(root)/src/abe/forestmanagementengine.cpp - Rev 1222
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** iLand - an individual based forest landscape and disturbance model
** http://iland.boku.ac.at
** Copyright (C) 2009- Werner Rammer, Rupert Seidl
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "abe_global.h"
#include "globalsettings.h"
#include "forestmanagementengine.h"
#include "activity.h"
#include "fmunit.h"
#include "fmstand.h"
#include "fmstp.h"
#include "agent.h"
#include "agenttype.h"
#include "fomescript.h"
#include "scriptglobal.h"
#include "fomescript.h"
#include "scheduler.h"
#include "unitout.h"
#include "abestandout.h"
#include "abestandremovalout.h"
#include "debugtimer.h"
// general iLand stuff
#include "xmlhelper.h"
#include "csvfile.h"
#include "model.h"
#include "mapgrid.h"
#include "helper.h"
#include "threadrunner.h"
#include "outputmanager.h"
#include "tree.h"
#include "resourceunit.h"
Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(abeSetup, "abe.setup")
namespace ABE {
/** @defgroup abe iLand agent based forest management engine (ABE)
ABE is the Agent Based management Engine that allows the simulation of both forest management activties (e.g., harvesting of trees)
and forest managers (e.g., deciding when and where to execute an activity).
The ABE framework relies heavily on a blend of C++ (for low-level management activties) and Javascript (for higher level definition of
management programs).
The smallest spatial entity is a forest stand (FMStand), which may be grouped into forest management unit (FMUnit). Forest managers (Agent) can select
stand treatment programs (FMSTP) for a unit. The management activities derive from a basic activity (Activity); specialized code exists
for various activities such as planting or thinning. A scheduler (Scheduler) keeps track of where and when to execute activities following
guidelines given by the management agent (Agent). Agents represent individual foresters that may be grouped into AgentTypes (e.g., farmers).
/** @class ForestManagementEngine
* @ingroup abe
ForestManagementEngine *ForestManagementEngine::singleton_fome_engine = 0;
int ForestManagementEngine::mMaxStandId = -1;
mScriptBridge = 0;
singleton_fome_engine = this;
mCancel = false;
setupOutputs(); // add ABE output definitions
// script bridge: script ownership?
//if (mScriptBridge)
// delete mScriptBridge;
singleton_fome_engine = 0;
const MapGrid *ForestManagementEngine::standGrid()
return GlobalSettings::instance()->model()->standGrid();
void ForestManagementEngine::setupScripting()
// setup the ABE system
const XmlHelper &xml = GlobalSettings::instance()->settings();
ScriptGlobal::setupGlobalScripting(); // general iLand scripting helper functions and such
// the link between the scripting and the C++ side of ABE
if (mScriptBridge)
delete mScriptBridge;
mScriptBridge = new FomeScript;
QString file_name = GlobalSettings::instance()->path(xml.value("model.management.abe.file"));
QString code = Helper::loadTextFile(file_name);
qCDebug(abeSetup) << "Loading script file" << file_name;
QJSValue result = GlobalSettings::instance()->scriptEngine()->evaluate(code,file_name);
if (result.isError()) {
int lineno = result.property("lineNumber").toInt();
QStringList code_lines = code.replace('\r', "").split('\n'); // remove CR, split by LF
QString code_part;
for (int i=std::max(0, lineno - 5); i<std::min(lineno+5, code_lines.count()); ++i)
code_part.append(QString("%1: %2 %3\n").arg(i).arg(code_lines[i]).arg(i==lineno?" <---- [ERROR]":""));
qCDebug(abeSetup) << "Javascript Error in file" << result.property("fileName").toString() << ":" << result.property("lineNumber").toInt() << ":" << result.toString() << ":\n" << code_part;
void ForestManagementEngine::prepareRun()
mStandLayoutChanged = false; // can be changed by salvage operations / stand polygon changes
void ForestManagementEngine::finalizeRun()
// empty the harvest counter; it will be filled again
// during the (next) year.
