLIFvalue = 0.;
mLIFcount = 0;
mWaterLimitation = 0.;
double Establishment::calculateWaterLimitation(const int veg_period_start, const int veg_period_end)
// return 1 if effect is disabled
if (mRUS->species()->establishmentParameters().psi_min >= 0.)
return 1.;
double psi_min = mRUS->species()->establishmentParameters().psi_min;
const WaterCycle *water = mRUS->ru()->waterCycle();
int days = mRUS->ru()->climate()->daysOfYear();
// two week (14 days) running average of actual psi-values on the resource unit
static const int nwindow = 14;
double psi_buffer[nwindow];
for (int i=0;i<nwindow;++i)
psi_buffer[i] = 0.;
double current_sum = 0.;
int i_buffer = 0;
double min_average = 9999999.;
double current_avg = 0.;
for (int day=0;day<days;++day) {
// running average: remove oldest item, add new item in a ringbuffer
current_sum -= psi_buffer[i_buffer];
psi_buffer[i_buffer] = water->psi_kPa(day);
current_sum += psi_buffer[i_buffer];
if (day>=veg_period_start && day<=veg_period_end) {
current_avg = day>0? current_sum / std::min(day, nwindow) : current_sum;
min_average = std::min(min_average, current_avg);
// move to next value in the buffer
i_buffer = ++i_buffer % nwindow;
if (min_average > 1000.)
return 1.; // invalid vegetation period?
// calculate the response of the species to this value of psi (see also Species::soilwaterResponse())
const double psi_mpa = min_average / 1000.; // convert to MPa
double result = limit( (psi_mpa - psi_min) / (-0.015 - psi_min) , 0., 1.);
return result;
/** Calculate the abiotic environemnt for seedling for a given species and a given resource unit.
The model is closely based on the TACA approach of Nitschke and Innes (2008), Ecol. Model 210, 263-277
more details: http://iland.boku.ac.at/establishment#abiotic_environment
a model mockup in R: script_establishment.r
void Establishment::calculateAbioticEnvironment()
//DebugTimer t("est_abiotic"); t.setSilent();
// make sure that required calculations (e.g. watercycle are already performed)
const_cast<ResourceUnitSpecies*>(mRUS)->calculate(true); // calculate the 3pg module and run the water cycle (this is done only if that did not happen up to now); true: call comes from regeneration
const EstablishmentParameters &p = mRUS->species()->establishmentParameters();
const Phenology &pheno = mClimate->phenology(mRUS->species()->phenologyClass());
mTACA_min_temp = true; // minimum temperature threshold
mTACA_chill = false; // (total) chilling requirement
mTACA_gdd = false; // gdd-thresholds
mTACA_frostfree = false; // frost free days in vegetation period
mTACA_frostAfterBuds = 0; // frost days after bud birst
const ClimateDay *day = mClimate->begin();
int doy = 0;
double GDD=0.;
double GDD_BudBirst = 0.;
int chill_days = pheno.chillingDaysLastYear(); // chilling days of the last autumn
int frost_free = 0;
mTACA_frostAfterBuds = 0;
bool chill_ok = false;
bool buds_are_birst = false;
int veg_period_end = pheno.vegetationPeriodEnd();
if (veg_period_end >= 365)
veg_period_end = mClimate->sun().dayShorter10_5hrs();
for (; day!=mClimate->end(); ++day, ++doy) {
// minimum temperature: if temp too low -> set prob. to zero
if (day->min_temperature < p.min_temp)
mTACA_min_temp = false;
// count frost free days
if (day->min_temperature > 0.)
// chilling requirement, GDD, bud birst
if (day->temperature>=-5. && day->temperature<5.)
if (chill_days>p.chill_requirement)
// GDDs above the base temperature are counted if beginning from the day where the chilling requirements are met
// up to a fixed day ending the veg period
if (doy<=veg_period_end) {
// accumulate growing degree days
if (chill_ok && day->temperature > p.GDD_baseTemperature) {
GDD += day->temperature - p.GDD_baseTemperature;
GDD_BudBirst += day->temperature - p.GDD_baseTemperature;
// if day-frost occurs, the GDD counter for bud birst is reset
if (day->temperature <= 0.)
GDD_BudBirst = 0.;
if (GDD_BudBirst > p.bud_birst)
buds_are_birst = true;
if (doy<veg_period_end && buds_are_birst && day->min_temperature <= 0.)
// chilling requirement
if (chill_ok)
mTACA_chill = true;
// GDD requirements
if (GDD>p.GDD_min && GDD<p.GDD_max)
mTACA_gdd = true;
// frost free days in the vegetation period
if (frost_free > p.frost_free)
mTACA_frostfree = true;
// if all requirements are met:
if (mTACA_chill && mTACA_min_temp && mTACA_gdd && mTACA_frostfree) {
// negative effect of frost events after bud birst
double frost_effect = 1.;
if (mTACA_frostAfterBuds>0)
frost_effect = pow(p.frost_tolerance, sqrt(double(mTACA_frostAfterBuds)));
// negative effect due to water limitation on establishment [1: no effect]
mWaterLimitation = calculateWaterLimitation(pheno.vegetationPeriodStart(), pheno.vegetationPeriodLength());
// combine drought and frost effect multiplicatively
mPAbiotic = frost_effect * mWaterLimitation;
} else {
mPAbiotic = 0.; // if any of the requirements is not met
void Establishment::writeDebugOutputs()
if (GlobalSettings::instance()->isDebugEnabled(GlobalSettings::dEstablishment)) {
DebugList &out = GlobalSettings::instance()->debugList(mRUS->ru()->index(), GlobalSettings::dEstablishment);
// establishment details
out << mRUS->species()->id() << mRUS->ru()->index() << mRUS->ru()->id();
out << avgSeedDensity();
out << TACAminTemp() << TACAchill() << TACAfrostFree() << TACgdd();
out << TACAfrostDaysAfterBudBirst() << waterLimitation() << abioticEnvironment();
out << mRUS->prod3PG().fEnvYear() << mRUS->constSaplingStat().newSaplings();
//out << mSaplingStat.livingSaplings() << mSaplingStat.averageHeight() << mSaplingStat.averageAge() << mSaplingStat.averageDeltaHPot() << mSaplingStat.averageDeltaHRealized();
//out << mSaplingStat.newSaplings() << mSaplingStat.diedSaplings() << mSaplingStat.recruitedSaplings() << mSpecies->saplingGrowthParameters().referenceRatio;
//); // DBGMODE()
if ( logLevelDebug() )
qDebug() << "establishment of RU" << mRUS->ru()->index() << "species" << mRUS->species()->id()
<< "seeds density:" << avgSeedDensity()
<< "abiotic environment:" << abioticEnvironment()
<< "f_env,yr:" << mRUS->prod3PG().fEnvYear()
<< "N(established):" << numberEstablished();