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** iLand - an individual based forest landscape and disturbance model
** Copyright (C) 2009- Werner Rammer, Rupert Seidl
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <>.
#ifndef FMUNIT_H
#define FMUNIT_H
#include <QString>
namespace ABE {
class Agent; // forward
class Scheduler;
/** The FMUnit represents a management unit, i.e. a collection of stands.
* */
class FMUnit
FMUnit(const Agent *agent);
void setId(const QString &id);
const QString &id() const {return mId; }
Scheduler *scheduler() {return mScheduler; }
const Scheduler *constScheduler() const { return mScheduler; }
const Agent* agent() const { return mAgent; }
double area() const { return mTotalArea; } ///< total area of the unit (ha)
int numberOfStands() const { return mNumberOfStands; } ///< the total number of stands
void setNumberOfStands(int new_number) { mNumberOfStands = new_number; } ///< set the number of stands
double volume() const { return mTotalVolume/area(); } ///< total volume of the unit (m3/ha)
double annualIncrement() const { return mMAI; } ///< mean annual increment (m3/ha)
void resetHarvestCounter();
// agent properties
/// rotation period (years)
double U() const { return mU; }
/// thinning intensity (class); 1: low, 2: medium, 3: high
int thinningIntensity() const { return mThinningIntensityClass; }
/// species composition key
int targetSpeciesIndex() const { return mSpeciesCompositionIndex; }
const QString &harvestMode() const { return mHarvestMode; }
void setU(const double rotation_length) { mU = rotation_length; }
void setThinningIntensity(const int th_class) { mThinningIntensityClass = th_class; }
void setTargetSpeciesCompositionIndex(const int index) { mSpeciesCompositionIndex = index; }
void setHarvestMode(const QString new_mode) { mHarvestMode = new_mode; }
void setAverageMAI(const double avg_mai) { mAverageMAI = avg_mai; }
double averageMAI() const { return mAverageMAI; }
// actions
/// update decadal management objectives for the planning unit.
void managementPlanUpdate();
/// run the agent main function
void runAgent();
/// update objectives of the current year.
void updatePlanOfCurrentYear();
/// record realized harvests on the unit (all harvests)
void addRealizedHarvest(const double harvest_m3) { mRealizedHarvest+=harvest_m3; }
void aggregate();
QStringList info() const;
double annualTotalHarvest() const {return mRealizedHarvest-mRealizedHarvestLastYear; } ///< total m3 produced in final harvests in this year
double annualThinningHarvest() const; ///< return the total m3 of thinning harvests (m3)
QString mId;
const Agent *mAgent;
Scheduler *mScheduler;
int mNumberOfStands; ///< the number of stands
double mAnnualHarvestTarget; ///< planned annual harvest (final harvests) (m3)
double mAnnualThinningTarget; ///< planned annual harvests (thinnings and tendings) (m3)
double mRealizedHarvest; ///< sum of realized harvest in the current planning period (final harvests) (m3)
double mRealizedHarvestLastYear; ///< the sum of harvests up to the last year (final harvests) (m3)
double mAnnualHarvest; ///< suf of the harvest of the current year (final harvests)
double mMAI; ///< mean annual increment (m3/ha)
double mHDZ; ///< mean "haubarer" annual increment (m3/ha)
double mMeanAge; ///< mean age of the planning unit
double mTotalArea; ///< total area of the unit (ha)
double mTotalVolume; ///< total standing volume (m3)
double mTotalPlanDeviation; ///< cumulative deviation from the planned harvest (m3/ha)
double mU; ///< rotation length
int mSpeciesCompositionIndex; ///< index of the active target species composition
int mThinningIntensityClass; ///< currently active thinning intensity level
QString mHarvestMode; ///< type of applicable harvesting technique (e.g. skidder, cablecrane)
double mAverageMAI; ///< reference value for mean annual increment
friend class UnitOut;
} // namespace
#endif // FOMEUNITS_H