foreach (FMStand *stand, mStands) {
foreach (FMUnit *unit, mUnits) {
if (mStandLayoutChanged) {
DebugTimer timer("ABE:stand_layout_update");
// renew the internal stand grid
FMStand **fm = mFMStandGrid.begin();
for (int *p = standGrid()->grid().begin(); p!=standGrid()->grid().end(); ++p, ++fm)
*fm = *p<0?0:mStandHash[*p];
// renew neigborhood information in the stand grid
// renew the spatial indices
mStandLayoutChanged = false;
// now check the stands
for (QVector<FMStand*>::iterator it=mStands.begin(); it!=mStands.end(); ++it) {
// renew area
// initial activity (if missing)
if (!(*it)->currentActivity()) {
void ForestManagementEngine::setupOutputs()
if (GlobalSettings::instance()->outputManager()->find("abeUnit"))
return; // already set up
GlobalSettings::instance()->outputManager()->addOutput(new UnitOut);
GlobalSettings::instance()->outputManager()->addOutput(new ABEStandOut);
GlobalSettings::instance()->outputManager()->addOutput(new ABEStandDetailsOut);
GlobalSettings::instance()->outputManager()->addOutput(new ABEStandRemovalOut);
void ForestManagementEngine::runJavascript()
QJSValue handler = scriptEngine()->globalObject().property("run");
if (handler.isCallable()) {
scriptBridge()->setExecutionContext(0, false);
QJSValue result = handler.call(QJSValueList() << mCurrentYear);
if (FMSTP::verbose())
qCDebug(abe) << "executing 'run' function for year" << mCurrentYear << ", result:" << result.toString();
handler = scriptEngine()->globalObject().property("runStand");
if (handler.isCallable()) {
qCDebug(abe) << "running the 'runStand' javascript function for" << mStands.size() << "stands.";
foreach (FMStand *stand, mStands) {
scriptBridge()->setExecutionContext(stand, true);
handler.call(QJSValueList() << mCurrentYear);
AgentType *ForestManagementEngine::agentType(const QString &name)
for (int i=0;i<mAgentTypes.count();++i)
if (mAgentTypes[i]->name()==name)
return mAgentTypes[i];
return 0;
Agent *ForestManagementEngine::agent(const QString &name)
for (int i=0;i<mAgents.count();++i)
if (mAgents[i]->name()==name)
return mAgents[i];
return 0;
* multithreaded execution routines
FMUnit *nc_execute_unit(FMUnit *unit)
if (ForestManagementEngine::instance()->isCancel())
return unit;
//qDebug() << "called for unit" << unit;
const QMultiMap<FMUnit*, FMStand*> &stand_map = ForestManagementEngine::instance()->stands();
QMultiMap<FMUnit*, FMStand*>::const_iterator it = stand_map.constFind(unit);
int executed = 0;
int total = 0;
while (it!=stand_map.constEnd() && it.key()==unit) {
if (it.value()->execute())
//MapGrid::freeLocksForStand( it.value()->id() );
if (ForestManagementEngine::instance()->isCancel())
if (ForestManagementEngine::instance()->isCancel())
return unit;
if (FMSTP::verbose())
qCDebug(abe) << "execute unit'" << unit->id() << "', ran" << executed << "of" << total;
// now run the scheduler
// collect the harvests
it = stand_map.constFind(unit);
while (it!=stand_map.constEnd() && it.key()==unit) {
return unit;
FMUnit *nc_plan_update_unit(FMUnit *unit)
if (ForestManagementEngine::instance()->isCancel())
return unit;
if (ForestManagementEngine::instance()->currentYear() % 10 == 0) {
qCDebug(abe) << "*** execute decadal plan update ***";
// first update happens *after* a full year of running ABE.
if (ForestManagementEngine::instance()->currentYear()>1)
return unit;
void ForestManagementEngine::setup()
QLoggingCategory::setFilterRules("abe.debug=true\n" \
"abe.setup.debug=true"); // enable *all*
DebugTimer time_setup("ABE:setupScripting");
// (1) setup the scripting environment and load all the javascript code
if (isCancel()) {
throw IException(QString("ABE-Error (setup): %1").arg(mLastErrorMessage));
if (!GlobalSettings::instance()->model())
throw IException("No model created.... invalid operation.");
// (2) spatial data (stands, units, ...)
