(root)/src/abe/scheduler.h - Rev 1222
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** iLand - an individual based forest landscape and disturbance model
** http://iland.boku.ac.at
** Copyright (C) 2009- Werner Rammer, Rupert Seidl
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <QList>
#include <QHash>
#include "activity.h"
class Expression;
namespace ABE {
class FMStand; // forward
class FMUnit; // forward
/** @brief SchedulerOptions store agent-specific options.
* */
struct SchedulerOptions {
SchedulerOptions(): useScheduler(false), useSustainableHarvest(1.), minScheduleHarvest(0), maxScheduleHarvest(0), maxHarvestLevel(0), harvestIntensity(1.), scheduleRebounceDuration(0), deviationDecayRate(0.){ }
bool useScheduler; ///< true, if the agent is using the scheduler at all
double useSustainableHarvest; ///< scaling factor (0..1), 1 if scheduler used by agent (exclusively), 0: bottom up, linearly scaled in between.
double minScheduleHarvest; ///< minimum amount of m3/ha*yr that should be scheduled
double maxScheduleHarvest; ///< the maximum number of m3/ha*yr that should be scheduled
double maxHarvestLevel; ///< multiplier to define the maximum overshoot over the planned volume (e.g. 1.2 -> 20% max. overshoot)
double harvestIntensity; ///< multiplier for the "sustainable" harvest level
double scheduleRebounceDuration; ///< number of years for which deviations from the planned volume are split into
double deviationDecayRate; ///< factor to reduce accumulated harvest deviation
void setup(QJSValue jsvalue);
static QStringList mAllowedProperties;
* @brief The Scheduler class schedules the forest management activities
* on a planning unit.
class Scheduler
Scheduler(FMUnit* unit) { mUnit = unit; mExtraHarvest=0.; mFinalCutTarget=0.; }
enum HarvestType { Thinning, EndHarvest, Salvage};
/// add an planned activity for a given stand.
/// @param stand the stand to add
/// @param flags the execution flags (activty x stand)
/// @param prob_schedule the probability from the activity-scheduling algorithm at the time of adding the ticket
/// @param prob_execute the probability for executing the activity (based on the constraints of the activity)
void addTicket(FMStand *stand, ActivityFlags *flags, double prob_schedule, double prob_execute);
/// executes the scheduler for the planning unit.
/// scheduled operations are executed.
void run();
/// at the end of the year, reset the salvage harvests
void resetHarvestCounter() { mExtraHarvest = 0.; }
/// prepone a stand if in queue for the given stand.
/// return true if a activity is preponed.
bool forceHarvest(const FMStand *stand, const int max_years);
/// tell the scheduler about extra harvests (that should be considered in the scheduling)
/// volume: total volume (m3)
void addExtraHarvest(const FMStand *stand, const double volume, HarvestType type);
/// return the total amount of planned harvests in the next planning period (10yrs) (total=false)
/// if 'total' is true all scheduled harvests are counted
double plannedHarvests(double &rFinal, double &rThinning);
/// set the harvest target for the unit (m3/ha) for the current year.
/// target_m3_ha: the
void setHarvestTarget(double target_m3_ha, double thinning_target_m3_ha) { mFinalCutTarget = std::max(target_m3_ha,0.01);
mThinningTarget = std::max(thinning_target_m3_ha,0.01); }
double harvestTarget() const { return mFinalCutTarget; }
/// get current score for stand 'id'
/// return -1 if stand is invalid, 0..1 for probabilities, 1.1 for forced execution
double scoreOf(const int stand_id) const;
QStringList info(const int stand_id) const;
/// write state of the scheduler to the console
void dump() const;
void updateCurrentPlan();
class SchedulerItem {
SchedulerItem(): stand(0), score(0.), scheduledYear(-1) {}
bool operator<(const SchedulerItem &item);
void calculate(); ///< calculate the final score
FMStand *stand; ///< the stand to be harvested
double harvest; ///< the scheduled harvest in m3
double harvestPerHa; ///< harvest per ha
double scheduleScore; ///< the probability based on schedule timing
double harvestScore; ///< the probability of the activity
double score; ///< the total score of this ticked to be executed this year
HarvestType harvestType; ///< type of harvest
int enterYear; ///< the year the ticket was created
int optimalYear; ///< the (first) year where execution is considered as optimal
int scheduledYear; ///< planned execution year
int forbiddenTo; ///< year until which the harvest operation is forbidden
ActivityFlags *flags; ///< the details of the activity/stand context
struct ItemComparator
bool operator()( const SchedulerItem *lx, const SchedulerItem *rx ) const;
QList<SchedulerItem*> mItems; ///< the list of active tickets
QMultiHash<int, SchedulerItem*> mSchedule;
/// find scheduler item for 'stand_id' or return NULL.
SchedulerItem* item(const int stand_id) const;
FMUnit *mUnit;
double mExtraHarvest; ///< extra harvests due to disturbances m3
double mFinalCutTarget; ///< current harvest target for regeneration harvests (m3/ha)
double mThinningTarget; ///< current harvest target for thinning/tending operations (m3/ha)
static const int MAX_YEARS = 20;
friend class UnitOut;
} // namespace
#endif // SCHEDULER_H