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#ifndef CLIMATE_H
#define CLIMATE_H
#include <QtSql>
#include "phenology.h"
/// current climate variables of a day. @sa Climate.
struct ClimateDay
int year; // year
int month; // month
int day; // day of year
double temperature; // average day °C
double temp_delayed; // temperature delayed (after Maekela, 2008) for response calculations
double preciptitation; // sum of day [mm]
double radiation; // sum of day (MJ/m2)
double vpd; // average of day [kPa] = [0.1 mbar] (1 bar = 100kPa)
static double co2; // ambient CO2 content in ppm
QString toString() const { return QString("%1.%2.%3").arg(day).arg(month).arg(year); }
bool isValid() const { return (year>=0); }
int id() const { return year*10000 + month*100 + day; }
/// Sun handles calculations of day lengths, etc.
class Sun
void setup(const double latitude_rad);
QString dump();
const double &daylength(const int day) const { return mDaylength_h[day]; }
int longestDay() const { return mDayWithMaxLength; }
bool northernHemishere() const { return mDayWithMaxLength<300; }
double mLatitude; ///< latitude in radians
int mDayWithMaxLength; ///< day of year with maximum day length
double mDaylength_h[366]; ///< daylength per day in hours
class Climate
void setup(); ///< setup routine that opens database connection
bool isSetup() const { return mIsSetup; }
// activity
void nextYear();
// access to climate data
const ClimateDay *dayOfYear(const int dayofyear) const { return mBegin + dayofyear;} ///< get pointer to climate structure by day of year (0-based-index)
const ClimateDay *day(const int month, const int day) const; ///< gets pointer to climate structure of given day (0-based indices, i.e. month=11=december!)
/// returns two pointer (arguments!!!) to the begin and one after end of the given month (month: 0..11)
void monthRange(const int month, const ClimateDay **rBegin, const ClimateDay **rEnd) const;
double days(const int month) const; ///< returns number of days of given month
int daysOfYear() const; ///< returns number of days of current year. points to the first day of the current year.
const ClimateDay *begin() const { return mBegin; } ///< STL-like (pointer)-iterator to the day *after* last day of the current year
const ClimateDay *end() const { return mEnd; } ///< STL-like pointer iterator
void toDate(const int yearday, int *rDay=0, int *rMonth=0, int *rYear=0) const; ///< decode "yearday" to the actual year, month, day if provided
// access to other subsystems
const Phenology &phenology(const int phenologyGroup) const; ///< phenology class of given type
const Sun &sun() const { return mSun; } ///< solar radiation class
double daylength_h(const int doy) const { return sun().daylength(doy); } ///< length of the day in hours
bool mIsSetup;
Sun mSun; ///< class doing solar radiation calculations
void load(); ///< load mLoadYears years from database
void setupPhenology(); ///< setup of phenology groups
void climateCalculations(ClimateDay &lastDay); ///< more calculations done after loading of climate data
ClimateDay mInvalidDay;
int mLoadYears; // count of years to load ahead
int mCurrentYear; // current year (relative)
int mMinYear; // lowest year in store (relative)
int mMaxYear; // highest year in store (relative)
double mTemperatureShift; // add this to daily temp
double mPrecipitationShift; // multiply prec with that
ClimateDay *mBegin; // pointer to the first day of the current year
ClimateDay *mEnd; // pointer to the last day of the current year (+1)
QVector<ClimateDay> mStore; ///< storage of climate data
QVector<int> mDayIndices; ///< store indices for month / years within store
QSqlQuery mClimateQuery; ///< sql query for db access
QList<Phenology> mPhenology; ///< phenology calculations
#endif // CLIMATE_H