const MapGrid *stand_grid = GlobalSettings::instance()->model()->standGrid();
if (stand_grid==NULL || stand_grid->isValid()==false)
throw IException("The ABE management model requires a valid stand grid.");
const XmlHelper &xml = GlobalSettings::instance()->settings();
QString data_file_name = GlobalSettings::instance()->path(xml.value("model.management.abe.agentDataFile"));
qCDebug(abeSetup) << "loading ABE agentDataFile" << data_file_name << "...";
CSVFile data_file(data_file_name);
if (data_file.isEmpty())
throw IException(QString("Stand-Initialization: the standDataFile file %1 is empty or missing!").arg(data_file_name));
int ikey = data_file.columnIndex("id");
int iunit = data_file.columnIndex("unit");
int iagent = data_file.columnIndex("agent");
int iagent_type = data_file.columnIndex("agentType");
int istp = data_file.columnIndex("stp");
// unit properties
int ispeciescomp = data_file.columnIndex("speciesComposition");
int ithinning = data_file.columnIndex("thinningIntensity");
int irotation = data_file.columnIndex("U");
int iMAI = data_file.columnIndex("MAI");
int iharvest_mode = data_file.columnIndex("harvestMode");
if (ikey<0 || iunit<0)
throw IException("setup ABE agentDataFile: one (or two) of the required columns 'id' or 'unit' not available.");
if (iagent<0 && iagent_type<0)
throw IException("setup ABE agentDataFile: the columns 'agent' or 'agentType' are not available. You have to include at least one of the columns.");
QList<QString> unit_codes;
QHash<FMStand*, QString> initial_stps;
for (int i=0;i<data_file.rowCount();++i) {
int stand_id = data_file.value(i,ikey).toInt();
if (!stand_grid->isValid(stand_id))
continue; // skip stands that are not in the map (e.g. when a smaller extent is simulated)
if (FMSTP::verbose())
qCDebug(abeSetup) << "setting up stand" << stand_id;
// check agents
QString agent_code = iagent>-1 ? data_file.value(i, iagent).toString() : QString();
QString agent_type_code = iagent_type>-1 ? data_file.value(i, iagent_type).toString() : QString();
QString unit_id = data_file.value(i, iunit).toString();
Agent *ag=0;
AgentType *at=0;
if (agent_code.isEmpty() && agent_type_code.isEmpty())
throw IException(QString("setup ABE agentDataFile row '%1': no code for columns 'agent' and 'agentType' available.").arg(i) );
if (!agent_code.isEmpty()) {
// search for a specific agent
ag = agent(agent_code);
if (!ag)
throw IException(QString("Agent '%1' is not set up (row '%2')! Use the 'newAgent()' JS function of agent-types to add agent definitions.").arg(agent_code).arg(i));
at = ag->type();
} else {
// look up the agent type and create the agent on the fly
// create the agent / agent type
at = agentType(agent_type_code);
if (!at)
throw IException(QString("Agent type '%1' is not set up (row '%2')! Use the 'addAgentType()' JS function to add agent-type definitions.").arg(agent_type_code).arg(i));
if (!unit_codes.contains(unit_id)) {
// we create an agent for the unit only once (per unit)
ag = at->createAgent();
// check units
FMUnit *unit = 0;
if (!unit_codes.contains(unit_id)) {
// create the unit
unit = new FMUnit(ag);
if (iharvest_mode>-1)
unit->setHarvestMode( data_file.value(i, iharvest_mode).toString());
if (ithinning>-1)
unit->setThinningIntensity( data_file.value(i, ithinning).toInt() );
if (irotation>-1)
unit->setU( data_file.value(i, irotation).toDouble() );
if (iMAI>-1)
unit->setAverageMAI(data_file.value(i, iMAI).toDouble());
if (ispeciescomp>-1) {
int index;
index = at->speciesCompositionIndex( data_file.value(i, ispeciescomp).toString() );
if (index==-1)
throw IException(QString("The species composition '%1' for unit '%2' is not a valid composition type (agent type: '%3').").arg(data_file.value(i, ispeciescomp).toString()).arg(unit->id()).arg(at->name()));
unit->setTargetSpeciesCompositionIndex( index );
ag->addUnit(unit); // add the unit to the list of managed units of the agent
} else {
// get unit by id ... in this case we have the same order of appending values
unit = mUnits[unit_codes.indexOf(unit_id)];
// create stand
FMStand *stand = new FMStand(unit,stand_id);
if (istp>-1) {
QString stp = data_file.value(i, istp).toString();
initial_stps[stand] = stp;
mMaxStandId = qMax(mMaxStandId, stand_id);
// count the number of stands within each unit
foreach(FMUnit *unit, mUnits)
unit->setNumberOfStands( mUnitStandMap.count(unit) );
// set up the stand grid (visualizations)...
// set up a hash for helping to establish stand-id <-> fmstand-link
for (int i=0;i<mStands.size(); ++i) {
mStandHash[mStands[i]->id()] = mStands[i];
mFMStandGrid.setup(standGrid()->grid().metricRect(), standGrid()->grid().cellsize());
FMStand **fm = mFMStandGrid.begin();
for (int *p = standGrid()->grid().begin(); p!=standGrid()->grid().end(); ++p, ++fm)
*fm = *p<0?0:mStandHash[*p];
// now initialize STPs (if they are defined in the init file)
for (QHash<FMStand*,QString>::iterator it=initial_stps.begin(); it!=initial_stps.end(); ++it) {
FMStand *s = it.key();
FMSTP* stp = s->unit()->agent()->type()->stpByName(it.value());
if (stp) {
} else {
qCDebug(abeSetup) << "Warning during reading of CSV setup file: the STP '" << it.value() << "' is not valid for Agenttype: " << s->unit()->agent()->type()->name();
qCDebug(abeSetup) << "ABE setup completed.";
void ForestManagementEngine::initialize()
DebugTimer time_setup("ABE:setup");
foreach (FMStand* stand, mStands) {
if (stand->stp()) {
stand->setU( stand->unit()->U() );
stand->setThinningIntensity( stand->unit()->thinningIntensity() );
stand->setTargetSpeciesIndex( stand->unit()->targetSpeciesIndex() );
if (isCancel()) {
throw IException(QString("ABE-Error: init of stand %2: %1").arg(mLastErrorMessage).arg(stand->id()));
// now initialize the agents....
foreach(Agent *ag, mAgents) {
if (isCancel()) {
throw IException(QString("ABE-Error: setup of agent '%2': %1").arg(mLastErrorMessage).arg(ag->name()));
// run the initial planning unit setup
GlobalSettings::instance()->model()->threadExec().run(nc_plan_update_unit, mUnits);
qCDebug(abeSetup) << "ABE setup complete." << mUnitStandMap.size() << "stands on" << mUnits.count() << "units, managed by" << mAgents.size() << "agents.";
void ForestManagementEngine::clear()
qDeleteAll(mStands); // delete the stands
qDeleteAll(mUnits); // deletes the units
mCurrentYear = 0;
mCancel = false;
mLastErrorMessage = QString();
void ForestManagementEngine::abortExecution(const QString &message)
mLastErrorMessage = message;
mCancel = true;
void ForestManagementEngine::runOnInit(bool before_init)
QString handler = before_init ? QStringLiteral("onInit") : QStringLiteral("onAfterInit");
if (GlobalSettings::instance()->scriptEngine()->globalObject().hasProperty(handler)) {
QJSValue result = GlobalSettings::instance()->scriptEngine()->evaluate(QString("%1()").arg(handler));
if (result.isError())
qCDebug(abeSetup) << "Javascript Error in global"<< handler << "-Handler:" << result.toString();
/// this is the main function of the forest management engine.
/// the function is called every year.
void ForestManagementEngine::run(int debug_year)
if (debug_year>-1) {
} else {
mCurrentYear = GlobalSettings::instance()->currentYear();
// now re-evaluate stands
if (FMSTP::verbose()) qCDebug(abe) << "ForestManagementEngine: run year" << mCurrentYear;
// execute an event handler before invoking the ABE core
// launch the planning unit level update (annual and thorough analysis every ten years)
DebugTimer plu("ABE:planUpdate");
GlobalSettings::instance()->model()->threadExec().run(nc_plan_update_unit, mUnits, true);
GlobalSettings::instance()->model()->threadExec().run(nc_execute_unit, mUnits, true); // force single thread operation for now
if (isCancel()) {
throw IException(QString("ABE-Error: %1").arg(mLastErrorMessage));
// create outputs
DebugTimer plu("ABE:outputs");
void ForestManagementEngine::test()
// test code
try {
// setup the activities and the javascript environment...
GlobalSettings::instance()->resetScriptEngine(); // clear the script
ScriptGlobal::setupGlobalScripting(); // general iLand scripting helper functions and such
if (mScriptBridge)
delete mScriptBridge;
mScriptBridge = new FomeScript;
} catch (const IException &e) {
qDebug() << "An error occured:" << e.message();
QString file_name = "E:/Daten/iLand/modeling/abm/knowledge_base/test/test_stp.js";
QString code = Helper::loadTextFile(file_name);
QJSValue result = GlobalSettings::instance()->scriptEngine()->evaluate(code,file_name);
if (result.isError()) {
int lineno = result.property("lineNumber").toInt();
QStringList code_lines = code.replace('\r', "").split('\n'); // remove CR, split by LF
QString code_part;
for (int i=std::max(0, lineno - 5); i<std::min(lineno+5, code_lines.count()); ++i)
code_part.append(QString("%1: %2 %3\n").arg(i).arg(code_lines[i]).arg(i==lineno?" <---- [ERROR]":""));
qDebug() << "Javascript Error in file" << result.property("fileName").toString() << ":" << result.property("lineNumber").toInt() << ":" << result.toString() << ":\n" << code_part;
// try {
// qDebug() << "*** test 1 ***";
// FMSTP stp;
// stp.setVerbose(true);
// stp.setup(GlobalSettings::instance()->scriptEngine()->globalObject().property("stp"), "stp");
// stp.dumpInfo();
// } catch (const IException &e) {
// qDebug() << "An error occured:" << e.message();
// }
// try {
// qDebug() << "*** test 2 ***";
// FMSTP stp2;
// stp2.setVerbose(true);
// stp2.setup(GlobalSettings::instance()->scriptEngine()->globalObject().property("degenerated"), "degenerated");
// stp2.dumpInfo();
// } catch (const IException &e) {
// qDebug() << "An error occured:" << e.message();
// }
// dump all objects:
foreach(FMSTP *stp, mSTP)
qDebug() << "finished";
QStringList ForestManagementEngine::evaluateClick(const QPointF coord, const QString &grid_name)
Q_UNUSED(grid_name); // for the moment
// find the stand at coord.
FMStand *stand = mFMStandGrid.constValueAt(coord);
if (stand)
return stand->info();
return QStringList();
QJSEngine *ForestManagementEngine::scriptEngine()
// use global engine from iLand
return GlobalSettings::instance()->scriptEngine();
FMSTP *ForestManagementEngine::stp(QString stp_name) const
for (QVector<FMSTP*>::const_iterator it = mSTP.constBegin(); it!=mSTP.constEnd(); ++it)
if ( (*it)->name() == stp_name )
return *it;
return 0;
FMStand *ForestManagementEngine::stand(int stand_id) const
if (mStandHash.contains(stand_id))
return mStandHash[stand_id];
// exhaustive search... should not happen
qCDebug(abe) << "ForestManagementEngine::stand() fallback to exhaustive search.";
for (QVector<FMStand*>::const_iterator it=mStands.constBegin(); it!=mStands.constEnd(); ++it)
if ( (*it)->id() == stand_id)
return *it;
return 0;
QStringList ForestManagementEngine::standIds() const
QStringList standids;
foreach(FMStand *s, mStands)
return standids;
void ForestManagementEngine::notifyTreeRemoval(Tree *tree, int reason)
// we use an 'int' instead of Tree:TreeRemovalType because it does not work
// with forward declaration (and I dont want to include the tree.h header in this class header).
FMStand *stand = mFMStandGrid[tree->position()];
if (stand)
stand->notifyTreeRemoval(tree, reason);
qDebug() << "ForestManagementEngine::notifyTreeRemoval(): tree not on stand at (metric coords): " << tree->position() << "ID:" << tree->id();
bool ForestManagementEngine::notifyBarkbeetleAttack(const ResourceUnit *ru, const double generations, int n_infested_px)
// find out which stands are within the resource unit
GridRunner<FMStand*> gr(mFMStandGrid, ru->boundingBox());
QHash<FMStand*, bool> processed_items;
bool forest_changed = false;
while (FMStand **s=gr.next()) {
if (*s && !processed_items.contains(*s)) {
processed_items[*s] = true;
forest_changed |= (*s)->notifyBarkBeetleAttack(generations, n_infested_px);
return forest_changed;
QMutex protect_split;
FMStand *ForestManagementEngine::splitExistingStand(FMStand *stand)
// get a new stand-id
// make sure that the Id is only used once.
QMutexLocker protector(&protect_split);
int new_stand_id = ++mMaxStandId;
FMUnit *unit = const_cast<FMUnit*> (stand->unit());
FMStand *new_stand = new FMStand(unit,new_stand_id);
mStandHash[new_stand_id] = new_stand;
unit->setNumberOfStands( mUnitStandMap.count(unit) );
mStandLayoutChanged = true;
return new_stand;
} // namespace